MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 35 The price of growth

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In Ada's protective cover, quietly watching Ada's figure, there will be human beings falling down without life, and then look at the wounded, dead, and crippled demons protected by wolves. Wolves, Xiaoya's mood at this time is complicated and chilling.

As a human being who watched his own kind die tragically in front of his eyes, it would be a lie to say that he was not sad. Although Xiaoya lived a life of the jungle in the forest for ten years, under Ada's intentional protection, Xiaoya has never deeply experienced the difference between life and death at all—until now.

Xiaoya has never seen such a scene before her. Life is more uncomfortable than death, and death is actually a kind of happiness for a life! When she saw those demon wolves who had been tortured by humans and had to beg their companions to give him a happy ending, Xiaoya's heart of sorrow for the same kind gradually cooled down little by little.

So what if they are the same kind?

This kind of abuse and disrespect for other lives is not his kind at all, and he has no such kind! If this is a human being, then he would rather he is not a human being. Such a human being is really terrible and hateful!

No one can kill any life at will, and the law of the jungle is not an excuse for the strong to bully other lives!


The wolf howls filled with mourning one after another called back Xiaoya whose eyes were gradually turning red and seemed to be possessed by a demon. Under the joint efforts of Ada and Wolf, the team of thousands of people, except for the hundreds of people who had the foresight to escape when Ada and Wolf started to kill, all those who remained behind who were red-eyed had all died in Ada and Wolf. Under the claws of wolves.

Although those people are very powerful when dealing with the fourth to fifth level demon wolves, but under the absolute strength of Ah Da and the wolf, they have no power to fight back at all, just like they tortured and killed the demon wolves. Brutally tortured and killed.

Such a scene reminded Xiaoya of a sentence in a certain book: When you come out to play around, you always have to pay it back.

Seeing Ah Da, who was covered in blood all over, come to the front and put back the energy shield, Xiao Ya was hugged tightly in his arms and kept being held by him. Obviously, the terrified magic wolf cub brought him to the deadly magic wolf. Inside the pack. In fact, the reason why these thousands of human troops can torture and kill the ferocious demon wolves is because these humans were lucky enough to meet the slowest fleeing demon wolf pack with most of the demon wolf cubs. The young wolf cubs have scruples about their lives, and the demon wolves will be so embarrassingly tortured and killed by human beings.

Looking redly at the corpses of the wolf cubs, none of them died at the hands of humans, but all of them died at the hands of their own relatives, because humans only wanted to abuse them severely until The moment they died, they never thought of giving the magic wolf cubs a good time. In order not to let the devil wolf cubs who were obviously unable to survive, but still hang their breath because of human cruelty, live and suffer, the magic wolves sent these cubs away with tears in their eyes one by one.

Thinking of the magic wolf cubs that were rubbing against me and barking like puppies by licking my palms before, now there are only less than a dozen of them left, and each of them is seriously injured... Looking at those wolf cubs who are with their relatives The wolf cub moaned in pain as he said goodbye for the last time, and Xiaoya's tears kept falling drop by drop.

Compared with the human beings who were tortured and killed by Ah Da and the wolf on the ground, the demon wolf is more like the same kind in Xiaoya's heart. Living in the forest for many years has made Xiaoya's thinking that human beings are of the same kind has been diluted a lot, especially after this incident, human beings have been officially divided from the same kind of options in Xiaoya's mind Go out and become a heterogeneous existence.

Ah Da...

"Xiaoya, don't cry." A piece of animal skin was conjured from the interspatial ring, and Ada wiped his blood-stained hands before he dared to touch Xiaoya's clean body. With hands that were clean on the surface but still smelled of blood, he gently rubbed Xiaoya's head, and after covering Xiaoya completely with animal skins, Ah Da forcefully hugged Xiaoya, who was crying constantly, into the bed. Gently comforting in his arms: "Don't cry, Xiaoya, don't cry, be strong, we are now ready to avenge the demon wolves."

Hearing this, Xiaoya raised her head and looked at Ada with a little bewilderment and bewilderment in her eyes: Revenge?

"En." Slowly nodded, Ada looked at the wolf who was fulfilling the responsibility of the Demon Wolf King, and explained to Xiaoya with a voice that was not too loud but could be heard by all the demon wolves present: "The wolf said that those people Five years ago, there was a raid on the demon wolf..."

Sweeping, this word coupled with the previous picture, let Xiaoya clearly think of what kind of suffering the magic wolves suffered five years ago.

"According to the reports of some surviving demon wolves, those people seemed to be looking for us, and then they stopped after they couldn't find us. That is to say, this time, after five years, these people once again attacked us. There is a high possibility that the demon wolves carried out a brutal raid because they knew we were back."

But... how would they know?

"Xiaoya, have you forgotten? Didn't we howl to the sky when we just left the barrier?"

what! Da, you mean to say...

"Yes. That's right. If there is no accident, those people should have known that we have returned since then. It should be that they have waited for a month and have not seen us go to the village. They were impatient, so they sent troops. Massacre the demon wolves to draw us out..."

But...but why are they killing us? We obviously have no holidays with those people!

"Hmph, Xiaoya, do you still remember the secrets in the village?"

The village's secret...ah! you mean...

"Hey, are the people in that village still living well in that village after the army arrived?" Ada asked the demon wolves on the side, but the tone of the question was affirmative.


And the answer of the magic wolves is also affirmative.

Hearing the answers from the demon wolves, Xiaoya's eyes dimmed instantly, and she waved her hands in the air weakly: Why...why did they insist on killing us? And obviously it was the people in that village who killed and looted goods first, why did those soldiers still stand by their side?

"Xiaoya, look carefully, how can these people have the aura that soldiers should have?" Ada said disdainfully, pointing to the terribly dead humans on the ground.

Although they have never seen a regular army, these people have no discipline in combat. They can push their companions to death on the battlefield, and they will run away first when they encounter danger. If such a mob is really an army, Ah Da can guarantee that the world will be in chaos long ago.

Thinking of the situation when these people fought Ada and the wolf just now, and the scene where they tortured the demon wolves, Xiaoya waved his hand a little hesitantly: ... I think they are not so much an army as a group of robbers.

"That's it. You think when a group of robbers walk into a village of robbers, then..."

No need for Ada to explain clearly, Xiaoya already understood in her heart.

Pursing her lips and looking up at Ada for a long while, Xiaoya seemed to feel something before waving again: Ada, are you... going to slaughter the village?

"What do you think?" Ada didn't give Xiaoya an affirmative answer, but looked straight into Xiaoya's eyes and asked Xiaoya back, the meaning in it was self-evident.

The right to decide is in Xiaoya's hands, whether to slaughter or not, everything depends on Xiaoya.

Tu Cun, that's not a joke.


But when Xiaoya looked down at the little devil wolf cub biting her trouser leg, the fluff around her eyes was wet with tears, and listening to the little devil wolf cub's wailing, Xiaoya knew that the situation was over. The time has come when a word of wisdom must be carried out.

Chop, grass, weed, root!

Ah Da!

Looking at Xiaoya with firm eyes in his arms, Ada said nothing more, and looked up at the wolf who had been waiting for a long time: "Wolf, let all the magic wolves gather! Those people owed us five years ago and now." What, it's time to pay back!"


The answer to Ah Da was the howl of a wolf soaring to the sky.

Listening to the cries of beasts one after another, Ah Da gently caressed Xiaoya's cheek, looked at the firmness in Xiaoya's eyes, and sighed: "Xiaoya, you have grown up."

Although Ada never wanted Xiaoya to experience this, but where there are people, there will be disputes, where there are disputes, there will be life and death, and there will naturally be moments when either you die or I die. Since these things are unavoidable at this point, it is natural to face them bravely and calmly.

Ah Da felt very gratified that Xiao Ya could make a decision so quickly, but Ah Da, who was teaching Xiao Ya to grow up for the first time instead of blindly pampering him, didn't know that no matter what kind of growth, it takes sacrifice corresponding price.


"Wolf, you let all the monsters surround the entire human territory, and you are responsible for dealing with those fleeing humans. You must not let a human leave here alive, or there will be endless troubles. As for the three humans, I will do it." deal with them, and other humans will be dealt with by monsters who are not responsible for encircling them."

After sorting out for a day, apart from the wolf clan, all other monsters in the forest, no matter whether they were alone all day long, lived in groups, or were natural enemies, all gathered under the call of wolves. Standing up and denouncing the humans outside the forest together, it can be seen how unpopular those people outside the forest have been with the monsters in the past five years.

From the mouths of many monsters, I know that there are three human beings (Note 1) comparable to level 7 and level 8 monsters among humans, and a large part of other people have the corresponding strength of level 4 and level 5 monsters. They often appear in groups of three or four in the forest to hunt monsters. However, if it was just hunting, the monsters would not have such a big complaint. After all, it is normal for the skills to be inferior to humans, but the so-called hunting of humans is often just to make the monsters crippled. If they are tortured to death, they will be thrown aside, and the monsters will hang their breath and fend for themselves in the forest.

It is also the actions of human beings that will anger the monsters in the forest who follow the law of the jungle. Even the high-level monsters that have not been harassed have the meaning of expelling humans because of the chaos in the lower food chain.

Human beings should live in the place of human beings, why disturb the life of Warcraft?

"...Wolf, your responsibility is to protect Xiaoya."

Xiao Ya, who had been quietly listening to Ah Da's arrangements for a group of monsters regardless of their ranks, immediately raised her head and waved to Ah Da to retort: ​​Ah Da, I can protect myself of!

Ignoring Huaili Xiaoya's rebuttal, Ada continued to give other orders to the wolf.

Ah Da? Ah Da? Ah Da! Ah Da? ! Ah Da...

After a whole day of recuperation and rest near the edge of the forest, Ah Da walked out of the forest holding Xiao Ya's hand. Seeing the "army" who had been waiting at the edge of the forest for a long time, looking good but without any military aura, Ah Da only said three words to the old village chief standing in front of the army among so many people. One word: "Why?"

"Why?" However, it was not the old village head who answered Ada's question, but Enbrai standing in front of the old village head: "Do you need to ask why? You have colluded with monsters to rob the village all year round, endangering the villagers' life." Life, these two crimes alone are enough for you to apologise with death!"

It was said that Ah Da didn't bother to pay attention to it, while Xiao Ya, under Ah Da's gesture, obediently stood behind Ah Da and just watched without saying anything. However, the other hand that was not held by Ah Da was constantly waving it like a convulsion in the eyes of the people on the opposite side. At this moment, he is cursing with the face of a pure and good commoner.

You are shameless! You are the one who apologizes with death! Your whole family apologizes with death! You **** it! Your home is all robbed! you…

Seeing that Ada didn't respond to himself and ignored his own existence, while the other thinner man kept waving his hands like crazy, Embry felt that his old face was a little bit hard to keep, but when he was thinking While annoyed at Ah Da and Xiao Ya's rudeness, Embray's eyes inadvertently saw the wolf who walked out of the forest slowly in order to arrange the affairs of the monsters. Looking at a wolf with silver hair all over its body, one gold and one silver eye, head and tail nearly three meters long and two meters high, Embry's eyes burst out with a strong light in an instant. Nissa, who finds a dragon as a pet, and Buka, who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, are no exception.

No wonder it’s just a demonic wolf who dares to yell at the giant dragon. It turns out that this demonic wolf is such a special demonic wolf. If you can treat it as your own pet, then...

"You guys! I order you as the general of the God of War Kingdom! Hurry up and hand over the magic wolf behind you, and tell me where the giant dragon is! Otherwise, don't blame me for making you die unhappily!" The big hand pointed at the handsome and mighty wolf, Relying on his own strength and an army of more than 6,000 behind him (fool: don't forget that there are still thousands of people who have died in the forest.), Embrai commanded Ada and Xiaoya arrogantly.

Regarding Enbray's words, Ah Da originally planned to be lazy and start fighting directly, but when he heard the word "giant dragon", he was really stunned. Looking at Enbrai who took it for granted, "If you obediently listen to me and do what I say, I will give you a happy death", Ada frowned: "Giant dragon? What dragon, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Hmph! You still want to lie! Who doesn't know that your demon wolf yelled at a giant dragon in the forest more than a month ago! Don't pretend anymore, all of us here heard the dragon chant clearly! Hurry up and hand over your demon wolf, and tell me the location of the giant dragon quickly, or don't blame me... ah!"

Without waiting for the flirtatious Nisha to talk endlessly, after Nisha figured out the reason in the first half of the sentence, Ada handed Xiaoya over to the wolf without saying a word, and then let out a dragon chant and flew to stab her with sharp claws. to Nissa.

The dragon chant that suddenly came out of Ah Da's mouth made everyone present stunned. They watched Ah Da's hands change into claws and then one claw penetrated Nisha's body. When Nissa died on the spot, and her body was thrown high into the air by Ah Da and rushed into the crowd, Embrai, who was the most powerful among them, was the first to react, and immediately stepped forward to stop Ah Da from massacring the soldiers.

Although he was a little frightened by the dragon chant in Ah Da's mouth, but thinking of the ability of the dragon to become a human after a certain level of cultivation, Embrai couldn't help but secretly cursed the old village chief in his heart, and felt that he had been played by the old village chief together. However, not to mention that Embrai was taken aback, even the old village chief himself was taken aback by the change in Ada's appearance, especially when he heard the dragon chant from Ada's mouth. I regretted so much that even my intestines were green.

Embry thought that a dragon could turn into a human being, but how could the old village chief, who was once a citizen of the dragon kingdom, not think of it? At first, the old village chief thought that Ah Da had experienced something to change his eyes and hair color. When he heard the dragon chant coming from Ah Da’s mouth, he suddenly thought of a possibility—maybe Ah Da was a demon A giant dragon raised by wolves, otherwise how could it be worth raising a human being by the wolf king alone? (Lang Wangtian: Actually, I don’t know what there is in Ah Da that is worth raising…)

But what about thinking about it now?

It's too late.

Following Ah Da's dragon chant, monsters that had been hiding on the edge of the forest rushed out one after another, frightening the human beings who were already terrified by Ah Da's dragon chant, and fled in all directions. Can they still escape?

With a bang, the flames flashed, and Ah Da's sharp claws hit the sword infused with fighting spirit in Enbrai's hand, and then Buka's fireball flew towards Ahda who was restrained by Embrai.


There was a huge flash of fire, but except for a little singe of Embry's hair, Ah Da was intact.

"Buka, what do you mean?!"

"A momentary miss, a momentary miss!"


"Embry, now is not the time for us to argue."

"Hmph! Mind yourself!"

Although both Embrai and Buka knew that they had to work together to defeat Ah Da and obtain Ah Da, a giant dragon who had grown up, but how could they really work together with their own minds? the point? I saw the two of you coming and going against Ada doing things in their own way, but no one could do anything about Ada. Instead, they gave Ada more opportunities to torture and kill the people around him who were fighting monsters in order to survive.

"Buka! Don't you know how to be more precise before casting magic? Are you still a magician?!"

"You still talk about me. Are you not the same? You also said how powerful you are as a tenth-level fighter, but in the end you couldn't even subdue a giant dragon for a few seconds!"

"if not you…"


When Embrai and Buka quarreled, the wolf that had been guarding Xiaoya suddenly howled, and Ada turned back to look in Xiaoya's direction in a panic.

The duel between the strong is often decided in an instant. Seeing that Ah Da was distracted by the howling of the wolf king, Embrai and Buka both launched a full blow to Ah Da at the same time, but Buka The relationship between the magician and the chanting of the spell is obviously a step behind Embray, who is a fighter.

Watching Embrai use all his fighting spirit to pierce Ada's abdomen from behind with a sword, Buka looked at those loyal men who were attacking the wolf and Xiaoya with admiration from the corner of his eyes. Buka, who is more conspiratorial than Embrai and Nisha, has already sent people and teams into the forest to hunt down the demon wolves to scout for information. Obviously, among those who fled earlier, there were people from Buka.

Coupled with the information given by the old village chief, Buka, who had received the definite news that Ada was nervous about Xiaoya earlier, had already planted the secret of this step in this war. This is what troublemakers are waiting for! However, Buka never imagined that it was precisely because of his secret step that he, who could have died happily, ended up miserable.

"Hahahaha! The dragon was killed by me, and the dragon is mine now!"

Hearing Embray's arrogant shout, Buka's sinister eyes flashed with pride.

He had prepared a level 9 fire magic that surpassed himself for a long time, and instantly smashed it all over Ada centered on Ada, and this powerful group attack magic in a wide range obviously also took advantage of Enbray and some people nearby who wanted to take advantage of it. Everyone swallowed it. The terrifying level 9 magic interrupted Embrai's arrogant yelling in an instant, and he looked at Buka with eyes filled with disbelief that had gradually enlarged due to deathly silence.

"Buka, you..."

"Embry, you're wrong. Dragon, it's me..."

Already surrounded by level 9 fire magic, only a vague figure could be seen, thought by all human beings to be completely dead, Ah Da, who was about to transform back into the real body of a dragon and let them dismember the body, suddenly the whole body except the belly Except for the wound, the whole body flew out of the sea of ​​flames intact. Appeared in front of everyone in the form of a strange beast that no one could have imagined, and at the same time, an angry dragon chant that was no different from a giant dragon interrupted Buka's declaration of victory to Enbray, who was surrounded by a sea of ​​flames with only one breath left. .


Ada, who had turned back into the Eastern Azure Dragon, used the golden blood flowing from the wound pierced by Enbrai to turn into golden rain, just like when the dragon **** disappeared, and sprinkled it on the battlefield between monsters and humans. However, the golden rain this time did not bring any benefits to anyone, because the golden rain came from the body of the dragon god, and came from the will, joy and anger of the dragon god.

Hi, benefit one party;

Anger, ruin the world!

Writer's words:

Note 1: Comparing the levels of humans and monsters—in most cases, even if the levels of humans and monsters are the same, the strength of monsters will still be one or two levels higher than humans, because monsters are Born with magic and melee attacks.