MTL - Inside and Outside World-Chapter 43 :history

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As for "Will Enter the Wine", this poem written by Li Bai in Yuefu style impressed the Greeks. It is not surprising that Yan Luo-before the end of the world, almost every one commented on the best, most classic, and highest-level poems in Chinese history. Ranking on the list, the top one is the drink.

Even if it is translated into ancient Greek, the central meaning expressed in the poem, that boldness and self-confidence has not changed.

What's more, the spirit of this poem just fits the current atmosphere of Greece and Athens, and the content is full of wantonness and indulgence similar to Dionysus, the **** of wine. This is the first poem in the history of China, which shocked the whole Athens, so there is no doubt about it.

The applause continued, while Yan Luo paid attention to his consciousness.

The mask is taking shape...


Failed again.

Yan Luo is also not surprised by this result. There are too many and too complicated emotions as the material. Moreover, it is easy to succeed only if one portion is divided into 10 points. These many and complicated emotions are blended together, almost 100% will fail.


Yan Luo suddenly discovered that in his consciousness, this mask did not completely disappear into fragments, only a small piece fell off, and most of it remained.

"Level 1 Persona Fragment: 70%"

Fragments! Great pieces! Colorful shards full of cracks!

In his consciousness, he previously stored 3 fragments of a Level 1 Persona, one of 7%, one of 10%, and one of 13%. With this 70% large fragment, wouldn’t it be possible to combine a Level 1 Heroic Soul Mask?


Anyway, it was carried out in consciousness, Yan Luo chose to combine, the four pieces were linked together, and finally formed a complete mask with cracks on the surface.

"Heroic Soul Mask, Li Bai, Wine Sword Immortal."

Explaining that the Zhongying soul mask is different from the persona mask. After wearing the persona mask, it will transform into a fighting stance to deal with the situation. In layman's terms, it is transformation. And the heroic soul mask, after wearing it, will split a sub-personality from its own soul.

This sub-personality exists as a heroic soul, driven by the main personality.

Speaking of image, it is similar to "summoning".

Yan Luo thought silently:

"It's not Li Bai, the swordsman..."

"It's not Li Bai, the poet fairy..."

"It's not the jungler Li Bai..."

Wine Sword Immortal Li Bai


Will drink, knights, Qinglian sword song.

Among the three skills, drinking wine corresponds to "wine", knight walking corresponds to "sword", and Qinglian sword song undoubtedly corresponds to "immortal". Yan Luo's current Wuxin puppet has the "extraction" skill, which can extract a skill from the mask.

Unfortunately, the mask will be destroyed after extraction, and the extracted skills can only be used once before disappearing.

"This heroic soul mask is obviously stronger than the persona of the same level."

Yan Luo made a judgment in his heart.

He is not going to extract it, but now there is a problem, that is, two level 1 masks, which exist in consciousness, and the 200-point capacity of the Wuxin doll has been fully occupied, so it can no longer absorb any emotions.

The applause finally stopped.

Sophocles was ashamed, and when the poem came out, he couldn't say anything more.

It's better to sigh.

Pericles and the elders looked at each other in blank dismay. Originally, today, the Greeks and scholars from Athens were summoned to suppress the three Chinese envoys, but why did they become the opponent's home court now? Seeing the admiration and admiration in the eyes of many men and women, the consul only felt something bad in his heart.

"Socrates, where is Socrates?" he asked.

"In Kerameikos, the burial place, we sent someone to notify, and I don't know if we can come back in time."

"Athens is the center of civilization in the whole of Greece. It is the most democratic and prosperous place in the world. How can it be suppressed by a, a foreigner!" Pericles' face was very ugly.

"However, that person is definitely favored by the gods of the audience, and he may even be a demigod who was born in this world. We can't defeat him!" a veteran murmured.

"What nonsense!"

Although there are many stories of demigods, Pericles did not believe in the existence of demigods in the world, or even the existence of gods. He looked around: "My scholars, do you just look at Athens like this, and be subdued by a person who insults our civilization?"

Three scholars, Herodotus, Euripides, and Sophocles, all failed. Moreover, the poem "I will drink wine" has attracted many people's admiration.

Many scholars looked at each other, and a senator who was close to 30 years old bit the bullet and walked out.

Historian Thucydides.

In addition to this status, he is also a writer, and he will become one of the ten swords of Athens in the future... no, he is one of the ten generals. He has not yet been able to write the historical work "History of the Peloponnesian War", but he is already very famous big.

In modern times in the West, he is known as the father of "historical science" and the father of "political realism school".

This future big shot looked at Yan Luo, looking at this young man bathed in the sun, who seemed to be dyed a layer of gold, and felt his mouth dry... a serious lack of confidence.

"If a country is great, it must have a glorious history. A country without history is like a tree without roots." Thucydides started the topic with the unique analogy of the Greeks in debates. De regained his composure, and his voice gradually became louder.

"Our Greece has a very long history. According to legend, when the sky and the earth were not separated, Chaos existed, and then Gaia, the mother of the earth, Tartarus, the **** of the abyss, and Eri, the **** of darkness, were born from the chaos. Persia, Nyx, the goddess of the night, Eros, the **** of love, Uranus, the **** of sky, the world begins here..."

"Gaia, the **** of earth, and Uranus, the **** of heaven, gave birth to twelve Titans, and the youngest of them, Cronus, ruled the world as the king of gods in the sky. At that time, the spring was long, and the food and fruits grew naturally. The river flows with milk and honey. Human beings have no worries, no disease, no old age, no work, no strife, that is the golden age of our ancient Greece..."

Thucydides' voice echoed in the square, everyone looked solemn, and some were still secretly praising the ancient gods in their hearts.

Yan Luo had no expression on his face.

Wang Dongwei, who can be regarded as a man of culture, was stunned. He had no idea that these ancient Greeks actually "took mythology as history", just like modern Western historians.

Those people do not admit that China has 5,000 years of civilization, think that the "Xia" Dynasty is fictional, and think that China has only 3,600 years of history, but they take some western classics, such as "Homer's Epic", which have as many demigods as dogs, and gods are everywhere Take the fantasy book as history.

Even Zhu Xiaoyong felt something was wrong, and cursed secretly in Chinese:

"I have never seen such a brazen person!"

Thucydides talked about each item, and soon he talked about it from Cronus to Zeus, the third generation of God King. The history of Greece also gradually developed from the Golden Age to the Silver Age and Bronze Age—the Trojan War, which is far from the present. Seven or eight hundred years ago, ancient Greece was at the end of this era.

Finally, there is now the Iron Age.

This young historian talked for more than half an hour, and Yan Luo watched his performance quietly. Until the end, this man in his thirties, who had regained his confidence and self-confidence, did nothing about the so-called "history". made a summary:

"Although God lives on Mount Olympus, he has been watching us, watching the rise and fall of the country, and watching the development of civilization. The present us will inevitably become the history of others in the future. Greece may not be able to prosper forever Go on, but the history and civilization of Greece will be engraved in history forever!"

"Huh huh huh..."

Just like Yan Luo's "Willing to Drink" just now, the applause lasted for a long time. Thucydides told the myth as history, which is normal for the Athenians. After all, they believed in the existence of gods, and believed that before the Iron Age, there were better golden, silver, and bronze ages.

These words almost took the Greeks on a tour of history, and many people were filled with emotion, melancholy and passion.

Until everyone's applause stopped, Thucydides raised his head and looked at Yan Luo: "Huaxia, does Greece have a history as magnificent as ours?"

Yan Luo was silent for a while—seeing that the young man was silent, the consul Pericles and many elders and scholars all smiled... The three masters were defeated, but fortunately Thucydides pulled back a victory, Otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

"Since you, call these history."

Yan Luo said blankly: "Then let me just talk about the history of Huaxia."

In fact, he can use criticism as a weapon to criticize those Greek gods who have a messy relationship between men and women—but in this era, many people’s reverence for gods goes deep into their’s like running in the middle ages Go to the Vatican and curse the Lord, congratulations, you can go to the stake.

In the Acropolis full of temples, cursing each other's gods? People with no brains would do this...In this day and age, God is more important than civilization.

So he resorted to another approach.

"Long in the prehistoric, the universe is vast, I don't know how long it is, I don't know how long it is."

"Before the creation of the world, there was a primordial chaos. At this time, there were 3,000 Chaos Demon Gods conceived, and Chaos Chaos was one of them. My Chinese ancestor, Pan Gu, cut through Chaos and created the world. The 3,000 Demon Gods could not stand Chaos The great power of pioneering was wiped out by the aftermath of my Chinese ancestor Pangu's ax that split the universe!"

"The clear air floated up to become the sky, and the turbid air descended to become the earth. Pangu turned his body into mountains, rivers and everything before falling."

"After Pangu died, his soul became three living beings. One was called Taishang Laojun, one was called Yuanshi Tianzun, and the other was called Master Tongtian. The three of them were in a temple outside the thirty-third floor: Zixiao Palace. Ancestor Hongjun is the teacher."

"Ancestor Na Hongjun is a saint who fits the Tao. His realm is so high that there is no difference in his eyes, whether it is a **** or an ant. He has a treasure called the Jade Plate of Good Fortune-the so-called Tao is the rule, the law, similar to Your Greek gods, gods are the source of gods."

"For example, Gaia, the mother of the earth, masters the way of the earth, Zeus, the king of gods, masters the way of thunder and lightning, and Poseidon, the king of gods, masters the way of the ocean... Hongjun's good fortune jade disc records three thousand There are avenues, every avenue, after you get it, you can become a **** king..."

Under the gaze of a famous Athenian, Yan Luo talked loudly, since the Greeks are bragging about history, let’s compare who can brag—look at the prehistoric and Greek mythology, who has the stronger fighting power!