MTL - Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food-Chapter 226 Durian-flavored God of War (11)

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"The boy from the Wei family gave you his acacia jade?" Liyang Houye glanced at Gou Liang and saw that he looked at Han Zhan from his red ears, and felt more panicked and bit his teeth. The tone was a little bit colder, "You still accept it?"

The old General Xiahou heard this for the first time, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes, look at his baby apprentice and look at the juniors he admired very much, a joy in his heart: good boy, yes!

Han Zhan nodded, and said earnestly: "I hope my father will be considerate. My son and Chang Ning have been in the army for five years. He appreciates his strategy, admires his behavior, and loves him for a long time. He was involved in it for nothing. Embarrass him. "

"Fart!" Liyang Houye screamed angrily, "You really fool me when I'm old ?!"

He snorted coldly. The original owner was very high-profile in the Puyang Army, and his coveted interest in the Korean War had never been covered. Although he had stayed in Beijing for many years, he had not been deaf and blind to the point where he knew nothing about it. He is also very clear about Han Zhan ’s attitude. He never responded to the original owner, or even avoided it. Why did he suddenly ...

Could it be ... as the outside rumors said, Gou Liang had done such things to his son this month, forcing his son to submit?

They are all men, and he also knows that if the relationship between skin and blind date is involved, a man cannot stand on his heels. What's more, the son of his carefully cultivated son is of good character. If he goes through Wushan Yunyu, no matter what the reason is, it can never be irresponsible.

Thinking about it this way, Puyang Hou's eyes looked at Gou Liang with a three-pointer, and his heart was really unrecognizable, but he couldn't figure it out. Why did his son follow this boy's way? Should not ...


The call of Han Zhan made him come back to his mind, and immediately restored his serious face, glanced at Han Zhan, and said coldly, "I don't listen to your sophistry, boy Wei, what is going on? "

Gou Liang was busy telling the truth: "I dare not hide my uncle, and my nephew first loved Han Zhan, and he loved Han Zhan. There is a rare person in the world. The nephew has always believed that there is a destiny in the marriage. At that moment, I knew that all this was the guidance of heaven. He was the one I searched for and guarded in my poor life. There would be no second person to make me so enchanted, and there would be no one else. Let me-- "

Puyang Hou gave an unbearable cough. I heard in the past that his son was pursued by a bearded military man in the army, and he was a little gloated. After all, his son has calmed down from an early age. His father has never seen him reveal his child ’s heart. However, I heard that he was forced by the admirer to fight with the National People's Congress, but I felt very fresh. But at this time, he heard Gou Liangbiao ’s heartfelt feelings-even if he now has a white and handsome face-Liyang Houye only felt goose bumps.

I really don't know how his son endured these five years, and he hasn't been driven crazy or killed Gouliang.

He secretly sympathized with his son, but tough on his mouth: "No need to say more."

Speaking, Yeyang Houye looked at Xiahou veteran and said, "You say something, do you think the two of them are so nonsense?"

Xiahou veteran hurriedly pretended to be anxious, opened his mouth and wanted to learn, but finally sighed and said, "Maybe this is probably the fate of Liyang Houfu and Wei's family. If you didn't, you would have missed both. Marriage? Going around like this, although ... keke, there is a mistake, but it finally fulfilled this wish. "


"Hey, in the final analysis, this old man has a responsibility that he can't shirk. If it weren't for my poor child, he would not have encountered your family."

General Xiahou looked at Gou Liang and regretted: "Master is ashamed of you, you have always been the most proud disciple of Master, whether you are a scholar or have a far better mind than Master. In the original, even if you did not enter the officialdom, you should be famous Wan's general, now has become the bargaining capital of other populations, and has become the inferior and reckless generation. It is Master's fault. If it was discovered early that it was the sinful debt left by the unfilial son ... But I do n’t know if I should persuade you to stop you. ”

He sighed loudly, but he reminded Liyang Houye of what he said, and he couldn't escape the relationship.

His baby apprentice is the best-selling champion in the capital. He had a promising future, but was misidentified by the girl of the Han family to force a marriage to force him to return home. He also had to hide in Puyang Houfu with no background and background. Creeps. Obviously there are countless talents and incomparable achievements. Barefoot empty power has become the captain of the fifth grade. However, when he returned to Beijing, nothing was left.

These, Puyang Houfu want to shirk and say that it has nothing to do with them.

Today, the Korean War has accepted Gou Liang. Your old husband is still blind, and it is serious to have your son repay the debt for you.

Yeyang Houye was deeply aware that the old man who stayed in Xiahou was very wrong to be his helper. The two masters and apprentices were old foxes who raised little foxes. How could a man like him be an opponent? And his only son of a fox, who still opposes himself, is almost defeated.

Puyang Hou Ye was displeased, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"And not to mention that you are both men, I ca n’t promise such absurd things. Besides, you are not children, knowing that as a father in this country, I ’m not the least willing to see the Korean War. People who have such a relationship with the grandson of the Wei family. Now what is the situation in the capital, and you do n’t need to talk to me. You should know it. In this case, if you are close friends, let ... how do you think? Where will the family be placed? "

"My father need not worry about this."

Han Zhan explained: "The month that my son disappeared was actually ordered by the emperor to go to Tianyang Mountain to reform the holy stone."


Xiehou Houye and Xiahou veteran generals startled. Although the Xiahou family did not know where the sacred mountain was located and how to enter it, as the general's mansion that guarded the royal family for generations, he also knew the existence of the holy stone.

The holy stone is not right, the world will be chaotic.

The conversion of the holy stone often requires that the descendants of the Wei family or the Han family emperor under the age of 30 can save Li Min's world at the cost of life.

Although Han Zhan was sitting here without incident at this time, they heard that they were still frightened and out of control.

"So, how do you ..." asked Liyang Houye, suddenly looking at Gou Liang: "Is it the child's sake?"

Han Zhan nodded: "Father, you and Grandpa Xiahou also know that the holy stone is uncertain, and non-blood sacrifice cannot be placed in the right place, and the world will be set. Shi, that would save their lives, but ... I told the emperor when I returned to the holy face of Beijing, and truthfully told me about the relationship with Chang Ning. The emperor was very self-blame and gave me and Chang Ning A gift of marriage. The marriage book is in my hands. If anyone has any doubts about it, I will convince that person to take it. "

If the descendants of the Han family and the Wei family are converted to the Holy Stone at the same time, the two descendants will also lose the power of the Holy Stone, and they will not be able to conceive a child to transmit the power of Yin and Yang.

Yeyang Houye and Xiahou veteran looked at each other with heavy eyes.

No wonder the emperor would marry two children.

When it comes to this, Liyang Houye can no longer say anything against it.

He sighed and lowered his voice and said, "Although your two men have the will of your Majesty, the sacred stone is a top secret in Tianyang. Our eldest son of the Han family knew this, and the eldest son of the Wei family was in the cave. Flower candle night party Xiaowu, but the royal is to know this from the power of the blood when the new emperor succeeds. Now the majesty is twilight, and the new emperor's position does not know who will fall into it, you two still need to be Be cautious until you become widows, and you are safe. "

"My son understands."

"The nephew remembers the teachings of his uncle."

Han Zhan and Gou Liang said at the same time.

Lord Yeyang Hou waved his hands exhaustedly to let them leave, leaving the old General Xiahou to play chess. Most of the friendship between the two of them did not expect to be old. They knew that they had almost become a relative. They were full of heart, and recalled the past. It hurts for a while, and both are drunk.

At that time Gou Liang was enjoying the feeding of the Korean War on the roof.

The stars in the sky were destroyed in the night sky, the fingers of the Korean war slid along the trajectory of the law, and the power of the stars was scattered from the sky.

Han Zhan asked him, "What do you want to eat today?"

Gou Liang watched the power of the stars with the smell of durian flowing between his fingers and swallowed. "Chicken legs."

After spending a month in Tianyang Mountain, Gou Liang opened the door to a new world in the catering industry. According to Han Zhan, his strength has not been fully restored. Now he can digest food like a baby. He cannot directly use the power of his main god, and the part of the power attached to the stars that is limited by the law can be used. He eats directly.

--A long, long time ago, he was eating the power of the stars for 10,000 years before the Lord God.

It can't be better.

Holding both hands with some reluctant big chicken drumsticks, Gou Liang was eating happily, urging him to eat from time to time.

However, he did not dare to feed Han Zhan with his mouth, because the power of the Lord God in his mouth would be unconsciously infected with the power of darkness. Han Zhan's current body is also a physical body, and the diarrhea is light after eating. The night he was just out of Tianyang Mountain, he was fed with a sweet mouthful. Han Zhan almost died of poisoning, but did not scare him out.

Just as Gou Liang drank his mouth while eating and said to Han Zhan, "No wonder you have raised me for such a long time as a culinary waste, you don't need the skill of cooking at all ..." There was a respectful voice from below.

It turned out that General Xiahou was drunk, and he was going to go home, but no one was allowed to touch him. Zhang came and asked Gou Liang to help.

Gou Liang glanced sorrowfully at half of the chicken legs left, and Han Zhan flicked his fingers, crossing the power of the stars into his mouth.

"It's delicious ... Han Zhan. It looks like I have to talk to Master about life at night."

Han Zhan hugged Ling Fei away on the roof with light work, and kissed his forehead softly: "I will look for you tomorrow morning, don't you drink with your master at night?"


He looks like a good boy.

Waiting for Han Zhan to help Gou Liang drunkenly drunk, and drove him to count his young son, who died early in the year, and sent him to the carriage. He returned to his courtyard and found that the Lord of Poyang County was sitting on the stairs holding his legs. Wait for him.

"Get up, it's cold and Mo is sitting on the ground."

Han Zhan said, pushing the door and entering the room did not say anything to comfort him.

"Brother, I see it." The county master stood up, looked down at his shoes, and whispered.

"What?" Han Zhan looked back at him.

The lord said, "I saw you kiss him, on the roof ... Do you really like him?"

Han Zhan nodded, "Because I love you, I can only live it forever."

"Is it ... that's good." The county master Nana said, and then entered the room behind the Korean War. "Brother, Wei Xuanming must hate me in particular. I am so burdened by such indiscriminate disasters that no one can help but be annoyed. However, if it weren't for this, he wouldn't have met you ... I wouldn't be so After finishing the work, he wouldn't have embarrassed me if he became my sister-in-law? "

Han Zhan poured her a cup of hot tea and sat down, "Why do you say that?"

The county host held the tea and whispered, "I was thinking, if I never marry and stay at home, I have to please the future grandma."

Han Zhan frowned, "You will be a wife next March. Now, are you going to lose faith with the Zhuge family and live up to the Zhuge Shuang? Little girl, you know that the past is over, you ca n’t let go, but you should not let go. Those disasters are passed on to those who truly treat you. "

The county master froze for a moment, and said, "... I'm not targeting him, but I don't know how to face it for a while."

Then she smiled, "Brother, you are still so severe, and you don't know how to please Dasao, is it because you look so handsome?"

Han Zhan touched his finger on the edge of the tea bowl and raised his eyes, "You are too curious about him."

"Brother is jealous right now?" The county owner smiled a little sincerely this time, and then said: "I just suddenly remembered that five years ago, when he was the champion, I followed him to the restaurant. Someone snatched it His acacia jade, he was particularly angry with the man and said that it was a kind of affection left to his wife. He also said that his wife must look particularly good, martial arts may not be better than him, but He's taller than him. When he's stubborn, he has to be fierce. He likes spicy and energetic. "

The county owner said that he couldn't help but "think now, he wasn't a joke, he really found it."

She looked at Han Zhan, feeling unpredictable. At that time, she had heard only a half-knowledge, but did not expect that the original people were really determined.

Han Zhan: "He always does."

The county owner glanced at him, never knowing that his brother was so gentle, even if there was no smile on his face, even if only the person was mentioned.

She drank the tea which had gradually lost its temperature, and then joked, "I used to tell you that I no longer remember that person. If the big brother likes him, he doesn't have to worry about me, but it seems that I do it all too much. My sister-in-law does n’t need my sister anymore. I have offended Da-hyun so hard. I'm afraid my aunt will have a hard time. ”

"He is a man. If you are worried about this problem, you should mention your fifth brother."

Han Zhan said.

Gou Liang is a man and does not care about women. At the same time, even if he is with him, the Korean War will not let him do wife diplomacy and deal with women.

The county owner saw him defending Gou Liang to this, but he couldn't even tell a joke. He was so anxious that he got up and said, "Brother, you will accompany me to the Xiahou family to worship tomorrow. I don't want my mother to go, She will cry. "

Han Zhan: "Well, is there anything else?"

The lord of the county: "... hey, my elder brother is really different, except for the insiders, all outsiders."

After worshiping Xiahou Changling, it was the 50th birthday of Yeyang Houye.

On the day of the birthday feast, Prime Minister Wei Lai and Hou Ye Houyang talked for an hour, and the three and five princes who came to Heshou were very suspicious for a while, and inevitably said some right and wrong before the emperor. It is said that Wei Lao did not go to the dynasty, but he had time to talk with his old friends, and the emperor smiled.

Unless you are sitting in this position, you will never know that everyone in the Xuanyuan family can move, except that the Wei family and the Poyang Houfu must not move, and there is no need to worry about their close relationships.

It's just that these two sons probably have no chance to know such a mysterious thing.

The old emperor sneered secretly.

The three princes and five princes who have the highest number of supporters in the DPRK did not know that they had missed the position, and they were unwilling to be lonely. Zi Xuan Yuanming encountered Gou Liang and Han Zhan in Zuixianlou.

"Oh, life meets everywhere. How did the two virtuous brothers come to this drunk Xianlou to drink today?" Xuan Yuanming asked uninvitedly and laughed familiarly: "Jiuxiao, I remember that you used to be the least favorite. It ’s a lively place to come here. If you do n’t see it for a few years, you have become humane. Then I ’ll ask you the next time. ”

Although he had no title and no grade, he was also the grandson of the emperor, so Gou Liang and Han Zhan both got up and gave him a gift.

After getting up, Han Zhandao said, "The emperor grandson joked."

Xuan Yuanming returning the gift: "..." How should he answer this?

This day is doomed to end. After Xuan Yuanming asked them if they could sit down and have a drink together, Gou Liang said with regret that we were planning to leave. This is true, but it is also very indifferent to Xuanyuan Ming, and it is too lazy to sit for a while.

Xuan Yuanming has always been an uninteresting person, so it was a pity that he didn't stop it. He never heard that he had received the invitation from the third son of the third prince and went to the banquet with Gou Liang. cup.

"If it doesn't work for me, don't keep it."

Xuanyuan said viciously.

Gou Liang lay on the shoulders of Han Zhan and watched his portrait painted. He smiled and said, "Have you heard that Xuan Yuanming was buying a murderer to kill me? I heard that I was killing money when I fell into the grass, They have come to seek revenge. "

"Is it."

"He also found a hidden pile buried by Zambo in Tianyang, and you said, is he lucky?"

"It's very good. Xiaokenger, do I draw pear vortex or do you look like it?"

Obviously, Han Zhan didn't care about the killing incident. Gou Liang glanced at him and asked, "Which one do you like?"

"All like it." He was honest.

Gou Liang said: "You're not picky, I'm tired of looking at this face. Why not draw a previous me? The one you just met shouldn't be a secret?

Han Zhan thought about it, put down his paintbrush, and painted it carefully with his fingers in the blank of rice paper.

However, an image drawn with the power of the Lord God appeared in front of Gou Liang.

Gou Liang stayed.

... what the **** is this ugly thing? ? ? ?