MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 34 Tucun's fuse

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"Um... ah ah... push hard... good, so comfortable... I have to... I have to... ah..."

With a lascivious and high-pitched moan, the **** in the room finally reached its climax.

Looking at Nisha, who was made emotional by himself, Embry proudly pushed the still strong clone buried deep in Nisha's body: "Nisa, are you comfortable? Huh?"

"Well...comfortable...comfortable~ why don't you do it, what should you do if you make her sore and numb, and make her want to **** again?" A circle was drawn on Embray's chest: "Hey, what you said is that you will make a demon wolf king my pet."

"Of course. When did I lie to you?" Embry squeezed Nisha's chest vigorously, disdain flashed across his face quickly, and he, who didn't want to continue this topic, let him be buried deep in Nisha's body. The avatar inside twitched vigorously again.

Using the wolf king who dared to yell at the dragon at the moment of the dragon chant to make Nisha a pet, to appease Nisha's desire to have a pet, and then kill the dragon and share all the valuable things on the dragon. It was Embry's promise to Nissa, and it was also a plan to get Nissa's body.

Of course, this is the promise to Nissa, but whether it is actually the case, both Nissa and Embray know it well.

"Buka, do you know? Today that old guy in Embray actually said that he would give me the Demon Wolf King as a pet, and then he would divide the dragon and not give me a pet. Do you think he is too much? He is obviously very I want a giant dragon as a pet~" Nisha, who was naked, leaned on Buka, rubbed her plump **** against Buka's arm, and blushed when she saw Buka, who was so innocent. Nisha continued to complain in Buka's ear with a charming voice: "Buka, I don't want the Demon Wolf King as a pet, you should think of a way. That old guy Embuka is too much."

"Yes, yes! That guy Embry is so arrogant, he thinks he is a tenth-level fighter, and he is so shameless! Miss Nisha who bullies us all day is really too much!" Looking at Nisha's chest, Buka swallowed his saliva and silently echoed Nisha's words.

" that case, how about us..." Nissa stroked her neck lightly, and then gently stroked down Buka's heaving chest, and finally landed on the already stiff body. : "If that dead old man Embry wasn't here, then... I would belong to you~ It's completely yours, whatever you want can be yours~"

"Miss Nisha can do whatever she wants! I will never let Miss Nisha down! I will definitely make Miss Nisha the number one female dragon knight in the world!" Looking at the tender white who was caressing her clone through the pants Feeling the ambiguous air blowing on his ears with his small hand, Buka was so excited that he looked at Nisha and swore to death with a look of no hesitation.

"Hehe. Buka, you are so kind." Nisha looked at the silly boy in front of her with satisfaction, as if she saw the future where she stood on the head of a giant dragon and her subordinates controlled tens of millions of troops.

"Hmph. That woman really thinks of me as a fool." Buka's eyes at this time were different from the obsession with Embrai and Nissa in front of him, but full of thick viciousness.

Soldier A: "General, what shall we do now?"

Shaking the full wine glass in his hand, Buka smiled evilly: "Stand still for now, and give the Demon Wolf King to Nissa according to Embrai's plan. Of course, since Embrai said that the demon wolf king The wolf king gave it to Nissa, so naturally Embrai has to do it himself."

Soldier B: "Haha! In this way, that old guy Embray will definitely lose his vitality!"

"Then waited until the dragon..."

Soldiers A and B continued what Buka said: "General Embray will perish with the dragon, and then..."

"The dragon, the wolf king, and the beauty are all mine!" Buka's gloomy eyes flashed with victory.

Leaning on crutches, the old village chief looked at the villagers in his original team, and said with a slightly excited look on his face, "It's been five years, and finally these robbers can be driven out of the village!"

Villager A: "Yes! The original village can finally be restored. Since these people came, our village has been polluted by them."

The old village head's son nodded in agreement, and said with disdain and contempt: "Those people who want to kill the dragon are really funny. They actually naively think that they can kill the dragon with their own strength." , I really don’t know whether to say they are naive, or whether they are not afraid of death.”

A group of villagers: "That's it! That's it!"

Ren Enbri and the three of them would never have imagined that the villagers in this village were actually refugees who escaped from the previous war in the Dragon Kingdom. Although they have left their own country, the giant dragon is still a sacred, inviolable and omnipotent existence in their hearts even after leaving the country.

"And that's not the only thing we should be happy about. This time, not only these people will die at the hands of Lord Dragon, but even that hateful devil wolf king, that Ah Da who knew our secret, will also disappear. In this world!" The old village chief triumphantly raised his crutches and announced to the villagers: "Now our village has Lord Dragon, even if there is no protection from the wolf king in advance, I believe Lord Dragon It will also protect our village from monsters! May our village prosper!"

"Long live the dragon! Long live the dragon!"

No matter whether they are reserved, or they are trying to trap beauty, or they are waiting for the snipe and clam to fight for the fisherman's profit, or even more, they are planning on praying mantis to catch cicada, and the oriole is behind. Absolutely unexpected—let them do all the tricks, no matter who they want to count or their lives, they will all be reduced to ashes overnight!


Ah Da! Ah Da! Look, look, isn't this little devil wolf cute? Holding a fluffy little black wolf that was only the size of two palms in her arms, Xiaoya woke up Ada who was sleeping late on the bed.

Because I have not been in contact with the outside world for five years, I only need to hurry along the way to get to the carriage in the small village in a month. Under Xiaoya's curiosity about the outside world, it took me a while to stop and walk. It took nearly a month to go half way. However, although it is important to change books to make Xiaoya happy, for Ada, satisfying Xiaoya's curiosity is even more important, and in addition, Ada does not want Xiaoya to return to the enchantment soon, and lives every day. Facing the loess and back to the sky, he generously let the wolf let Ma 1 and Ma 2 take them to the territory of the wolf beast.

Opening his eyes lazily, Ah Da looked at the little devil wolf who was held in Xiao Ya's arms. For some reason, he lost all sleepiness all of a sudden, and his heart felt sour for no reason.

It doesn't matter when he is asleep, why does Xiaoya still hug that little devil wolf when he is awake? Dissatisfied, he stretched out his hand to pinch the back of the little devil wolf's neck, and Ada put his head on Xiaoya's lap under Xiaoya's astonished eyes and said slowly: "When I am awake, don't do these things that are harmful. No, all you have to do is to be responsible for accompanying me."

...Ada, you were bullying the little devil wolf just now.

Xiaoya, who was completely confused by Ah Da's actions, didn't know how she could react, and waved her little hand to hold back such a sentence after being stunned for a long time. Ah Da is so strange, obviously he was lazy to deal with this situation before, why did he bully the little devil wolf after waking up this time?

Regarding Xiao Ya's accusation, Ah Da generously admitted: "So what, who told him to stay in your arms after I woke up?" Back legs, with an expression that I'm just bullying him.

Ah Da, you look very funny now, very...cute. Although he couldn't understand why Ah Da was angry, Xiaoya felt that Ah Da who was angry now looked very cute, and somehow made him feel a little bit of sweetness. smiled.

"Cute?" Hearing this word to describe a girl, Ah Da was stunned for a moment, but after realizing it, he shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "It doesn't matter, cute is cute, anyway, you like my cuteness, don't you? "

Looking at the finger pointing at the corner of her raised mouth, the thin-skinned Xiaoya immediately withdrew her smile, shook her head awkwardly and waved her little hand, insisting that she didn't like Ahda's cuteness very much: I, I didn't like Ahda's cuteness !

"No? Don't you like my cuteness very much?"

No! Absolutely not!

"Oh~ Who was that smiling happily when he said I was cute?"

Well, that's because I just like Ah Da's cuteness a little bit, and I don't like it very much only a little bit!


Ah Da! Don't laugh! People really just like it a little bit, not very much!

Ada's brisk laughter made Xiaoya's face flush, but the sweetness in Xiaoya's eyes made it hard to tell whether he was irritated by Ada's laughter, or he was thinking about his "one" Like a little bit" and shy.

Just when Ada and Xiaoya entered the world they didn't know, but was secretly called by the wolf as a sweet two-person world, the wolf who returned to the magic wolf's site and went to inspect suddenly appeared in the carriage with a low wolf roar. on the front seat.

"Ho **** ho ho!" Ah Da, Xiao Ya, it's not good! There are humans, and there are many humans, it seems that the army is coming to us! Get out of here quickly, I have already let the magic wolves leave here, there are too many human beings to deal with!

The wolf who was inspecting the demon wolf's territory did not expect that there would be humans who would dare to step into the demon wolf's territory. It is conceivable that these people are not easy to deal with.

"How could there be an army?" Hearing this, Ah Da immediately turned over and sat up straight.

army? Why is there an army? Is there a war? Although he has only lived in human society for five years, and he was still young, Xiaoya reacted to some common sense of human beings faster than Adaneng.

Let horse 1 and horse 2 leave in the opposite direction of the human attack, the wolf scratched its paw lightly on the wooden board and said impatiently: "Ho **** ho ho!" I don't know, I heard from the magic wolves that we disappeared in the forest not long ago At that time, the human army had already appeared in the village. And I don't know why, those humans slaughtered the magic wolves five years ago, and I heard from them that those human armies seemed to be looking for us at that time!

"Looking for us?!" This time it was Ada's turn to hunt frequently, and he was the first to react, and felt something unusual from it.

Why are you looking for us? Could it be... is it my mother... Xiaoya, who still thinks about human beings in a positive way, naively thought that her mother sent troops to look for her, and thought that her mother thought she was taken away by the magic wolf, so she treated the magic wolves Carry out the massacre.

However, Ada's words immediately stopped Xiaoya from waving her hands: "No, Xiaoya, something is wrong with this matter." Only Ada and the wolf knew in their hearts that the groom had been silenced by the wolf back then and he had handled it well. So clean, how could it be possible for people to know that Xiaoya was taken away by the demon wolf?

After more than ten years of getting along, Xiaoya's words to Ada have reached a 100% level, even surpassing her trust in her mother, a relative she has not seen for many years. So when Ah Da denied her own thoughts, Xiaoya immediately became nervous: Well, that Ah Da, what is going on...

Before the next words could be uttered, a huge explosion came from a direction not far away, followed by howls and wailings of the demon wolves one after another.

Ah Da!

Hearing the wailing of the magic wolves who got along well with her not long ago, Xiaoya's heart was twitched twice, her hands were tightly clutching Ahda's clothes, her golden eyes revealed Show a worried look.

Holding Xiaoya and jumping out of the carriage, Ah Da put away the carriage including Horse 1 and Horse 2, then carried Xiaoya and the wolves to the place where the magic wolves had an accident.

Not just to rescue the demon wolves that made Xiaoya worry, but also to find out who it is and why he and Xiaoya should be missed.

Under Ah Da's full speed, Xiao Ya and the others quickly arrived at the accident site.

However, what Xiaoya didn't expect was that what came into view would be the **** where the corpses of demon wolves were strewn across the field! What's worse is that those people just kill the magic wolf. Xiaoya thinks that the law of the jungle is an eternal law among monsters, but these human beings are not just killing them, they also treat the magic wolves like monkeys. Making fun of their lives is not following the law of the jungle at all, but carrying out hateful and shameless massacres!

Seeing a magic wolf cub being used by several humans to make it run around, and when it can't run, they use weapons to hurt the magic wolf cub until it "runs away" again. There was a nameless anger. Killing is nothing more than nodding, even if humans want to hunt and kill demon wolves in order to survive, they shouldn't kill them like this!

Why not just kill them with a knife?

Didn't these humans hear the screams of the demon wolves? !

Why do you keep abusing them so cruelly and not giving them a good time? !

The anger on Xiaoya's body not only burned out Xiaoya's rationality, but also burned out Ah Da's calmness──except for that guy, no one can make Xiaoya angry without paying any price!

There was a dragon roaring into the sky, and under the wolf howl of the wolf that had already started killing, Ah Da stepped into Xiaoya and gave Xiaoya a protective cover, and then threw himself into the unilateral killing of demon wolves by humans.

After a month, the dragon chant and wolf howl resounded from the forest again. The angry dragon chant and wolf howl not only caused the tension and panic of the monsters, but also made the waiting outside the forest impatient. The spirits of people with different thoughts are lifted.


finally come!

However, these greedy human beings do not know that what they are waiting for is not the wealth they have been expecting for a long time, but a war that destroys a village that has existed for decades overnight.

A war that was officially ignited by the unilateral slaughter of the magic wolves by humans!