MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 296 mom is waking up

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finally back...

Wei Wei led Ye Feifei out of the deep space. Below his feet was a long blood-stained road, like a scarlet carpet, extending to a mysterious and unknown place.

When Wei Wei took the first step into the deep space, this scarlet road also gradually faded away, and the low-pitched ravings, like the ears of people who surfaced, were released, like a dream .

Ye Feifei was so excited that he opened his eyes suddenly, and saw the familiar streets of Scrap Iron City.

It was hard for her to imagine this kind of experience. Not long ago, she was still in Ye's Manor on the second city's defense line, and she was still experiencing that nightmare experience, but soon, Wei Wei arrived, so she was removed from the He was pulled up in the deepest nightmare, followed him into this weird space, and when the real perception returned to his body, he found that he had come to the scrap iron city thousands of miles away.

All kinds of unreal experiences made her doubt whether she was still in a dream.

However, she subconsciously turned her head and looked at Wei Wei. Looking at his slightly frowned brows and tight mouth corners, she felt that this was not too important. It seemed that staying by his side gave him a sense of security, and even the weird experience just now was nothing.

It's okay, things like this won't happen again.

Wei Wei smiled and said something to Ye Feifei, and then the two walked along the street together, and soon returned to the front of the security base in the waste iron city.

Captain, we...

Ye Feifei arrived at the gate of the base, and subconsciously wanted to tell the captain that he was back.

However, she only shouted halfway, and then suddenly stopped, with a bad feeling, which made her feel a little worried. It was too quiet in the base.

Although it is a bit late now, the lights are usually on in the base, and Uncle Gun and Captain Ouyang both like to stay up late, and Brother Piggy likes to eat late at night, so the base gives people the impression that Yes, no matter what time it is, as long as they come here, there will definitely be lights on, but this time when they came back, they saw that there was no light in the yard, and they could not hear anyone talking.

Even Captain Ouyang's sidecar motorcycle, which was usually parked by the door, was gone at this time.

With a thud in his heart, Ye Feifei and Wei Wei walked into the base quickly. After looking around, they felt a little disappointed. The entire base was empty, Captain Ouyang and the others were not here anymore.

And the base became empty, and their mood became a little empty, as if a child who had experienced wind and rain outside returned home, but there was no one at home.

Captain, where did they go?

Ye Feifei muttered subconsciously, pushed the door and walked into Captain Ouyang's unlocked office. Do you have a temporary assignment to go out?

Wei Wei didn't follow her in, but sat down next to the pool table, and saw that the billiard **** that were usually scattered around had already been put back into the box.

It looked like the people in the yard were about to go on a long journey. He seemed to have a premonition about this scene.

This time, my personal actions actually met my expectations in many aspects.

The task assigned by the Foundation to investigate the reactions of the members of the Wandering Church has now received an intuitive, simple and very accurate answer, and the report is particularly easy to write.

The Wandering Church is gone.

When the Wandering Church is gone, naturally there will be no more reactions, and even the reaction of believers does not need to be investigated, because the sacred domain is also gone along with the Wandering Church.

It's just such a coincidence, there's no way.

And what I thought about before, to find the meaning of scarlet, and to do a survey report on scarlet, have also been successfully completed. Although there are many twists and turns in the middle, Wei Wei can already feel that he is now in a certain situation. He is the one who knows scarlet the best in history, and is extremely familiar with various characteristics and powers of scarlet, to the extent that he can even use it to harvest other demon powers for his own use.

For example, cut off a person's head and sew it up with blood threads, so as to harvest loyal servants.

Wei Wei didn't know this method before,

As for the others, the meeting with disaster, helping Ye Feifei get rid of the shadow brought by his own family, etc., are not in the plan, but they are also surprising experiences.

Now, I have successfully brought back Ye Feifei and created the most powerful Scarlet Scythe, but I am not happy in my heart.


Wei Wei was thinking in his heart, but he could vaguely understand it.

Probably because, in this operation, I experienced the most blows and worries, and even won smoothly in the end, it was because of Calamity's own plan and Scarlet's previous layout, didn't I rely on myself? It was also because it was not Relying on myself, so there are great uncertainties and risks, but under such circumstances, neither my old classmates nor Captain Ouyang came to help me.

Wei Wei in the past didn't care about these things at all, or in other words, he doesn't care much now.

However, it seemed that because of his insistence on saving Ye Feifei this time, he felt a little more in his heart.

There will be a feeling of worrying about gains and losses.

It's so strange, I'm obviously not a child anymore, or rather, I'm not a human anymore...

Thinking about these perhaps ridiculous questions, he breathed a low breath, raised his head, looked at the sky covered by smoke and dust, and a face appeared in front of his eyes.

It was Ye Feifei's face, but Ye Feifei was not far away, as if preparing to boil some water to make tea, but Wei Wei still felt that this face was very far away and unreal.

He understood that this was the face of Calamity.

When this face appeared in front of him uncontrollably, he also remembered the words whispered to himself before the disaster disappeared:

Mom is about to wake up...


Wei Wei suddenly had the feeling of being immersed in the icy sea water for an instant, the surrounding air seemed to have become thicker, he was squeezing himself from all directions, he looked at everything around him, and felt misty and cold, A sense of panic emerged from the deepest part of his heart, and began to emerge from the bottom of his heart, causing him a loneliness beyond reality, and an indelible sense of panic...


Wei Wei has already abandoned the memory and cognition of scarlet before, so he doesn't even know what it means,

However, once he remembered the way Calamity said this sentence to himself at the beginning, and when he thought of this word, he felt a deep sense of horror. It seems that this fear is hidden in a place deeper than memory. What exactly does this mean?

Why does Calamity appear so mysterious and hopeless when she tells herself this sentence?

In the eyes of many people, the decisions we make are not positive enough.

Similarly, the first city defense line at this time, the three founders of the foundation, brought a curious spider to a place like a prison.

This is the Foundation's containment center, and it is also the place where the most secrets are hidden.

Spiders have the authority to come here to learn and understand some things, but her authority is limited, so she can only touch the parts below the A-level authority, but she never thought that she would be so lucky , under the leadership of the three founders, went straight to the deepest part of the containment center, and came to a secret place far beyond her own authority...

Here, in the center of layers of protection, she only saw a glass box.

There is only a box as big as a square TV, and inside it is a black and red strange sphere that floats quietly.

Just by looking at it like this, the spider can't even tell if it is an entity or not.

However, this is not an excuse, we don't want to make decisions that seem to be correct, but are actually just lazy.

One of the founders of the foundation subconsciously lowered his voice a lot when speaking, as if he was worried about disturbing the contents of the box.

Because, we compare

Others felt a deeper fear.

The spider didn't know if he was trying to justify something, but he also felt inexplicable horror because he was close to the box, and his expression was a little unnatural:

You say, this is...

This is the rose and the origin of everything.

The three founders looked at each other and said the answer that terrified the spider.

Roses represent mystery and evil, and also represent the biggest threat facing the Foundation today. As intelligence agents, a large part of their work is to investigate everything related to Roses.

Even so, it was because she had helped Wei Wei investigate Qiangwei before, so she was given this task.

Otherwise, according to her own upgrade route, she who has just graduated from the training camp is not even qualified to hear the name Gai Zang. The problems of this world arose very early, long before the mysterious Big Bang.

The three founders, on the other hand, didn't seem to intend to explain directly to the spider, but sighed lightly and said: Do you know?

Our world, or our race, seems to have always had a strong tendency to self-destruct.

Looking at our long history, it seems that we are always experiencing the same things, maybe prosperity, maybe growth, but in this short period of stability, violence and despair will always accumulate, and whenever such violence and despair When the accumulated violence is close to the limit, there will be wars or disasters. Through this form, the accumulated violence will be vented, and this desperate group will be given a new chance.

Sure, a lot of people die in between, but that doesn't even matter.

The important thing is that this seems to be a conclusion. If our group can also be compared to a life, then this is similar to the instinct of life.

Self-destructive instincts...

The spider didn't know why they would suddenly talk about this to themselves, but somehow felt that this topic was a bit heavy.

Through this self-exhaustion, life continued for many years, until, when our civilization developed to a certain point, this catharsis, suddenly could no longer be used...

Another founder continued indifferently, saying: Because the power controlled by humans is too powerful.

When there are too powerful weapons between each other, they will not dare to vent in such a violent way, which will accelerate their own demise. Therefore, from a very early age, people who understood this began to look for a new method to solve the problem.

The three of them explained quickly. As an intelligence officer, the spider was quick enough to respond and had a strong comprehension ability, but it was a bit difficult at this time.

She could only subconsciously ask: Did you find it?

Oppression and injustice in human society are inevitable.

The third founder seemed to have some helpless emotions on his face, and said: No matter what kind of social structure, these things cannot be eliminated. Therefore, group violence will inevitably be brewed in it. There is no other way. Although some people are willing to find the answer to the problem, many people understand that some questions are destined to have no answer, and no matter how hard they search, it will be futile...

Therefore, there are actually many such institutions, but no one expected them to give any answers...


When he said this, he subconsciously glanced at the glass box.

The first founder sighed and said: It's just that no one thought that they would discover this thing...

The eyes of the three founders all looked at the glass box, and there seemed to be some difficulty in their voices: born out of the collective subconscious of mankind...

...the first creature.

The spider was stunned for a moment, and she doubted her ears.

Just now I heard the term human collective subconscious, and then I heard the word biological?

This should be called, a conceptual power...

A founder seems to be trying to make the spider understand, trying to find a vocabulary that is more acceptable to her: and his role is to trigger the brain wave resonance of all people in the world, and even all creatures, and even through this resonance, To affect a person's will and thoughts, as well as their desires, and these affected people will not even be aware of the changes in themselves...

And this discovery is regarded by many people as the most precious discovery in the new century...

Because this perfectly solves the headaches that many people have It seems to be the root of all troubles...

and many more…

The spider couldn't help but interrupt him: a thing that can distort other people's will and thinking, but they take it as an answer?


A founder with an indifferent expression said: What do you think is the root of the problem?

Just like the consortium this time, with their identities, they have risked everything to pursue the immortal contract. What do you think their purpose is?

The spider didn't know how to answer for a while, and then said: "Then what?"


The three founders sighed in a low voice, and said: The mysterious big bang appeared. (Remember the URL of this site, .., for the convenience of entering "" next time or Baidu, you can enter this site)

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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts