MTL - I Really Don’t Know How To Practice-Chapter 14 neon clothes

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If you want to talk about which of the four pavilions in Wangcheng is the most popular, it must be Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

The four pavilions have different styles, Wanhua Pavilion is elegant, Fengxuan Pavilion is soft, Chunyan Pavilion is expensive, and Xiaoxiang Pavilion is charming.

The most essential purpose of men coming to brothels is to have fun, but in Xiaoxiang Pavilion, no matter rich or poor, high or low, as long as they pay money, they can always find all kinds of charming girls and enjoy warm and hot service.

Therefore, whenever night falls, the voices of Xiaoxiang Pavilion are the most noisy.

The carriage stopped, and the noise outside woke up Han Xu.

"Uncle Lin, go back and rest first."

"Not waiting for you?"

"There are other things tonight."

"Well, young master, be careful yourself." Lin Feng drove away without asking what happened to Han Xu.

When the girls of Xiaoxiang Pavilion saw Han Xu, they had already greeted him.

"Morning Mr. Han!"

"It's getting late, it's getting dark." Han Xu smiled, looking amiable.

He didn't look down on these women in the brothel, because he knew that most of them had unspeakable difficulties, otherwise, who would be willing to serve those men whom they didn't even know for a little money.

So, Han Xu took out some silver from his pocket, distributed it to the girls, and walked in by himself.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Xiaoxiang Pavilion is the most down-to-earth among the four pavilions. There are people from all walks of life in the hall, which made Han Xu feel like sitting in a hot pot restaurant by the side of the road in his previous life. to drink.

As soon as Han Xu sat down, the surrounding lights dimmed, as if music from a foreign land sounded, and the guests roared loudly: "Neon clothes! Neo clothes!"

In the eyes of everyone, a black figure slowly descended from the sky, like a black butterfly, and landed steadily in the center of the stage.

"Girl in neon clothes!"

As soon as the woman landed, the entire hall erupted.

Unexpectedly, today I was lucky enough to witness a girl in Nishang, one of the four big oirans, performing a dance in person.

Although Nishang wore a black and gold mask to cover her flawless face, it added a touch of mystery to her, and this feeling was the most provocative.

With a hook of her winking eyes, I don't know how many people's souls have been hooked away.

The dancing posture that dances to the music seems to be the most alluring picture in the world.

When the music sounded high, Nishang jumped up and flew down from the stage, shuttling among the guests.

"Tonight, whoever can catch me will belong to me." Nishang's faint voice came out, igniting the atmosphere of the whole scene.

Someone wanted to reach out to grab her, but they could only grab a wisp of bone-destroying fragrance. Even if some warriors had high agility, they still just flinched in vain.

Nishang is like a ghost, which can be seen but cannot be touched.

Among all the people, only Han Xu could drink with his head down and remain calm.

Others only saw the allure of Nishang, but only Han Xu knew her danger.

"She's using a sixth-level movement technique. It's no wonder you can meet her." Han Xu drank wine boredly, watching Nishang act.

I have to say that the dancing posture of Nishang is really beautiful, even if Han Xu has seen countless top stars dance in his previous life, it is not as good as Nishang.

Every look in her eyes and every movement is full of charm, constantly teasing the deepest nerves in the man's heart.

At this time, one person jumped up and said: "Miss Nishang, I am Yang Hao, the eldest disciple of the Patriarch of Qingfeng Mountain. I have heard the name of the girl for a long time. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to kiss her today?"

After finishing speaking, he flew towards Nishang to **** it, the speed was staggering.

Qingfeng Mountain is a sect that is not weak, not far from the royal city, and the sect master is suspected to be an extraordinary and strong man.

This Yang Hao is also considered a romantic figure among the younger generation, I didn't expect him to appear here.

Everyone thought that Yang Hao would never miss, but when Yang Hao was about to grab Nishang, Nishang turned around naturally and passed Yang Hao.

"Mr. Yang didn't catch it." Nishang said with a light smile, and the person had already landed on the other side.

"Girl Nishang, I am the young owner of the Baige Chamber of Commerce, you come with me, and I will redeem you." A fat man with greasy hair and pink noodles yelled.

"I didn't expect the young owner of the Baige Chamber of Commerce to come. His family is a wealthy family."

"If you want to redeem yourself for Nishang, I'm afraid at least a million gold."

"What do you know, a million gold is just pocket money to him."

Someone heard what the fat man said, and they commented that Han Xu had also heard of the Baige Chamber of Commerce. Their business spread all over the Dawu Dynasty, and their wealth was incalculable, and their headquarters were located in Wangcheng.

Nishang remained unmoved and continued to dance gracefully.

"Nishang said that whoever can catch Nishang will own it."

However, even Yang Hao can't catch Nishang, who has this ability?

Although there are still people who try with luck, they all fail one by one.

At this moment, someone patted the table, and everyone involuntarily quieted down, looking at Han Xu who was sitting in the corner.

He finished his glass of wine, looked at Nishang with a smile and said: "Have you played enough? Come here when you have played enough."

"What, this kid is crazy." Yang Hao said to the people beside him, did he really think that he could let Nishang pass by with a single word.

Those who were not caught by his dignified chief disciple of Qingfeng Mountain, those who the young boss of the Baige Chamber of Commerce can't afford to spend money, will go over because of his words?

However, the reality is so cruel.

As soon as Han Xu finished speaking, Nishang stopped dancing, staring at Han Xu with those enchanting eyes, UU reading Then, as if a milk swallow threw herself into her arms, she trot to Han Xu's side and sat gently on Han Xu's lap.

"Mr. Han, I haven't seen you for several months. Nishang is really worried that you will forget me." Nishang said as if no one was around.

"How could I forget you? There are so many people here, let's go to your room to chat." After Han Xu finished speaking, he picked up the neon clothes by the waist and walked upstairs.

"Who is this person? So arrogant?" Yang Hao seemed to hear his heartbroken voice. In Qingfeng Mountain, he had always been the proud son of heaven, and even in the royal city where the proud gathered, his strength Still able to be at the top of their peers.

He has never been compared to others, not to mention that Han Xu has no spiritual fluctuations in his body, he is obviously just an ignorant dude.

Yang Hao was not convinced, he was about to get up, but was held back by the person next to him.

"Master Yang doesn't know something, he is Han Xu."

"I don't care who he is?" However, just after he finished speaking, he thought of something again, "Han Xu? Which Han Xu?"

"In this royal city, there are still a few Han Xus who can be favored by the four major courtesans. Of course, they are Han Wang's son and the younger brother of the soon-to-be concubine Han Luoling, Han Xu."

"It turned out to be him." Yang Hao sat down dejectedly. If it was someone else, he could still fight and use his status to overwhelm him, but he is Han Xu, the son of King Han, and even Han Luoling's. younger brother.

"Young Master Yang, you don't have to be depressed, he won't be jumping around for a few days."

"What do you mean by that?"

"If you can accomplish what the lord told you to do, the girl in Nishang will naturally be yours after it is done."

"What is your lord looking for us for?"

"This is not a place to talk. Let's drink and talk in another place after drinking."