MTL - Inside and Outside World-Chapter 42 : Li Bai heard this and wanted to hit someone

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From Wang Dongwei's introduction, Yan Luo already knew the characteristics of ancient Greek poetry: simple, popular, straightforward, but with a charm and even philosophy.

For example, I don’t know if there is Plato born now, a love poem:


My star you are looking at the stars,

I would like to be the sky,

It seems like thousands of eyes are looking at you.

In ancient Greece, the development of poetry was indeed prosperous, but it was far behind China, but the isolation of language was also an obstacle.

"Book of Songs", "Yuefu", "Chu Ci" and other ancient poetry collections are similar to the beautiful line "The reeds are green, the white dew is frost, the so-called Yiren is on the side of the water", the unique rhythm of Chinese, translated into ancient Greek, it is also Lost the artistic conception of beauty.

What poem are you reading?

Yan Luo thought silently, and he suddenly thought of the current Athens, which is in the most prosperous era, with abundant materials and people pursuing culture and pleasure. Citizens worship Zeus, respect Athena and Apollo, but one of their favorite gods is:


Dionysus, as one of the twelve main gods of Greece, often indulges in carnival, advocating pleasure, the **** of wine and joy, no matter the elders and citizens, or the peasants, there is no dislike. The largest drama festival in Athens is called "Wine God's Day".

Aristotle recorded in "Poetics" that tragedy originated from the celebration performances sacrificed to Dionysus.

Yan Luo made a decision in his heart.

He chose a Yuefu poem.

Under the watchful eyes of the Greek people, Yan Luo paced in the square, and at the same time, verses translated into ancient Greek spit out from his mouth:

"Did you see it? The curved river comes from the sky and flows to the sea of ​​purple and red..."

What Yan Luo recited was not "the most dazzling national style", although it contains the most dazzling national style lyrics... but Li Bai's "will enter the wine".

The first sentence of Jiangjinjiu is "Don't you see, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, rushes to the sea and never returns", but the Greeks don't know what the Yellow River is. The rhetoric, so the original poems became lyrics.

Although it has been changed, the effect is very good. The first line of the poem "Li Bai wanted to hit someone after listening to it" immediately calmed down the scene!

Sophocles, dramatist and poet, gasped.

The curved river actually came from the sky? The color of the sea is actually colorful?

Such a magnificent picture, beyond imagination! The Greeks liked to use modifier words in their poems, such as Anacreon’s verse “A young man whose eyes look forward to a virgin”—it is quite imaginative to use the word “virgin” to modify a young man, but how can it be compared with this A comparison?

"A sea full of purples and reds..."

Among the elders, the disciple of the great lyric poet Simonides, who wrote the poem "Praise Long Trousers" earlier, had a corresponding scene in his mind. His face couldn't help showing the feeling of intoxication, it was so beautiful It's like this color, it's not a flower field, but the sea, how amazing!

He thought of Dionysus, the **** of wine.

According to legend, Dionysus, with the help of the nymphs in the mountains, brewed wine with various gorgeous colors. Could it be that the colorful sea water in this poem is the wine of the **** of wine?

After Yan Luo read the first sentence, he stayed for a while, thinking about what kind of ancient Greek sentences should be translated into the following poems, and at the same time giving the Greeks time to understand and think. A famous scholar , discussing with each other in a low voice.

"This poem begins with 'Have you seen it', uses questions to arouse people's curiosity, and specially clicks 'look', and then it immediately becomes a picture of the colorful sea beyond anyone's imagination, Mei Lumei Huan, it's really amazing!"

"It's really immersive..."

"Use the words of color to describe the sea did the Chinese people think of it?"


A veteran suddenly exclaimed.

Seeing the people around him looking at him, he said with a shocked expression: "Your focus is on the sea, and you didn't pay attention to the front: the curved river coming from the sky? Don't you think that the river here refers to What is it? Is there any river that comes from the sky?"

"Yinhe!" An old man who couldn't stand upright and was supported by two young people next to him spoke out such a word with difficulty.

In Greek mythology, Hera, the queen of heaven, was bitten so hard that she was so painful when she was breastfeeding Hercules. She pushed the Hercules away, and some milk splashed in the sky, forming the Milky Way.

This old man is not an ordinary citizen, but a famous ancient Greek mathematician, philosopher, and inventor of "dialectics": Zeno, he is really too old, and he is not as energetic as Sophocles, and he can't speak clearly. So there is no way to fight today.

But still stick to it, come and watch.

"Is it the Milky Way?"

A senior veteran and a scholar were stunned in shock. Originally, they only noticed the colorful colors, but they didn't expect that the previous paragraph contained such a gorgeous imagination! The water of the Milky Way falls from the sky and pours into the sea of ​​purple and red. Is this color dyed by starlight?

Euripides, who just fainted from anger, has now regained consciousness. He smacked his lips, as if he was chewing the taste of this poem.

"Wonderful, wonderful." The old man sighed intoxicated.

Zhu Xiaoyong was sweating profusely, and the corners of Wang Dongwei's mouth twitched. Only two of them could recognize that Yan Luo was singing "the most dazzling national style". They didn't understand why this lyrics made the Greeks become almost knelt down.

Could it be that square dancing also had a huge lethality in ancient Greece 2,500 years ago?

The second sentence of Yan Luo's translation of ancient Greek verses sounded:

"Have you seen it? The face shining in the mirror is still youthful and energetic in the morning, but at night, the long chestnut hair turns into strands of white snow."

Will enter the wine, the second paragraph of the original poem: "Don't you see, the mirror in the high hall is sad and white, and the morning is like blue silk and the evening is snow"—also changed by Yan Luomo.

For example, black silk has been changed to "chestnut hair". Most of the Greeks here have this hair color.

The popular verse immediately touched everyone's heart.

The previous Sophocles' "Sigh of Fate", the verse in it, "At last, the hateful old age has arrived, old and sick, with no relatives and friends." It directly points out the sadness of people reaching old age, and Yan Luo's sentence, Condensing life into one day, being a young man in the morning, and entering old age with gray hair in the evening, is even more unbearable.

"Why is life so short? Fate, why is it so ruthless? In this world, is there a more sad ending than aging? A brave warrior can no longer hold a spear, and a talented scholar has become dull in thinking. The inspiration disappears..." Euripides sighed deeply, he looked up at the sky, his eyes were moist.

"These two lines of poems are so powerful...It's really scary." A young man who looked to be only 15 or 6 years old, his face was full of fear, "The first line contains the space from the sky to the sea, and the second line contains the space from the sky to the sea. This sentence contains the time from youth to old age... just two lines of poetry are so grand..."

He said desolately: "Even I can't do it!"

This boy, named Aristophanes, although he is not well-known now, in fact he is the "father of comedy" in ancient Greece in the future! Even the three masters of tragedy are not in his eyes, but now he is not as good as Yan Luo.

Sophocles, an old man in his 70s, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

He looked at his arm. His skin was loose and covered with age spots. When he was young, he was also a beautiful boy who was admired by many women. When he was in his prime, he even served as the treasurer of Athens and one of the ten generals. How could he become like this? An old, filthy old man...

As a city-state with prosperous civilization and highly developed art, Athens is undoubtedly very emotional. The second line of Yan Luo's poem has made many old people, whether ordinary citizens, councilors, elders, or even the consul Pericles, feel in their hearts. sad.

Yan Luo's voice continued, but after sweeping away the previous emotion, the tone became passionate:

"In the happiest moment of life, you should indulge and rejoice. While you are young, enjoy and revel to the fullest! Don't let the wine glass be empty and leave regrets. God made everyone born in this world, and they must have their own talents. Even if all the gold coins are squandered , can also earn back..."

What could be more agreeable to such a line than a city that advocates pleasure? These two lines of Yan Luo's poems almost touched the hearts of all the Athenians. Following the previous emotions: life is impermanent, youth is difficult, and the focus of meaning is changed immediately: When you are young, you spend money and live happily!

The Dionysus Festival in Athens, the greatest carnival festival, is to drink wine, indulge and have fun.

"This line of poetry is so heroic!"

Greece is now in an era where people believe in their own strength, their talents, and their self-confidence is surging, and many people have knowledge, certain cultural and aesthetic abilities, and it is precisely because of this that they can feel more , In Yan Luo's poems, there is a deep appeal.

An Athenian could hardly contain the emotions surging in his heart.

"Yes, each of us has our own talents and values ​​in this world. Even if we grow old in the future, what is there? At least when we were young, we laughed, experienced, and indulged...Young people, Take advantage of your youth and enjoy it to the fullest!"

Unknowingly, the magic reform "will enter the wine", UU Reading made some Athenians crooked...

"Kill cattle and goats to cook gourmet food for drinking. I want to drink three hundred cups at a time..."

Yan Luo's voice continued to echo.

Until the last sentence was finished, the sound stopped. The Acropolis, the hills where countless temples are located, and the marble square of the Parthenon, the consuls, dozens of elders, five hundred councilors, and even tens of thousands of Citizens and Gentiles…

Everyone was silent, and there was silence, as if immersed in the artistic conception of this poem.

5 minutes passed...

"Papa papa!"

The first sound of applause suddenly sounded, and then as if waking up from a dream, countless Greeks clapped their hands vigorously, and the applause rang out in one piece, with faces full of excitement, one after another With eyes of admiration and admiration, he stared at the young man in the middle of the square, where the sun was shining.


"Such a beautiful poem, even a sacrificial oration in praise of the gods is incomparable!"

"Although he is an envoy from a foreign country, I believe that he is definitely a man favored by the gods of Olympus!"

"Today is a day that can be engraved in history..."

"I am Sophroniscus the sculptor, father of Socrates! I will carve a statue of him with my own hands!"

A number of Greeks applauded vigorously, and some even shed tears of emotion.

At this time, in Yan Luo's consciousness, the storage of the Wuxin doll was full again—and this time it was almost all positive emotions such as excitement, joy, excitement, and even admiration. As before, he chose fusion in his consciousness.

Rays of light converged together, gradually condensing the phantom of a mask...