MTL - Internet 2010-Chapter 21 Father and son

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Just after completing the internal test in 305, Lu Zhou also returned to his home.

Right now, the entire Chinese mobile phone market has not yet staged the battle of the gods.

The entire mobile Internet is mostly in a strategic position at the level of large companies, but the implementation of specific products is still limited by the fact that the mobile phone market has not been fully developed.

Regardless of whether Ali Penguin or Qiandu, there are corresponding advertising platforms and systems, it is an easy thing to switch from PC to mobile terminal.

However, the giants have not started to do so, for no other reason, the market is too small, and there are still a large number of sections that need to be deeply cultivated in the field of focus. For now, the benefits brought by the deep cultivation of their own areas of expertise are far greater than the investment. Energy to do mobile Internet advertising market.

In the future, as long as they control the distribution channels and provide developers and advertisers with one-stop services from channel distribution, advertising and data analysis, they will be able to clamp down on companies that are only in the advertising platform market, making it difficult for them to stand out.

Therefore, the channel is the basis for the survival of the advertising platform.

Such a small time difference provides Luzhou with a relatively stable development period, establishes a channel in silence, and then uses fist products to bloom through the channel, which catches everyone by surprise.

Now Menggu Advertising has seized the opportunity, and it is considered to have entered the field of mobile Internet with one foot, and the small-scale word of mouth accumulated in the internal test can also make Menggu do not have to worry about advertisers and developers for a period of time. the fault.

"This week, we can slowly advance the development of the banana market."

Lu Zhou looked at the calendar and planned the time, but when he looked at the weekend, he realized that the Qingming holiday was coming soon.

He checked the account of Ali Mall and estimated that if he returned home at Qingming, he should have about 200,000 on hand, and he could pay off some of the family's debts first.

So he called his father Lu Yong.

"Hey, Dad."

"Oh, Ah Zhou. What's wrong?"

"I'll go home at Qingming."

"Okay, let's have a holiday. Call ahead before going home, and I'll ask your mother to cook more dishes."

"Okay. I set off from Tianhe on Saturday morning, and I should be able to catch lunch."

"Then I'll go to Lao Zhao to cut half a roast duck and come back. You've eaten roast duck for so many years, and you still can't get tired of it."

"it is good!"

"How has your work been recently? Is it going well?"

"I quit my job and I am starting a business. I was too busy to tell you."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment.

Lu Zhou could feel his father brewing emotions on the other end of the phone line, but in the end, there was only a sigh.

"Well, I've already quit, and I don't have much to say. You're twenty-four, and you have your own ideas. As long as it's not against the law and discipline, I can't control you. The same as before. But if there is something important in the future, communicate more."

Lu Zhou was stunned while holding the phone, "Okay."

"Entrepreneurship is doing something and doing it."

"The company has already started. The venue is in Yat Sen University, which is provided free of charge by the school, and then hired more than a dozen interns to help, mainly working on an Internet project. The money to start the company was made before. I did the foreign orders, and then I also asked the former boss to raise money,"

There was some joy on the other end of the phone, "It's fine. It's good that everything goes well."

"Well, everything is on track, and the business is developing step by step."

"However, Dad also mentioned a few words, you don't like to hear it."

"Okay, say it, Dad."

"You can't be proud when you're young, you have to look young. It's a good thing that your boss appreciates financing you, but you need to maintain a good relationship. If you have nothing to do, drink more tea and give some small gifts. You can pay attention to gifts, but you can't be less polite. Colleagues The relationship must be maintained. Even if you are the boss now, you can't be bossy. People need to clear their own position."


"You are also a technique. Many times, you have to hide your clumsiness. In the past, technicians were craftsmen, and the inheritance of teachers was very strict. To put it bluntly, don't easily teach others about the business of eating. Keep improving, don't slack off at any time. Like your father building a house, it is something that needs to live in, and there is no room for mistakes. Drill the foundation as deep as you need, and use as much sand and gravel as you need. No matter what you do, the quality is the same. Close it."

"okay, I get it."


"Alas. Times have changed, and your dad and I are getting old too. I know there are some things that you young people can't say anymore."

"No, Dad. There's always a lot of the same stuff you say."

"If it's useful, listen to it. There's no harm. If it's useless, don't worry about it and do it according to your own ideas. Your father is useless and doesn't understand the Internet. You help me. I came here too young, and starting a business is a hard process, so I have to persevere. Don’t be proud when you get results, and be down-to-earth.”

Lu Yong paused, then continued, "Now that you have spread out your stall, it is not easy for more than a dozen people to ask you for wages. There are tens of thousands of savings in the family. When I come back, I will let your mother transfer it to you."

"No amount of family can get it. Take the money and work hard, Dad believes in you."

When Lu Zhou heard it, he felt choked up.

"Dad, I already know about Uncle Chen's death. You keep the money, and I'll call you The other end of the phone gradually became silent.

"I told you about the guarantee for you Uncle Chen. Recently, I discussed with your mother about selling the house and looking for a bank loan. It was not a big deal. I was afraid that it would affect your work, so I didn't give it to you. You mention it. You don't have to worry about this. Dad will do more work, and it won't take long to pay it back. Keep your own money, and don't worry about your family. "

"I can get about 200,000 yuan on hand. I'll pay back part of it when I go back to Qingming. I'll pay you more income in the next few months. Don't leave the construction site."

"Son, it's not easy to fight in a big city. Don't be burdened with family matters. Dad can't take your 200,000 yuan."


On the other end of the phone, Lu Zhou couldn't help but interrupt Lu Zhou's words, "Your dad, I'm still young, so I can continue to work. The housing prices in Guangnan are high, you can manage your own money yourself, and you can save up for a down payment to take root. Go on. When you work hard outside, you always have to have a home."

"When Lao Chen's money is paid off, I'll retire and go back to my hometown with your mother to be happy. The Binhai house was originally meant to be left to you in the future, thinking that one day you won't be able to get along and have a house. Now it's my dad. It's useless, I can't drag you down any longer."

The emotions in Lu Zhou's heart were again indescribable.

Such an old man, even at the most difficult time, still thinks of his son, not himself, or pretends to give his son the last sum of money normally, or still bears his own responsibilities in shame and is unwilling to do so. drag on the son.

"Dad, wait until I get home."

"Okay, hang up."

Lu Zhou hung up the phone helplessly, "What's the matter."

With a long sigh, "Let's talk to Mom when you get home."