MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 1063 The arrival of robberies (3)

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"Help, help!"

A large group of demons and ghosts were crying and running away in front of them.

The witch iron is holding the golden holy sword, and the streamer is chasing and killing it. There are four sword-armed swordsmen around it like flying waterfalls and meteors.

After entering the island, Wu Tie did not dare to do anything, lest he hurt a good man by mistake, Jian Guang compressed to a length of one hundred feet.

This is so. A sword fell, countless heads rolled, and countless corpses smashed. They still killed the demons and their instability and could not stand up. After paying the wounds and deaths of nearly one million gods and hundreds of demons, The witch iron has become a plague-like figure, making the demons timid.

The large group saw the demons of the witch iron strength fleeing. The large group did not believe in evil, and the **** demons rushed up again.

They had just killed countless human warriors on the island, and devoured countless blood food rations. It was the state of self-confidence and killing peak. When they heard that someone had killed them, they immediately counterattacked.

Jianmang fell like rain, and died next to each other.

Occasionally, a number of powerful demon treasures blasted to the witch iron. A three-foot-tall golden stupa tower above the witch iron's head gave off a faint glow, covering him and the three corpses.

No matter how fierce and fierce the demon treasure is, the warm golden light from the golden stupa will not move.

Wu Tie and others rushed forward without stopping, Jianmang swept continuously, and a large number of demons were killed in a blast, and suddenly a large number of demons joined the fleeing team.

The four-handed fierce soldiers controlled by the witch iron are too decisive. After entering the island, the witch iron did not even dare to indulge the swordman and rushed out ten miles.

After all, he just got these four murderers who are far beyond the apex of the ancient mythology. They have no control over them. They can only hold them tightly within ten miles to prevent them from accidentally hurting good people.

As long as the demons turned and ran away, they rushed out ten miles away, and they avoided the attack of the fierce soldiers.

However, the violent bombardment of the sea **** beads, the crazy strangulation of the five elements of the **** light, the engulfing and annihilation of the two yin and yang cylinders followed.

The demons have their backs to the witch iron, and they are simply a group of the best targets. The Canghai God Bead smashed their bones and muscles, and the Five Elements God Light transformed them into fly ash, and the Yin and Yang two qi directly transformed them into a ray of chaotic power.

Blockbusters and demons were emptied, and countless cruel and horrible demons were even scared to tears.

I came to Lidao and thought it was a great opportunity for the slaying and extermination of humankind by the ancestors they believed in, but God knows, how could he encounter such a killing **** as Witch Iron?

Unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable!

Use your body to block, a sword becomes fly ash.

Use the baby to block, a sword becomes fly ash.

Set up a large array to block, a sword array fly ash.

The four-armed soldiers are too fierce, they can't be blocked, they can't be blocked, they can't be blocked, it is not that they are incompetent, it is fierce flames, they cannot stop them!

The witch iron strode forward, and the golden holy sword in his hand moved.

This is the ancient soldiers forged by the Taiko people, which absorbed numerous humane virtues. This sword is not fierce at all, but it gives a warm and forgiving feeling.

This sword has only the most basic conventional lethality to the human race, but for aliens, especially the monsters and monsters that are not born to deal with the human race, etc., the damage is even stronger than that of the four-armed soldiers.

The killing power of the four-armed soldiers is the same, whether it is people, immortals, gods, monsters, monsters, and so on.

And this holy warrior, his lethality to the human race is only the basic lethality, and for the humanity and the righteousness and integrity of the human race, there is even no lethality. However, for various demons, the additional lethality of this holy sword is at least tens of times the basic lethality.

The golden swordman swept across the void.

Jin Chanchan's sword is like a flame boiling, like burning gold melt splashing all over the sky.

It's just a sword. The sword-mantle with thousands of miles swept all the demons in the large fan-shaped radius of 180 kilometers in front of the witch iron.

Countless demons and souls flew away, and countless monsters died.

Within this range, more than a dozen small-scale Terran warriors are resisting and resisting the attacks of countless demons. It was just a moment of effort. Their enemies suddenly disappeared. The golden swordsman swept over their bodies, causing them a slight pain. Their blood was shocked, and then there was no substantial harm.

"This is, my holy soldier!" A dozen soldiers ranging from seven to eighty, and three to five hundred, shouted in unison.

Facing the witch iron demons are going crazy.

If they stay away from the witch iron, the holy sword of the human race will give them a fatal blow, and they cannot bear it.

If they smash the witch iron within ten miles of the witch iron, they will face the culling of four murderers, and they will not be able to bear it.

If they rely on the number of people and want to rush to the witch iron and die with him ...

The gold stupa guarded the witch iron's entire body, and no demon had any power to fight it.

However, it is impossible to break, and no one can eat the witch iron sword. Such a monster ... How can a human race have such a monster?

A human warrior wearing a thick cloth rose into the air and hissed at the witch iron: "Brother, go to the Huanghuang Temple, their leader is at the Huanghuang Temple. They want to destroy the ancestral space!"

Wu Tie Shen said, "I have seen the Huanghuang Temple. I am going there ... You guys, keep up. The wounded, go to the back of the battleship with food, drinking water, elixir, large-scale warfare. Equipment ... those combat equipment, you should be able to control it. "

Wu Tie hissed, "Give me all the energy!"

Some people's fighters were rescued by Witch Iron, and wounded soldiers rushed to the Shenzhou and began to control the large combat equipment on the Shenzhou.

Many battle gears and battle formations on the Shenzhou boat can only be controlled by monks. For example, there is no increase in the magic array, no magic maneuver, no giant magical soldiers with talented supernatural powers, in any case can not urge the increase in magic array to kill the enemy.

With so many Terran warriors boarding the Shenshenzhou, gradually, dozens of small Shenzhous behind the witch iron began to pour out various magical skills, especially various powerful and extremely lethal talents. Magical power.

Shenzhou is not a dedicated combat ship. Its effectiveness is more reflected in its huge capacity, amazing speed, and complete self-circulating biosphere system. More specifically, it is a large-scale warship dedicated to long-distance immigration.

This is so. The small Shenzhou, hundreds of miles long, still has a terrible surface lethality.

These small slayers are not enough to kill the demon monsters, but in the face of those demon demons and monsters, countless magical tricks pour out, and all the demons in the five-day heaven will be beheaded and killed. The demons have also been hit hard.

Each wave of mysterious mystery can cover at least thousands of miles of void.

The dense demons that run through the void are like swarms of horses and bees in the storm, and they are constantly falling from the air. Countless severely wounded demons screamed and screamed for help-but they often screamed at the sword or sword of the 'comrades' of different races around them.

Even at this critical juncture, the demons are still ‘eliminating aliens’.

They are still doing this raid, and the human race perishes. They have the dream of becoming the masters of the mainland ... It is ‘reasonable’ to be able to eradicate some deadly opponents for their own family at this time.

Work closely? Working together? Work closely like brothers?

This is impossible!

The wolf and the tiger, the lion and the sheep, the eagle and the grass snake, the dragon and the fish and shrimp ... How can you let them work as closely as their brothers?

Wuhe people are indeed Wuhe people.

With its people, Wu Tie approached the Huanghuang Temple, which is the most central and important building on the whole island. Here, on weekdays, there are always more than seven bosses and mothers on duty, and there are tens of thousands of Qiang elite arch guards.

The defensive formation method here is self-contained, and the daily formation bans change with the change of the earth's veins and the ground force, and with the change of the astrological star map, it changes spontaneously. No one can control the ban on the formation here, except for the old mother-in-law who rotates.

Therefore, the ban on the formation law here has been opened. A soft layer contains strong vitality and great power of creation, like the halo of a glass bowl covering the body of the Emperor Huang Temple covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres.

Countless demons slammed the Huanghuang Temple like a tide, and then were blasted to death by thundering thunder.

Lime, and Wu Wu and other five leaders stood on a hill closest to the Huanghuang Temple, each with a different smile.

Lime smiled proudly, with a strong sense of superiority.

You Xun's smile was proud and reserved, and Gu Pan felt a bit of control of ‘fly between the fingers and ashes’.

Void smile ... Void smile is as eerie and cold as ever, and he feels boundless joy purely for the fall of so many lives.

As for the three thick-lined guys, Li Wu, Chi Yan, and Zun Zun, their laughter was wild, their smiles were wild, and they all laughed forward and backward. Conquering the island, they conquered the entire continent.

This is their predecessor. Since the first extinction war against the human race, it has not been able to achieve great achievements after many wars!

Their names are bound to be eternally recorded in the history books of their tribe.

Oh no, this woman of wisdom Protoss may not have this opportunity ... she has made such a feat, and more than 90% of her chances will be in the conspiracy schemes that tsunami generally targets her after returning to Wisdom Soon he died silently and disappeared without a trace.

And her merits, all her merits, will be credited to those conspirators.

Those conspirators will step on her body and enjoy her glory.

Thinking of this, the five leaders laughed again, and in their smiles, there were a lot of ridicule and coldness unintentionally-what use are you clever? You are now destined to be a dead person, unless you can resist the entire intelligent protoss!

"Several His Highness, those lowly hawkish dogs can't resist it." A Tianjing giant rushed over and said in a tone: "There are extremely elite human races entering the field, they are all god-level existence. , The hand held secret treasures have reached the level of the supreme artifact ... "

The smiles of Yan Wu and others froze. At the same time, they looked at Lime: "Lingdao, there is God-like combat power? Impossible!"

Lime smiled, smiling very lightly: "Why can't Lidao have the power of God's king? Oh, it's nothing more than a sacrifice ..."

Wu Wu stared fiercely at the lime: "Aside from the recent years, the sacrifices of the aconite they cut off the sacrifice are not counted. In the past, each sacrifice, as long as a god-level powerful person is born, Everything is on record ... Terran, no! "

Lime calmly said, "They don't sacrifice to you, but they sacrifice to those ancestors in the ancestral space of the Dai people ... So I said that the human race is an extremely tough, terrible, intelligent, and always whimsical, Terrible people who are never too conservative. "

"You don't know, there are many things about Terrans."

"I can tell you clearly, if it is not the promotion of the wisdom protoss that has caused you to start this war, and let the tribe continue to develop, probably as long as ... another 100,000 years ... the power they have will be absolutely Beyond your imagination. "

Zun Zun's big hand slammed Li Ning's neck.

"Women, this war is the Celestial Protoss, the Ice Spirit Protoss, the Savage Protoss, the Dark Soul Protoss, and our great lava giant gods to join forces to launch ... It has nothing to do with your conspiracy Protoss, you know? "

"The source of the war, in the world of the gods, you, an old woman who has lurked for many years within the human race, how dare you say that the credit for this war is yours?"

Qing Li smiled, looked up and looked at a lot of respect than her: "Your Highness, after all, you are only the implementers of the plan, you know nothing about many insiders. No, even within your clan, Your father, your grandfather, your elders who have absolute authority, they may all think that this is the self-promotion of your five major protoss. "

Opening his hands, Lime said leisurely: "But anyway, the communication with the ancestral land has been cut off, and I might as well tell you ... if all this, including your five Protoss cut off the crystal bridge, dominate all the behavior of the outpost, What part of a great plan for my wise protoss many years ago? "

Qi Wu, Qi Zun, and others changed in color. Qi Zun suddenly increased the power on the five fingers: "Women, what do you want to do? Our five protoss dominate the outpost observation plan. It was actually you that you silently promoted. You want What are you doing? You conspiracy ... No, the Protoss of Wisdom, what do you want to do? "

Lime smiled slightly, and she smiled softly: "Well, the ancestral land of the gods is now a mess, right? The war is going on and countless gods fall ... Hehe, our plan this time is to destroy at least half of the protoss Then. "

"Some are too stupid, too barbaric Protoss, they have no meaning to exist."

"Being able to destroy them and watch them cry and mourn in despair, there is nothing happier for my people."

Gently clapping his hands, Li Ning laughed at the stunned Pu Zun: "Now, let's consider the matter of the Pu Huang Temple. After laying down the Pu Huang Temple, we will receive all the power this time ... Those who come to help The human race is elite, and there are a few His Highnesses who stop them, but they can't let them disturb the layout here. "

Wu Wu and others looked at each other and nodded slowly.

The life and death of Lime have been stopped by the five of them. What this woman said now should be, to them, harmless ... right?

Read Kill the Sun