MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 50 Teng Yuyi's courtyard

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Teng House.

Teng Yuyi held the Xiaoya sword and watched as the things on the corridor approached.

It was a young woman in her early twenties, with a strangely swollen face, as if her abdomen had just been pierced with a sharp knife, and the entire skirt was stained with blood.

Every time the young woman took a step forward, a large stream of blood would flow out from the gap in her abdomen, flowing down the skirt to her feet, and soon leaving a meandering blood trail in the corridor. But the woman seemed to be unaware of the pain, and still walked quickly: "Give it back to me!"

The woman's voice was shrill, and every time she screamed, the coolness in the air increased. Teng Yuyi was nauseated, she clenched the hilt of the sword and stepped back and said, "Re, what do you have? I didn't take your things, my sword Very powerful, if you dare to take one step closer, I will make you go away immediately."

But the woman cried out again and again: "Give it back to me!"

Her figure was erratic, and she was forced to face Teng Yuyi in an instant. Teng Yuyi was almost not fainted by the extremely thick blood, and she stepped back subconsciously, but the sword in her hand stabbed forward suddenly, and stabbed a Sora, then turned his head, just in time to meet the woman's red eyes.

The woman's body leaned forward sharply, her pale hand was about to grab Teng Yuyi's neck, Teng Yuyi was in a hurry, and used the Ke'er swordsmanship that Cheng Bo had taught her.

This move was neat and straightforward, and the shot was the ultimate move, but before she could be stabbed, the ghost of the woman disappeared again.

Teng Yuyi staggered back a few steps and leaned against the door, shouting loudly, "Duanfu! Cheng Bo!"

Suddenly he heard a muffled sound behind the rockery, as if something heavy fell to the ground, Teng Yuyi was stunned, and heard someone gasping loudly.

With a move in her heart, she turned her head and ran along the corridor, and saw a large piece of clothes protruding next to the rockery. She carefully identified it by the moonlight, but felt that the figure was inexplicably familiar.

"Duanfu?" Teng Yuyi tried to call.

The shadow shook violently.

Truly a blessing. Teng Yuyi held her breath, went down the steps in three steps, and quickly bypassed the rockery, not help being surprised.

I saw Duanfu half-kneeling on the ground, with four strangely shaped little devils lying on his shoulders and backs, Duanfu's face was suffocated purple, as if he was pressing a mountain, he tried his best to get up, but even his knees were straight. not get up.

The little ghosts have faint blue eyes. They are either busy blowing in Duanfu's ear or grabbing Duanfu's hair.

Teng Yuyi was frightened. It turned out that Duanfu had come a long time ago, but he was entangled by these ghosts.

She took the lead in stabbing the kid on Duanfu's left shoulder. The stabbed kid turned into a wisp of smoke and dissipated in the fog. The rest of the kid screamed, jumped to the ground and disappeared.

"Did you hear me calling for help?" Teng Yuyi stepped forward to help Duanfu. Thanks to Duanfu, if someone else was trapped for so long, he might have died of anger long ago.

Duanfu gasped and got up: "I didn't hear it, but I suddenly felt that the inside of the courtyard was as cold as ice. The old slave was worried about his wife, so he climbed over the wall and came in. How could he be trapped by these things."

After a while of training, Teng Yuyi has long been surprised by this, and took out the talisman from his sleeve and handed it to Duan Fu: "They are intentional, our small courtyard is now like a cage, and the news cannot be sent out. , these things seem to have a lot of background, I have to call Xiaoya out and ask what's going on, by the way, can those little devils beg you for something?"

Duanfu shook his head.

Teng Yuyi said suspiciously, "That's weird, that woman kept saying 'give it back to me' and 'give it back to me', as if I took her some kind of treasure..."

She was about to call Xiaoya out, when Duanfu raised his head, his expression suddenly changed, and he put his right arm behind Teng Yuyi's shoulder, and immediately took out the talisman that Teng Yuyi had just given him.

Teng Yuyi smelled the strong stench in the wind, and knew that the female ghost was probably coming again. She immediately turned the tip of her sword and stabbed back with force, but before she could send the sword out, her neck was choked by a pair of cold hands. Living.

Teng Yuyi's eyes went black, and he couldn't use his arms anymore.

Duanfu shot several talismans in a hurry, but the female ghost didn't move.

Duanfu let out a low growl and grabbed the female ghost's shoulders with his bare hands. .

"Give it back to me!" the female ghost said sadly.

Teng Yuyi was completely restrained, only one pair of eyes could move, she first winked at Duanfu, then turned her eyes to look down.

Duan Fu immediately gave up attacking the woman, supported Teng Yuyi's right arm, and helped her point the tip of the sword at the female ghost behind him. The small sword was useless in his hands, only in Teng Yuyi's hands it was powerful.

Teng Yuyi gritted her teeth, and Duanfu helped her compete with the female ghost. The tip of the sword was quickly lifted to her shoulders. With just a stab back, the female ghost would escape because she was afraid of the sword's edge.

But at this moment, several little ghosts suddenly emerged from behind Duanfu. Seeing that they were about to wrap Duanfu's neck again, a silver light suddenly flew from the night sky. The little ghosts looked up and fled in panic.

The silver light hit Teng Yuyi's back, and the strength on Teng Yuyi's neck suddenly loosened. She staggered back a few steps, stroked her neck and coughed loudly. Looking back in a hurry, she saw a silver chain around the woman's neck. tied up.

Teng Yuyi recognized at a glance that it was Lin Chengyou's soul lock, strange that Lin Chengyou was nowhere to be seen, and suddenly heard the sound of branches and leaves above the bamboo forest, and someone jumped down.

The cold air dissipated in an instant, and Lin Chengyou was carrying a bunch of things like a sachet in his hand. There seemed to be living things hidden in the sachet, and all of them were arching.

Teng Yuyi gasped and thought, could it be pretending to be those little devils?

Lin Chengyou looked around cautiously, but asked Teng Yuyi, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, Shizi—" Teng Yuyi said gratefully.

After speaking, he was startled, and his voice was too hoarse.

Lin Chengyou frowned, sounded like a little duck, looked at the purple marks on Teng Yuyi's neck, took two strangely colored talismans from his sleeves and handed them to Teng Yuyi: "Soak this thing in water and drink it. , your throat will feel better tomorrow."

Teng Yuyi: "Is the prince awakened by Xuanyinling?"

"Otherwise?" Lin Chengyou glanced at her, wondering if it was because of the use of Yuyandan, the rash on her face disappeared, and her face under the moonlight was a bit like the snow **** he had eaten at night, soft , in vain.

Looking at her again, she was tightly wrapped in a crimson cloak, with only a pair of peony red soft satin shoes underneath.

He retracted his gaze, turned around and walked towards the female ghost: "Teng Yuyi, don't you think you've been too unlucky recently, the Xuanyin bell won't be able to take it off again after a while, and if there is a quarrel every three to five, I still need to sleep at night. already?"

Teng Yuyi felt a chill on her back, knowing that she was guilty of denial, she simply sighed: "It seems to be a bit unlucky, and I am embarrassed to disturb the prince late at night. But tonight, this female ghost must have found the wrong person, just now she kept saying 'Give it back' but I've never seen her before."

"'Give it back to me'? Did she really tell you that?"

Teng Yuyi hummed, and hurriedly followed Lin Chengyou's pace, only to hear the rustling behind him, and Duanfu followed silently.

Lin Chengyou picked up a twig on the ground while walking, walked to the female ghost, he bent down and drew a circle around her, and then scooped up his right hand in the air, and the soul lock flew back into his sleeve like a silver star.

There was no silver chain around the female ghost's neck, but she was immediately trapped by the formation that Lin Chengyou had just drawn.

She grabbed her hands and shouted at Teng Yuyi, "Give it back to me! Give it back to me!"

Teng Yuyi: "Listen, she's like this as soon as she shows up."

She said this, but she felt panic in her heart. She still didn't understand what was going on with the technique of borrowing life.

Could it be that he just borrowed this woman's life.

She looked into the woman's eyes full of resentment, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt this possibility. This woman died so tragically, if it really had something to do with her, she would rather give her life back as soon as possible.

Lin Chengyou looked up and down at the female ghost, and suddenly seemed to have found something. He squatted down and stared at the female ghost's abdomen, and his expression changed as he watched.

Teng Yuyi was even more nervous than Lin Chengyou, and she was busy looking over, but she quickly realized that something was wrong.

"What she lost was—" She was stunned.

"The fetus in the womb." Lin Chengyou's expression became solemn.

He looked up at the woman, and when he got up, a talisman popped out from his fingertips, and the talisman paper fluttered, falling like fallen leaves to the top of the woman's hair, the woman's cry stopped abruptly, and her scarlet eyes became clear.

Lin Chengyou's tone was very gentle: "What are you looking for? Would you like me to find it for you?"

The young woman's hideous expression slowly loosened, and she looked down at her abdomen in a daze.

Lin Chengyou sighed: "Who hurt you like this?"

But the woman screamed again mournfully: "Give it back to me!"

When she called, the talisman paper on her head instantly shattered into pieces.

Lin Chengyou frowned, and a few more talismans popped up in an instant, but the female ghost's hostility did not diminish at all, and it was getting worse.

Lin Chengyou was full of doubts, so he had to put the female ghost in the sachet first.

Teng Yuyi looked at the sachet in horror: "It seems that what she is looking for is the fetus in her womb... In the case mentioned by the second mother of the Chen family that day, the death of his wife is somewhat similar to this woman's, I wonder if the two have any The origin? Strange, I have nothing to do with this female ghost, why did she find me."

Lin Chengyou was also thinking about this question, not to mention whether this female ghost was related to the massacre in Tongzhou tonight, how did the female ghost find Teng Mansion?

An idea popped into his mind, and he looked around, no one had done anything around this yard.

Suddenly hearing the movement in the room, Du Tinglan shouted in a panic, "Ayu, Ayu!"

As soon as the door opened, Chunrong took the lead and came out with the lantern in a panic: "Miss—"

Seeing the situation in the hospital, several people were stunned.

Lin Chengyou looked left and right, and walked out of the wall as if nothing had happened: "Okay, I will find out the origin of the female ghost as soon as possible. If there is anything I don't understand, I will ask Juesheng and Qizhi to ask you another day."

Teng Yuyi was stunned. Originally, she was determined to return the bell, but she learned tonight that even if the talismans were covered with paintings of the Absolute Saint and Abandoned Wisdom, they would not be able to stop the real evil spirits. Before the sound of the bell, it is best to ask him to set up a blocking formation inside and outside.

She hurriedly said earnestly: "Sir, please stay, I have one more thing I want to ask for help, can I have a cup of hot tea before leaving?"

hot tea?

"I don't think it's necessary." Lin Chengyou didn't look back, but his footsteps slowed down.


The handmaids held the lantern, and the tea maker made the tea. The originally quiet courtyard suddenly became lively.

Lin Chengyou sat at the group table and looked around boredly.

Teng Yuyi said that this small courtyard is not big, but it is very careful in layout. There are four wing rooms at the top, and another elegant room on the east side. There is a winding corridor between the private room and the main house. The corridor is full of plants. Rare flowers, the front of the elegant room faces the atrium, and there are spring stones in the back.

Lin Chengyou was sitting in the elegant room at the moment.

He guessed that this was where Teng Yuyi read and wrote on weekdays. The furnishings in the room were far more frugal than he imagined. There was only a bookcase, a table, a couch and a silk screen in the color of landscape ink. bookshelf.

The bookcase is set in front of the window, and a plaque hangs above it. Three words are written on the plaque: Tan Shangyue.

Lin Chengyou had seen Teng Yuyi's words for a long time, so she recognized at a glance that it was written by her, and it was written in the study.

"Tan Shangyue." Lin Chengyou recited in his mouth, but he didn't get out of the way, it was much more hearty than the "flowers", "scents", and "butterflies" that girls were used to.

I don't know where she has seen this beautiful scenery, but she wants to come to Jiangnan. She said last time that she was afraid of water because she fell into the water, and now she is horrified when she sees a water pool. I can only taste it again after she cures this problem in the future.

After waiting for a while, Teng Yuyi did not come in, but unexpectedly smelled a faint fragrance. The gilded chid beast incense burner on the table had long since been extinguished.

Lin Chengyou recognized this fragrance. As early as in Caifenglou, he often smelled it on Teng Yuyi's body.

At first, he didn't know the name of the spice, but he happened to smell it in the palace last time. He followed the fragrance and saw a few delicate flowers in the corner. Only after asking the palace did he know that this flower is called a rose, and the flowers are fragrant and delicate. , the aroma is superb.

This flower originally only bloomed in early summer, but due to the sunny and warm weather in Chang'an recently, the gardeners in the palace are good at taking care of flowers, and many flower bones have protruded from the flower branches.

According to the gardener, this flower has a great temperament. Even though the flower tray is so beautiful, there are sharp thorns hidden under the flower branches. You must be very careful when you play it, because if you are not careful, it will **** your hands.

Not many roses are planted in Chang'an, and even fewer are used as incense sticks. Presumably it is for this reason that Teng Yuyi only loves this flower.

Lin Chengyou sat for a while, and secretly felt that the aroma was very disturbing, so he simply got up and walked to the bookshelf.

The books are a mixture of old and new, not just pretending. Teng Yuyi's intelligence seems to be inseparable from her love of reading.

His eyes lingered on the bookshelf, and the scrolls were divided into categories. Under each scroll, there were bookmarks made of red, white, and green teeth. When the weather was windy, these bookmarks would be ringing in the study.

This is consistent with the library in the palace, so I don't know what kind of books the bookmarks of red, white, green and blue represent in Teng Yuyi's place.

He was about to walk back to the round table, but unexpectedly saw a large piece of Yanxi paper on the desk. A lot of words were written on the paper, and the ink had dried.

He subconsciously looked away, but he still accidentally caught a few words, one was "Blast in the Fire" and the other was "Xi Ying".

It looked like he was trying to make up a name. Both "Fire" and "Sakura" implied vermilion. He thought about it for a while. Maybe Teng Yuyi was busy naming the red flame.

All he knew was that she had fallen in love with his little red horse, but he didn't expect her to like it so much. Seeing how serious she was, she looked like she had a big baby.

He wanted to laugh a little, okay, Chi Yanxuan has such a master who protects his shortcomings, so he doesn't have to worry about what grievances he will suffer in the future.

While thinking about it, footsteps came from outside the door, the maids opened the curtain, and Teng Yuyi and Du Tinglan came in.

Teng Yuyi changed into a goose-yellow ruffled skirt to meet guests, and she also had a bun on her head upright.

After drinking the Fu Tang, she had a good throat, and as soon as she came in, she asked the maids to put the steaming refreshments on the couch, and said with a smile, "I'm really sorry for disturbing the prince late at night. stomach."

As soon as she spoke, the maids in the room were very careful, and Du Tinglan's expression also showed some respect because of her gratitude.

The couch was soon filled with a dazzling array of dim sum, and each plate was exquisite.

Lin Chengyou was a little surprised, Teng Yuyi had collected all the snacks in the chef.

Teng Yuyi carefully paid attention to Lin Chengyou's expression. He is now their benefactor, so I won't talk about the previous times he helped. Judging from the situation tonight, it is inevitable to trouble Lin Chengyou in the future. She has to have a good relationship with him, so when entertaining Extraordinarily solemn.

Lin Chengyou raised his head to look left and right, and everyone in the room was looking at him.

He thought about it, picked a few pieces of snacks to eat, and thought while eating, it's no wonder that Juesheng and Qizhi like to eat Teng Yuyi's snacks. Her taste is as sweet as a child's, and the fillings of the desserts are a little greasy.

But he still ate it up quietly.

Although Teng Yuyi sat down on the opposite side, those dark eyes were paying attention to Lin Chengyou's every move. Seeing that he had finished eating all the snacks, two shallow pear eddies appeared at the corners of her mouth, and she motioned Chunrong to wrap the towel. He served tea soup and said, "I'm also worried that the prince will not be used to the dim sum from the south."

It was a bit uncomfortable, Lin Chengyou drank the tea and cleaned his hands, and said, "Tell me, if you have anything to help me."