MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 89 Real world

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PS: Three more deliveries, book a recommended ticket for Monday!

Time: 殇 July 25, 984

Location: Front position of the Guards Corps, Dwarf Tavern in Qingxue Holy City, No. 6 Noble Room

Remaining time: 23:59

探索 Exploration of current scene: zero

Note: The DOTA mainland is the same as the real world. For killing scenes, you can get the real name key after killing other super **** users. However, killing Super God users in the same faction / hostile faction in the DOTA continent will get a kill value / meritorious value, these two values ​​can affect the goodwill of the corresponding plot characters.

The news that I sent again was probably the last reminder of Chaoshen platform. After reading it, the nameplate was completely silent.

定 Zhao Dingguo sniffed the air mixed with wine and sweat, and walked down the wooden stairs on the third floor. With his movements, the world that seemed to be separated by a layer of film suddenly became much clearer, and the noise and heat waves came at once!

"Bartender, give me a glass of Moon Spirit wine!"

"Wow ha ha, old Jack! I said Lord Priest Thunderfury can return safely? You still don't believe it, you have to bet 10 magic gold coins with me! The news just came, the adult successfully killed Setters Hellbringer, now returning safely! Come and come, willing to gamble to lose! "

"Oh, it's unimaginable! The disciples of this generation of all-round knights are so powerful. But the elite monster who has advanced twice has been killed by him alone!"

"No more nonsense, my magic gold ... oh, who is it? We have a new warrior in the guard!"

让 "Let me see ... Oh ha, welcome new adults! In the past year, more and more adults are samurai! For the glory of the guard, let us toast for the new adults!"

Uh ...

This is a quite large tavern, the decoration is very common magic style. Perhaps it is not the time when the tavern is the busiest yet. The whole tavern only has sparsely seated six or seven people. Most of them are human, and two are dwarf and semi-elf. From his pointed ears and human appearance, Zhao Dingguo can easily judge this.

I saw Zhao Dingguo appear, and these people greeted Zhao Dingguo enthusiastically.

Out of consideration of some intelligence, Zhao Dingguo paused and chatted with them for a while. One of the enthusiastic bartenders also gave him a glass of Manila beer worth 10 silver coins for free. Although the taste was average, Zhao Dingguo thanked him politely and raised the glass to drink it.

This quick move immediately won him the favor of several drunks around him.

Once the topic was opened, Zhao Dingguo quickly got a lot of useful things from their lips. However, considering the countdown that kept counting, Zhao Dingguo decided to get up and leave. For a day, I ca n’t use it all to chat with these drunks.

哦 "Oh? Has another new Samurai appeared in my tavern?"

在 At this moment, a somewhat savvy middle-aged man with a moustache in his mouth came out from behind the tavern. Seeing Zhao Dingguo's appearance, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, but the good manner still made him take off his hat subconsciously and bowed to Zhao Dingguo.

Combining the previous tips, Zhao Dingguo realized that this is the owner of the tavern.

Sure enough, under his inquiry, the middle-aged human man said with a smile: "I am indeed the owner of this tavern, alas, at least on the surface. As for my purpose here, some adults do not need to know Just understand that I can provide you with some convenient services and help! "

Zhao Dingguo nodded and said: "Then trouble the boss!"

The middle-aged man put the hat back on his head, sorted it out a little, and politely said, "Just call me Locke. I'm just an ordinary little aristocratic family from Qingxue City. The adult is a samurai, although his status is noble than the hero , But I can always sit with us. "

The so-called samurai is the collective name of the Aboriginal users of the Aboriginal people in DOTA mainland.

定 Zhao Dingguo already knew this in the chat with a few alcoholics just now. In terms of class classification on the mainland, of course, the most noble are those powerful heroes, followed by ordinary nobles and warriors, then the soldiers of the guards and some deputy abilities, and then the ordinary citizens and the humblest slaves. So on the whole, the status of the samurai is undoubtedly still quite high!

This is very helpful for SuperGod users walking on the continent.

After chatting with the hotel owner named Locke, Zhao Dingguo received the benefits of the super **** platform to the newcomer as he wished. To put it bluntly, it is 100 magic gold coins, and 1 identity token (temporary).

Demon Gold Coins: DOTA mainland's valuable universal currency with strong purchasing power.

Identity token (temporary): The identity certificate of the new samurai who has arrived in the Guards Corps. With this token, he can exercise some of the power of ordinary nobles, and use the Guardian City Intercity Array 3 times for free.

In addition to these two benefits, Zhao Dingguo also got two sets of costumes often worn by DOTA mainland warriors from Locke. As he was reminded, Zhao Dingguo noticed that he was still wearing real-world clothes, which was incompatible with the clothes worn by the indigenous people of DOTA mainland. Fortunately, the people in this tavern seem to have met new Super God users, so they did not show any surprise!

Guardian Samurai Suit (Set): Armor ~ ~ can have a certain deterrent effect on the ordinary units of the Guardian side, and it only takes effect in the DOTA mainland.

The properties of the suit are extremely bad. Don't look at it into tops, bottoms, gloves and boots, but all of them only increase 1 point of armor. It can only be said that chat is better than nothing. However, this style is pretty good, with black background and gold rim, it looks quite refreshing. And the texture of this material is also good, almost no weight on the body, very comfortable!

After returning to the room and changing clothes, Zhao Dingguo dragged a few words of the common language of the mainland and consciously began to merge into this magical continent. It happened that the owner of the pub Locke had something to leave, he said goodbye to Locke and walked out of the pub.

"It's cold ~"

He just walked out of the tavern, and Zhao Dingguo felt a cold current. He covered his clothes subconsciously, only to notice that he was actually in a snowy mountain. Looking around, the surrounding mountains are all undulating, with an average altitude of about six or seven hundred meters. Cold south air from the Northern Scourge Corps was blocked here, forming the only snow area of ​​the Guards Corps. Coupled with the location on the plateau, the sun is excellent, forming a beautiful wonder of Qingxue City!

At this moment, Zhao Dingguo's city is on a gentle plateau in the middle of the mountains, and this tavern is even in the central area of ​​the plateau!

The vast white snow, the exotic mountain city, the sun bigger than the earth, the tauren warrior carrying a huge axe, the magic tower filled with blue magic waves standing at a height of 100 meters ...

All these things in front of him make Zhao Dingguo linger.

Until now, those doubts in his heart had completely dissipated. It is exactly what the Super God platform has suggested that this DOTA main plane is indeed a real world!