MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 90 Activate Bloodline Mission

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PS: The first one is sent!

"It's unimaginable!"

After waiting for two minutes outside the tavern's door, Zhao Dingguo recovered from the loss and couldn't help sighing.

"Master, is this new?"

The two guards in front of the tavern asked tentatively, but judging from the kind smiles on their faces, this was clearly confirmed. They have also been working in this tavern for several years and it is not uncommon to see this happen. Even the shorter one thought that Zhao Dingguo was already calm, some rare and strange warriors could even stop for a quarter of an hour!

"Yeah, the first time!"

定 Zhao Dingguo responded smoothly, then tightened his shirt slightly and left here.

From a brief conversation with the hotel owner Locke just now, Zhao Dingguo learned that he should first go to the main city of Qingxue City to file a report. In real world terms that are easier to understand, it is to first open the reputation of the Guards Corps and Qingxue City. After doing this, he was free to walk across the Guardian territory.

Although Qi Qingxue City is located on a flat plateau in the middle of the mountains, the word flat is relative. Compared to the area where the tavern is located, the elevation of the city's main residence is approximately 40-50 meters higher!

坡 This **** and distance is certainly not a problem for Zhao Dingguo, whose physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people.

Less than five minutes later, he reached the city's main house in the crowd.

Perhaps Qingxue City is also considered a big city in the Weifang side, where there are quite a few residents. Along the way, Zhao Dingguo has a feeling of walking in a pedestrian street in reality. Only when they were near the city's main residence did the number decrease rapidly.

"The visitor stops, this is the place of Qingxue City!"

I saw Zhao Dingguo's faceless guy coming over, and a team of heavily armed elite human infantry stopped him immediately.

These infantrymen are wearing black chain mail, and in their hands they are holding a one-handed broad sword with a deadly cold light. Their faces were hidden under the iron helmet, and only a pair of vigilant eyes appeared. Zhao Dingguo felt the smell of sturdy and iron blood from them. He had a feeling that with his current strength three times that of ordinary human attributes in reality, even the weakest soldier could not be singled out!

It seems that the strength of these indigenous people is really not ordinary!

Thinking like this, Zhao Dingguo was cautious. After Tong Ming came and showed his identity token, the soldiers didn't have trouble for him, and he was taken in by a person.

In the main city of Yuncheng, the super-God user was in charge of a noble governor in his fifties.

DOTA's mainland work efficiency is still quite high, the two did not say a few words, Zhao Dingguo was prompted by the nameplate.

"The reputation of the Guards Corps has been opened. The current reputation is: Neutral!"

"The reputation of Qingxue Holy City has been opened, and the current reputation is: Friendly!"

The neutrality of the Xuan Jinwei Corps was expected by Zhao Dingguo, but Qing Xuexue ’s reputation was friendly as soon as it was opened, which surprised Zhao Dingguo. He thinks about it, the only possibility is that his initial teleportation point into the DOTA continent is here. However, this issue is not important, anyway, friendliness is always better than neutrality!

"Welcome to Qingxue City, Lord Samurai!"

老 The old aristocrat's governor shook hands with Zhao Dingguo gently, then sat back at the desk again and looked up at something else. Zhao Dingguo knew he could flash, so he resigned with interest.

What should I do next?

After leaving the city's main government house, Zhao Dingguo stood on the street outside for a moment, getting confused. The first time he came to such a magical continent that he thought was unreal, he was at a loss. However, after sorting out his thoughts, Zhao Dingguo found that he still has two ways to go!

First, naturally, this is the bronze hero badge.

According to the attributes, if you activate the Hero Badge at one time, you can get a quest from Blackbird. Combining the claim that skills and advanced equipment can be obtained in the previous death team battle, Zhao Dingguo guessed that those awards were mostly from similar tasks. However, this badge is the only way he currently travels between DOTA mainland and the real world. Once the mission was completed, he could not return here.

定 Before obtaining the second badge, Zhao Dingguo felt that he could deactivate the badge.

As for the second, it is that Caro's inheritance vow card!

I found a relatively uninhabited place, and Zhao Dingguo took out the silver foil card with snowflake phantom and ice cold atmosphere. Before that, neither Superspace nor the real world could be activated. Now that he has arrived on the DOTA continent, this gold card should always be activated, right?

With strong anticipation, Zhao Dingguo solemnly picked up this card and dripped a drop of blood.

Blood dripped gently on the card, it seems that nothing has changed. Just when Zhao Dingguo thought he had failed again, the card that sucked in the blood suddenly burst into a silver light. Then, as if something was flying into his body. After a few seconds, the inheritance vow card in his hand had become an ordinary silver foil, and the mysterious force that caused all the visions had disappeared.

"Trigger the Bloodline Quest: The Invoker's Promise!"

警告 "Warning, it is detected that the Super God user with ID 037205 does not have the corresponding token for the task. Continued activation of this task will lead to unknown consequences. Will you continue?"

Unknown consequences?

Zhao Dingguo hesitated for a moment, but decided to continue.

"The bloodline task is being forced to be triggered ... the difficulty of the task is increased, and the original progress and favors are cleared ... the mutated task steps are as follows: please find the story hero prayer Jiaruo before the night of the moon and trigger the next task, otherwise Will be judged to fail and permanently lose the oath card! "

In a series of prompts, Zhao Dingguo first saw the words of increasing the difficulty of the task!

当然 For him, this is certainly not good news. Only when he chose to continue, Zhao Dingguo thought that this might happen, so he was not too surprised. As for the mutated task, it seems to be quite satisfactory. Since it is a pedigree, it is natural to find a corresponding hero.

The only problem is that this mission has a time limit!

What day is the moon night?

With a little curiosity, Zhao Dingguo grabbed an aboriginal person at random and asked about it ~ ~ You do n’t know about the night of the moon? "The aboriginal people seemed a little surprised, but when they saw the samurai uniform on Zhao Guo, he understood a little:" It was no wonder that it was a new samurai adult. The so-called moon night is the first day of August in the moon calendar! That night, the moon in the sky will strangely appear in red, and it can be seen by both our guards and the evil Scourge! "

的 The first day of August?

Zhao Dingguo thanked him and remembered the time when he entered. If you remember correctly, today should be July 25, and the calendar of the Scourge continent is roughly the same as the real world. In other words, exactly one week left?

I seem to have plenty of time.

定 Zhao Dingguo just relaxed, and suddenly thought of a problem, his face could not help changing.

他 In his memory, Carl was in the natural disaster camp in DOTA, and when he was a hero, he was also the second intellectual tavern of natural disaster. Unfortunately, his initial teleportation point was at the guard. I want to cross the two camps to find a hero, but also limited the time, this difficulty ... more importantly, this is the first time he came to the DOTA continent, many things do not know. Without the exact whereabouts of Invoker Carl, he would have no clue if he wanted to find a natural disaster!

This is terrible!

"Hey, the new Super God user?"

At this moment, a somewhat frivolous voice sounded in his ear. Zhao Dingguo was startled, and quickly turned back, not wanting to see a young man in his mid-twenty-five years. He looks and dresses similar to those of the Aboriginal adventurers, but has a slightly different temperament, and has a familiar feeling of Zhao Dingguo.

He is also a super user!

After looking up and down for a few moments, Zhao Dingguo made this judgment in his heart!