MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 546 The residual poison is not clear

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When the sun sets on the west mountain, it should be the time when the officials of the court are scattered, even the emperor, at this time, it is rare to have a leisurely time. After eating, he will also take a walk around the palace.

But today, the Qianqing Palace, which should have been quiet, was shrouded in a strong depression. The honorable members of the five military governors' mansion, as well as the Minister of War, and the servants of the Ministry of War, knelt down in the Qianqing Palace tremblingly.

"A transfer order that I personally instructed has been delayed for half a month and has not been implemented!"

"According to the scheduled plan, 300,000 stone grains and grass will be allocated within 15 days. Now 20 days have passed, and half of them have not been achieved!"

"The mountain of gunpowder ordnance in the ordnance treasury is waiting for you to allocate and distribute it to various departments. Now it is piled up with mold, and not a single gun has been sent out!"

"So many things, for so long, nothing has been done neatly!"

"Are you taking military affairs as a joke?"

The emperor was furious, and there was no sympathy between his words.

He asked the Ministry of War to intervene in military affairs according to its established functions, just to restore order to a normal state step by step!

But this group of civil servants is obviously still doing things with the habits of the former Ming, and the big things can drag on for more than ten days!

If it was said that the implementation of many major reforms in the past was so delayed, it can be used as an excuse for being cautious, but now that all the regulations have been drawn up, it is only necessary to arrange for them to be implemented, yet such a result has been achieved!

The soldiers are very fast, and in front of this group of officials, there is no fart!

"Yang Sichang!"

The emperor shouted violently, and Yang Sichang, the Minister of War, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly trembled, and hurriedly shouted: "This minister is here."

The emperor took a deep breath, showing no mercy at all!

"Tell me, can the Ministry of War do anything?"

Yang Sichang's face turned pale, and he said without hesitation, "This minister will never fail His Majesty's expectations!"

"Live up to my expectations... hum!"

The emperor snorted coldly: "I will give you ten days. If you can't finish the planned plan, don't take up the ditch and not poop, and I will go to Liaodong to feed the horses!"

The emperor didn't wait for Yang Sichang to respond, and suddenly looked at the nobles of the five army governor's mansion:

"I still want you, I don't want to repeat the things I said a second time!"

"I will understand at the end!"

All the martial arts and several officials of the Ministry of War withdrew in trembling, but the emperor was still lingering in anger.

The Ministry of War is still so muddy that it can't support the wall!

Obviously, the root cause of this problem is that the residual poison of the former Ming has not been cleaned up!

But this residual poison is a problem rooted in ideology, but it is absolutely slaughtering and cleansing for order reconstruction, and it can be cured!

What is needed is a long period of strict supervision and a reversal of thinking, and although he is planning, he will not be able to see results within a year or a half. Reverse the corruption of ideas at the root.

Just like the various ministries of the imperial court, under the imperial examination system in the past, the same type of talents were selected.

Although decades of hard study and selection at various levels have endowed the scholars with perseverance and perseverance, as well as the wisdom of reading a lot of books.

However, such as the Ministry of War, which is in charge of military affairs, how many people in the Ministry of Military Affairs of all dynasties are really familiar with military affairs?

Few people are proficient in military affairs, which means that the vast majority of military officials will act in accordance with the official rules they have come into contact with in the past.

So, how can we expect the army under the leadership of such a person to win the battle?

Such as the Ministry of Household, who is in charge of the state taxation, but how many of them really understand the state taxation policy and understand the laws of the economy?

In this case, how can these people be expected to play a good helm in this great era when money houses are shrouded in the world, business is bound to flourish, and the country needs to coordinate the people's livelihood and economy?

There are specialties in the arts, but the package of talents under the existing education system has only one foundation of Confucianism, and there is absolutely no corresponding major!

Of course, this kind of education system is suitable for all previous eras. After all, under the small peasant economy, there is no need for too many specialties in the arts, and those in power can drive a small number of people specializing in arts to do things.

But only from his age, it is not suitable!

There are specialties in the art industry, and people who specialize in them also need to have corresponding powers. In this turbulent era, too many new things will emerge. Naturally, more and more specialties in the art industry are needed. Naturally, these Specializing in surgery also requires specialized talents to manage and maintain order! To ensure that the direction of the entire world remains unchanged.

Otherwise, under the chaotic order, the authority of the state will inevitably drop to a freezing point, and there will inevitably be monopoly in all aspects, and there will inevitably be a separation of local governments from the central government. Destroy the ancient unified concept!

At that time, his painstaking efforts were not a prosperous world that had never been seen in ages, but a chaotic world that had never existed in ages. He was also the sinner who created the troubled times through his own hands!

It is the sinner who made this country, this nation, fall into an abyss that has never been seen in ages!

"Education education..."

The emperor sighed, and he suddenly regretted that he had started the era that should belong to many years If not, everything is safe and stable, and it is also a prosperous generation, why is it so wasteful now? Trembling and frightened, it is so difficult to move forward!

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, Ningbo urgent report!"

Er Dezi ran out of breath.

"Your Majesty, Ningbo urgent report!"

The emperor frowned, took the military newspaper handed over by Erdezi, and tore it open, a few lines of words came into view, and the emperor's eyebrows also showed a happy look, he turned around suddenly, and his eyes instantly fixed on this big pair. On the Heng map.

In this battle of Pingnan, he didn't pay much attention to the war on land. As long as he followed the steps, all supplies were in place, and the possibility of losing was too small and too small.

But the water battle is different. Even the water battle is related to whether the upcoming battle of Pingnan will be a complete success!

The water battle must be successful in one battle, and the possibility of hypocrites escaping overseas must be completely cut off!

With the current strength of the Daheng navy, it should not be a big problem to defeat the pseudo-ming navy, but it is obviously difficult to completely block the sea.

If the sea territory is not blocked, and the hypocrites flee overseas, it will be a flag, the source of turmoil, and the rise of maritime trade. !

And once Zheng Zhilong goes against the water...

Completely blockading the sea frontier is an easy task!

"Pass my will, if Zheng Zhilong is willing to submit to Daheng, then Zheng Zhilong will be canonized as Weihai Bo, and Zheng Zhihu will be canonized as Viscount Wei Anhai..."

"If Zheng Zhilong adopts the strategy of delaying and cheating surrender, then the strategy of alienation will be adopted, and Zheng Zhilong must be completely separated from the pseudo-Ming court!"