MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 35 (4)

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: "The slave family only seeks justice."

Wei Zi looked at Ge Jin, then at Lin Chengyou, and said in a panic, "His Royal Highness, please listen to the slave family—"

Lin Chengyou raised his hand to signal Wei Zi to shut up, and continued to ask Ge Jin, "Did you propose to clean the house that day, or did Qingzhi propose?"

Ge Jin raised her head in amazement, thinking that Lin Chengyou would ask about the details of that night, but she asked about this.

She didn't know what she meant, and said bravely, "It's the slave family."

"Think about it again." Lin Chengyou smiled strangely, "If you want me to avenge you, you have to think about it first."

Ge Jin pondered for a long time, then shook his head and said, "It's been a few days since this happened, and the slave family can't remember it anymore."

Lin Chengyou straightened up and walked around Ge Jin twice: "I heard that Qingzhi is the most lazy girl. She was too tired to serve you, so she took the initiative to ask Wo Ji to replace her with a new master. You suddenly asked her to clean. The house, she didn't excuse it?"

Ge Jin was stunned: "The prince said so, but the slave family remembered, that day I accidentally spilled some detoxification soup, Qingzhi said that I vomited a lot during my illness, and now that I've seen better, why not take the opportunity to The house is cleaned, just in time to get rid of the sickness."

"That's right." Lin Chengyou nodded, "You were kidnapped by that bird monster. When you came back, let's not talk about sleeping for a few days. Qingzhi served day and night, so she must be exhausted. , how can you take the initiative to take the initiative? Think about the situation that day, what did Qingzhi say? Did you find that piece of Mole treasure, or did someone else find it?"

Ge Jin's face changed slightly: " was Qingzhi who said there was something under the bed, and His Royal Highness said—"

Lin Chengyou glanced at someone in the hall and smiled: "I mean, someone else hurt you."

The author has something to say: white folded cloth: cotton, cotton was planted very little in the Tang Dynasty, only in Xinjiang and other places.

Unexpectedly, I avoided Jinjiang's comment area and Weibo private message. Yesterday, a reader friend on Weibo reported the progress problem. After all, it will take a few chapters to catch the two monsters.

This friend may be wondering why he didn't kill the two monsters directly, but the strange incident in Caifenglou appeared earlier in this volume, so why was he staring at the two monsters.

The title of the volume "Shuangxie" refers not only to the evil spirits. Isn't it more interesting to write about the "evil" of people than to write only the "evil" of demons?

The two monsters will reappear at the end of the second volume, and they will die faster than the tree monsters in the previous volume, and it will be done in two chapters.

But the "evil" of people has to rely on the two protagonists to slowly learn the truth.

As for why Ayu was asked to drink this Huoyu Linggen Soup, is it to make up the number of words? Nonono, Ayu's current force value is too low, and he has to find a way to improve it. No matter how arrogant Ada is, in the end of this volume, he helped Ayu overcome and use a special method to help Ayu gain power.

What a "special" method, hey hey, I don't want to spoil it now.

Every time the author writes a plot, he has his own considerations. People who watch chess like to give pointers, because a game of chess is in front of everyone, and everyone can see at a glance whether the chess is in danger or not.

But the author's chessboard is known only to the author himself.

I have an outline, I am writing this story with a very serious attitude, and the progress of the plot is completely following the set outline, and I have not intentionally put together a single word.

It doesn't matter if you scold me for writing badly, it belongs to my own level. But saying that I deliberately added up the number of words is a problem at another level, and it is necessary to respond.