MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 547 Prince Education

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"Big brother is the best!"

"Second brother is amazing!"

"Brother Mu, tell me, is the fourth brother the most powerful!"

"Well, sister is the best..."

In front of the Qianqing Palace, two little princesses led the swaying little princes, either sitting or standing, cheering on the four princes who were stomping on horses in the square.

On the square, several little princes who were lawless on weekdays, at this time, were squatting and squatting honestly, supporting them one by one with their teeth clenched.

The emperor held a small bamboo stick and stood in front of several little princes with his arms folded. When he saw whoever slackened, he would pull it mercilessly. The pain caused the little princes to grin, but it didn't cause any harm.

Straight after about a cup of tea time passed, the emperor finally said: "Okay, let's take a rest first."

After speaking, the emperor took out a jade bottle from his arms and threw it at Li Jing: "One tablet per person, take it first!"

The few little princes didn't dare to say more, and they hurriedly approached the first prince Li Jing. Each person took a pill that was prepared by the emperor himself. After taking them, they lined up again and stood in front of the emperor honestly.

The emperor nodded with satisfaction:

"Starting today, the four of you will gather in front of the Qianqing Palace on time every day at 3:00 a.m.!"

"No matter what the situation is, you are not allowed to be absent!"

"Did you hear?"

"My son obeys the will of the emperor!"

Several princes replied feebly.

The emperor frowned: "Did you not eat?"

This sudden question suddenly made the little princes energized, their faces flushed red, and they shouted vigorously.

"My son obeys the will of the emperor!"

"The horse's stance is on the lower plate, exercise strength, and sense qi and blood."

"You are still young, so you don't have to rush to sense qi and blood, it's just a matter of course."

"Now, I teach you a set of sword techniques!"

"Royal father started right away, this martial art is the foundation of our family!"

"You look good and study hard!"

After speaking, I saw a crisp trembling sound that resounded throughout the audience. Even in the clear sky and daytime, an extremely dazzling knife light was clearly visible, like a crescent moon, suddenly passing across the sky.

Immediately, on the square paved with blue bricks, a ferocious knife mark appeared clearly!

The knife light flashed again, and another knife mark appeared. During the flashing light of the knife, although the emperor deliberately suppressed it, the invincible killing intent in all directions was sweeping in all directions like a storm.

The few little princes, at this moment, were all as if they had seen something terrifying. They took a few steps back in fright, their faces turned pale, and they could not speak clearly.

After about a quarter of an hour, the light of the sword flickered vertically and horizontally, and then slowly disappeared. The emperor stood with the sword, his eyes were slightly closed, and his heart was also very happy. Since he ascended the throne, this was the first time for him to be so happy. Practice martial arts!

It's just a pity... Martial arts together, he has set foot on the peak for too long, too long!

Can't see too long into the future!

"Father... Father Emperor?"

The eldest prince Li Jing couldn't help but speak up.

"It's okay!"

The emperor opened his eyes, glanced at the rotten floor tiles under the smoothness, and then looked at the princes.

The eldest prince, Li Jing, although it was hard to hide his fear, he clearly suppressed his fear and maintained his basic composure.

The second prince Li Huan, although frightened, seemed to be even more excited, as if he had seen something he loved.

The third prince, Li Jin, was still trembling slightly when his face was full of fear.

The fourth prince, Li Xiu, was also fearful, but he also maintained a certain degree of composure.

"Okay, just now, the royal father was too carried away. Now we will practice each move separately, you guys have a good look!"

The emperor glanced at the performance of several princes, but he didn't care too much. Although he was three years old, there were too many uncertainties about the nature of mind.

Not a one-time job!

The thoughts flashed away, and the sword in the emperor's hand was also one sword at a time, and he practiced at an extremely slow speed. At the same time, the emperor also explained sentence by sentence.

In the end, it evolved several times, and the four little princes followed it several times. The emperor returned to the sword, took the bamboo sticks handed over by the eunuch, and then looked at the little princes again. Although he did not speak, his meaning was revealed. clear.

"Hey! Ha!"

"Ha, ha ha!"

Although the young princes were still young, under the guidance of their mothers, their minds were also extremely agile.

The emperor paced slowly, waving bamboo pieces from time to time, and the sharp whistling was often accompanied by the screams of pain from the little princes.

With such sternness, the noble concubines on the side looked distressed, but in front of the emperor, no matter how distressed, no one dared to come forward to persuade.

On the other hand, the concubines who were holding Ya Ya and learning to talk to the little prince were full of envy. What they envied was naturally the age of these little princes.

Now that the position of the queen has not been decided, and the position of the crown prince has not yet been decided, the thoughts of the emperor, after so many years, are basically known to everyone.

These four little princes are a bit older than the little princes in their arms, which is a big advantage.

After all, if you have the time to teach the prince today, it may not be the case in a few years.

The prince could not have frequent contact with the emperor, talking about the favor and the position of the prince.

As time passed by little by little, the Son of Heaven was rarely at ease, teaching little by little.

I don't know when, Wang Wu came in a hurry, walked to the emperor's side, bowed and said:

"Your Majesty, the intelligence files of the north and south have been sorted out..."


The emperor waved his hand, handed the bamboo slice to the eunuch, looked up at the sky again, and then looked again at the few little princes who were obviously Good practice, who is lazy , practice tonight! "

A random reminder, the emperor also arranges someone to supervise the execution. After all, the special identity of the prince is useless until he is honest, and it is useless to ask anyone other than him to supervise.

Which **** is not very flattering to these little bastards, and he who really dares to supervise seriously is also a useful person. Don't be hated by the princes and ruin others.

Until the emperor walked into the Qianqing Palace, several princes who kept on laughing, all immediately put down the small wooden knives, and sat down on the ground indifferently, clutching the wounds that had been drawn red and muttering.

"Father's hand is really heavy, it hurts!"

Li Huan grinned and groaned.

"Fourth, you learn quite fast, and you didn't get beaten!"

Li Jin's eyes lit up, and he got up and approached Li Xiu: "Yes, fourth brother, why are you learning so fast? Big brother and second brother are not as fast as you."

"I don't know what happened."

Li Xiu scratched his head and smiled.

Li Jing said: "Second, third, fourth, let's practice well later, and the emperor will definitely come to check later."

"If you don't practice well, you will be beaten again!"

Li Huan wondered: "Is there going to be a war?"

"The third one, did you hear that old man Wang said, what information from the north and the south..."

Li Jin shook his head, and his tender face was even more puzzled: "Second brother, I didn't hear clearly."

Li Huan said mysteriously: "I heard that the north and the south are not settled..."

Li Jing patted Li Huan: "Second brother!"

"What are you doing, big brother!"

"Don't guess, no one will tell you if you ask!"

"Let's practice martial arts with peace of mind and complete the things that the father and the emperor explained..."

Li Huan muttered unwillingly: "Okay... okay!"