MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 283

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After speaking, she was about to say something to comfort Ling Wanrou, but her body trembled slightly.

It was the induction from the origin of life, as if their life essence had quietly undergone some kind of change at this moment...

Ling Xuchen immediately looked at Lingwan and Lingyueru, but found that they also had the same expression, and their expressions suddenly became solemn.

In other words, it wasn't me who changed alone. If you think about it, maybe the entire Spirit Race has changed?

Why is this? The curse of the dead Eldar? Or is it some mechanism that I can't even tell?

Just when Lingxuchen felt uneasy about this and planned to send the message, he found that the transformation of his body seemed a little familiar.

That is the transformation of the source of the bloodline. It seems that from the very beginning, the life essence of the Spirit Race has been rewritten, but not completely, but a brand new brand has been affixed to the original bloodline, and gradually the bloodline has begun to move towards another. approaching in a different direction.

"This is......"

Lingxuchen raised his head in astonishment, and Lingwan and Lingyueru also became thoughtful.

Because of this breath, they are all too familiar with it.

They had been together day and night and had in-depth exchanges countless times. Of course, it was impossible for Lingxuchen to fail to recognize whose breath it was.

"Is it the Apostle-sama?"

Lingxuchen breathed a sigh of relief. Although she didn't know what the apostle was doing, as long as she thought of what the apostle did, she couldn't bring up her worries at all.

To be in the sky is to become the property of the apostle with your whole heart. Is there any difference between this and now?

Is it possible that the apostle can still find the ancestor who has been dead for many years and turn him into his own?

How can you think it's impossible?

Just as Ling Xuchen was thinking about it, she felt that something familiar appeared in her vision, which made her narrow her eyes uncomfortably.

Since her return from this world, Ling Xuchen's eyes have been covered with the white strip of sacred relic that she wore when she met "An Ye", so at this moment her reaction was a little slow, and the gentle and gentle person in front of her. Yueru's reaction was more direct.

The eyes of the two of them were unable to adapt to this sudden thing due to the degeneration for a long time, but they ignored it and stared blankly at the existence called "light" that spilled into the house from the window and filled the room.

"The sun has risen."

Ling Wan murmured softly.

...................................................... ...................................................... ................................

In the game of change, Zhao Yesui had just finished transforming the spiritual sun, and with a bit of exhaustion, he retracted the black sun, swayed twice, and was supported by Su Yanxi.

Transforming a Ye Ji, even if it's just Ye Ji's remnant soul, is a bit of a challenge.

If it wasn't that Ling Ri had no intention of resisting, and even actively catered to it, and the pollution of Black Sun was really strong, this transformation might have ended in failure, and what Zhao Yesui just said would be a bit embarrassing.

However, as long as it's over, it's fine.

Zhao Yeshou raised his head and looked at the spiritual day at the moment.

The originally long silver-white hair seemed to be highlighted at the moment, and the tip of the hair had the meaning of burning black like embers, and the bright red pupils became a little deeper, attracting outsiders like a black hole. everything.

Compared with the cold and elegant just now, there is a little more mysterious evil energy in the current Lingri, and this will probably be the direction of the next transformation of the spiritual clan.

After all, the ancestors have all become Zhao Yesui's people, so Lingri's family is naturally Heishi's family. Zhao Yeshou doesn't care about any family's family that is not my family. With the pollution of the black sun, of course it is not. Pollution will never stop.

"On the basis of retaining the silver-haired red pupil's special attack on the Yan people, a new beauty has been added..."

Zhao Yeshao nodded with satisfaction: "Well, as expected of me."

Lingri stretched out his hand, looked at himself curiously at the moment, and said after a while: "Well, it's a bit, strange, but, it feels, it's not bad."

"Of course." Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said, "If it's not a benign change, then it's better not to do it. I'm not that crazy."

According to Zhao Yesui's estimation, the attributes of the Spiritual Race as the dependents of the Spiritual Sun have not changed. They still maintain a high level of adaptability and manipulation ability to psionic energy. Said it was a no-brainer.

However, if there are no other factors, this transformation may take several generations to fully advance. After all, the familyization of an entire race is not something that can be accomplished overnight, and it cannot be finished in the blink of an eye.

As for what this "other factor" is...

That, of course, is that Zhao Yesui's Black Sun status has been improved again, which will accelerate the transformation of the Spiritual Race from the source.

If it is someone else, this speed is probably slower than the speed of the evolution of the spiritual clan itself, but Zhao Yesao is still a little confident in the speed of his own upgrade, maybe the new spiritual clan here has not been born yet, Zhao Yesao's black The day has already gathered divine power.

After solving the last hidden danger, Zhao Yeshao breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that this trip to Qi Hengtian was a complete success.

At the same time, he could feel an inexplicable voice calling him. This was an automatic return after the trial, and it could not be delayed.

Although the store manager promised Zhao Yesao to give him a "door", Zhao Yesang knew that this old guy could always fish, and it was absolutely impossible to deliver before the deadline. He, let him know what is the end of procrastination.

So, now he has to leave Qi Hengtian temporarily.

Zhao Yesui looked at Su Yanxi, Su Yanxi understood something, didn't say much, just hugged him again: "Okay, remember to come back to see me when you can come back, care empty nest sister, it's brother due responsibilities.”

Zhao Yeshou's head was pulled down by Su Yanxi, and she was a little breathless at the moment, so she could only answer sullenly: "I will."

After a while, Su Yanxi reluctantly let go of Zhao Ye's robe, and Zhao Ye robe looked at Lingri and said, "Miss Lingri, can I trouble you with something?"

"Please give them back the sun that this world has lost."

"Work at sunrise, rest at sunset, experience life in reality during the day, and start a second life in a dream at night. This is the dream of all beings... No, it will change the normal way of using the game. "

"No one should dominate, because they are complementary to each other. Without reality, the beauty of dreams will be empty, and without dreams, there will be nowhere to release the anguish of reality."

"So, draw a line for them and make everything in order."

Lingri nodded lightly, stood in the center of the game of change, stretched out his hand, and the silvery sun rose here, but the difference was that there was a touch of deep darkness.

Light has come to Qi Hengtian again. From this moment on, reality and illusion, light and darkness, they will rotate endlessly, making Qi Hengtian go back and forth, moving towards a new future of change.

After witnessing this scene, Zhao Ye nodded slightly and left the world that he had changed with his own hands.

...................................................... ...................................................... ................................

When Zhao Yesang regained consciousness again, he found that he and Sola were standing in the board game shop where "Hand of Destiny" was found. The counter in front of him was empty at the moment, only a cover page Books with silver-white broken hands were quietly placed on the counter.

Sola put away "Hand of Destiny" solemnly, and then looked at Zhao Yesao: "So, Mr. Viewer, what should we do next?"

"You're back, you still call me a viewer?"

Zhao Ye snorted, but didn't say much. He carefully recalled what happened before he entered Qi Hengtian. After a while, he said uncertainly, "Should I go back to Yizhu to report?"

...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................


By the way, have you seen the volume name of this volume (X

Chapter 339 Zhao Ye's house is not a shared parking lot two-in-one

Although the physical time has passed for a long time, Zhao Yesui still remembers why he was with Sola and why he was involved in this trial.

As one of the few people in Nancheng who knows the news of Nilsyat, he shoulders the responsibility of receiving the special envoy from the Kingdom of Fantasy, helping the special envoy to complete the goal of recovering the "Hand of Destiny" on this trip, and pulling the special envoy into the water and participating in the After that, the dual mission of the Yugosami Extermination War that is about to take place.

The purpose of Sola's trip was to recover the "Hand of Destiny" that was lost in Nancheng City. As for the subsequent task, it was a private commission from the Life Strategy Bureau.

The Life Strategy Bureau should have found a way to crusade Nielsyat. As for why Sora is needed here, Zhao Yesao does not know.

With the temperament of the Fate Policy Bureau, coupled with the fact that the country of fantasy is still an ally of the Fate Policy Bureau, if you want to come to the Fate Policy Bureau, you will not use any indiscriminate means. This is also the reason why Zhao Yejia can feel at ease with Sola. one.

The reason why he needs to be the middleman is simply because there is no one left.

And the reason why they are staying in this board game shop now is precisely because "Hand of Destiny" is working diligently as the owner of this board game shop, when Sola made a request to take it back , "Hand of Fate" requires a trial before Sora can take it back.

After that, the store manager called on behalf of him, and Zhao Yesui chose the unique game "Fighting the Landlord" without knowing the specific meaning of the game, and thus started his journey to Qi Hengtian.

Zhao Yesui is now very curious about a question. If he chooses "Pirate Legend", "Youji King", or "Ten Thousand Solitaire", what kind of trials will they conduct?

Is it the same trial in Qi Hengtian but in a different form, or is it even in a different place?

"...Let's ask the store manager later."

Knocking on his forehead, Zhao Yesui said to Suola, "Miss Artisan, let's go, it's time to go back and say hello to Yizhu."

"That's right, after all, my mission has been completed..." Sola nodded, and then said, "What about your mission? How should I tell Miss Gu?"

After Sola learned about Nilsyat, Zhao Yesui told her her mission, and Sola agreed immediately. The question now is how to polish this matter.

"Mr. Viewer, you don't want to let the people in the Life Strategy Bureau know about Qi Hengtian, right?"

Sola blinked and said with a chuckle, "After all, I didn't know you were a great apostle before this. If the Bureau of Life and Strategy knew this, it would definitely tell me."

"So, Mr. Viewer, your identity should be a secret, right?"

Zhao Yeshou shrugged noncommittally and said nothing.

This is something that can be easily deduced. It is known that "An Ye" does not belong to any known god, and Zhao Yesui, as the person sent by the Life Strategy Bureau to connect with Sola, has not been informed by anyone. Zhao Yesui is an apostle, which is almost unimaginable.

No one knows what will happen when the two apostles meet, because the apostles are not only themselves, but also an extension of the will of the gods behind them. The ghost knows if there is any gap between the two gods, and then it will be fun to fight. .

Therefore, it is not difficult for Sola to conjecture that the bureau did not know Zhao Yesang's "true identity".

Of course, this real identity is not so real.

"So, do you need me to keep it a secret for you, Mr. Viewer?" Sola took a step forward, her white-gold eyes with a smile, stared at Zhao Yesao and said, "Not only to the planning bureau, but also to the fantasy. Kingdom, conceal your identity and Qi Hengtian's existence?"

"Is this okay?" Zhao Yesui thought about it and said, "You should be responsible for your queen, right? Is it okay to hide information about me?"

"Qi Hengtian is actually just a small world. It doesn't matter to the country of fantasy. We have many, many such vassal worlds."

Sola said seriously: "The important thing is you, Mr. Viewer, and the **** behind you. And I, as the special envoy of the kingdom of fantasy, decided that I can get your friendship by doing this, and the queen will understand me. ."

After speaking, Sola took the initiative to take out a contract: "Then, let's sign the contract, Mr. Viewer, aren't you the best at this?"

Zhao Yesang took over the contract, and the content of the above is roughly that Suola must not disclose information about Zhao Yesang to anyone, unless Zhao Yesang and the forces behind him have committed acts that endanger the country of fantasy. can be lifted.

The terms are just as straight as Suola's way of thinking, without any twists and turns, but this "remuneration" made Zhao Yesui raise his eyebrows.

"'During the maintenance period of the contract, Party A needs to continue to maintain the relationship with Party B as a spectator, and meet her special needs when Party B needs it'... I wonder why you suddenly brought this up, co-authored You're going to take advantage of the fire, aren't you?"

Zhao Yesui looked at Sola, but she didn't expect that Sola, who had thick eyebrows and big eyes, also learned this kind of trick, and made a condition that he couldn't refuse, and the price also made him unable to refuse.

"Hmph, you can say whether you sign it or not." Sola snorted twice, obviously very satisfied with her rare flash of wisdom: "However, Mr. Viewer, you'd better persuade me to change my mind before changing my mind. The contract is signed? Otherwise, you will probably be included in the list of apostles of the Life Strategy Bureau and even the entire Xinghai forces, and then you will never have peace."

"So, do you sign or not?"

"Threat, this is a naked threat!"

Zhao Ye shouted: "How can my generation of players sign such a contract that humiliates the country!"

Then he asked from the bottom of his heart: "What does this special need specifically refer to?"

Sola didn't answer directly. She turned her face to the side. She was aggressive just now, but now she became cautious again. After a while, she said in a gnat-like voice, "...What do you think?"

Zhao Yesui took a deep breath, shook his head, and said sadly: "The morals are lost, the world is getting worse, and such a shameful and shameless thing is actually carried out in broad daylight and a bright world..."

Then he signed his name on the contract, then kept one for himself and gave the other to Sola.


"It's done in duplicate."

Sola put away the contract, obviously very satisfied with the results she obtained, and then happily said to Zhao Yesao: "Okay, let's go to see Miss Gu now, just to tell her what to do with the dream god. Regarding the annihilation war, I don't know what role I can play here."

For some unknown reason, Zhao Yesui always felt that there was an inexplicable subtlety in going to Gu Yizhu at this time...

An illusion, it must be an illusion.

...................................................... ......................................

An hour later, Zhao Yesui sat in the Nancheng branch of the Life Strategy Bureau after a long absence, sitting aside like an outsider, watching Sola and Gu Yizhu negotiate.

"...Miss Sola, you mean, you have completed the mission?"

Gu Yizhu was stunned: "But didn't you just go out?"

"Well, we did just go out."

Sola said calmly: "But under the excellent leadership of Mr. Viewer, I quickly found the target, and together with Mr. Viewer, I passed the test set by the goal and recovered it."

Mr. Spectator?

Gu Yizhu's gaze couldn't help but look at Zhao Yesao, who was sitting on the phone.

She has also heard about the division of labor system in the Fantasy Country, but when did Zhao Yesui hook up with Sola and become her "spectator"? ? ? ? ? ?

Also, the intimacy naturally revealed in these words...

It's only been seen for an afternoon, but it gives people a feeling of being in a different world.

Am I skipping an entire volume of the plot? ? ? ? ? ?

"Well, that's true." Zhao Yesui noticed Gu Yizhu's gaze and replied, "I found the Hand of Destiny through some earthly methods, and then passed the test set by it together with Miss Sola. refining, so that it can be successfully recovered, and that’s about it.”