MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 548 traditional new learning

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Falling in love with, longevity starts from Jinyiwei

It was already dark, and Xu Guangqi, who was still tinkering with the Ordnance Department, rushed to the Qianqing Palace under the urgent call of the emperor.

"Sir, see Your Majesty."

In the hall, Xu Guangqi shouted and bowed.

"Aiqing is free."

The emperor glanced at Xu Guangqi's messy official robes, and a hint of helplessness flashed between his eyebrows. He was promoted to minister of the ministry, and he hoped that he would shine in the court, but this one was good, and he was asked to teach the scholars new learning. , After teaching, he went to hide in the Ordnance Department.

The dignified servant of the Ministry of Works, in the past year, the number of times that he has gone to the yamen of the Ministry of Works is unexpectedly small!

If he hadn't been pressing the impeachment memorial in the court, Xu Guangqi would have been sent to Liaodong to feed the horses long ago!

With such a style, there is absolutely no political atmosphere of an official at all, and only the academic atmosphere of studying without distractions such as those of the Academy of Engineering!

Fortunately, the religious aura of a mad believer has finally subsided, so the Son of Heaven is not intolerable!

"Recently, a court minister advised that the princes have also reached the age of enlightenment. What do you think, Aiqing?"

Hearing the Son of Heaven's words, Xu Guangqi was stunned, what does this have to do with him as a servant in the Ministry of Industry?

But soon, Xu Guangqi reacted!

The Son of Heaven attaches great importance to new learning!

So... the emperor wanted the enlightenment of the prince, and also added new learning?

Thinking of this possibility, Xu Guangqi immediately became motivated, and bowed to the Son of Heaven: "I think that the new school is becoming more and more popular now, and it is the foundation of the country. The enlightenment of your highnesses is indispensable for the new school..."

Hearing this, the emperor also showed a rare smile: "The new academic affairs are related to the fate of the country. The princes cannot understand it. This matter will be handed over to you, Aiqing."

Xu Guangqi shuddered, and looked at the emperor in disbelief. Although he did his research without any distractions, he was once also a civil servant!

The prince's new enlightenment education, leave it to him!

It is to send a great honor directly into his hands!


Xu Guangqi knelt down fiercely: "My minister, I will never fail His Majesty's expectations!"

"Remember, new learning can only be new learning!"

God said again.

"I understand!"

Xu Guangqi's heart trembled, and he quickly reassured.

"Go back!"

The emperor waved his hand, Xu Guangqi bowed again, and then retired.

The emperor looked at the back of Xu Guangqi's departure, and frowned. After a while, the emperor retracted his gaze and looked at the stack of books on the table.

It is a new textbook edited by the Engineering Department of the former Military Academy, now the Daheng Academy of Engineering and the Ministry of Rites.

Looking at these textbooks, the emperor suddenly smiled and shook his head, which is really interesting.

Daheng's new learning originated from the Wuyuan Academy and grew up in the Wuyuan Academy. Until now, it has slowly spread from the Daheng Institute of Technology to the whole world.

Although he is a descendant of the future, he was only a scumbag in the later life. In addition, he has been struggling in the society for many years, and the scientific knowledge of the future generations he understands is obviously extremely effective.

Since the establishment of the Wuyuan Academy and the establishment of the engineering department, he can do his best to support the development of Daheng's new school, such as financial and material support, and even spend a lot of time and effort to reverse the environment of the big era, so that the new school can develop. space.

This seems to be the limit of what he can do. If he really wants him to express some opinions on the new study and guide him directly, what he can do with his superficial scientific knowledge is obviously extremely limited.

It is impossible to say, but because of the authority of his emperor, the engineering department has gone astray.

Therefore, since the establishment of the Engineering Department of the Military Academy, in addition to the external environment, as well as financial and material resources and even human support, his biggest interference with the Engineering Department of the Military Academy was only to set a general goal, and then he could only look at the new science of engineering. of its own development.

As for the real theoretical research, he has never interfered in the slightest, even the bolt-action rifle that has been stuck in the checkpoint, this existence that can be called a state-suppressing artifact, he has never urged it, and let it evolve and develop naturally.

Up to now, it has been nearly ten years, and Daheng Xinxue has naturally flourished all the way under the environment he created.

Under such circumstances, the new learning developed in this traditional era is naturally impossible to westernize as systematically as later generations.

Just like these textbooks in front of him, arithmetic, nature, agriculture, and commerce.

There are four textbooks in total, but they cover all the new learnings of Daheng.

Even, strictly speaking, arithmetic, agronomy, and business studies are not new studies, but it can only be said that it is the first time since ancient times that the government has carried out integrated editing and research on these folk trails.

For example, the chemistry, physics, astronomy, geography and other disciplines of later generations are all included in the natural subject.

Obviously, the subject of nature is the real new study of Daheng.

That is, Taoism is natural, aiming to pursue the truth of all things in the world! Therefore it is natural!

This kind of change in line with the times, the emperor will naturally not change it. In this traditional era, using such a general concept to integrate the new learning into the traditional culture, the development of the new learning is naturally more beneficial than the disadvantage!

For the environment of the whole society, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Although the new learning is good, the destruction of ritual and music is not what the emperor wants to see.

To be able to integrate into traditional culture so spontaneously is obviously an unexpected thing for the emperor.

The candles in the hall are flickering, and the book is turning page by page. Regarding the education system, the changes and even the impact of the business economy on the world, every thought flashes in my mind, and the eyes of the emperor are getting deeper and deeper...

In the past dynasties, the whole world is like a machine that has already been formed. Every gear and every part has undergone long-term evolution and tends to be fixed.

Under this kind of formed machine, changing the dynasty is fine, but reorganizing the machine, and then making this almost perfect machine run until the machine rots, then rebuild another one, and continue to operate, at most, it is just to change one of them. only parts,

This has been the case in all past dynasties.

But now, he has almost dismantled this inherent machine, and then filled it with various parts that have never been seen before.

Obviously, this will be a brand new machine, and it can be expected that this machine will have countless problems in operation.

In every aspect, there are countless possibilities, and there are too many pros and cons…

How to find this problem and solve it in time will be something that he must persevere in his entire life.

When the emperor was thinking about it, several eunuchs, also under the command of Wang Wu, carefully entered the hall, poured the melted water from the ice basin in the hall into the bucket, and then added pieces of ice still bubbling with air. Quickly exited the palace.

Wang Yiwu didn't leave, but walked quickly to the emperor's side and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, it's getting late, it's time for you to eat."

The emperor nodded, glanced at the ice basin in the hall, and then seemed to think of something: "Is the ice cubes sent to the harem?"

Wang Wu immediately replied: "All have been sent."

The emperor rubbed his swollen head, put down the book in his hand, got up, and went directly to the side hall...