MTL - Dad, Please Try a Little Harder-Chapter 51 My name is Ji Cuicui, and Lin Xiaohuang is my boss!

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  Chapter 51 My name is Ji Cuicui, and Lin Xiaohuang is my boss!

  Since Li Weifeng took the initiative to call him last time to mention Qian Quan, Zhao Chunjia paid more attention to his father-in-law's statement that "Qian Quan bears great fortune".

  The teachings of his father-in-law and the experience he has accumulated over the years have told him that investing in talents must be done when they are in their infancy and have not yet shown their glory.

  Waiting to make friends when people are on the rise, that is the icing on the cake.

  According to the original plan, after my father-in-law came to Zhonghai at the end of October, I happened to ask Qian Quan to come to my house to play chess.

   Unexpectedly, today, here, on this occasion, I would hear this name from Lin Xiaohuang.

  Before there was Li Weifeng, now there is Lin Xiaohuang.

   I really don't know whether to say that my father-in-law is amazing, or that this matter is too mysterious.

   "Mr. Zhao, do you know Qian Quan?" Lin Xiaohuang judged Zhao Chunjia's expression by looking at him.

   "Did you say that Qian Quan studied at Naval Normal University?" Zhao Chunjia asked back.

   "It's Naval Normal University."

   "That's it," Zhao Chunjia confirmed, "He is my father-in-law's chess friend and a fellow villager. Let's get in the car first and talk in the car."

  With Zhao Chunjia, the leader of the powerful faction, Lin Xiaohuang and Tan Tuhu were no longer worried about the follow-up, investigation and handling of the accident.

  After getting in the car, Zhao Chunjia continued the topic, first briefly introduced Xia Qianquan, emphasized his chess friendship with his father-in-law, and his alumni relationship with his lover, highlighting that a fellow countryman meets a fellow countryman.

   "Has he practiced kung fu or sprinting?" Tan Tuhu asked.

   "That's not clear, why ask?"

   "When I was braking, I paid attention to the speed at which he sprinted towards the forklift, and almost ran out of an afterimage, which is not something ordinary people can do."

   "Is that so? It should be because of his outstanding athletic ability." Zhao Chunjia guessed, but he was even more curious about Qian Quan in his heart.

   So far, except for my martial fan daughter's evaluation of him is normal, everyone else seems to think highly of him.

   "Anyway, this is God's will, or people are not as good as God, we should not die..."

  Lin Xiaohuang smiled coldly, and then said seriously: "Before I go back to Yuncheng, I will take my daughter to school to meet Qian Quan and thank you in person."

   "Well, it should be." Zhao Chunjia nodded, "However, what happened just now, how did you hit the forklift, and how did you meet Qian Quan?"

   Tan Tuhu recounted what happened just now.

   "You mean, you chose to detour because of a traffic accident?" Zhao Chunjia keenly grasped the point.


   "Is it actually that kind of trick?" Zhao Chunjia's expression became serious, "Boss Lin, do you have a clue?"

  Lin Xiaohuang's eyes were deep, and he said, "I want to wait for Mr. Zhao's investigation results to come out."

   "Yes." Zhao Chunjia didn't ask any more questions, "Don't go back to the hotel, you can stay at my house."

  This time, Lin Xiaohuang did not refuse, she still held her daughter's hand with lingering fear, and said, "Then trouble Mr. Zhao."

  When they returned to the Tulip Garden, the news that Zhao Chunjia asked someone to check also got a reply.

   "There is indeed a problem." Zhao Chunjia said with a serious expression, "The man who drove the forklift ran away and was not caught. As for the rear-end collision, it seemed that there was no problem, but the timing and seat were too coincidental."

  Zhao Chunjia spoke while forwarding the surveillance video to Lin Xiaohuang. The latter did not show any surprise expression. After watching the video, he said: "That truck is the key to the end of this accident."

  Zhao Chunjia nodded: "Yes, the appearance was too coincidental. It can be said that it is closely related to the previous two accidents. I asked them to follow up the truck's information."

  Lin Xiaohuang said: "Actually, there is no need to check any more. There are only two results. The license plate is fake, or the truck driver just happened to be there at that point. Of course, these are not important anymore."

  The chess pieces did not play a role, and the next core problem is to solve the chess players behind the scenes.

   "Well," Zhao Chunjia nodded knowingly, "Do you have someone to suspect?"

  Lin Xiaohuang smiled lightly as an answer.

  Zhao Chunjia is also a veteran of Jianghu, and from Lin Xiaohuang's expression of not wanting to talk about it, he can see that this is their internal problem.

  Since it was an internal question, it was inconvenient for him to ask more questions.

   "Just stay here and leave whenever you want." Zhao Chunjia changed the subject.

   "This time I really troubled you." Lin Xiaohuang sincerely thanked you.

   "Let's not say such things anymore. Could it be that you won't entertain me when I go to Yuncheng?" Zhao Chunjia joked.

   "I will definitely treat you as a guest of honour." Lin Xiaohuang also smiled sweetly.

   "Okay, I still have something to do, let's deal with it first, you guys take a rest, I asked my aunt to prepare lunch, it should be ready soon."

   "Okay," Lin Xiaohuang stopped thanking her, "Mr. Zhao, go get busy."

  After Zhao Chunjia left, Lin Xiaohuang started calling, and made seven or eight calls in a row.

  After fully confirming something, he said to himself with a blank face:

   "It could have ended decently..."

   After finishing speaking, his eyes froze, and his aura changed accordingly, like an extremely bright bloodthirsty peony, full of killing intent.

   She sent a message.


   "Didn't you say that the accidents you made never had accidents?! Why did it happen?! Tell me, why did it fail?! Give me an explanation!!"

  In the private clubhouse, Xun Bailiang cursed hysterically into the phone.

  The person on the other end of the phone looked very calm and explained: "We really didn't expect that the AI ​​​​would make mistakes. We are very sorry. To express our apologies, we will no longer collect your final payment."

   "What do you mean by this?! Are you ready to ignore this matter?"

   "I'm very sorry, it's our industry rule to fly thousands of miles away if you miss a single blow. Otherwise, if it is exposed, we risk our entire army being wiped out."

   "So you took 10 million from me and arranged for a few cars to run a few times and it's over?

   "You did not fulfill the contract!

  " I ask you to leave Lin Xiaohuang in Zhong Hai forever no matter what method you use!

   "One cent of the final payment will not lose you!"

   "I'm sorry, Mr. Xun, we are already abroad now, and we will probably disappear for one to two years, so, good luck to you."

   "I can add money!"

  The other side has hung up.

   "I'm **** Gobi! I'm fucking! A bunch of liars who have lost their children and grandchildren! Fuck!"

   Xun Bailiang yelled and cursed, and he no longer had any entrepreneurial demeanor.

   After venting, he began to calm down and think about the way out.

  In these years, he has been quietly cashing out and transferring property abroad. In about three to five years, his property will be completely transferred, and then he can pat his **** and go abroad to enjoy the blessings.

  However, not long ago, he received news that Lin Xiaohuang was dissatisfied with what he had done, and was considering replacing him, or even sending him in.

  He is an old man of the group and an absolute high-level executive with real power in his hands. After all these years, it is impossible to say that he has not been corrupted by Yidian, accepted bribes by Yidian, and has not violated the interests of Yidian Company.

   Otherwise, where are the villas and wineries abroad?

  Therefore, as long as Lin Xiaohuang ruthlessly tempts him, sending him to prison for several years is definitely not a problem.

  However, he still has more than 2 billion worth of stocks to buy, so why is he willing to end up in such a hasty way?

   While his thoughts were chaotic, there was a knock on the door.

  He just remembered that in order to celebrate Lin Xiaohuang being left in Zhong Hai forever, he specially invited "Lin Xiaohuang" to play.

   But, at this moment, where is the mood to celebrate and play?

  Just as he was about to drive her away, he thought again, even if he went abroad today, he would not delay this moment.

  Since the real Lin Xiaohuang was not successfully kept in Zhong Hai, then vent your anger on this fake person and punish her!

  Get up and go to open the door, without waiting for the other party to perform Lin Xiaohuang, drag her in.

  Close the door smoothly, and scolded: "Kneel down!"



  Release of anger, release of resentment, release of fear...

  Quan Zhongzhong ruthlessly resolved in the punishment of "Lin Xiaohuang".

  In order to punish her more times, it is inevitable to add C22H30N6O4S repeatedly.

  Until you are exhausted.

   Lie flat on the bed, not wanting to move.

   Even if the real Lin Xiaohuang came at this time, he didn't want to turn over.

  The fake Lin Xiaohuang sat on his back intimately, massaged him, and squeezed his shoulders and neck.

  The white and slender fingers, like onion roots, gently caressed the back of Xun Bailiang's neck, as if measuring and looking for something.

   "Who is sitting on me?" Xun Bailiang asked lazily with a smile.

   "Lin Xiaohuang."

  While answering, the young girl deftly pulled out a long needle that looked like a forensic doctor from under the bed sheet, and aimed it at a certain part of Xun Bailiang's back neck.

  Xun Bailiang smiled happily when he heard the answer, and asked again: "What's your name?"

   "My name is Ji Cuicui." The girl replied, and at the same time, the long needle in her hand fell quickly and hard.

   "Hey!" Xun Bailiang felt a pain in his neck, like being bitten by a mosquito.

   "Sorry, nails."

   "Be careful!" Xun Bailiang felt his head buzzing, reminded him displeasedly, and continued to ask: "Your name is Ji Cuicui, who is Lin Xiaohuang?"

   "Lin Xiaohuang—it's my boss."

  The young girl gently turned the long needle in her hand.


  Xun Bailiang twitched in astonishment, and then his limbs began to tremble weakly, struggling, and slowly quieted down until he stopped moving.

  The young woman pulled out the needle neatly, and pressed the nape of his neck with a tissue.

   After waiting patiently for seven or eight minutes, start processing and arranging the scene.

   This is not difficult for a well-trained professional, but still can't miss any detail.

  The boss told her that sometimes a single hair is enough to kill.

   When everything was ready, she called 120 in a panic.

  (end of this chapter)