MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 38 (3)

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The concubine died more than a year ago. "

He changed his words: "Sir, shouldn't you be suspicious—"

"No matter who this formation is going to deal with, it won't be Yao Huang and Qingzhi anyway." Lin Chengyou looked up and jumped onto the beam, "And seeing that Daoist Xi guessed correctly, it comes from the way the murderer killed Qingzhi. Look, it should be the same person who set up Qimang to lead the road, so it can be seen that the murderer not only could not tolerate the Yao and Huang sisters, but also hated a certain deceased earlier."

Seeing the sky was extremely surprised: "Caifeng Building only opened six months ago, but the Caibo store in front has been closed for a year, and the shop further ahead has no connection with Caifeng Building, who does that person hate? "

Lin Chengyou's voice vibrated on the beam: "If you ask, you'll know."

Wudao glanced at each other: "Ask? Who to ask?"

Lin Chengyou jumped down and clapped the dust on his hands: "Didn't the murderer already tell us a good way?"

Everyone was puzzled, but Teng Yuyi looked at the blanket thoughtfully. Could it be that Lin Chengyou was...

At this moment, the yamen outside came to him: "Prince, Commander Chang is here."

"So fast?" Lin Chengyou stood up to greet him, only to hear steady footsteps, and Chang Rong burrowed in.

His shoulders were covered with fine silver and bright rain threads, he was holding a colored bamboo scorpion in his right hand, and a large burden in his left hand.

"Uncle Chang."

Chang Rong first looked at Lin Chengyou, and saw that the little master was unscathed, and seemed relieved, then looked around, bowed to Wudao and saluted, and when his eyes swept over Teng Yuyi, he was obviously stunned.

Teng Yuyi cupped her hands at will, but she quietly hid behind Cheng Bo. She was wearing men's clothes and had a big beard on her face. It was difficult to be recognized at a glance, but this commander Chang used to fight with her. Corpse evil, it is better to be cautious.

Fortunately, Chang Rong quickly looked away: "I was afraid of delaying Dalang's affairs, so I rushed over here. Fortunately, Shengyefang is not far from Pingkangfang, and there was no delay on the way. Dalang, you are not in the house these days. , the palace has sent people to come to see it a few times, and if you have time, go to the palace to see the saint and the queen."

Lin Chengyou replied with a smile: "Has Azhi sent a message?"

"Yes, the little princess urged my brother to enter the palace every two days. I replied that my brother was on an errand, and I would go to the palace to pick her up when I was free. The little princess sent this thing out and told my brother to put it on immediately. ."

As Chang Rong spoke, he opened the bag in his hand, revealing a neat stack of clothes, with a small colorful object on top.

Lin Chengyou picked up the thing: "Longevity thread? Did Azhi make it? Why did you make this before the Dragon Boat Festival?"

Chang Rong smiled amiably: "The little princess said that this is the first time she has made a longevity thread, and she gave it away, expecting her brother to praise her, and said that it would be better for her brother to wait until the Dragon Boat Festival."

Lin Chengyou smiled and tied the longevity thread on his wrist: "Got it."

Chang Rong handed the bamboo scorpion to Lin Chengyou, confirmed that he had taken the things correctly, and then left to leave. When he reached the door, he glanced at Teng Yuyi again, but Teng Yuyi had already turned his back and practiced swordsmanship.

It was only after Chang Rong went out that she remembered that this was the little lady who swung her sword to repel the corpse last time. He would never forget how thrilling it was in the flower hall that night. Thanks to this little lady, he managed to keep the corpse out of the door several times.

Strange, why did Mrs. Teng stay in the brothel, the daughter of a famous general. Dalang said that he was going to deal with the corpse in Caifeng Tower recently. Wouldn't Mrs. Teng take refuge here? As he walked and thought about it, he suddenly remembered that a nanny came to tell him last time that Dalang had stopped Mrs. Teng from talking in the plum blossom forest in the mansion.

When the two things were combined, Chang Rong was immediately mixed. Dalang is eighteen this year, and he doesn't even have a little lady he likes. If Dalang gets along with General Teng's daughter, does it mean that the Heartless Gu is showing signs of loosening.

Do you want to write letters to the prince and princess overnight? No, it's too hasty, just wait a few more days, the young man's affection can't be hidden, if Dalang likes Mrs. Teng, it will definitely be revealed in a short time, if there is no movement, it proves that he just thinks too much.

Here Lin Chengyou opened the bamboo hut, took out a few strangely shaped silver nails inside, and placed them in turn from the entrance of the Buddhist hall to the incense table, deliberately placed crookedly like a messy corridor.

Then he took out a red rope, stretched both hands to test the toughness, then took out seven small bowls and placed them in a circle, and poured the sesame oil into the bowls.

Although Teng Yuyi didn't understand all these twists and turns, she had already guessed what Lin Chengyou was going to do. The murderer had not revealed any flaws. In her opinion, this was a good way, and using this to deal with the murderer could be regarded as a human way. He also healed his body.

Wu Dao was still at a loss, but when he saw the seven small bowls, he suddenly woke up: "Sir, are you going to set up seven lights to guide the road?"

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi said anxiously, "Senior brother, it is absolutely impossible, this is sorcery."

"Pedantism." Lin Chengyou blew out the candle in his hand, "When magic is used to harm people, of course it is called sorcery, but if it is used to save people, why is it evil?"

He plausibly said, Juesheng and Jizhi scratched their ears and cheeks: "But, but..."

Lin Chengyou clapped the ashes on his hands, turned around and said to the two yamen, "I can't be disturbed by others while I'm doing this. I'll invite a few Taoist priests and princes and servants to the west side."

Teng Yuyi had already practiced the eleventh move at this time. For fear of affecting the progress, he had been preventing Lin Chengyou from kicking them out, but he agreed that everyone would stay in the small Buddhist hall, which was strange. Dao can't rule out suspicion, Lin Chengyou didn't guard against them, does that mean he doesn't suspect Wu Dao anymore?

In the next instant, she saw two yamen standing in front of the crowd, and she suddenly understood: If you intend to make trouble, you can also take advantage of the chaos outside. In addition to the two yamen, there are Jue Sage and Abandoned Wisdom Gang Lin Chengyou guarding the formation.

The group retreated to the west side of the Small Buddha Hall. After they were settled, Jianxi and Jianle continued to instruct Teng Yuyi.

Lin Chengyou squatted in front of the felt blanket, cut the candle into several pieces with a knife, and then moved the branding on the felt blanket to carve the wax block into rougher fake "golden mang marks".

Seeing that Tian Tian was relatively idle, while wiping away his sweat, he excitedly watched Lin Chengyou put up the formation: "Sir, it's not the old man who wants to pour cold water,

I heard that this formation must first know the birthday of the deceased. You don't even know who the murderer is going to deal with. Where can I find out the birthday of the deceased? If you don't know the time, you won't be able to hold even a half of your soul. "

Jue Sheng just wrote down the time of the three people on the talisman, and after hearing this, the talisman in his hand stood up: "Senior brother has already inquired about the birth dates of Tian and Rong, you see."

Lin Chengyou glanced at him: "What are you talking about, work."

The holy saint sent the three talismans to Lin Chengyou's hands. Lin Chengyou dipped a bit of cinnabar with the fake golden mang seal, pressed the vermillion seal on the three talismans, and then cut the talismans out of the shape of villains, and cut the three villains into the shape of the three villains. before the incense table.

Jian Xian smiled and said, "But it's useless to know the time of these three people. I don't believe that except for the five deceased in Caibohang and Caifenglou, no one has died here before. It can't be because Yao Huang and Qingzhi are excluded. Let’s conclude that it has something to do with the three people from Caibohang.”

Qizhi couldn't hide the worry in his eyes: "Yeah, senior brother, if it wasn't for the three of them, wouldn't you take a risk in vain? Master said, as the old man said, any sorcery that goes against the sky and goes against the law, all have hidden dangers. , in case you hurt yourself—"

Lin Chengyou glanced at Wu Dao flutteringly, raised his hand and patted Qizhi's head: "Senior brother, you and Jue Sheng can concentrate on helping the guard, you guard the door with the lock soul, and the prostitutes are in their rooms. The feet are banned, there are yamen guards who are not afraid of them running out, you not only prevent trouble outside, but also guard the palace."

Qizhi nodded, Lin Chengyou got up and walked to the west side, sticking the two talismans on the backs of the two yamen, instructing the yamen to stand with their backs facing the formation, and don't look back no matter what they hear later. In this way, you can keep an eye on the actions of the Dao, and you will not be scared to run away because of what you see.

After everything was arranged, the hall quickly became quiet, Wu Dao stopped making noise, and looked at the hall intently. Teng Yuyi put away his sword and sat cross-legged in the corner.

Lin Chengyou sat in the formation with his robe up, took out the red rope, tied one end to his middle finger, and tied the other end to a candle-carved golden glow. After finishing, he threw the red rope out the door.

Then the left hand was placed horizontally on the right arm, the tip of the right finger ignited a talisman, and with a flick of the finger, the spark shot to the outermost oil lamp.

I saw the flames flickering, and a small circle of flames faintly swayed from the lamp. It was strange that the fireworks showed a green light, casting a strange color on everything in the Buddhist hall.

Then the second one, the third one...

The more the lights were on, the darker the hall became. The faint green light surrounded Lin Chengyou, giving rise to the illusion of a ghostly underworld.

Teng Yuyi was Cheng Bo and Huo Qiu, but she still didn't dare to come out. She took Xiaoyajian out of her sleeve on guard and stared at the door for a moment.

There was obviously no wind in the hall, but there was an invisible airflow surging in the dark. The three little figures in front of the incense table rustled, as if something was lying on the ground and blowing at them.

Lin Chengyou closed his eyes and recited the mantra for a while, then suddenly shook the red rope and shouted, "Get up."

The three little figures fell to the ground, but suddenly two stood up silently, the red rope on Lin Chengyou's **** suddenly straightened, and there was obviously a heavy object on the other end.

Unconsciously, a layer of sweat appeared on Teng Yuyi's back, and the light in the oil lamp flickered.

The gloomy wind is gradually rising, the branches and leaves are swirling at the door, accompanied by the sound of wind and rain, and there is a small sneaking sound approaching.

Lin Chengyou tugged on the red rope, and calmly competed with the opponent, whimpering loudly and lowly, and the strange force also increased. Although the Qimang Guiding Road Seal was forcibly activated, Lin Chengyou was not familiar with this formation, and he was completely drawn by the gourd.

It stands to reason that as long as the formation method is activated, the dead soul will be bound by the red rope, but his formation may be a little bit meaningless. The ghost is invited, but it cannot be dragged in.

"It's all here, why don't you come in and sit?" After fighting with each other for a while, the sweat on Lin Chengyou's temples was dripping down, because he didn't dare to relax, the words were almost squeezed out of the teeth, " Do you think I look like a bad guy? Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you."

The other party seemed to tremble a bit, and the red rope became a little looser, so Lin Chengyou would not miss this opportunity, and pulled the other party in with a backhand.

The green flames in the oil lamp were all short, and coldness rushed towards her face. Teng Yuyi saw the scene in front of her clearly, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

The red rope came in, but the end was shaking desperately in mid-air, looking like it was tying up two invisible people who were trying to break free from the red rope.

Lin Chengyou struggled to hold on to the red rope: "I have no grievances with you in the past and no enmity in the past, and I did not recruit you to harm you. I know that you have suffered a lot from that person. If you don't want to suffer any more, don't bother struggling any more. already."

The end of the rope suddenly stopped in mid-air, but it was still shaking slightly, as if people were trembling because of fear, but there was nowhere to hide.

Lin Chengyou softened a bit, slowly tightening the rope while staring at the ghost in front of him: "I want to help you, so I want to ask you something, I can neither see you nor hear you now, I'll throw something on you later, it's harmless to you, but it can draw out your appearance and voice."

The rope trembled in mid-air, but obviously no longer resisted, Lin Chengyou pulled the opponent to him, raised his hand and scattered the gray powder in his hand.

The rope was messed up a bit, but it didn't hide very far, and the powder splattered down, outlining two vague shadows.

Teng Yuyi's ears suddenly sounded messy breathing, obviously Wu Dao was also nervous.

The shadow became clearer and clearer, it turned out to be a man and a woman. The ghost in front was tall and sturdy, but behind it was a plump woman, but the outlines of the two were too blurred to see their faces clearly.

Lin Chengyou quickly spread out the second soul powder, and now the outline was finally clear, but he could only barely see his figure and face shape, but his eyebrows and eyes were absolutely invisible.

Perhaps it was because of the Sprinkling of Soul Revealing Powder that the two ghosts finally made a sound. , stimulates the hearts and souls of the people.

Teng Yuyi only felt that the sound could scratch the flesh in his heart, and after listening for a while, he had a splitting headache. Although he was curious about what the two ghosts wanted to say next, he could only cover his ears temporarily.

Lin Chengyou calmly looked at the taller ghost: "Tian Yunde?"

The screaming stopped abruptly, and the male ghost shook.

"It seems so." Lin Chengyou smiled, then looked at the female ghost, "Miss Rong?"

The female ghost seemed to have a thunder in her throat, and she struggled as she roared. Compared with the confusion just now, she was obviously full of anger.

Lin Chengyou smiled and said, "I'm sorry, it was Mrs. Tian."

The female ghost was quiet.

Teng Yuyi was stunned. It was actually the Tian family from Caibohang. The murderer was from Caifenglou, but the two had been dead for a year. How much hatred did the murderer harbor towards them? The souls of the dead come to torture.

Well, it doesn't seem quite right. Lin Chengyou clearly wrote the birthdays of three people, but only attracted the dead souls of two people. What about the concubine Rong? Mr. Rong jumped into the well in the backyard, so he should have been recruited by the formation.

"I'll make a long story short." Lin Chengyou went straight in, "That person detained your souls here in order to use this sorcery to harm you. If you don't find this person, you will never try to escape. Tell me who that person is. , why do you treat you like this?"

The voices of the male ghost and the female ghost stopped abruptly, and the two seemed to be extremely frightened. First, they turned around in the heart of the ground like headless flies, and then huddled together.

Lin Chengyou said patiently: "Don't be afraid, no matter how that person tortured you before, as long as you say who that person is tonight, I can guarantee that there will be no such thing in the future."

The male ghost and the female ghost were quiet for a while, then suddenly raised their arms and pointed to the position of their mouths.

Lin Chengyou's expression changed: "You can't speak?"

The male ghost whimpered, and the female ghost roared violently, but no matter how hard she struggled, she could only make a vague and strange sound in the end.

Lin Chengyou was shocked and angry: "That person dig your tongue?"

The two ghosts raised their arms to their chests while wailing, motioning for Lin Chengyou to take a look.

Lin Chengyou seemed to be stunned for a moment, Teng Yuyi was a little farther away, and after taking a closer look, a strong sense of discomfort swelled in his chest.

I saw that the ends of the Tian's and his wife's arms were empty, and their hands had been chopped off by Qi Gan.

Lin Chengyou looked strange, the punishment in the realm tortured the flesh of the living, and the seven lights led the road to torture but the soul of the dead. If you pull out your tongue, you can't speak, and if you cut off your hands, you can't write. Born as a disabled child.

This man is really cruel.

He nodded slowly: "Although I can't speak, at least you can understand what I am saying. Next, I will ask you a question and answer it. If you are right, you will nod your head. If you are wrong, you will shake your head."

The two ghosts nodded slightly, indicating that they understood.

"Is the person who harmed you in Caifenglou at the moment?"

Tian Yunde and Mrs. Tian nodded in unison.

"Can it be in the small Buddhist hall?"

This time he shook his head.

"How many paintings does this person's last name have? One painting? Two paintings?"

When it came to "Twelve Paintings", Er Gui had a strong reaction.

Lin Chengyou's expression froze: "Twelve paintings? (Note 2

The two ghosts nodded desperately.

Teng Yuyi quickly searched it in her mind, but there were so many people in Caifenglou that she couldn't remember whose surname was Twelve Paintings.

Lin Chengyou regretted that he did not bring a roster of the people in the building, and the Tian family couldn't utter a word. There is a testimonial written down in the afternoon. Although the list is incomplete, the murderer may be among them.

He was holding the red rope firmly with his right hand, and his left hand was busy pinching tactic, neither of which was free, so he had no choice but to rush to the holy way: "I have a roster in my arms, quickly take it out and let Mrs. Tian identify who it is."

Jue Sheng wiped his cold sweat and ran closer, knowing that he must not touch the oil lamp and silver nails, so he used his saber to carefully slid into Lin Chengyou's front.

Lin Chengyou glanced at Jue Sheng and signaled him not to worry.

The Absolute Saint nodded, but luckily met this time, he calmed down and gently pulled the booklet out.

Lin Chengyou took advantage of this time to continue to ask, "Is that person trying to avenge the Rong family?"

Tian Yunde seemed to be stunned, but Mrs. Tian roared bitterly. Although the reactions were different, the two finally shook their heads in unison.

Lin Chengyou's expression almost split, isn't it for the Rong family? .

Before he started the battle, he wrote down the birthdays of three people, but only arrested two dead souls. From this point of view, Rong's dead souls had already been reincarnated, and that person never thought of dealing with Rong's.

In fact, since he discovered that the murder of Caifenglou was inextricably linked with Caibohang, he had wondered if the murderer was trying to avenge the Rong family. After all, the Rong family suffered a lot after marrying Tian Yunde. Whether Jing was self-seeking or was murdered by Qi is still a mystery. And after discovering that the detained soul was the Tian couple tonight, he was even more certain of his guess.

Unexpectedly, when the arrest came to ask, that person was not for the Rong family.

Could it be that the Tian family has also done other depraved things?

"How did you feud with that person?"

Tian Yunde's body trembled, and Qi Shi seemed to be greatly stimulated.

"Have you hurt him/her?"

This time the reaction was even bigger, and even Tian Yunde's ghost began to shake.

Lin Chengyou glanced at the oil lamp, the two ghosts have been tortured for so long, and their spirits are long gone. Not to mention normal communication, a little stimulation will make them panic. I just hate that the oil lamp won't last for long. Once the lights go out, the two ghosts will inevitably break free from the formation and escape. .

He turned his head to look at the Absolute Saint. Fortunately, he had become a little calmer in the past few times of the Absolute Saint experience. He successfully obtained the booklet, and then unfolded it and held it in front of the two ghosts.

Lin Chengyou said to Tian Yunde, "If that person's name is on the register, point it out to the little Taoist priest."

As if Qi hadn't heard it, he still held his head and ran around like a headless fly.

Tian Yunde turned to Jue Sage tremblingly, and saw something at a glance. The figure was so frightened that he leaned back, and his broken wrist suddenly pointed to a certain place in the book.

The author has something to say: The analysis of the hexagram here comes from the Book of Changes

2 Considering that the murderer has already appeared before, and the current habits are all simplified characters, the strokes of the murderer's surname are also calculated according to the strokes of simplified characters.