MTL - Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food-Chapter 225 Durian-flavored God of War (10)

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When the Han Zhan slammed his whip and the questioning voice of the Lord of Poyang County felt that the tiger's mouth was numb, he took off his whip.

"I don't need to explain to you why I did this. The fifth child, take her back." Han Zhan threw the whip to the ground and gave Han Yi a command. Gou Liang stretched out his palm and looked at him, and he was ignored if he was not injured.

Han Yi apologetically apologized: "Brother Wei, today is a poor hospitality in the government, and I ask you to forgive the younger sister for the innocence of the innocent."

"Brother, are you crazy ?!"

The county master was stunned. The two brothers and sisters who most upheld her ignored her one after another. This reversal made her both wrong and unacceptable.

"Speak less." Han Yi grabbed her hand and looked at Gou Liang more embarrassed. Gou Liang's lips smiled slightly. "You don't have to apologize to me. I heard that Zhuge's third mother's biological mother is now talking to Madam Hou on the house. I'm sorry, you should talk to her."

"what do you mean?"

The county master broke Han Yi's hand and asked furiously.

She naturally reacted so fiercely when she understood. The meaning in Gou Liang's words was that they were spoiled by her elders. Now she is thrown to her in-laws to harm others, and she should really apologize. In this case, he almost pointed at her nose and scolded her for being uneducated. He overturned everyone in Puyang Houfu with a single pole, and even Han Yi's face changed for a moment.

"It doesn't matter if I don't understand, anyway, it has nothing to do with me," Gou Liang said indifferently, and then tapped his temple with annoyance. "Speaking of them, although I am a thundercutter to the county's name, I am lucky today I saw the true appearance of His Highness the Lord. The next question has always been that, if I had the pleasure to meet, I wonder if I can ask the Lord.

"In the high wind and bright festival of the county master, I really shouldn't hold me so ignorant of my identity. What did a certain person do to make the county master willing to honor him to such a high degree?"

Gou Liang is really puzzled about this.

In other words, it's okay to have never seen two or three good men's dolls in her life, but the Poyang County Lord is not the same. Not to mention the princes and grandchildren she grew up with, her brothers are in very good condition. With this flaunting in front, why did she dive into his horns like a lack of love and make herself so embarrassed by her arrogance but still regretful?

Although Gou Liang was puzzled, he wasn't very interested, and he just asked it casually today.

Unexpectedly, this question is bad.

Like the thunderbolt on a sunny day, the owner of Poyang County was completely out of control after a brief shock.

Tears burst into tears, and she trembled in anger and pain: "You, you do n’t admit it? Today, you do n’t even admit it! Asshole, I will be blind to believe in you, eachother, asshole, you **** you I will kill you, kill you! "

She trembled, pulled out the dagger behind her waist, and rushed to Gouliang scarletly, yelling in her mouth.

Han Yi paused for a moment, then stopped her in a hurry, and exclaimed: "Don't be impulsive, let's have something to say. Tell your brother what wronged you, brother will help you get justice, calm down first! "

"Get justice? How do you get it? All scammers, scammers ..."

She laughed shortly, squatting softly as if she couldn't bear it finally, holding her arm in tears.

Not to mention Han Yi, even Gou Liang was startled.

He stepped back and asked Han Zhan in a low voice, "This is also the story?"

At the time he compiled it, how hostile he was to this girl, not only the princess was sick, but his brain was unclear.

Han Zhan also whispered, "There is a cause."

Gou Liang gave a sigh, seeing his meaningful eyes, seeing that the middle cause must be a large basin of dog blood, so Gou Liang decided to watch it change.

The crying of the Lord of Poyang County quickly shocked the Poyang Hou government. Zhang's hastily sent away his mother-in-law. When he arrived, the six of the Han family and his son and Gou Liang were already in the study room of the Poyang Houye. The county owner had stopped crying under the comfort of his father, and Zhang quickly stepped forward and said, "My son, what's wrong?"

The mother-in-law, Moruo, did not lose control when Wei Xuanming fled from the capital. What kind of grievances would make her cry like a child?

Zhang's heart was cut like a knife, holding her comfortingly.

"Mother ... you kicked him out, and I've never known this person ever since."

The Lord of Poyang County cried for another while in his mother's arms, his voice choked.

"This ..." Zhang looked at his husband, also praying.

After waiting for the frowning of the Lord Yeyang Houyang, Gou Liang had stood up and said, "Uncle, aunt, forgive nephew. Now the nephew is also the second monk who has no idea, and somehow offend the county master. Please also The Lord speaks frankly, otherwise, not only do you feel wronged, does Wei have trouble in his heart? "

The lord of the county gave a cold hum, and took out a jade pendant necklace from his purse. "Wei Xuanming, can you recognize this?"

Gou Liang froze, his eyes widened slightly, and the light and flint understood the whole story.

He sat down and said, "Of course I know it, but I'm curious how this thing is in the hands of the county master."

The county host saw him looking like he was out of the way, with a flash of pain in his eyes, and gritted his teeth, "If it wasn't for you, how could it be in my hands? Seven years ago, I fell into the water and you rescued me from the water , Because of rescue ... skin blind date, although I was groggy at that time, but I heard a sentence very clearly, you said to me and grandma will marry me, and leave this thing as a token. Do you want to deny it? "

In order to maintain Wei Xuanming's reputation and to make the marriage go smoothly, the Lord of Shuyang never told anyone about it.

Her parents and elder brothers heard it for the first time, and the look towards Gou Liang suddenly changed.

At first, when the county owner insisted on Gou Liang's love at first sight without any reason, they could support her decision unconditionally and quarrel for her. Now that I know what happened, or can Gou Liang promise to be in front and back?

If it wasn't for the four men of Poyang Houye and Han Yi who were worried that Gou Liang was the life-saving benefactor of the Korean War, now he would start a fight with Gou Liang.

Zhang's violently hesitated without hesitation: "How can this be true! Wei Xiaoer, you are too bullying-"


"Stop!" Zhang sang, "Han Zhan, what are you still doing? You haven't beat me out of this apprentice! I don't welcome these scum scums that you dare not do! "

"Ma'am, don't worry, first of all ... there is no other secret."

Lord Yeyang Hou was soothing.

Zhang ’s anger was anxious, “Well, you are an old immortal thing, do n’t our daughters use their own goodwill to mess with foreign men? Why are you a father? When are our sons in Poyang Houfu afraid of things? Got his Wei family? "


"Mother, that jade wasn't Wei Xuanming." Han Zhan interrupted his attitude and shaken his father's pale appeasement, who was also patient with anger, and took a piece of jade from his arms. "His jade is here with me."

At first glance, the jade pendant was exactly the same as that of the county master.

Yeyang Houye was dumbfounded, and the Lord of Poyang County felt even more painful. How could he never think that the person he loved would empathize with his brother.

Anything more ironic than this?

The look of Liyang Houye was strange. "This, is this acacia jade of Xiahou family?"

Gou Liang blushed at Han Zhan and said, "Exactly."

"How could it be in Ah Zhan ?!" Yeyang Houye glanced at his son who had put away Yu Pei's treasure only to think that his brain was buzzing, but now it is really not time to care about it, he decided Concentrated, said: "This acacia jade is not yours, who do you know?"

Although his tone was calm, his eyes on Gou Liang were full of scrutiny.

"It's ... the junior is not good at concluding, and also asked my uncle to ask my master to personally identify him at the house."

Gou Liang said cautiously.

However, Liyang Houye already had a rough guess in his heart, and his expression became more complicated. He looked worriedly at his daughter. He raised his voice and asked the housekeeper outside to make a trip to Xiahou House to invite Xiahou veteran general to come.

There was a tear in the eyes of the Lord of Poyang County, and he looked back and forth on his father, elder brother, and Gou Liang in doubt, chanting: "Father, what is acacia jade? Is it ... his jade, and this piece Aren't they a pair? "

Liyang Houye was embarrassed, and hesitated for a while, saying, "For my father, I only know that there is only one acacia jade of Xiahou family, and it is a gift to my sweetheart."

As soon as this remark came out, the three brothers Zhang and Han Yi finally understood why Han Zhan would have looked that way after he gave Gou Liang his jade pendant. At this time, they also felt that they were turning around, watching Han Zhan and Gou Liang lost their voices, but then a more serious problem emerged:

The jade pendant of the Lord of Poyang County is not Gou Liang, who will it be?

Still Zhang asked: "Oh son, how do you think jade is owned by Wei Xuanming? The person who gave you jade pendant, never reported it to his family?"

"He said it, but I didn't listen to it really, just remembering that he seemed to say that his name was Chang Ning."

This is Wei Xuanming's character, and the owner of Shuyang County squeezed his fingers and recalled the vaguely remembered scenes of that year, but felt cold.

When she was rescued that year, the person who saved her was in a hurry, only confessing her identity and saying that she and her uncle would come to marry her, and she was not so conscious at that time and was sent to the carriage by that person. She asked specifically afterwards that the carriage that took her to the hospital was Wei ’s, and only Wei Xuanming in Wei ’s family met her life-saving benefactors.

Since then, she has followed Wei Xuanming's news consciously or unintentionally, waiting quietly for him to fulfill his promise. When she was about to die, Wei Xuanming's gold list title was toad palace, and she was extremely surprised.

She thought that the time was ripe, but she overheard the emperor's intention to let her wishful monarch and lord, so she asked for grace before the holy, and then she had some setbacks after that.

But now, Gou Liang tells her that the token of love has nothing to do with him.

It was her, who wishfully acknowledged the wrong person.

Then she remembered for so many years, looked forward to so many years, complained for so many years, hurt for so many years, but in the end, but ... just a misunderstanding?

If it wasn't Gou Liang, who was that person at the time?

Why ... if she does this?

The head of the county bincang looked at his mother blankly, shaking his lips and saying nothing.

Zhang's heart was in great pain and he hugged her and said, "My son is not afraid, not afraid."

Han Yi's eyes were all red, but they did not know how to comfort the mother and daughter who were embracing and crying. Looking at the father and the older brother, I hope they can get an idea, but the two of them were only silent. The ground was cold.

Liyang Houye glanced at the eldest son, and the latter nodded his head, apparently thinking about it with himself, only feeling a headache.

The Xia Hou family, known as Chang Ning, who lost the mind of the Eight Girls, has indeed disappeared in Xia Hou family.

The younger son of Xia Hou family, Xia Hou Rui, who is the same age as Han Zhan, has the word Changling. Seven years ago ... died in battle.

The old General Xiahou took the acacia jade and groped carefully, even if it was an old general who bleeds without tears, at this time it is also old tears.

"I didn't expect to see children's relics after many years."

He sighed lowly, a trace of hurt flashed in the vicissitudes of his eyes.

Puyang Hou squeezed his fists and sighed, "Is it really ... the child's?"

The old General Xiahou had heard the whole story from the mouth of his old friend, and could not bear to look at the county master and nodded.

"Girl, this is my Xiahou family who is sorry for you, but please believe that the child is not intended to lose you. Before he died, he sent a letter to his home to show that he had given Acacia to a girl. Let the family no longer need to arrange a personal relationship with him. You are a good girl, but he does not have that blessing ... "

"He, is he dead?"

The county host's expression was astonished, he was shocked to the extreme, and he was so painful that he could not shed a tear.

The county owner couldn't accept the result, and shook his head again and again: "It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be ... If he was, why was it the Wei family's horse and horse that sent me, I and I thought then ..."

Gou Liang said, "In accordance with the words of the county master, three brothers were ordered to leave Beijing seven years ago. That second day was my sixteenth birthday, so the three brothers deliberately went to the house to celebrate the birthday before leaving. I handed it to me. At that time, his entourage accidentally broke through the trap I set and was injured. I sent a horse and a horse to leave them. Unexpectedly, this is a separation between heaven and man. "

General Xiahou clenched the acacia jade in his hand and remembered a lot of past events. He thought, "If it was seven years ago, this matter had nothing to do with me as a gangster. It was because I treated him like a parent and child. At the age of eight, I gave him the acacia jade that only Xiahou's sister-in-law can wear ... Now I want to come, it is the sin of the old man. He and his grandfather rushed to set the character of the child, and the line was also the character of Xiahou Generation, but you are misunderstood in vain. "

Chang Ning, Chang Ling, a word difference, a world of difference.

The county owner had no idea how to react. It turned out not that he lost him, but that he was ... dead.

And she was wrong.

It's ridiculous.

Zhang supported her with distress, and apologized to General Xiahou: "Uncle, I'll take this child back first. She ... can't bear it for a while, and please forgive her for being rude."

Xiahou veteran waved his hand and motioned.

The master of the county followed the mother two steps, and then he seemed to be able to get up and said: "Grandpa Xiahou, can this jade ... be returned to me? He gave me, when there is no reason to take it back, right?"

General Xiahou knew that she was about to get married, and hesitated for a moment, but considering that this was the debt left by his son during his lifetime, he couldn't take the initiative and handed Jade to the county master.

The county owner thanked him, groping for the perfect jade pendant that he had touched all year long, and whispered, "So, can I go to his grave? Anyway, I owe him a life and owe him a lifetime. "

Zhang was frightened, for fear of her temporary appearance, and lived up to a good marriage to keep a tablet.

General Xiahou did not want to drag this very young girl, saying: "Worship is okay, let's just leave the rest. I think my son is in the spirit of heaven and I look forward to your happiness."

For a moment, the lord of the county gave him three kneels, kneeling down, "Thank you for your success."

Zhang lifted her up, and it was hard to add any more pain.

When passing by Gou Liang, the county owner stopped the footpath: "All these years ... I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter. You, please mourn."

Beyond that, Gou Liang didn't know what to say.

The county owner didn't care about him, and left here hastily, as if he was running away from the truth that choked her.

As the mother and daughter left, the study room became more silent, and several people looked at each other silently. They never thought that the grievances that Puyang Houfu and the Wei family could not resolve in recent years were a messy lawsuit. However, the result is more difficult and complicated than Gou Liang.

The original Xiaojun Lord has spent five years out of the shadow of Wei Xuanming and began to accept a new marriage. Although he is still upset and wants to give a lesson a lesson, he can hold his head up and face the future. It is still Coquettish woman like the sun.

But now, how should their treasures be kept.

After all, it's easy to forget a living person, but a dead person ... too difficult.

Until Yeyang Houye calmed down for a while and sent three sons out.

It was only after the fall that he settled his account and stared at Han Zhandao coldly: "You just said, the boy of the Wei family gave you his acacia?"