MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 47 escape

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   For many people in Yuanjiang, the waiting time for rescue is extremely long. Unlike them, who have been tormented all the time, the temporary residents of Paradise Island spent three days in a flash under a tense and fulfilling arrangement.

   In three days, Wang Li not only found He Yu and fulfilled most of Yang Xiaoqian's requirements, but also used every means to integrate hundreds of people in an orderly manner.

  After the initial disturbance and questioning, the people on Paradise Island who accepted the facts gradually formed a special order.

  Beside the ferry at the port, the controllers of the new order of Paradise Island are talking.

   "If there is no accident, we will be back in a few days, don't worry." Yang Xiaoqian tried his best to comfort Yang Yan, who had a sad face, but the results were very limited.

   At this moment, Wang Li stepped forward, with a constipated expression on his face, he hesitated.


  Wang Li, as if receiving amnesty, asked the question in his heart: "You guys have taken almost all the combat power with you this trip, I'm afraid..."

"I leave all your thugs for you, and He Yu to help you. With his experience as a senior international mercenary, there is no problem in suppressing these hundreds of unarmed people." Yang Xiaoqian said without hesitation, " It is unlikely that mutant zombies have evolved enough intelligence to sail to Paradise Island in such a short period of time - even if there is such a smart mutant, how could it leave a granary as big as the far river and go across the ocean? Looking for this millet shop in Paradise Island?"

   "So you are safe, don't worry." This conclusion is reasonable and convincing, but it does not reassure Wang Li.

   "What if other people land on the island, what if there are awakened ones?"

Yang Xiaoqian shook his head and said, "It's unlikely. If an awakened person really comes to Paradise Island, you will surrender immediately, serve it wholeheartedly, and wait for our return. Awakened people are also human, and I believe that as long as they are not neurotic like Xiao Guang, no one will be. Will they kill all the obedient servants? Even Xiao Guang cares about the lives of his subordinates."

   After saying that, Yang Xiaoqian glanced at the crossbow team led by Wang Hai, and all the twelve lackeys before Xiao Guang were listed. Although they are not yet capable of fighting, Yang Xiaoqian decided to bring them all after careful consideration.

   First, to eliminate the unstable factors in Paradise Island; secondly, a unit must see blood, anyway, it is not a good thing even if there are casualties; thirdly, they can act as porters to help rush supplies.

   "But..." Wang Li wanted to say more, but was interrupted directly by Yang Xiaoqian: "No but, even my dad is staying here, why are you worried?"

   "Don't worry." He Yu reached out and pulled Wang Li away, the silver bracelet on his wrist shining brightly.

Yang Xiaoqian exchanged ten bracelets from Yu Qian's hands with the promise that "if Yu Qian needs help in the future, he will go all out to fight through fire and water". Five are reserved for later distribution.

   "Let's go." Yu Qian had been waiting impatiently.

   Just as Yang Xiaoqian boarded the ship, a beautiful figure ran close. "Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

"Zhang Xinyi? What is she doing here?" Yang Xiaoqian narrowed his eyes, receiving Yang Xiaoqian's advice, Wang Li did not arrange hard work for Zhang Xinyi, and usually did not control her strictly, "I don't want us to take her with her. Go back to the city to save her relatives and friends."

   If this is the case, Yang Xiaoqian can only ruthlessly refuse.

  Fortunately, Zhang Xinyi didn't ask for a headache. She was dripping with sweat and ran to Yang Xiaoqian, and there was a breeze with the girl's body fragrance.

   "Safe journey." Zhang Xinyi pulled Yang Xiaoqian's wrist, tied a red safety rope, and whispered a blessing.

  The clean bangs cover the girl's eyes, making it impossible to see her face.

   "Thank you." Yang Xiaoqian had to admit to himself that he was moved.

  Without the next response, Zhang Xinyi turned around and left, leaving behind a dashing figure and Yang Xiaoqian who was messy in the wind.

that's it? Well, this is the legendary hard-to-eat? Yang Xiaoqian smiled lightly, boarded the boat and waved to signal everyone to board and set off.

The members of the    crossbow team began to board the ship one after another, carrying large bags and small bags of long guns and short guns.


  In the locked apartment, several young people gathered in a group and carefully divided a box of sandwich biscuits evenly, not letting go of the crumbs left in the cookie box.

   "Fang Yu, what do you think about Ye Hao?" A girl asked, and several people turned their attention to Fang Yu.

  Fang Yu didn't answer, she stretched out her hand and scratched her scalp that had not been washed with oil for a few days, and the dandruff fell like heavy snow.

   "Fang Yu, you are saying something." The questioner continued to question.

   "I don't know." Fang Yu unscrewed the mineral water bottle at hand, took a small sip and rinsed it in his mouth, swallowing it with the biscuit crumbs between his teeth, slightly alleviating the fiery thirst in his throat.

  Because we don’t know whether the virus can be spread by water, and whether boiling water can kill the virus, no one dares to drink tap water.

After fleeing all the way, the body that lacked exercise could not bear too much weight, and the amount of bottled water brought with them was limited. Everyone could only drink some water to moisten their throats when they were too thirsty to bear—no one was exempt, including Jiao Di Di’s class goddess.

   "It's all to blame for those stupid Bs, otherwise we would have been safe long ago, how could it have become like this." Another boy hammered the sofa angrily and complained angrily.

  Yeah, sometimes it only takes one stupid B-pig teammate to kill everyone. Fang Yu sighed. They were all college students from Yuanjiang Normal University. When the disaster broke out, the Normal University, which was far from the city, was not greatly affected. Originally, they were not in great danger, but the school leaders who had no brains were concerned about the evacuation. Make mistakes over and over again.

  Nearly 10,000 students and school staff gathered in the stadium under the notice of the campus broadcast and teachers to prepare for a collective evacuation. At that time, many people who were unclear about the situation thought it was a drill.

Before the headmaster's lengthy speech was over, several zombies that appeared in the infirmary rushed in following the sound, and the usually majestic security guards of the school security office turned around and ran away. .

  The school leaders on the high platform not only did not organize a counterattack to stabilize the situation, but instead blocked the first batch of escape from the emergency passage, inciting everyone's fear.

   In the chaos, no one thought to fight back, no one thought to resist, everyone just wanted to push others away and squeezed into the narrow safety exit.

   The people at the exit pushed and hustled, and the people behind the zombies rushed forward desperately.

   No one reached out to help the fallen classmates. Instead, pairs of shoes stepped over their bodies, trampling and trampling them again and again.

  Eight or nine thousand people were driven by a few zombies like lost dogs, and the number of people who were trampled to death was dozens of times more than the number of people who were bitten to death.

  Fang Yu sighed again, if one person could calm down and stand up to resist at that time, it could lead more people to use the equipment in the stadium to fight back, and a few zombies would not be able to make waves in front of thousands of people.

   But there is no if, even Fang Yu, who had killed several zombies with his own hands, was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he just ran away.

After    escaped from the stadium, a large group of people scattered in all directions and fled separately. Fang Yu and Ye Hao in the same dormitory led their classmates to run outside the school.

   After calming down a bit, everyone decided to go to the urban area - at that time, no one knew that the urban area was the hardest hit area. They only thought that the urban area where the army was stationed and had been blocked was the safest place.

After   , there were casualties every time they encountered zombies, and the team of more than 30 people was drastically reduced in just a few days, leaving only the few in the house.

   "Empiricalism kills people." Fang Yu hated those zombie-themed movies and animations.

  In those movies and animations, the zombies are extremely demented, and even a frail otaku can use a fire axe and a baseball bat to kill the Quartet as long as he has the courage. But this is not the case. When a senior member of the school's taekwondo club slashed an axe on the head of a zombie, he found that it was difficult to cut through the skull with his incorrect axe swing, and the axe was deeply stuck in the head of the zombie and it was difficult to pull it out.

  Every person who is misled by the movie and animation, like him, paid the price of his life in panic.

   finally ran to a temporarily safe apartment. Ye Hao, who has always been the leader of the team, didn't know why he was crazy. After accidentally discovering the brain nucleus in the zombie's brain, he said that he wanted to eat the brain nucleus to strengthen himself.

   "It's all written like this in the novels."

  Fang Yu still remembered Ye Hao's expression when he said this, like a fanatical believer who was brainwashed by a pyramid scheme.

   "Have your brain been eaten by zombies?" Fang Yu immediately objected, "Can you believe what is written in the novel?"

   "Since there are really zombies, and since zombies really have brain cores, why don't you think that eating brain cores can really strengthen us and allow us to upgrade and evolve?" Ye Hao asked back.

   "You are an idiot! Unreasonable!" Fang Yu yelled.

"Listen to me, Fang Yu." The subtle expression on Ye Hao's face was intriguing, "The fact is obvious: we couldn't find a usable car, and none of us knew how to start an vacant car without a key. , driving will attract more zombies, and you may be blocked by paralyzed road traffic at any time. But without a car, we can’t walk to the urban area by walking alone.”

"Maybe if you eat the brain nucleus, you will be infected and die, but both sides will die. Rather than waiting to die in pain, it is better to fight to the death!" Ye Hao said loudly, "I will lock myself in the bedroom after eating the brain nucleus. If it is successful, our chances of survival will be greatly improved, if I become a zombie, as long as you don’t open the door, there will be no danger.”

   "Let me try it! Someone must dare to take this step and try it!" Ye Hao's firm eyes made Fang Yu shake, what if he was right?

  When Ye Hao expressed his thoughts, the remaining classmates had no objection. What reason do they have to object when someone willingly experimented with them? If they succeeded, they benefited, and if they failed, they were not the ones who died. Maybe they were still secretly happy.

  So, after throwing a brain nucleus into boiling water to boil, Ye Hao resolutely swallowed the brain nucleus and went into the bedroom alone and locked the door.

   At first, Fang Yu was able to talk to Ye Hao against the door, but Ye Hao said that he felt uncomfortable after a while. As Ye Hao answered less and less until it became silent, Fang Yu's heart also slid little by little and fell into the bottomless abyss.

   "Roar—" A familiar roar suddenly came from the door, and Fang Yu's movements were immediately sluggish.

"Damn, ****, fuck." Tears could not stop flowing, Fang Yu's nerves that had been tense for a few days finally collapsed because of the passing of his friend, "I'm so **** stupid, how can I let him eat brain cores? , if you want to experiment, can't you grab someone and tie them up and force him to eat brain cores, I'm such a **** stupid B."

   Several other people have nothing to say with their lips tightly closed. It is impossible for them to say that the arrest experiment is impossible. Let’s not talk about morality and ethics, they can’t do anything, and they don’t dare to arrest people for experiments without powerful weapons. If the brain nucleus really strengthens people, wouldn’t the people who were arrested as experimental subjects have good words to thank them Are they? Will definitely kill them all.

   "Boom", the wooden door of the bedroom was hit and shook slightly.

   "Fang Yu, don't make a sound!" The girl who asked the question before spoke quickly.

  Fang Yu is not a fool. Knowing that his voice attracted Ye Hao, who had turned into a zombie in the house, he immediately closed his mouth and bit his lip to hold back the cry.

   But the impact did not stop, instead it became more violent, and the wooden door was already crumbling.

   "No, he's coming out, let's run!" The girl had already pulled up her backpack, but was stopped by another boy: "What are you running for, just kill him, he is already a zombie."

   Several people looked at Fang Yu for advice. Fang Yu, who had a brighter mind after Ye Hao, has become the default new team leader.

"I don't know if killing zombies in this small apartment will attract other zombies because of the smell of blood, and we can't stay here forever. Let's go and continue to run to the city." Although he knew that Ye Hao had turned into a zombie , Fang Yu still did not have the courage to attack him.

   "Still running to the city? We will surely die on the road!" Someone objected.

"Hiding and hiding will not kill you! You have also watched the documentary broadcast on TV before. Only the place where the 258th Brigade is stationed is safe. We must find a way to go to the refuge camp!" Fang Yu quickly packed his things and opened the security door. .

   "Bang", the wooden door was finally knocked down, Fang Yu took the few remaining classmates out quickly and closed the security door.

   The zombie that Ye Hao transformed into slammed into the security door and knocked out a few front teeth.