MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 1064 Arrival of Robbery (4)

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Toshima, offshore.

Several white-haired, white-bearded, sloppy-spirited old men agitated by the thunder and thunder, and looked down at the island covered by clouds.

In the void, from time to time, young men in heavy armor moved out of the air, crushing the demons in the dark clouds, and administering a large number of elite subordinates into the island, setting off a large bloodstorm.

Several old men sneered.

The dragon under their feet smelled bloody, felt the killing breath on the island, and growled uneasily. They pointed at each other, and the powerful imprisonment spell prevented several dragons from moving.

"Save, or?" An old man asked his companion softly.

"Save, why?" Another old man shook his head slightly.

"Look, look ..." The old man with the highest standing, clearly in the middle, with a white hair tied with a purple gold braid neatly sneered, "This is constantly coming , Little guys with honorable cultivation, where did they come from? "

With a cold hum, the old man whispered softly: "They clearly do not belong to each other, but when the island was attacked, they immediately used the great magical power to break through the air to help them, and they had the soldiers forged from the fragments of ancient treasures! "

The gazes of the old men flickered.

The old man whispered softly: "Always, we have to provide us with the pieces of the treasure collected by them. After years of urging, this group of bad wives just said that all the pieces they collected have been provided to us ... …apart from……"

With a flick of his fingers, the old man calmly said, "Except for the three fragments of Xuanyuan Excalibur, which were made into three holy swords to suppress reincarnation, they said that all the fragments had been given to us."

Shaking his head, the old man sighed softly: "Obviously, our old sisters, they lied. When they lie, they make a mistake, and if they make a mistake, they will be punished."

Several old men all smiled indifferently, looking at the leading old man.

After touching the long, smooth and smooth hair on the head, the old man took out two large beads from his sleeves and slowly grind them in his hands. He whispered: "Look at it, look at it, no matter what the result is, the best result. Let's take a look, wait first, wait for the dust on the island to settle, and then make other plans."

Closing his eyes, the old man whispered softly: "This time we came to ask for resources from Toshima ... Oh, now it seems that things are not so simple. You said, the little guy who broke into our Kariya, he and Are these little guys who keep coming to help?

Without waiting for the opinions of fellow elders, the old man made an arbitrary decision: "Obviously, they are a group of people. Since Tokushima actively extended its claws to our Kariya, their experience today is retribution."

"Snake doesn't have a head ... but snake, just one head ... Terran, it is enough to have a supreme leader." The old man smiled, and simply sat on the back of the dragon at his feet.

Several old people sat down in a row.

Behind them, dozens of giant flying boats full of powerful warriors in the veins of the Emperor Emperor were suspended there quietly. There was a man wearing a long gown who was vomiting mana, which attracted a large cloud of clouds, blocking dozens of giant flying boats firmly.

On Wudao Island, the witch iron and other young people who came to the rescue echoed each other and slashed around the countless demons.

These young people, their cultivation has reached the level of respect and not to mention, and their foundations are extremely strong. Although there is no Gongsunzhen to enter the road with three thousand roads, their road foundations are at least 1,200. In the above, many people have gathered a large number of side-marks.

Knife, gun, sword, halberd, fist, palm, foot, finger, longbow, strong crossbow, shooting star, sledgehammer ...

These left-hand roads have nothing to do with the operation system of the Tiandi Avenue in mainland China, and their power is much weaker than that of Sanqian Avenue. However, these left-handed approaches have greatly improved the monks' combat effectiveness.

The same practice is that concentrating a strong sword-level powerhouse is enough to easily kill ten opponents who have not condensed these attacks.

Just like two equally strong adults, one has mastered martial arts and martial arts, and the other only knows how to beat people with brute force.

The fighting power between the two is so huge!

These young men are all skilled in martial arts, superb and powerful, and have practiced various top-level hardening secrets. Many people are even proficient in such powerful and powerful supernatural powers as the Pangu Scriptures, which are similar to the secret biography of Qinglian Guan.

A tall man with a huge body shrouded in thunder, flames, winds, and ice, holding various weapons, frantically shuttled in the void. Under the edge of their huge weapons, countless demons were shredded and shattered, and even some of the demon demons who were one or two days higher than them were beaten and flew away.

The witch iron is even more powerful.

The golden holy sword swept across the sky, and countless demons' bodies shattered wherever they passed. There were those who were not afraid of death, or were controlled by sorcery and screamed and approached him, and the four-armed fierce soldiers spun gently, and these demons directly turned into flying ash and dissipated.

While advancing towards the direction of the Huanghuang Temple, the witch iron paid attention to observe the skills of these young people.

The strength is arrogant and not to be mentioned. Behind these young people, there are more or less three or five or a dozen respectable ranks. Their armors are very good, their weapons are very powerful, and the magical powers they perform point directly at the root of the avenue. Quite awesome.

The number of soldiers brought by them was not large, and the soldiers in Yishui Erming Realm had more than one thousand soldiers.

Obviously, they all follow the path of ‘fine soldiers’.

On the contrary, the fleet behind the witch iron is the largest. Dozens of small slayers have covered the ground like dark clouds, blasting around, killing countless weak demons.

"I, the battlefield No. 123, the battlefield, the General House of Peking University in the kingdom of God, and the ninth son Luo Chen is also." A silver armor, a silver gun, riding on a wing with a respectable cultivation of white wings The horse's youth was only a few hundred miles away from the witch iron. He shot and killed a half-step honorable python, and loudly reported his name towards the witch iron.

"Dare to ask Xiongtai, who is it?"

Wu Tie raised a brow and Shen said: "Wu Guo, Wu Tie Wu Tie is also! Brother Luo Chen, good method!"

The witch iron's right-hand golden holy sword swung, and three waterfall-like swordsman swept out, washing away the large group of bat monsters on the right.

"Wu Guo? Where's Wu Guo? Which battlefield did the Witch Iron Brothers come from? Or, which hunting ground?" A young man with a big axe and his mount was a black tiger with a respectable cultivation, he asked loudly: "俺It is the hunting ground of Tianzijia No. 757. The people in the swirling grottoes, the tribal chief in the swirling grottoes, are the daddy, the maid, and his 197th wife! "

The corners of Witch Iron's mouth were drawn sharply.

The origins of these youths are very interesting.

The ninth son and ninth son of the general general.

Underground world, the son of a small tribe chief's wife in a large cave.

Their identities are not very tall, and they are completely incomparable to those of the kingdoms and princes and emperors of the dynasty.

However, their personal strength is super strong, and His Majesty's elite combat power is also very strong. In particular, as soon as Qiongdao called for help, they rushed forward as quickly as the witch iron, without any hesitation or delay.

Obviously, they were all carefully selected from Toshima and carried out reserve forces cultivated by special resources.

Just like the witch iron, when he was in the dynasty, the dao took out the holy ceremonies signed by the thirty-six emperors of the dynasty, and pulled about 30% of the territory of the dynasty to the witch iron.

"I came from the hunting ground No. 1 in Tianzijia, the underground world, the kingdom of Fuxi, an inconspicuous small grotto." Wutie Yujian frantically killed the demons that flew around, and said calmly: "However, my current Wu Guo, the battlefield and hunting continent that it controls, has a total of more than one thousand ... how much, and the ministers have to make specific statistics before they know the details. "

Indifferently, the witch iron showed off a little of its own details today.

Far and near, hundreds of young people who heard the voice of Witch Iron froze at the same time, staring at the Witch Iron one by one.

That Luo Chen raised his thumb to the witch iron, and then looked ruthless, waving his spear and rushed to kill him. He even picked hundreds of demon monsters, and poked the two top-level demons that had been smashed up. They were all squinting, screaming and roaring.

Ahead, hundreds of miles away, is the Imperial Palace.

The general matrix formation of the glass cover is clearly visible. Numerous demons spit clouds of smoke and flames, tearing the halo that looks thin.

Directly in front of the witch iron, a crater with a diameter of more than ten miles suddenly bulged. A fiery white gold magma spewed thousands of miles from the crater like a fountain, and a large amount of high-temperature magma scattered like a rainstorm.

In all directions, within a thousand miles, countless repaired demons were burnt and fluffy, and the air was filled with the smell of roast meat. About 50% of the demons were directly vaporized by the high-temperature magma, and their blood was condensed in the air, turning into blood droplets the size of a human head.

A hundred-meter-high lava giant jumped out of the crater. He opened his mouth and took a deep breath, and the blood droplets condensed by the blood of the countless demons that had been killed flew up and went into the sky. In his mouth.

"I, Zun Zun, the lord of the lava giant **** family, I declare that you can no longer move forward!" Zun Zun swallowed the blood beads condensed in countless demons, and his breath suddenly burst upward.

It felt as if he was dancing with a shackle.

But the shackles were suddenly released, and the heavy burdened Zun became light and light, and the whole person's vitality became full of vitality.

The witch iron and a group of young people sneered at the same time.

Such an act is indeed the traditional means of the gods.

Those demon ghosts, no matter how they come from, they are eventually the creatures born in the mainland. They are still the same as the 'Human race' and they are part of the 'Pangu Legacy'. The essence and blood in their bodies, like the essence of the human race, still has great value to these gods.

Zun Zun didn't care about the lives of those demons, and the blow of the great magical power destroyed the demonic army within a thousand miles.

Innumerable demons died in exchange for the essence of blood engulfed by Zunzun, which greatly unlocked the rigid and fixed blood in his body, which greatly improved his potential and talent!

cruel. tyrannical. ruthless. Meaningless. greedy. Bloodthirsty.

Wu Tie shouted, his body shook, and Pan Guzhen's body unfolded. He also swelled to the height of a hundred miles, holding a gold sword and rushed towards Zunzun.

The witch iron moves quickly, but faster than him is the sea man.

One hundred and eight sea **** beads jumped directly to the head of Juzun, and a loud sound of 'Wala Lala' swept the world with a terrible cold. The tens of thousands of miles suddenly became a white water world.

In the water, countless icebergs crashed wildly, condensing and exploding the innately cold icebergs. The cold air froze. I do n’t know how many demons and monsters.

Zun Zun, the great leader of the lava giant **** family, his body is completely agglomerated by the terrible hot magma and special divine power.

The low-temperature floods swept across the sky, and Su Zun immediately whipped up a large amount of white water vapor and made a harsh 嗤嗤 嗤嗤 sound.

Zun Zun's body trembled fiercely. A triple flame crown on his head spewed out countless fires, turning it into a heavy fire building that wrapped Zun Zun and blocked the flood from the sky.

This is the Supreme Artifact brought by the Sovereign to observe the outpost, and the flaming crown of offense and defense.

Just rushed by the flood, his foothold was unstable, and his lord shivering with chills was blessed by an artifact. His arrogance became arrogant and overbearing again: "These **** water beads, yes ... but you can never be a noble **** Your opponent ... the humble people, you are destined ... "

One black, one white, and two innate auras entangled, and ‘唰’ settled the flame crown.

The flaming flame crown that spewed immeasurable flames suddenly condensed, and the amount and power of the flames that were emitted were directly cut off by 30%.

The Five Elements Taoist shouted, and the Five Elements of God's Light behind him continued to brush down toward the Flame God Crown. Each time you swipe, the Flame God's Crown shakes violently, and the amount and power of the fire flames weakened by more than 10%.

The Five Elements of God's Light brushed extremely fast. With the effort of a finger, the Flame God's Crown became completely flameless, and it was rolled up by the Five Elements of God's Light.

Zunzhuang hissed strangely, dropped the heavy magma scepter in his hand, stretched out his hand, and caught it toward the flame crown.

The golden holy sword in the witch iron's hands swayed a hundred-mile-long sword awn, and the '噗噗 噗' three beeps were cut three times in a row on Ji Zun's chest. In the gap, Jianguang tore open the magma armor of Zun Zun's chest and broke into his chest.

A large magma-like high-temperature plasma was sprayed out of Pu Zun's mouth.

Black, blood, bleak white, and chaotic, four-colored swordsman rose into the sky, spinning like a windmill, and blasted into the respect of the body along the three gaps in the armor.

Hearing a loud noise, a round heavy shield flew out of Qi Zun's body.

On the heavy shield spouting the flames of fire, the ghost of a three-headed giant was looming, and a thick layer of flame enchantment spewed from the giant shield, stubbornly resisting the crazy cutting of the five-handed sword.

This heavy shield is a pure defensive artifact, with a mere defensive power, which is more than double that of the Flame God Crown.

The witch iron urged Jianmang to cut wildly. This heavy shield was able to fight with a saint and a four-armed fierce soldier for an instant. He took the opportunity of the heavy shield to grab the flame **** in the light of the five elements. Crown, and then a spit of blood sprayed on the flame **** crown.

The faint flaming flames of God's crown suddenly sprayed an infinite amount of fire, then began to expand rapidly.