MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 49 I, Lin Chengyou, have nothing to like...

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When the three brothers and sisters returned to the inner courtyard, Chun Rong tiptoed to meet her and said, "Madam is so tired on the road, she just fell asleep in the inner room."

The three of them were afraid that they would wake Mrs. Du when they entered the room, so they sat side by side on the steps under the corridor and spoke in a low voice.

"I don't know if Ji is really sick or not. Tomorrow I have to go to the Hu Mansion to see him." Du Shaotang looked at the fallen flowers in front of the court in a melancholy manner.

Teng Yuyi turned the cymbidium in her hand and suddenly said, "Sister, why don't you go back to the mansion for a few days."

"How do you say that?" The siblings wondered.

"Think about it, if Lin Chengyou is not completely sure, he won't easily startle the snake. I suspect that he must have found something, and then suddenly asked Lu Zhaoan about the illness of Mr. Hu. Mr. Hu and Lu Zhaoan can't be called a deep hatred, at best they know his truth. Character, if this disease is really related to Lu Zhaoan, Lu Zhaoan must have done it because he was afraid that his reputation would be damaged."

"It's too—"

"It's too cruel, isn't it?" Teng Yuyi snorted, "Although Lu Zhaoan has won the jinshi, he has not passed the imperial system (Note 1), whether he can enter the official position, and what kind of official position can he get after entering the official position? There is no conclusion. If Mr. Hu jumped out at this time and said that Lu Zhaoan was different, would you say that Lu Zhaoan’s reputation would be damaged? How can you go wrong at this time?"

Du Shaotang pondered for a moment, and said bitterly, "It's true, this little guy can't do anything for his own future."

"I don't worry about anything else now, I just worry that he will have bad intentions against my sister."

"But the days of being a jinshi are not short, and I haven't seen him do anything shady to my sister."

Teng Yuyi remembered the man's boot print next to his cousin's corpse in the previous life, and said, "Don't forget that the origin of the tree demon has not been found out, and Lu Zhaoan may not want to move, he is just sure that the Du family will not come forward to criticize him for the time being for the sake of reputation. , He also couldn't find a suitable opportunity. My sister has been recuperating at home since she was attacked by the tree demon last time. She went to Dayin Temple to escape for a few days to avoid the corpse evil. I can't figure it out, how to find an opportunity to start. Shaotang, don't you know what Lu Zhaoan is most concerned about right now?"

"The imperial system? Or—"

"The Zheng family's marriage." Du Tinglan said flatly.

Teng Yuyi quietly looked at Sister A's expression: "Zheng Pushe is now the prime minister of the official residence, and Lu Zhaoan wants to go to the sky in one step. There is no faster way than marrying Zheng Shuangyin directly. But as far as I can see, Zheng Shuangyin's attitude towards this marriage seems to be different from the previous one. It's the same. Yesterday, the queen was going to propose a new name for the academy. If Zheng Shuangyin wanted to marry Lu Zhaoan, she would probably be perfunctory, but she not only offered her name actively, but also came up with a good name like 'Dongyou'. When the news reaches Lu Zhaoan's ears, it will definitely make him restless, the marriage between the two families has not yet been decided, if Zheng Shuangyin changes his mind, Lu Zhaoan's wishful thinking will be in vain."

Du Shaotang looked confused: "Didn't the Zheng family like Lu Zhaoan very much a while ago? All the classmates in the Guozijian said that Zheng Pushe wanted to recruit Lu Jinshi to be a quick son-in-law."

"At the time of the Prince's Palace Poetry Meeting, Zheng Shuangyin really cared about Lu Zhaoan, but when the corpse evil came that night, perhaps because she paid too much attention to Lu Zhaoan's every move, she realized that this person was not good enough. She is a smart person. He must have been thinking about what happened that night. After thinking about these days, he may have been shaken. But in Lu Zhaoan's view, the sister has been in contact with Zheng Shuangyin several times. Suspecting that my sister has corrupted him in front of Zheng Shuangyin, if he is angry with my sister, he must be impatient to do something."

"That's why you want your sister to live in the mansion?"

Teng Yuyi admitted: "The imperial court reopened Yunyin Academy, and the whole body was moved by a single hair. It is not uncommon for the Zheng family to do anything at the moment in order to figure out the holy will. Lu Zhaoan was afraid that Zheng Shuangyin would participate in the selection of relatives in the clan, and he must hope that this will be decided as soon as possible. Marriage. Hu Gongzi's illness is strange, and I'm worried that he will use the same method to deal with my sister."

Du Shaotang straightened her thin chest: "Cousin Yu, don't worry, I'm too old, I won't let that villain hurt my sister."

Du Tinglan frowned lightly: "You are still young, so what are you doing?"

Teng Yuyi knew that her aunt and cousin were accustomed to hiding Shao Tang under their own wings and never let him suffer the slightest wind and rain. After setting up a household, let him practice a few more times, and maybe he can get rid of his crying problem. Now, Shaotang, this is for you."

"What is this?" Shao Tang blushed and took the bald pen handed by Teng Yuyi.

"This is the magic weapon of Dongmingguan, which can be used to deal with evil spirits. When you go to see Hu Jizhen in Hu's house tomorrow, remember to take this with you. From tomorrow onwards, I will let Huoqiu follow you. It is not convenient for me to go out and walk around in the future. When you arrive, pay more attention to the movements of Lin Chengyou and Lu Zhaoan."

"Huo Qiu?" Du Shaotang's eyes lit up, "Is that the eldest brother with excellent martial arts?"

Teng Yuyi smiled: "In the future, you can tell him to do whatever you want to do, but he is just a guard, and he can't make up your mind for you if you don't know what's right or wrong. You have to learn to plan the overall situation, and think about it in your heart beforehand. speak."

Du Shaotang happily jumped down the steps: "I see, don't worry, cousin Yu."

Du Tinglan looked at his younger brother's unrestrained figure thoughtfully, and didn't speak for a while.

At this time, Mrs. Du came out of the room and was about to scold her son, "Be careful", when Du Tinglan got up and took her mother's arm: "A-niang, don't worry about him, he is so old, he knows the importance."

In the past few days, Teng Shao has been busy transporting military rations and has not returned home. Du's mother and son left after eating, but Du Tinglan stayed.

After the sisters bathed, Biluo and Chunrong took a towel to help wipe the wet hair.

Biluo looked down and saw the little golden bell on Teng Yuyi's wrist, and couldn't help but say, "Did the lady say that she would return the bell to Qingyunguan last time?

Du Tinglan was stunned: "This is the Qingyun Dharma Observation Tool? I thought it was a newly added jewelry."

Teng Yuyi said vaguely: "The last time I caught the corpse, this thing was put on me as a warning. Later, I didn't know why I couldn't take it off, so I put it on me temporarily."

Du Tinglan didn't like to get to the bottom of it, so he nodded and stopped talking.

The two sisters changed their bedclothes, one was reading in front of the lamp with a book in hand, and the other ran to the small study next to him to give Xiaohongma a name.

The fragrance of pear flowers was lit under the window, and the quiet breath slowly drifted away, and the soft light of the horn lamp fell down, covering everything in the room with a light golden veil.

Chunrong and the others finished cleaning the room and took the fragrant cakes to incense Teng Yuyi's accessories. From the handkerchiefs to the shoes and socks, every piece was incense with roses. Just smell it to know that it was Teng Yuyi's carry-on. object.

Du Tinglan looked up and said: "Chunrong, you find Ayu's handkerchief embroidered with Hanli and give it to me, Gui Er said that she liked the embroidered stitches, and asked me to borrow it.

Teng Yuyi just came back from the study, when she heard this, she paused.

Chunrong smiled bitterly: "The veil has long since been found."

Du Tinglan said in surprise: "My sister saw her using this veil a few days ago, when did she lose it?"

"It was lost in the days of Caifenglou. There were many people in that place, and it disappeared when I came back."

Teng Yuyi pretended to be calm and walked into the house. The handkerchief was first wiped off Lin Chengyou's neck by her saliva, and then Lin Chengyou took away the bird's beak that bound the young master in golden clothes. It was estimated that it had been thrown somewhere in Caifeng Tower at that time. In the corner, it has now turned into a pile of mud.

It's a pity to say that this handkerchief was sewed by a famous embroiderer in Jiangnan, and the colors and stitches are extraordinary. No wonder my sister will pay attention to it.

"There are so many handkerchiefs, and there are several similar stitches. You can find any one for your sister. Sister, I'm sleepy. I'll go to bed first." She was afraid that Du Tinglan would continue to ask, and yawned as she walked to the bed.

Du Tinglan: "Have you chosen the name of your horse?"

Teng Yuyi looked serious: "I'm in a daze right now, and I can't think of a good name. It's my baby, and it's not sloppy. I'm going to sleep well and try again."

Du Tinglan couldn't help laughing.

Just as Teng Yuyi was about to lie down, Biluo came in and said that Cheng Bo came.

Teng Yuyi hurriedly put on her outer clothes and went out of the house.

Du Tinglan held the book and read for a while, and vaguely heard someone talking outside. She didn't know what Cheng Bo was going to report, and Teng Yuyi didn't come back.

She felt a little uneasy, changed her clothes and walked outside, and when she looked up, she saw Cheng Bo and Teng Yuyi standing at the round table talking.

There are several objects on the table, all of which are rare and colorful.

"These are some of the best items in the government's treasury. If the lady still doesn't like it, you can only wait for the old slave to collect it. But treasures are not easy to collect, so I'm afraid that the lady can't wait." Cheng Bo Saying that, she turned her head to see Du Tinglan, and hurriedly said, "Miss Du."

Du Tinglan approached: "Is this a gift?"

Teng Yuyi frowned and nodded, looking extremely dissatisfied with the things on the table.

Du Tinglan was very surprised. The seven-treasure partridge pillow alone was extraordinary. Why was Ayu worried? Suddenly remembering what my sister said yesterday, I suddenly realized: "Are you going to give a gift to Prince Chun'an?"

Cheng Bo said: "The gift for the King of Chun'an County has been prepared. His Royal Highness loves tea, but His Royal Highness may not accept it as a farewell. The old slave has prepared a few cans of freshly picked Lingxi high-quality tea, which will be available tomorrow. It will be sent to Dufu."

Du Tinglan was stunned. This time, it was Grandpa who came forward to ask the King of Chun'an for a bath soup. To thank the King of Chun'an, of course, he could only pretend to be Grandpa.

She remembered that time Grandpa specially prepared two generous gifts in order to thank Lin Chengyou for his Liuyuan Dan, one was sent to Qingyun Temple, and the other was sent to the Prince's Mansion of Chun'an County. Lord, on Lin Chengyou's side, he neither accepted the gift nor let Grandpa in.

Grandpa was thin-skinned, and after hitting the wall several times, he was embarrassed to go to Qingyun Temple again.

She looked at the tins of tea on the table and nodded in admiration. Ayu's behavior was very different from that of Grandpa. She either didn't send it or sent it to people's hearts.

"The ceremony has been chosen, why are you still worried?"

"There is another person whose gift has not been chosen."


"Become a prince."

Teng Yuyi didn't dare to mention that Xiaoya used Lin Chengyou's bath soup in the end, only said: "If it wasn't for Lin Chengyou helping to get rid of the demon in Caifenglou, my life would have been in the hands of the corpse evil. The grandfather told Cheng Bo to prepare a generous gift and prepare to thank him in person, but it was delayed again to catch up with the birthday of the father of the country. Tonight, Cheng Bo has everything ready, but you also know that ordinary items may not be able to be seen by Lin Chengyou. Some practical things, we don't know what Lin Chengyou likes or dislikes."

Teng Yuyi sighed.

Du Tinglan suddenly realized, no wonder she was muttering about the gift in the room yesterday, she helped her sister to come up with an idea: "You can't go wrong if you want to bring wine, why don't you bring some Jiangnan famous wines that you brought from Yangzhou?"

Teng Yuyi shook his head: "I usually drink Shi Jongchun, which is also available in the palace."

Du Tinglan thought for a while: "Do you want any of your children in Beijing who don't like to play polo, do you want to send some riding equipment?"

Teng Yuyi's eyes brightened: "Uncle Cheng, is there a good saddle in the mansion?"

Cheng Bo smiled bitterly: "There are only two high-quality saddles in the mansion. One is agate inlaid with gold and jade. It is precious enough, but it is not rare. Chang'an said that three princes and ministers used this saddle. The other was inlaid with pearls. , only for women to ride."

Teng Yuyi frowned: "It seems that I can only go to the horse bridle to look for it..."

Cheng Bo suddenly paused: "There is something that can be used, but it is more troublesome."

Teng Yuyi and Du Tinglan looked at each other: "How do you say this?"

Cheng Bo went to the warehouse to bring things, and the two of them understood at a glance. It was a large piece of rare purple jade, the color of agate, with a reddish radiance.

"This was rewarded by the sage when the master fought off Tubo. The master wanted to use it as a saddle, but he felt that it was too extravagant, so the old slave kept it in the warehouse, and he was not willing to use it later."

Teng Yuyi and Du Tinglan circled the table and were amazed. Jade is a good jade. It is rare that the shape and size are just right for a saddle. Moreover, white jade is easy to obtain, but purple jade is rare. Such a large piece is even rarer.

Teng Yuyi stopped and thought for a while, vaguely remembering that Lin Chengyou was riding a white horse with a purple jade saddle, which was unique.

"That's it!" Teng Yuyi made a final decision, "Find a good craftsman and send it to me within three days. The purple jade itself is beautiful enough, and there is no need to add fancy coral agate."

Cheng Bo said with a smile, "No matter how good a craftsman is, it will take ten days and a half. I heard that the birthday of Prince Cheng's son is next month. As long as it is sent out before then, it will be too late."

Teng Yuyi waved his hand: "This ceremony is just to repay the favor. We don't want to join in the fun on Lin Chengyou's birthday. Cheng Bo, you go to Chang'an's best craftsmen early in the morning, and deliver it as soon as possible."

After arranging the gift-giving, the sisters went back to the room and rested.

In the middle of the night, Teng Yuyi was suddenly awakened by a strange movement. She was so sleepy that she was trapped in the bed and couldn't wake up. When she realized it was the bell on her wrist, she suddenly opened her eyes.

"Ding bell bell, ding bell bell..." The bells were lazy, and the collision was not fierce, but the experience of the last time had long been imprinted in Teng Yuyi's heart, so it woke her up all of a sudden.

Her heart skipped a beat, Xuanyinling would not warn her for no reason, it seemed that something evil was coming, she opened the curtains in a panic, lying outside the window with the cold moonlight, she looked the same as usual.

The bell rang again a few times, and Teng Yuyi turned her head in fear, her sister frowned slightly, as if she was about to be woken up by the bell.

I don't know if this evil spirit is here for her or for my sister. According to past experience, 80% of it is for her. My sister doesn't know Taoism, so don't let her get involved.

Teng Yuyi quietly took out the Xiaoya sword from under the pillow, fortunately the bell was not noisy, she comforted herself, it was not a big deal, she had both Xiaoya and the talisman that Sheng Qizhi gave her last time, so maybe she could soon be able to. drive the opponent away.

The blade was a little hot, obviously Xiaoya noticed it too. She held her breath and crossed the bed. She put on a cloak and stood by the bed, looking around. The curtains floated quietly, and the night wind was clearly not weak.

Could it be that that thing is not small? Teng Yuyi hesitated, and suddenly felt that the bell in her palm was rolling more and more fiercely. Seeing that she could no longer cover her, she gritted her teeth, walked to the door and opened it, she shivered as soon as she went out, and there was a sudden shock outside. As cold as winter.

Her chest rumbled and thumped, regretting that she was only wearing a thin cloak, holding the sword and concentratingly recognizing the scene in the court, while raising her voice to shout.

At this moment, a strong smell of blood filled the wind, and a young figure ran fast in front of Langan. Before Teng Yuyi could see what it was, the black figure slammed into her.

Teng Yu stabbed forward in a hurry, and the thing disappeared in an instant. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, a messy footstep sounded beside her. She turned her head to look, and gasped in horror.


Lin Chengyou stayed in the palace until evening before coming out, and the Prince of Chun'an and the Crown Prince walked with Lin Chengyou.

The three walked out of the palace talking and laughing, and met Gu Xian outside Jianfu Gate. Gu Xian took a group of entourages and was about to return to the guest house of Honglu Temple.

Gu Xian heard that the three of them were going back to the Chengwang Mansion, so he said: "The old minister of Nanzhao Kingdom came to Beijing to send tribute, and brought me some wine by the way. I will be the host tonight. How about the wine."

The prince said, "Excellent."

The Prince of Chun'an opened his mouth: "It's getting late, you Honglu Temple is too far away, why don't you go to the Ada Mansion to make a scene."

Lin Chengyou said with a smile: "I can't ask for it. I'm the only one in my house. I'm feeling deserted and panicked, so let's go."

When the group passed by Dali Temple, Lin Chengyou rolled over and dismounted.

The three of them looked at him immediately: "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going in to inquire about a case, Uncle Huang, you go back to the manor first, and I'll come later."

Lin Chengyou remembered the story Chen Erniang told, and entered directly.

It was Yan Sizhi who was on duty that night, and he was a little surprised to see Lin Chengyou: "Lin Pingshi came so late?"

Lin Chengyou told about the strange case in Tongzhou.

Yan Sizhi was taken aback: "I haven't heard of it. Shizi, where did you hear about this case?"

Lin Chengyou was a little puzzled. Could it be that the little lady of the Chen family remembered it wrong?

He looked up at the bookshelf, on top of which were the case files handed over by the various prefectures. Usually, only suspicious cases that could not be solved locally would be submitted to Dali Temple.

Maybe the crime scene is not in the same state.

"Have there been cases of pregnant women dying in other prefectures recently?" Lin Chengyou's eyes shifted.

Yan Sizhi shook his head: "I have transcribed all the suspicious cases presented in the past three months, and I have never seen such a strange case. Lin commented on the matter, although it is cruel to have a caesarean section, but if the only victims are the couple, it is nothing. A major case, the local state government is afraid of losing the reputation of 'incompetent officials', so it may not be submitted."

Lin Chengyou took down a file, thought about it, and closed it again, smiling: "Forget it, maybe it's just a rumor, I'll go back to the inn where people from the same state live to inquire. I won't disturb Brother Yan tonight, let's go first. already."

After he left the Dali Temple, he called Kuannu to him: "I asked you to verify Hu Jizhen's whereabouts before the accident. Have you verified it in the past few days?"

Kuan Nu handed the whip to Lin Chengyou, and replied neatly: "On March 20, when Guozijian was not going to school, Hu Jizhen went out when he was Mao. He and three friends rushed to the Ci'en Temple to enjoy the peach blossoms, and he was in the temple at noon. Vegetarian meal.

"It was the beginning of time when we came out of the temple, and Hu Jizhen was still walking with his three friends. The four of them went all the way to Liquanfang before they parted ways. It was about the end of time. Liquanfang was only one street away from Yiningfang. , Hu Jizhen was riding a horse again. If he went straight back to the mansion, he would be able to get home in less than a stick of incense. But Hu Jizhen returned to the Hu mansion at the end of Shen Shimo, and he fell ill as soon as he returned to the mansion, and has been in a coma since then. ."

Lin Chengyou said: "I already know this. I never broke up with three friends at Shimo, and when Shen Shimo went home, Hu Jizhen was missing for two hours. I want you to find out if Hu Jizhen mentioned looking for Lu Zhaoan recently, but Did you hear it all?"

"The servants of the Hu residence have never heard the son mentioning Lu Zhaoan, but those friends have heard it a few times. That time, when the jinshi was released, the son and his friends discussed Lu Zhaoan's poems, and they highly praised him. I was going to pay homage to Lu Jinshi. But then I suddenly stopped mentioning it. I occasionally met Lu Zhaoan in some poems, and Hu Gongzi never came to greet him. Friends still thought it was strange, because Hu Jizhen is the most modest and prudent, and it is rare to be so rude. something."

Lin Chengyou smiled sarcastically, Hu Ji is really a straightforward person, once he is disgusted, he will naturally no longer be able to show respect.

He opened his mouth and said: "Lu Zhaoan is currently renting an old house in Puningfang. On the day of the accident, Lu Zhaoan claimed to be attending a banquet at the British government's residence in Xiuxiangfang. Whether it is Puningfang or Xiuxiangfang, it is only the same as Yiningfang. Across the street, there are many people at the banquet. If Lu Zhaoan leaves to see Hu Jizhen in the middle, he will be back soon. You have been following Lu Zhaoan these days, so you can see that he left the British government during the banquet? "

Kuannu: "That day we kept people at the front door and the back door of the British mansion, but the British man developed some strange problems in the early years of marching and fighting. There were many secret doors in the garden for people to come in and out. It's not that difficult. Unless you wrap up the whole of the British government, you can't keep an eye on every corner. The little people are afraid of being noticed by the British government, so—"

"So you don't know?"

Kuan Nu hurriedly said: "There are subordinates in the British government who are dedicated to guarding the secret door. As long as someone opens the secret door, they can't hide it from the British government. The young man has already gone to the British government's steward, and there will be news tomorrow."

Lin Chengyou got on his horse and said, "It's almost the same."

Kuan Nu had a serious look on his face: "Sir, you have come to see Mr. Hu. Did he hit the evil or was poisoned? In my opinion, he seems to be frightened alive."

Lin Chengyou frowned and said, "If you lose one soul and one soul, even if you wake up, you will become an idiot."

Kuan Nu was stunned: "Isn't that the same as Mrs. An Guo who was haunted by tree demons?"

Mrs. Anguo was possessed by the tree demon for too long, and she could not survive. I don't know what the prince thought to save her life. However, when she woke up, her sanity did not recover, and the whole person was dementia. I don't even know the people closest to me. Rao is so, An Guogong is also ecstatic.

This time, Young Master Hu was only fourteen years old. I heard that his homework was excellent. If he became an idiot, it would be really embarrassing.

Lin Chengyou pondered persistently on the reins.

Just because Mrs. An Guo lost her mind, there are still many doubts in the tree demon case. If Hu Jizhen can't wake up, this matter can't be investigated further. The two things seem unrelated, but the way the clues are interrupted is too similar.

"That's right, Prince." Kuan Nu added, "I checked it out, and the other group of people stalking Lu Zhaoan is from the Teng Mansion. The stewards of the Teng Mansion are very skilled. The government has nothing to do with it, so even we couldn't confirm the origin of those people at first."

Lin Chengyou was not surprised at all, Teng Yuyi had a deep relationship with his aunt's family, and Lu Zhaoan treated the Du family's wife like that, only if Teng Yuyi did not deal with Lu Zhaoan.

"Understood, leave her alone, just stare at her if you like."

Kuan Nu was startled: "This—"

Aren't you afraid that the people from the Teng Mansion will affect their work?

Lin Chengyou had already changed the subject: "What's going on in the past few days, Calyx Ji?"

Kuan Nu said: "Since Caifeng Tower was closed, Calyx Ji has moved to an old house in Beiqu, and all the prostitutes under her have been redeemed. She has nothing to do, but these days are very leisurely, not to those old people. When the sisters come to visit, they go to Renyazi in the West City on donkeys, and every time they see a beautiful Hu girl, they always go up to ask the price, as if they want to buy some girls to resume their old business."

Lin Chengyou smiled, it sounded flawless.

"Did she find anyone else?"


Lin Chengyou nodded: "Don't take it lightly, this woman may not be as simple as she looks, just keep an eye on me and don't make any mistakes."



Cheng Wangfu heard that the prince and others came to have a meal, and they set Fengjie fragrant food early.

Lin Chengyou sat down and drank a glass of wine. Gu Xian asked Lin Chengyou, "I was about to ask you, what happened to that horse today?"

Lin Chengyou asked knowingly, "What horse?"

Gu Xian: "I don't know about the other horses, but I have seen the Chi Yanli before. This horse is rebellious, so how could he show affection to the strange little lady we just met?"

Lin Chengyou: "I'm also curious, why don't I find an opportunity to ask it another day?"

Gu Xian: "I guess, did you identify something for it, and the horse likes that object, so it suddenly recognizes the owner."

Lin Chengyou smiled: "Where am I going to get something, and besides, these two horses were given to others by my aunt, can I help them recognize their masters?"

The prince is a kind person, so he hurriedly helped out the siege: "Gu Xian, this time I'm going to speak for Ada, these two are rare good horses, and it's not the same who will be rewarded, besides Ada and those little ones. The lady doesn't know each other, so how can she do tricks."

The King of Chun'an County smiled and said nothing.

Gu Xian said sternly: "I was reckless. I offended the prince and the little ladies, and I offended the little ladies. I will punish myself three cups first."

Lin Chengyou said "wait a minute", which made people bring the biggest wine glass: "I want to perfunctory with this? If I want to punish, I will punish this." Of course Gu Xian refused to drink, but Lin Chengyou would not give up. The two were at odds with each other, and someone came from the palace.

The queen sent a lot of mountains and seas by mistake.

"They are all new tributes from all over the world. The saint and the goddess said that the prince was alone in the house, and it was inevitable that he would not care about eating. They specially selected the best ones and sent them to the house, so that the house could carefully plan the prince's three meals a day. , The sage also warned: No matter how busy Dali Temple is, it must not eat less." The palace servant said in a soft voice.

Lin Chengyou responded with a smile.

The old palace man added: "His Royal Highness asked the prince to send Xuelian Dan to the palace earlier, and she will keep the one to reward the lady of the Li family."

Lin Chengyou was stunned for a moment, and almost forgot about it. If he hadn't helped Teng Yuyi get the little red horse last night, he wouldn't need to add another bottle of Snow Lotus Pill. This thing is still locked in the master's treasure chest, it seems that the lock has to be picked again.

"My nephew knows."

The old man said to the Prince of Chun'an: "The sage said that His Royal Highness is the best in the world. Now that the academy has a new name, I would like to ask His Royal Highness to write the inscription. If your Highness is free tomorrow, please enter the palace. One trip."

When the Prince of Chun'an County got up, he should say, "Please rest assured, Brother Huang."

The palace servant said to the prince in a warm voice again, "The maiden has something to ask your highness, and ask your highness to return to the palace earlier."

The prince smiled bitterly and said, "I see."

Lin Chengyou and the others just felt that the prince looked a little strange, when they heard the palace servant say: "Your Highness the Queen has another message to pass on to the prince: 'While I just came back from Ledao Villa, my aunt has something to ask you while it's hot: You are too old, I met so many little ladies at Le De Villa, do you like it? If you like it, tell your uncle and aunt earlier'."

This time, it was the turn of the prince and the others to hold back their laughter. Lin Chengyou was stunned, and then smiled: "Why did my aunt ask this all of a sudden, can I not say it?"

The palace servants smiled: "Her Royal Highness is still waiting for the slaves to answer."


Palace man: "Don't you have one?"

Lin Chengyou said firmly: "None."

The palace servant sighed, bowed and stepped back.

After the palace servants left, the table was quiet for a while, Lin Chengyou met the eyes of the three, and said strangely, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Gu Xian coughed: "This time in Royal Suchuan, although I was busy picking famous horses, I heard people say that this birthday banquet is full of talented young ladies, even some old officials of Nanzhao Kingdom. , I couldn't help but write a few sour poems like 'Zhong Lingyuxiu, all in the present', Shizi, you really didn't like it?"

Lin Chengyou said: "If I really like it, do I need to hide it? It's you, who has been inquiring about this again and again tonight, right? Tell me generously, and I can ask my aunt to talk to you. "

Gu Xian almost choked out with a sip of wine, and quickly waved his hand and said, "That's all, I can't tell you. I advise you not to be too crazy. Sooner or later, you will have a little lady you like. I would like to see what kind of little lady will be. Let you be obedient."

Lin Chengyou poured a glass of wine for Gu Xian: "You don't have to wait and see, I can tell you now, be obedient? It's impossible in this life."

The prince and the Prince of Chun'an sighed secretly. Ada had been poisoned by Gu when he was a child, and now he has been riddled with the poison. In addition to joking, he was also self-deprecating. To put it bluntly, the elders care so much about Ada's marriage. , is more concerned about his condition, everyone secretly hopes that the poison of the gu can be relieved, and that Ah Da can meet the lady he likes one day.

Otherwise, with Ada's temperament, he would rather live alone and never marry a woman he doesn't like.

The drink lasted until midnight, and the four of them became drunk when the banquet was over. Lin Chengyou sent the prince and others away, and returned to the room to prepare hot water for bathing. I opened the fabric and looked at it, the wound was almost healed.

When he fell on the bed, he thought that the Hu medicine that Teng Yuyi gave him was really useful. For the sake of this medicine, it was not worth his efforts to help her get the little red horse.

Now the two are completely separated, as long as she returns the string of Xuanyin bells, they will have nothing to do with each other in the future.

He closed his eyes and opened them again shortly after.

If it wasn't for Teng Yuyi's secret reminder that night, Du Tinglan would not have thought of the name "Xiangxiang".

Does Teng Yuyi's intelligence come from her grandmother?

I heard that Teng Yuyi's aunt died when she was five years old. Who taught her to read and write?

Suddenly, she thought that the horse was not easy to tame. Teng Yuyi had ridden a horse when she was in Yangzhou. She only knew that the horse was beautiful, but she had thought about how to tame it.

Oh, what does it have to do with him? It's a big deal to fall a few times. With her wild nature, she can always think of a way anyway.

He closed his eyes again and fell asleep shortly after.

In the middle of the night, he was awakened by a knock on the door.


It was Kuannu's voice.

"What's the matter?" Lin Chengyou was too tired to open his eyes.

"There is a haunted house in Jinchengfang, and I want to invite the prince to come and get rid of it."

"Jinchengfang?" Lin Chengyou had given an order before, as long as someone came to ask for help at night, the people below were not allowed to stop him. "What house, why did you find me?"

"It's a female nunnery. The abbot has driven him away for several days. As a result, the ghost has been making trouble in the nunnery. The female nuns had to come to the house and ask the prince to think."

It seems to be just a little ghost, Lin Chengyou closed his eyes and said, "Jinchengfang is next to Dongming Temple, why did you come all the way to find me?"

"I don't know."

"Let them go to the Five Paths of Dongmingguan."


Lin Chengyou took out a gold ingot and threw it out: "It's so noisy. Give this to Wudao and let them go, if it's not enough, it's enough."

The gold ingot came out of the window, Kuan Nu didn't dare to talk any more, agreed, and walked away holding the gold ingot lightly.

Lin Chengyou rolled over, fell asleep again in a blink of an eye, and was woken up again not long after, he frowned, and finally got a good night's sleep, how could it be endless.

However, consciousness soon told him that the noisy movement came from the bell stone in the front of his bedclothes.

His heart skipped a beat, and without even wanting to jump out of bed, he grabbed the outer garment and ran out while tying the jade belt.

When I ran outside, I suddenly felt cold on the soles of my feet, stood at the door and bowed my head, only to see that my feet were still bare, so I had to run back to the bed to put on my boots.

He ran out and stopped in front of the steps outside the house. He looked up at the deep dome, pulled out the silver chain, and jumped up to the eaves.