MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 39 (1)

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Teng Yuyi's heart suddenly jumped into his throat, if he hadn't been unable to act rashly, he would have rushed to Juesheng to find out.

Lin Chengyou stared at Juesheng: "Who is it talking about?"

Jue Sheng was extremely anxious, Tian Yunde lost his hands, and the gesture with a broken wrist was too large.

He hurriedly poked at a certain name: "Boss Tian, ​​are you talking about this person?"

Tian Yunde shook his head desperately, shaking his broken wrist forward, and at this moment, Qi's ghost suddenly shook violently like a piece of paper, regardless of the red rope tied to his waist, screaming to jump out.

Lin Chengyou didn't pay attention to Qi's sudden attack, he held the red rope with his right hand, and the other hand flew out a talisman, but before he could restrain Qi's, the seven oil lamps went out with a puff.

The small Buddha hall was suddenly pitch black, Lin Chengyou knew something was wrong, Fei Fu lit the candle on the incense table behind him, the flames trembled, and the eyes opened up again.

The rope fell silently on the ground, and the ghosts of the Tian family had long since escaped.

Lin Chengyou tore off the red rope on his finger, got up and went out: "Who did Tian Yunde just say?"

Jue Sheng drew a circle on the roster: "The broken wrist is about this piece."

Lin Chengyou stared at it and saw that there were six names in the circle, Wo Ji, Caly Ji, Ge Jin, He Mingsheng, Baozhu, and Juanerli.

It was only one step away from knowing who it was. Lin Chengyou snorted coldly: "It's okay, it's a big deal, do it again."

He turned around to restart the formation, and all the Taoists rushed over to stop him: "Hey, no, this is a sorcerer, and the prince beware of breaking his cultivation."

Lin Chengyou squatted down and lit the oil lamp: "There are still a lot of things I don't understand. Now that I know that the murderer has something to do with the Tian family, I can just figure it out at once."

Seeing Tian shook his head: "You and I are practicing the right way, and we shouldn't be contaminated with sorcery. It's okay to do it once to investigate the case. There is absolutely no reason to start the battle again and again."

When Lin Chengyou heard the word "tainted", he was suddenly shocked, what happened to him? Knowing that there is a huge harm, but insisting on starting the battle, just now he was full of thoughts on how to find out the name of the murderer, and others couldn't stop him. Master Wei Dao said, "Anything that goes against the sky and goes against the truth has hidden dangers."

Lin Chengyou calmed down, blew out the candle in his hand, got up, and smiled: "Senior reminded me right, just now I was confused."

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. Teng Yuyi didn't understand why they couldn't start the battle again. Seeing that the Dao was so nervous, she thought it had something to do with the taboos in Taoism. She looked down at the name on the register and said, " Twelve Paintings - There is only one person here whose last name is Twelve Paintings."

Qizhi said excitedly, "I'll take a look."

Suddenly dumbfounded: "Hey. Aunt Calyx?"

Jue Sheng is also unbelievable: "How could it be her?"

Seeing the joy and sighing: "I really can't see it, this Calyx Ji has always been smooth and lovable, but she is so ruthless behind the scenes, looking at her usual words and deeds, it is really impossible to see that she possesses unique skills."

Seeing Le took his shoulder and put his head on him: "Xixi, what you said is wrong, the more powerful a person is, the more he knows how to hide. I just wonder why she had a grudge against the Tian family and why she wanted to kill Yao. Sister Huang?"

"Don't forget that Calyx is a qualified private prostitute in Pingkangfang. She lived here when Caibohang was still around." Seeing Xian's words, her eyes brightened, "It's all right, Cayenne. Not only knew the Tian family, but also the false mother of Caifenglou, and the two pairs of deceased before and after have something to do with her!"

Teng Yuyi coughed twice: "But as far as I know, prostitutes often use pseudonyms, and it is estimated that false mothers are no exception."

Lin Chengyou was studying the broken red rope. After listening to this, she thought for a while. Teng Yuyi knew a lot. He grew up so much that, apart from investigating cases and catching demons, he hardly ever stepped foot in the gate of Pingkangfang. Fortunately, as soon as he came, he took care of Juanerli and Baozhu, and he seemed to know a lot about the twists and turns of the prostitutes.

But what she said was right, Calyx Ji may not be called Calyx, what her real name is, you have to look at her body deed.

He picked up the silver nails scattered on the ground. Although the formation was defeated in the middle, the harvest was not small.

Juesheng and Jizhi: "Senior brother, do you want to go back to the front building?"

"I'm going to find out what immoral things the Tian family did during their lifetime. You two put away everything on the ground. Don't lose my bamboo hut for me."

Although the two yamen hadn't looked back before, they were still quite frightened. Lin Chengyou walked up to the two of them, took out the tranquilizer pill from his arms and gave them to them, and said with a smile, "You don't need to take care of it here, you guys go down and have a good rest. rest."

The yamen was stunned, nodded and left.

Teng Yuyi was full of "practicing swords", and it took more than half an hour to set up the formation. In other words, practicing swords was enough for her to learn one move and a half. Lin Chengyou just walked away, and she drew the sword with her back: "Masters, Let’s practice a few tricks while the wine and food are still in the future.”

Zhongdao wanted to take a break, but seeing Teng Yuyi's bright eyes, knowing that the rest would not be possible, they pouted in dissatisfaction and walked slowly to the table.

Teng Yuyi was shocked, an old Taoist pouted and she could endure it, and the five old Taoists pouted together, which was simply a spectacle.

Fortunately, she could turn around under the guise of practicing the sword, instead of being forced to watch this scene.

Just as Lin Chengyou walked to the door, a yamen came in front of him: "Sir, there is a prostitute who wants to see you."


"A lady named Baozhu."

she? Lin Chengyou nodded: "Bring her here."

After a while, Baozhu entered the Buddhist hall under the guidance of the yamen. She seemed to be deliberately dressed up tonight, with a touch of rouge on her cheeks, and her lips were fresher than in the daytime. She looked down at the corners of her skirt. , Every step was very charming, and when he came in, he suddenly found that the room was full of people, so he stopped his steps in fright, and when he saw Teng Yuyi, his expression became even more uncomfortable.

She panicked and said, "I have seen His Royal Highness."

Teng Yuyi glanced at Baozhu strangely. She probably thought that Lin Chengyou was here alone.

"What are you going to report?"

Baozhu bit her lip and released it, and her lips instantly became rosy and full.

Lin Chengyou frowned impatiently: "Is something wrong or is it okay?"

Baozhu flinched, but still didn't speak.

"It looks like it's alright." Lin Chengyou nodded with a smile, and said with a sullen face, "Come here, send this actor to Dali Temple, and disturb the official handling of the case for no reason. According to the law, you can fight for twenty, but first hit her twice. Ten boards, if you are not honest, you will be punished separately."

Baozhu paled in shock, and knelt on the ground with both knees low: "The slave family and the slave family do have something to report. I didn't think about what to say. I didn't mean to make fun of the prince. I beg Your Highness to open up."

As she spoke, she kept kowtowing, obviously frightened, Wu Dao couldn't bear to hear the sound of "dong dong dong", this little beauty dressed up specially, most of them had other thoughts, but then again How, so beautiful, it doesn't hurt to use some crooked brains, Lin Chengyou, this stinky boy, has a good skin, and he doesn't know how to pity fragrance and jade at all.

Lin Chengyou looked down at Baozhu: "You'd better get to know each other, if you dare to talk about it again."

"The slave family will never dare to talk nonsense." Baozhu was dizzy and weakly pressed his forehead to the ground. He had some thoughts in his heart, but now he was completely afraid, "In the afternoon, the prince asked the slave family to ask questions, and after returning to the room, the slave family Thinking of a very strange thing, the prince asked Xiaofotang and the Xiaoyao Sanren today, in fact, Juanerli had seen the Xiaoyao Sanren last month, I wonder if Juanerli had mentioned this to the prince."

Lin Chengyou's eyes twitched, last month? Xiaoyao Sanren didn't show up again half a year ago, and it turned out that he had returned to Chang'an on the way.

"Where did she see Xiaoyao Sanren?"

Baozhu didn't dare to look up, and said 1510.

That day was the eighth day of the first lunar month. Calyx Ji allowed Baozhu and Juanerli to go to the Bodhi Temple to offer incense. Unfortunately, Baozhu’s body was uneasy, so Juanerli had to go out with the other little ladies. When she came back, she whispered to Baozhu: "The master sent people to Luoyang every day to capture Xiaoyao Sanren, but who knew that Taoist priest was hiding in Chang'an."

Baozhu hurriedly asked what happened.

Juan Erli said: "The sisters came out of the temple after burning incense, and stopped by the restaurant to buy green ant wine to drink. I went to the store opposite to buy peaches for you. When I came out, I saw a Taoist priest hurriedly walking past, and I was heartbroken. I don't think this is the wandering person."

Baozhu was startled when she heard it. She had seen Xiaoyao Sanren when she came to Caifeng Tower. He had a red face and beard, and a long sword hung from his waist. He was not like an ordinary Taoist priest, but a bit of a ranger. Ordinary, it is no wonder that the curling pear can recognize it at a glance.

"Isn't this man a liar, what is he doing?"

Juan Erli said: "He seemed to be tracking someone, but unfortunately the street was crowded with people and passed by in a flash."

Baozhu hurriedly said: "Didn't the master hate this Taoist priest to death, please tell the master about this."

Juan Erli said hesitantly, "This Taoist priest doesn't look like a bad person, maybe he's just wandering around, and he didn't intend to deceive people for money. If he really wants to be caught by the master's family, he will inevitably be imprisoned, or he should forget it. "

The two were discussing, and Qingzhi passed by the door happily. Today, many actors went out to hang out, and Qingzhi was no exception. She was still holding a large bag of food in her arms, and it seemed that she had gained a lot. She seemed to have heard the conversation between Baozhu and Juanerli, but didn't come in to ask.

As soon as Qingzhi left, Calyx Ji came in. Juanerli whispered to Baozhu, "I wonder if they heard what we said."

Baozhu said: "If Aunt Calyx hears it, she will definitely ask us face to face. Qingzhi is not necessarily, our voices are not small just now, I guess she heard a few words, this girl's mouth is very broken, and she will be sure to embrace the master's family. successful.

As a result, after several days, there was no movement on He Mingsheng's side, and Baozhu and Juanerli guessed that either Qingzhi didn't pay attention to what they were saying that day, or Qingzhi hadn't had time to tell the master. "

After Baozhu said these words, she raised her head and glanced at Lin Chengyou timidly.

Lin Chengyou frowned and thought, this clue is very important, why did Juanerli never mention it.

Baozhu seemed to have guessed what Lin Chengyou was thinking, and said with trepidation: "To tell you the truth, since Juan Erli was kidnapped by that male demon, his spirits have deteriorated a lot. She is always in a daze. The slave family sometimes chats with her, and she often can't even remember our affairs. The slave family guesses that she did not hide it on purpose, but really forgot it. blame her."

When Teng Yuyi heard it, she couldn't help but be startled. The strange thing is that Juanerli has always been stunned recently. It turned out that he was frightened by the young master in golden clothes. Yes, it is possible to freak out on the spot.

Qi Zhi was soft-hearted and couldn't help but interject: "Miss, don't worry, Juan Erli's soul was disturbed first, and secondly, she had strayed into an illusion, and she had to meditate and support herself. Unfortunately, there have been frequent accidents recently. Yu Nursing, we will give her some talisman soup to soothe the nerves and nourish her qi later, and it will be good for a few more days."

Baozhu was very grateful: "Thank you Xiaodao Master."

Lin Chengyou looked at Baozhu: "Did anyone mention this in front of you after that day?"

"No." Baozhu shook his head, "If the prince hadn't inquired about Xiaoyao Sanren in the afternoon, the slave family might not have remembered it. He thought that it might have something to do with catching the murderer, but he was worried that Juan Erli had forgotten, so he had to come forward to report it."

Lin Chengyou pondered for a moment, and then asked again, "Apart from Juanerli, has anyone else seen that Xiaoyao Sanren in Chang'an?"

"Neither." Baozhu added, "At least the two of us haven't heard of it."


After Baozhu left, Lin Chengyou also went to the front building.

Teng Yuyi learned a few tricks, and gradually felt that the robe on her body was greasy and heavy, and she was sweating too much. She had to go back to the room to change clothes, so she told Wudao to leave, and planned to take Cheng Bo and Huoqiu back. Relying on Cui Xuan.

Juesheng and Qizhi chased after them: "Young Master Wang, we will accompany you."

Teng Yuyi knew that they were worried about the intrusion of corpse evil, so she walked forward and said with a smile, "I still have some snacks there, just for you to eat."

The two nodded happily, and Jue Sage counted with his fingers: "Abandoning wisdom, has Wang Gongzi learned a total of twelve tricks?"

"Thirteen moves." Qizhi sighed calmly, "There are only twenty-three moves left to practice."

Teng Yuyi glanced at them with a smile. I didn't expect them to be very interested in her martial arts training. According to her current progress, she could finish her practice before tomorrow night. She just hoped not to make mistakes in the middle, otherwise she would suffer in vain.

Soon after arriving at Yicuixuan, it was quiet all around. There were two yamen patrolling in the corridor, and the prostitutes and fake mothers were trapped in their respective rooms.

Cheng Bo waited in the next room, while Teng Yuyi went straight back to the room to change clothes. She simply groomed and found a few packs of Jue Sage and Qi Zhi's favorite vegetarian dishes. Fish vinegar and other meat dishes are also placed on the tray.

After cleaning up, he looked around and found that there was still a plate of preserved cherries on the case. Teng Yuyi was stunned. This thing was put out when Baozhu and Juanerli came that day. .

She walked across the room and opened the door, but she always felt something was wrong. Cheng Bo and the others heard the movement, and Teng Yuyi said to Huoqiu absentmindedly, "Take these food to the small Buddha hall."

Juesheng and Qizhi rushed into the room first: "Don't bother Big Brother Huo, let's come."

Huo Qiu has a straightforward temperament. He smiled and was about to speak when he accidentally saw Teng Yuyi's face and said in surprise, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Teng Yuyi paused, turned her head and walked to the other side of the corridor: "I have to go to the front building."

Cheng Bo looked at each other and quickly followed in surprise.

As soon as Teng Yuyi arrived at the front building, she looked left and right: "Where's Lin Chengyou?"

The yamen did not know Teng Yuyi's identity, but thought this little man was a little weird.

"Lin Pingshi is on the second floor, what's the matter with this son?"

"My surname is Wang, please send me a message for the two of you, saying that Wang has something important to tell him."

The yamen was a little hesitant. After the prince and Yan Sizhi brought back several files from the Dali Temple, they ordered them to wait downstairs for the Wannian County magistrate to join the army. Going up, the result was a closed door.

"Lin Pingshi may not be willing to see you." The yamen said, "You wait here, I'll go up and ask."


Lin Chengyou stood with his back against the window of the moon hole, but his eyes looked at the portrait in his hand. Although He Mingsheng was from a businessman, his painter was not bad. The description of Xiaoyao Sanren in this painting was almost the same as that of Baozhu. He was tall and strong, with thick eyebrows and beards. , Wearing thong clothes and shoes, at first glance, it seems a bit narrow.

He Mingsheng painted a total of four paintings, one of which was in the hands of Jin Wuwei and Yu Qi at the moment, and the other two were sent to two city gates respectively. will be arrested immediately.

"I don't know if I don't check." Yan Sizhi smiled bitterly at the desk under the lamp, "It turns out that three of the six people's surnames are 'Twelve Paintings'. Ge Jin's real name is Dong."

Lin Chengyou took over the conversation: "And Baozhu, she was an orphan when she was picked up, and she had no name until she was bought."

Yan Sizhi seriously added Baozhu's name, and crossed out He Mingsheng's name: "It seems that this matter has nothing to do with Boss He."

Lin Chengyou said, "Slow."

Yan Sizhi was shocked: "What's the matter? Could it be that He Mingsheng is also using a pseudonym?"

Lin Chengyou frowned: "I have asked someone to go to Luoyang to check his details earlier, his grandfather is a Luoyang giant, and his identity background is no problem. But after all, he is the owner of this building, whether it is a long-term arrangement in the small Buddha hall. Or hide evidence after killing people, it is much more convenient for him to do things than others in the building."

Yan Sizhi pointed at Ge Jin's name: "Ge Jin always recuperates in the room after being disfigured, and there is no possibility of murder."

Lin Chengyou thought about it and said, "But she has a motive to kill."

"Motivation?" Yan Sizhi said in surprise, "She doesn't even know that she was harmed by Qingzhi and Yao Huang, how-"

Suddenly, she was secretly surprised. This was only one side of Ge Jin's words. Maybe she knew who was hurting her long ago, but she deliberately made such a scene in public that night. It is not impossible. After all, there is no one in Caifenglou. I hate sister Yao Huang more than she does.

Yan Sizhi was surprised: "Then... it seems that only Juanerli and Baozhu are the least suspect."

Lin Chengyou said again, "Don't you think that Juan Erli's dementia is too much?"

"Do you suspect that she is pretending?" Yan Si glanced over the portrait of Xiaoyao Sanren, "Yes, Baozhu's words tonight also prove that Juanerli has been concealing important clues, but she is a barbarian, how can she be with Yue Is there anything to do with the Taozhi Embroidery Workshop in the prefecture?"

Lin Chengyou thought back and forth, went to the low couch and lay down on his back. He hadn't closed his eyes for two nights. He was really tired and panicked: "I don't want to think about it for now. Before joining the army, I will squint for a while."

As soon as he closed his eyes, someone knocked on the door.

Lin Chengyou didn't open his eyes: "What's the matter?"

"Someone asked to see Lin Ping, saying that there was something important to report."

Lin Chengyou thought of Baozhu, and felt tired for a while, something important? Where do so many important things come from.

"No, let her go."

"The man said his surname was Wang, and he seemed in a hurry."

Lin Chengyou rolled over and stayed: "Bring her up."

The yamen took orders and went, and returned after a while: "Lin Pingshi, someone is here."

Lin Chengyou opened the door and went out, only to see Teng Yuyi waiting in the corridor, the robe on her body was new, and she was still wearing a frock on her head, her forehead was full of crystal beads of sweat, but the strange smell was very fragrant.

He didn't smell what the scent was, so he gave her a sideways look: "What's the matter with me?"

Teng Yuyi decided to make a long story short: "I don't think holding beads is quite right."

"Oh? What a wrong way."

"On the day of Qingzhi's accident, I asked her and Juanerli to sing in my room. I was curious about the cause of Qingzhi's death, so I asked them about Qingzhi. At that time, there was a plate of preserved cherries in my room. It was fine, but she suddenly changed her expression when she saw the preserved cherries. I asked her what was wrong, and she said that she remembered something when she saw the preserved cherries. I asked her what happened, and she said that she had seen Qingzhi hiding in the preserved cherries. jewelry.

"This is reasonable and reasonable, and I have no doubts. After Baozhu left, Juesheng Qizhi and I went to the small Buddhist hall to find Wudao, and when the prince came back, Wudao asked you about the case. I think what Baozhu said. It's an important clue, so I deliberately mentioned it in front of you. The prince doesn't seem surprised at all, so you already know about it. Dare to ask the prince, when did Baozhu talk about it in front of you?"

Lin Chengyou vaguely guessed what Teng Yuyi was wondering. As soon as he found out that Qingzhi's corpse was wrong that day, he and Yan Sizhen called everyone in the building to question him one by one. That's when he heard about the preserved cherry from Baozhu's mouth. .

"She told me the morning that Qingzhi's body was found," he said.

Teng Yuyi said, "That's what I'm curious about. She told you about it in the morning, why did she lose her temper when she saw the plate of preserved cherries in the afternoon."

interesting. Lin Chengyou pondered for a while: "She not only told me this morning, but also described it in great detail. It's reasonable to see a plate of preserved cherries again, so I won't be surprised, unless..."

"Unless it was something else that made her lose her temper." Teng Yu knew clearly, "She deliberately used preserved cherries and Qingzhi as a guise to cover up the real reason for her gaffe."

Lin Chengyou became interested: "So what was Baozhu doing in your room at the time? Was there anyone else in the room?"

"Besides me, it's just the two trail masters. When the preserved cherry was presented, the words were almost finished. I asked Kuan'erli and Baozhu to play the song "Lotus Picking Song" for me, but the curler pear just started. After turning his head, Baozhu seemed to have seen a ghost. That is to say, I was asked repeatedly, and then I came up with the latter words. To be honest, these words were perfect, if I didn't happen to know that she had talked about Qingzhi in detail before. , I'm not suspicious at all."

"Lotus Picking Song"... Lin Chengyou pondered, Teng Yuyi asked Teng Yuyi to play this song, and Baozhu started to play it. The gaffe should not be for this.

"What about the hallway?" he asked again. "Did anyone happen to pass by, or speak loudly?"

Teng Yuyi shook his head: "I don't remember very well. The two priests were there at the time, why don't I go back and ask them again?

After speaking, he was silent.

Lin Chengyou waited for a while, and seeing that Teng Yuyi didn't say anything, he said, "Is it gone?"

Teng Yuyi smiled and said, "No more."

But she didn't intend to leave, Lin Chengyou laughed secretly, and knew that Teng Yuyi would go to the Three Treasures Hall without incident.

He pretended not to know, and turned around to push the door: "Okay, I know about this, please come back, Prince Wang."

As soon as her hand touched the door frame, she heard Teng Yuyi say with a smile, "Sir, please stay."

Lin Chengyou pretended to be surprised and turned around: "What else is going on, Young Master Wang?"

"The prince also saw it." Teng Yuyi said with a kind face, "I have had a lot of dealings with fake mothers and prostitutes in the building, and they may not be willing to tell you some things, but they will tell me calmly. Just take Juanerli and Baozhu. Said, I even know how many scars they have on their bodies. Sometimes a word they don't mind is often an important clue."

Lin Chengyou pretended to listen carefully: "Go on."

"I've been listening to a lot of small talk for the past few days, but I don't know why, some words are clearly in front of me, but I can't remember them. The reasoning is that my memory is not so bad. After thinking about it, I can only drink fire. Because of the Yuling Root Soup, the zhenqi is running around in the body, and the brain is also chaotic."

"It makes sense." Lin Chengyou nodded solemnly, "Then what is the prince going to do?"

"If the prince has a prescription for sterilization, please tell me quickly."

He didn't want to tell her that he was going to enter the palace to get Yuyan Dan, so he deliberately said, "Prescription? What prescription?"

Teng Yuyi said curiously: "Naturally, it is the prescription for Kehua Huoyu Linggen Decoction. I have dealt with all the people who are most suspected at present. If I Kehua Huoyu Linggen Decoction earlier, I can do it earlier. Remember important clues."

Lin Chengyou said with a low smile: "Teng Yuyi, it's really yours, it's hard for you to go around such a big detour, it's just for this."

Teng Yuyi smiled brightly: "This is good for you and me, the murderer is very cunning, and the prostitutes have their own ghosts. The prince has been investigating for a long time, but still has no clue. If an outsider thinks of some key clues, it may be the truth. It can surface. I just remembered something wrong with Baozhu, which is one of them."

Lin Chengyou's forehead jumped.

Check for a long time? Still clueless?

What does Teng Yuyi mean by this, did she write "contempt" on her face.

What a joke, why should she underestimate him? The clues have already been sorted out. The truth is near Chi Chi, and he will find out the murderer tomorrow morning at the latest.

"I already told you the method of Kehua." He stammered, "Believe it or not. Instead of thinking a little bit, Mrs. Teng might as well calculate how many hours are left. It doesn't matter if you practice or not, you get hot sores. But it's not good."

Having said this, he turned around and pushed the door open, then turned his head to look at her and said, "Young Master Wang is not leaving yet?"

Teng Yuyi's teeth were sore for a while, and she turned around and went down the stairs.

In the past few days, everyone has been eager to find the murderer, and she also participated in it. She originally wanted to move it with love and reason, but Lin Chengyou was stubborn.

In fact, she didn't have to take shortcuts, but worried that the two monsters would break in at any time. She always suspected that Lin Chengyou had a better way to restrain herself and kept it hidden, so she asked this question. If there is a medicinal soup, there is no need to worry about not being able to practice it.

This time, I'm completely giving up, and it seems that I can only practice hard without sleep.

She smiled coldly in her heart: This revenge is not a gentleman, Lin Chengyou, we will see.

As soon as Lin Chengyou returned to the room, he went straight to the desk, opened a certain volume, and flipped through it.

Yan Sizhi said warmly, "Chengyou, didn't you just say you would take a break?"

"Don't stop." Lin Chengyou looked attentively, and picked up the next after flipping through one volume.

Yan Sizhi was a little puzzled, why did he suddenly refuse to rest?

He glanced at the door curiously: "Why did the prince come to you just now?"

Lin Chengyou was about to speak as if nothing had happened, but the yamen outside rushed up and knocked on the door: "Lin Pingshi, I have caught those Hu merchants selling rotten grass."

Lin Chengyou sighed, dropped the things and opened the door: "Did you bring it?"

"They are all detained in Dali Temple for the time being." The yamen wiped his sweat, "These people have other cases. Si Qing said that he was afraid that there would be trouble on the road, so he would not let them be detained at Caifeng Tower, but Si Qing has commented on Lin's behalf. Several Hu merchants have been interrogated, and just half a month ago, someone in Caifeng Building did buy rotten grass from Hu merchants, but Hu merchants were short of medicinal powder at that time, and finally failed to sell."

Lin Chengyou sighed: "Who?"

The yamen said, "Miss Gejin."

Yan Sizhi was taken aback: "It's really her?"

"Ms. Gejin was already disfigured at the time, and she didn't show up herself. She only asked a poppy named Tuoer from Kangfang to help lead the line. Tuoer didn't buy the powder, and asked someone to send a message to Madam Gejin. Madam Gejin only said she knew it, but didn't say she would buy it again."

Yan Sizhi was stunned for a long time, then nodded slowly and said: "Okay, we were all played by this Gejin. Chengyou, as you said, no one wants to kill Sister Yao Huang more than Gejin, she made a misunderstanding on purpose. Wei Zi's scene was to clear her suspicions in public. Now that we found out that she had intentionally bought rotten grass, can we arrest someone?"

Lin Chengyou took two steps thoughtfully. He was right, but with the murderer's palace, would he buy rotten grass with great fanfare? Moreover, even if Ge Jin had the motive to kill the Yao and Huang sisters, what happened to the Tian couple?

Compared with the Yao and Huang sisters, the Tian family is the beginning of the murderer's evildoing. Only by understanding the relationship between the murderer and the Tian family can we explain the extremely evil Qimang leading the way.

He touched his chin, thinking about opening his mouth, and another yamen came up downstairs: "Hong Shenjun is here."

Lin Chengyou's eyes lit up: "Quickly invite him up."

Hong Canjun is the law Cao Canjunjun in Wannian County who is in charge of the prison and the trial of cases. Although the official position is not high, but he is quite famous in the community.

Hong Canjun was born with a big shoulder and a round waist. He walked like a tiger with a gust of wind. His beard was like an upturned iron hook, but his teeth were white and shining.

After he entered the room, he smiled and saluted: "The cases of the Tian family and the Rong family were both investigated and handled by the lowly position. This is the record at that time, one belongs to the Rong family, the other belongs to the Tian family, Lin Pingshi and Yan Which one do you want to hear first?"

Lin Chengyou asked him to take a seat: "Let's start with Mr. Rong."

Hong Canjun pulled up his robe and sat down: "Mrs. Rong died on the night of the second day of the first month of October last year. No one reported the case that night. Only the next morning did Mr. Qi send someone to inform Li Zheng. I had long heard that Mrs. Qi often beat up Mrs. Rong, and was suspicious. Her death was related to her, but after checking around, the man and the neighbor said that they did not hear Rong's call for help that night. After an autopsy, it was found that the cause of Rong's death was drowning. In the days before Shi's death, he always cried to the corner alone, as if he had long since saved his will to die.

"I can't judge whether Rong's family committed suicide or was murdered, so I have to report the matter to Dong Ming's house. Dong Ming's house said that Qi's suspicion is not enough, and Tian Yunde has no intention to pursue it. In addition, Rong's family has no relatives in Yuezhou. It's pointless to investigate further. The lowly office has to close the case."

Yan Sizhi said in amazement: "Tian Yunde didn't pursue it? The concubine suddenly disappeared, and this person didn't even react at all. Where was Rong Shi when he died?"

Hong Canjun said: "Tian Yunde went to Yuezhou, and when he came back, he heard the news of Rong's death, and fell ill that night, perhaps because he was too ill, and never pursued Rong's death. Later, it was Qi's who took some silver money. I ordered the guys to bring back the corpse of Rong's and bury it."

"Yuezhou—" Lin Chengyou and Yan Sizhi were shocked.

Hong Canjun was stunned: "What's wrong?"

Lin Chengyou held his breath and asked, "What is Tian Yunde going to do in Yuezhou?"

"I went to buy Liaoling. I heard that he was poor in his early years and started by selling colored colors. Although his business has grown bigger and bigger in recent years, he still goes to Yuezhou to choose fabrics in person every year."

It turns out that Tian Yunde has always had contacts with Yuezhou!

"Tian Yunde had a head wind. After he fell ill, the medical workers said that it was caused by excessive sadness, and some medical workers said that it was scaring the disease. In short, when he fell ill, it was aggressive." Hong Canjun recalled slowly, "I don't know what Tian Yunde was afraid of. Nightmare day and night. According to the shop assistant, Tian Yunde was confused once, and suddenly opened his eyes and said that there were ghosts lingering in the yard. When everyone heard it, wasn’t that Rong’s family? spread."

Lin Chengyou's expression changed slightly: "Wait a minute, the haunting thing came out after Tian Yunde fell ill?"

"Yeah, just because Tian Yunde always said that there were ghosts in the yard during his illness, Mrs Qi ran to the well and scolded several times, saying, 'Before he was alive, he was fascinated by others, but he dared to make waves after death'. Later, for some reason, even Qi Shi was also frightened, and one day went to the nearby Qingguo Temple to ask for a talisman to stick in the courtyard."

Lin Chengyou seemed to be stunned, staring at the case on the table without moving, thinking that the haunting came first and Tian Yunde fell ill later, but it seemed that everything was wrong.

Since the rumor of being haunted didn't spread until Tian Yunde came back, then everything had to be done all over again.

First, Tian Yunde went to Yuezhou, and when he came back, he fell ill. He happened to catch up with the accident of his concubine. Everyone thought that he was too sad, but Tian Yunde had no intention to investigate the cause of Rong's death, and even Rong's burial was buried. Ignored.

Could it be that they all thought wrong, Tian Yunde's serious illness had nothing to do with Rong's at all, but was related to the trip across the state.

"How many days did Tian Yunde stay in Yuezhou before he came back?"

Hong Canjun was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect Lin Chengyou to ask such a question. He quickly flipped through the records with his stubby fingers, but luckily he had verified Tian Yunde's whereabouts.

"Oh, he left on August 27th and came back on October 7th."

Lin Chengyou lowered his eyes and said, "It's only 40 days. From Chang'an to Yuezhou, it takes 20 days at least on the road. Since Tian Yunde wants to buy Liaoling, how can he return as soon as he arrives in Yuezhou? How long has it been for Hong Canjun to check?"

"This..." A hint of embarrassment appeared on Hong Cangjun's broad face, "I'm humble and rude, I didn't ask about Tian Yunde's trip to Yuezhou in previous years."

"But..." He thought for a while and said, "When I went to the store for questioning, I heard a guy in the store say, 'Rong's death in the backyard like this is really scaring people to death. Fortunately, the master came back early. Otherwise, the business in the store doesn't know how to do it.' It can be seen that Tian Yunde came back earlier than in previous years."

Lin Chengyou knocked on the table casually. Mrs. Rong died on the second day of the first year, and Tian Yunde came back on the seventh day. The news of the death could not reach Tian Yunde's ears so quickly. He could only return early for other reasons.

Could it be that Tian Yunde encountered something in Yuezhou, or someone? This accident not only stopped him from buying fabrics, but also made him sick after returning to Chang'an.

To make a middle-aged man panic to such a degree, that event/that person must be no trivial matter.

Hong Canjun added: "Tian Yunde died after being ill for two months. The cause of his death was aggravation of the head wind. Before that, two well-known medical workers took turns to diagnose him, and both of them could testify. After the autopsy, the county also said that The cause of Tian Yunde's death is not suspicious."

"Where's the Qi family?"

"She hanged herself at night on the third day after Tian Yunde's death." Hong Shenjun's expression was a little different. "Before she hanged herself, she wrote a strange letter."

"Where is the letter?"

Hong Canjun hurriedly took out a piece of paper from underneath.

Yan Si moved the candle straight forward, and at a glance, he felt the chills on the back of his neck stand up. The paper was densely packed with words, and every line contained the same words: I am a dog, not worthy of living; I am a dog, not worthy of living...

Lin Chengyou stared at the words on the letter: "Have you checked the handwriting?"

"It's checked, it's indeed Qi's handwriting."

Lin Chengyou turned over to read the back of the letter again, considering Qi's person, wanting to make her wake up and write such a letter, I'm afraid it would be more difficult than ascending to the sky.

But if one can do sorcery, that's another story.

Lin Chengyou raised his eyes: "Hong Canjun kept this letter.