MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 88 DOTA Continent

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PS: The second one is sent. Sanjiang's ticket is a bit tight, so book friends are invited to vote for it in the past.

Super God battle report continues!

"Congratulations to the Super God user with ID 037205 for winning the death team battle."

"As a reward, you can bring any piece of equipment / skill that has been redeemed and enhanced into the real world, please make your choice within ten seconds, otherwise the platform will randomly draw."

Is still a countdown of ten seconds.

Zhao Dingguo thought about it before, so without hesitation, he chose three iron branches directly. In this way, including the accidental iron branch from Windrunner, he has four branches in the real world. The increase of all attributes +4 is still very obvious in the early stage!

确认 "Confirm the reward selection. The portal back to Super God Space will open in ten seconds."

At this point, the super battle report is over.

Zhao Dingguo noticed that in addition to being qualified to bring the three branches to the real world, he actually only received one reward in this game, that is, the bronze hero badge!

He clearly remembers that when he first contacted the Super God platform, the hero badge was displayed on the virtual character bar. But they hit these fields, but they never met. Until today, Zhao Dingguo played well in the death team battle, not only won the victory, but also got the double evaluation of MVP and super **** killing, which won the first badge!

到底 What is the use of this seemingly precious thing?

定 Zhao Dingguo also asked Lao Li about this thing before, but Lao Li said that he had never been in contact with him, and did n’t know much about it, only that it was very important. Now that there is one on hand, Zhao Dingguo naturally checked its properties immediately. But at this moment, the countdown was over, Zhao Dingguo's eyes were dark, and he appeared in the previous hall after the scene change was over.

Unlike the last time when two opponents were killed in the battle, this time, the beam of light on everyone's head is bright, and they are obviously ready to deduct enough points.

"Blackbird Boss, thank you!"

Shi Shiran, who was lucky to save his life, greeted him, and then disappeared in the hall of Super God Space. Other SuperGod users also talked about, either excited or frustrated.

Soon, only Zhao Dingguo was left here.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and re-examined the cyan light badge on his hand, with a bit of cold metal texture.

【Bronze Hero Badge (Yong Wu)】

Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Intelligence +2. After every five damages to the enemy, the next attack will add 20 Holy damage.

With active skill teleportation: 75 magic power is required, 3 seconds of continuous casting, after using it will go to the DOTA main plane, and get a dwell time (not synchronized with the real world). This ability cannot be refreshed by the refreshing ball / goblin tinker. The cooldown is one week, and it is not affected by any accelerated cooldown skills.

Identity binding, special props, put into effect on the nameplate space.

Note: This is a badge that can only be obtained by the warriors of the legion. It is a symbol of status and strength. It can be sold and exchanged for 1,000 victory points on the Super God platform, or it can be used for one time on the DOTA mainland theme plane, and then you can get a mission of the plot hero, Black Destroyer. Mission rewards are random, and badges disappear automatically upon completion!

Hissing ~

Looking at the attributes of the badge, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but be taken aback.

Adding a little to all attributes and a little extra to intelligence is very common, only a little bit better than an iron branch. But that additional attribute is very good. After five attacks, it can cause 20 points of sacred damage, but it ignores armor and magic resistance! In other words, with this attribute, Zhao Dingguo can forcibly cause 20 points of damage even in the face of the strongest enemy!

Of course, although this attribute is good, but it is only 20 points in the end, it can not make a qualitative change.

What really shocked him was the active skill teleportation that came with the badge!

Go to the DOTA theme?

It is not difficult to understand the short sentence, but Zhao Dingguo was deeply shocked. Is there really a DOTA continent in this universe? There are magical magic skills, there are many living heroes, there are two camps that last for thousands of years, there are all kinds of incredible epic myths?

Thought of this, he is not calm!

Squinting at the end of this death group battle, Zhao Dingguo groaned for a while, and his hands trembled and chose to activate teleportation!

With the infusion of magic, a dazzling light burst on the bronze hero badge. The silver teleportation array lit up, and countless mysterious spaces were indestructible to civilization, tearing the surrounding space. Three seconds later, the transmission array burst out with a silver beam of light, covering him, and began a long-distance space transmission!

Compared with the transmission from the real world to Super God Space, the transmission time this time is undoubtedly much longer.

In Zhao Dingguo's feeling, it took him three times to complete. What can make Zhao Dingguo confused is that he didn't hear the feeling of stepping on the ground under his feet. Instead, a series of prompts popped up on the nameplate!

"Detected that the Super God user with ID 037205 came to the DOTA mainland for the first time and will automatically master the common language of the mainland."

"Intensive search ..."

"Currently available as Boots for Speed, Iron Tree Stem * 4, Noble Circle ~ ~ The initial teleportation point is then extracted ..."

"Complete synchronization, transmission is over, welcome to DOTA mainland!"

"Note: Your initial teleportation point has been determined to be a tavern in the front line of the Guards Corps. Qingxue. As a rule, newcomers will always have some preferential treatment. As a first time to come to DOTA mainland, you can go to the tavern The boss got some help. Of course, if I were you, I wouldn't tell them anything about the super-god space and the real world, otherwise some bad things would happen! "

The last reminder is rare and humane, which surprised Zhao Dingguo.

After carefully reviewing the contents of this series, he was considered to have completed the teleportation and emerged from the silver beam of light.

With a slightly rotten smell of rottenness, Zhao Dingguo found himself in a humble and stingy room. The walls and floor of the room are made of wood. It has been around for a long time, and even blue moss can be seen in some dark corners. It is estimated that the rotten smell came from there. There was not much furniture in the room, and it was quite old, with a thin layer of gray everywhere. Several gray wooden bottles are placed obliquely on the floor. Judging by the common characters on the mainland painted by ghosts, the dwarves should be used for shochu!

Combining the sun shining through the window and a strangely shaped mechanical wall clock on the wall, Zhao Dingguo judges that the time should be 3:15 in the afternoon.

Is this the DOTA continent?

After looking around, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help feeling a little excited. He looked at the closed wooden door and walked over and pulled it open. Suddenly, a noise and a heat wave came along with the prompt of the nameplate!