MTL - Internet 2010-Chapter 16 Passionate years

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The first point of fighting chicken blood is to move yourself first.

After the meeting in the afternoon, several members of Lu Zhou and Menggu stepped up to work.

After the members finished debugging the new computer, Lu Zhou and Fang Qiang led Dong Junda and Pan Feiwen to develop the advertiser access module in the Menggu advertising system.

Zhou Wen and Wang Zhengye, on the other hand, still focus on researching documents and writing demos.

Lu Zhou first set out to establish models of several forms of advertising such as CPI and CPM.

In the future, you only need to reserve the interface, and other members only need to call it, so as to avoid problems with the underlying model due to their inexperience.

At least, the underlying interface and the modules related to money circulation such as payment, it is impossible for Luzhou to come up boldly and let the newcomer complete it directly.

Fang Qiang, on the other hand, led them to do several routine functions of customer data management. These functions are mainly made into pages and forms, and advertisers submit data such as company name, app package, and creative materials.

If the customer management module is integrated in the future, the audit functions for advertisers, app packages and materials need to be added.

After all, you can't use all the messy companies and applications to advertise, you need to do a screening of advertisers and advertising targets.

These functions are more conventional than the advertising model Luzhou is doing. Fang Qiang is basically familiar with the road, and Dong Junda and Pan Feiwen are also very quick to get started under Fang Qiang's guidance.

Before dinner, Lu Zhou first completed the package of the functional model of CPI. The subsequent forms only need to draw a gourd. Of course, there is also a lot of debugging after connecting with the developer and customer management modules.

He got up and poured water, and by the way also asked Zhou Wen and Wang Zhengye's progress.

Both of them have strong learning ability, and they both quickly wrote some demos according to the official documents.

Lu Zhou glanced over and thought to himself, "Well, the progress is okay, but I'm afraid I'm in a hurry to make it to the end of the month."

After all, most computer majors start from the school. Most of the professional courses offered by the school are related to the back-end program, and the front-end often needs to explore and learn by themselves.

Immediately, he stopped everyone who was working, and he was going to tell them about the relevant knowledge framework in the general territory.

After all, it is easy for novices to learn a language when they only see a little bit, and a knowledge framework explained by a knowledgeable general can allow them to see the whole face and speed up the learning process.

Lu Zhou started from the layout, all the way to JS rendering, and dabbled in the principles of some browser loading work.

As for most of the minutiae and specific usage grammar, he chose to skip it directly, and introduced the basic usage thinking of the entire technology at the level of emphasis on understanding.


Next, several people were lost in thought, because Lu Zhou did not simply follow the script, but introduced them to how to understand a technology from the way of thinking.

Whether in terms of thinking or practical experience, they are far from touching this layer. Naturally, it takes a lot of brain cells to absorb it.

Lu Zhou also ended his explanation, "Okay, let's talk about it here first, and the specific implementation still requires practical operation to grow rapidly. For the relevant technical means used in Dream Valley, I will spend 30 to 40 minutes every day in the future. Let me give you some general explanations.”

"Brother Lu is mighty!" The younger brothers were also excited.

Lu Zhou went on to say, "In general, Dream Valley Advertising is a market-oriented project, and technology is only a means of implementation. But even so, there are many knowledge systems involved. After Phaeton's server is delivered and put into use, Linux and cloud computing related technologies will also be gradually adopted in Dream Valley advertisements in the future. About version 2.0 or 3.0, Dream Valley will begin to explore cloud computing virtualization related technologies as a technical reserve for future development. I hope everyone can learn from Dream Valley In the advertising project, the entire front-end, back-end and server-side are completely connected.”

Lu Zhou clapped his hands again, "Okay, let's go, Minnong Hall is up! Come back after eating. If you have something to do, you can go back first."

Zhou Wen whispered to Wang Zhengye, "Pharaoh, you really came to the right place by pulling me here."

Wang Zhengye couldn't help but feel a little complacent, but it's not that he couldn't grow up fast working under a technical expert like Lu Zhou. Even if Lu Zhou suddenly announced that he would not be paid for working in Menggu, he would continue to do it.

Then after the meal, everyone was due, and after a short rest, they returned to 305 and started to work.

If there are problems in the middle, a few people come out and discuss with Luzhou.

And Pan Feiwen even competed with Lu Zhou for some problems in the functions he was responsible for, and put forward a lot of bright spots. Lu Zhou also encouraged him, "If you think it's right, just make it and try it. I may not be certain. Right."

Lu Zhou's actions also directly made Pan Feiwei feel the importance, and he began to construct a program.

To describe the 305 at this time in one word, it is in full swing.

It was not until one o'clock in the morning when the building supervisor of the patrol building knocked on the door and reminded them not to make too much noise and disturb the rest of the students in the surrounding dormitories. Only then did Lu Zhou and his party stop working.

When Dream Valley took off in the future, when everyone recalled the greenery when they had started a business, they all cherished the countless passionate years of arguing all night in the bamboo garden 305 in the early morning.

Wednesday morning at nine.

When he woke up in the morning, Lu Zhou felt very uncomfortable.

Yesterday, everyone fought vigorously under a tube of chicken blood, and they worked directly until one o'clock in the morning.

It happened that a buddy in Fang Qiang's dormitory had already gone to the employment company after graduation for an internship. Lu Zhou didn't go home at all. He borrowed a set of Fang Qiang's clothes and took a shower, and then spent the night in the empty bed in Fang Qiang's dormitory. .

After getting up, I went to the school supermarket to buy a toothbrush towel.

"Occasionally, I still have to exercise, otherwise sitting like this all day and night won't work."

After washing up and going to 305, everyone in Menggu had already taken their seats, and there were fifty or sixty people outside the door.

"Why is it crowded again..."

Lu Zhou asked Fang Qiang for questioning, only to learn that Fang Qiang not only spread the news about the recruitment of Menggu in the Institute of Planning, but also asked friends from the School of Letters and Letters to convey it. Most of these were classmates from the Institute of Soft and Letters. .

Lu Zhou also had a headache. He didn't expect the internship salary offered by Menggu to be so attractive.

You must know that in the past 13 years, I started a business in school, but it was not so popular.

He had to instruct Fang Qiang, according to yesterday's statement, to keep the information of some good juniors and juniors, and contact them again if they need recruiting in the future.

Afterwards, he also explained, "Well, two interns in the market, you can take control. Girls are preferred, and they are lively and talkative. Students from the business school are better, and it is best to have a little understanding of finance."

Fang Qiang saluted, "Yes!"

Immediately, Lu Zhou waved his hand and entered 305, and then rushed to the program of the Dream Valley advertisement.

Half an hour later, 305 came in with two shadows.

A petite, lively girl with short hair waved her hands and said, "Hello everyone, I'm Tang Yutong from the Business School, a new intern. It's nice to meet you, you can call me Xiaotong."

Lu Zhou was also stunned for a while. It wasn't the student cadre of the Academic Affairs Office. He didn't expect Tang Yutong to really come to Menggu.

Tang Yutong smiled sweetly, "Hello, Senior Lu, we meet again."

Lu Zhou also greeted, "Hello."

Then, another tall girl with a hint of heroism bowed slightly, "Hello everyone, I'm Meng Xiaoqin. I'm very happy to join this team."

Everyone in the office focused their attention on the two of them.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but smile and thought, "The legendary programmer motivation series?"

He got up and clapped his palms, asked Dong Junda and the four to make a brief self-introduction, and then two newcomers alone introduced the main situation of Menggu.


"The basic treatment is 2,000 a month. The beta version of Dream Valley Advertising has not yet been released, so the work in the market does not need to be carried out for the time being. Later, you can ask Fang Qiang for the contact information of the agent registration. You may need to leave in the afternoon. Let's take a trip and find out what information the agent needs to provide for bookkeeping, and then this part of the work will be handed over to you."

Tang Yutong replied, "Good senior. But although Xiaoqin and I have an accounting license, we haven't actually operated it."

"This is not a big problem. You only need to provide the relevant bills and summary statements to the company that keeps the bookkeeping agency. In the future, a special accountant will be invited to take charge."

Both girls replied, "Okay, no problem."

"Then, in today's case, you can find a template for a labor contract, and UU read to print some labor contracts. Oh, and also, let Fang Qiang give you the list of people who were interested in joining Menggu, and you can send it to the masses. Send a text message, the general content is that if you need to recruit people in the future, they will be notified, and let the students prepare their resumes and send them to you. After you have collected them and summarized them, let me know. "

And Lu Zhou is also a little worried that they feel that the work is a bit complicated. "The work of the two of you may be a little complicated in the early stage. When the company is running, the job responsibilities will be more clear, you can rest assured."

Meng Xiaoqin said, "Don't worry, senior, the work of the academy is more complicated than this."

Tang Yutong on the side also nodded, "Yes, there are too many types of things to deal with."

"That's fine, you can ask Fang Qiang for information and work. The computer is over there."

Immediately, Lu Zhou didn't say much after arranging the work, and returned to work.

The two newcomers can free Fang Qiang to focus on development, but in the final analysis, the promotion of the Menggu advertising system still depends on him as the backbone, and there is no room for slack.

In the office, everything is running normally.

And if we want to talk about the change, it is that several juniors approached Lu Zhou to discuss the details of the procedure more often, and even the sitting posture is straight, and the tone of voice is not consciously high when speaking.

"Young man..." Lu Zhou couldn't help shaking his head.

After Tang Yutong and Meng Xiaoqin asked Fang Qiang for relevant information, they contacted the agency registration company to determine the time, and they both issued 305 together.

For a time, 305 suddenly regained the joy of the boys' dormitory. The code was written as written, but words such as "Lying in a big groove" and "God tm" returned to their usual frequency.
