MTL - I Really Don’t Know How To Practice-Chapter 15 Looking Through the Looking Glass and the Moon in the Water

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There are five floors in Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and Nishang's room is on the fifth highest floor.

Here, there is no hustle and bustle below, and through the window, you can have a glimpse of the night view of the royal city.

The night wind blows slowly, which can't help but make people feel refreshed.

Han Xu couldn't help sighing: "The small building listens to the spring rain all night, and the deep alley sells apricot flowers in the Ming Dynasty."

Tang poetry and Song Ci from the previous life are still so clear in his mind.

Nishang snuggled into Han Xu's arms, looked at that handsome side face, and said coquettishly, "Young master has not come to look for Nishang for several months, and Nishang thought he would never see you again."

Han Xu thought to himself, I have downloaded all your exercises, so I can't hang myself from a tree, but this is just an idea, but he said, "Silly girl, am I busy with business?"

"Young master's main business is to find Bai Yiyi and Qing'er?" Nishang had already taken off her mask, a small cherry mouth pouted on her flawless face.

Han Xu was at a loss for words for a while, not knowing how to prevaricate, but Nishang continued to say: "You men are always on the go, Nishang can understand, I just hope that you can save a place for Nishang in your heart."

"It's still Nishang, you are understanding." Han Xu said with a smile.

"Nishang is just a brothel girl, how dare you ask for more?"

Nishang's eyes like autumn water looked at Han Xu. In this situation, I believe that no man can resist such a temptation.

However, what Nishang saw was a pair of abyss-like eyes.

A whirlpool seemed to appear in Han Xu's pupils, pulling her into a bottomless abyss.

The discomfort of weightlessness made it difficult for her to breathe. Nishang found that her surroundings had become pitch black, and only Han Xu was holding her, falling continuously.

Negative emotions such as loneliness, loss, hesitation, and fear surged into her heart one by one, and Han Xu in front of her became her last support.

"I'll go, this mirror is too fierce." Seeing Nishang's eyes that gradually lost their spirit and turned gray, Han Xu was also amazed.

This extraordinary skill was downloaded from her elder sister Han Luoling. At present, she has not even reached the first level, and Han Xu can only use it in a superficial way.

Anyway, Nishang is also a sixth-rank master. Han Xu wanted to try it because he was eager for skills. Anyway, even if he failed, he still had other means.

Unexpectedly, after trying it, the effect was beyond imagination. No wonder Han Luoling could make the old **** behind the queen fall into a hallucination with just one glance.

This skill is indeed good, but Han Xu was overestimated at this time under the surprise.

After all, his real realm is much higher than that of Nishang. Under this absolute difference in realm, no matter what tricks Han Xu uses, Nishang will find it difficult to parry.

After the mirror flower and the water moon worked, Han Xu put the neon clothes on the chair, and sat opposite him.

Han Xu asked, "Nishang, do you know me?"

"Are you... the master?"

Han Xu nodded, very satisfied with the effect, so he continued to ask: "What exactly does Xiaoxiang Pavilion do?"

"The strongest killer organization in Wangcheng." Nishang said without much hesitation.

Han Xu secretly thought that his guess was indeed correct.

In fact, from the moment Han Xu entered the Wangcheng at the age of twelve, he took advantage of the convenience of the exercise download system to travel to almost all places in the Wangcheng, and searched all the exercises stored here. Some of the more outstanding ones were downloaded. Use yourself.

On Nishang, what he downloaded was a hidden weapon technique called Eight-Armed Yama, which is most suitable for killers.

So Han Xu continued to ask: "Did Xiaoxiang Pavilion do the assassination of Han Luoling?"


"Who instructed?"

"do not know."

"Who will know?"


"Who is the pavilion master?"

"do not know."

"How to contact the Pavilion Master?"

"No one knows the true identity of the pavilion master, and the pavilion master never shows his true face to others, only when he thinks he should appear."

Han Xu thought for a while, and felt that it seemed impossible to ask the identity of the owner of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion from Nishang, so he asked instead: "How many masters are there in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion?"

"Only the pavilion master may be an extraordinary powerhouse."

"How much is the top combat power?"

"Thirty people of the sixth grade, ten people of the seventh grade, two people of the eighth grade, and one person of the ninth grade."

Through some questions and answers, Han Xu's understanding of this world has become more in-depth. It seems that the number of superpowers is still very rare. Based on the information he has obtained before, there should not be many superpowers resident in Wangcheng. .

From Nishang's mouth, there was no more information to be asked, so Han Xu said to Nishang: "From now on, in the next hour, make some noise by yourself, remember, let others know that I am in your room. "

After finishing speaking, Han Xu thought for a while, he shouldn't be so weak, so he said again: "Three hours."

As soon as Han Xu finished speaking, he heard a bone-piercing voice coming from Nishang's mouth.

"No, if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave."

Han Xu gritted his teeth, discarded the beautiful pictures in his mind, took off his coat, and flew out of the window.

The night jacket worn inside perfectly blends in with the night outside.

Although there are many masters in the royal city, the strongest ones are all in the palace. As for the places outside the palace, Han Xu has roughly mastered their positions.

After leaving the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Han Xu avoided the places where there were superpowers, and not long after, he came to the backyard of Xiaoqi Mansion.

After Han Xu "blamed" the Wang family for killing the assassin, he concluded that the Wang family must have some action in the near future, so he had to take a look, maybe he could find clues about who was behind the scenes. UU Reading

Opening up his spiritual consciousness, everything around him appeared in Han Xu's mind like a black and white picture.

Feeling that there was no one behind the wall, Han Xu used the vertical ladder and landed on the roof behind the wall with one leap. The fall was as light as a feather without making any sound.

After looking around, Xiaoqi Mansion is worthy of being a general's mansion, and the guards are extremely tight. From time to time, teams of guards in strict order can be seen patrolling past, and there are almost no dead spots in the entire courtyard.

In such a huge mansion, it was difficult to find Wang Qian's residence for a while.

Han Xu used his spiritual energy secretly, his ears moved undetectably, and a lot of noisy voices came out instantly.

This is a ninth-level exercise called Tingfenger. It doesn't have any attack power, but it can hear all sounds within a radius of ten miles, even loaches hidden under the soil.

Tingfeng'er seems to be weak, so although it is a ninth-level exercise, almost no one practices it. Han Xu also downloaded it by accident when the thief entered the king's city a few years ago.

The effect of this technique is excellent, but the only drawback is that you can hear it too clearly. Even the sound of flies flapping their wings will be infinitely amplified in Han Xu's ears, like thunder.

After a while, Han Xu confirmed the direction of Wang Qian. Coincidentally, he happened to be talking to Wang Ran, so Han Xu pressed his hands on the roof lightly, and his body floated out as if weightless.

Relying on the treetops several times, Han Xu landed lightly on the back of a rockery. His whole body was tightly pressed against the wall, making it difficult for others to notice.

The rockery was actually hollow, and there was a secret room inside. Han Xu put his ear on the rockery, and could just hear the conversation inside.

"Father, what instructions does the Queen have?"

"She asked us to kill Han Luoling on the way to the wedding venue to show our loyalty."