MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 36 (1)

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As soon as these words came out, the hall seemed to explode, and everyone looked around in confusion, and started to discuss: "Is there someone else?"

"Who is His Highness talking about?"

"Just now I've been asking Qingzhi every sentence, could it be Qingzhi?"

"But Qingzhi jumped out of the well and died."

Lin Chengyou swept his gaze, the hall was silent, Yan Sizhi raised his pen and dipped in ink, waiting for Ge Jin to speak.

Ge Jin's thoughts were still stuck on Lin Chengyou's words, and she tightened her clothes and asked in awe, "It wasn't Wei Zi's doing? Then why did her treasure fall under my Hu bed?"

Lin Chengyou said: "The day of the accident, you contracted the cold and felt unwell, so you rested earlier than usual. Since Qingzhi is your maid, where was she when you were disfigured by the 'Ghost'?"

Ge Jin's face was unpredictable: "She sued me in the afternoon, saying that an old acquaintance came to look for her and made an appointment to go out for a walk in the evening. I saw that she was quite diligent at the time, so she agreed to this. She handed my decoction to Lu He, and she left at the beginning of Xu Shi. Then I went out to make an appointment and came back early because I was unwell. At that time, it was about the end of Hai Shi, Qing Zhi was not in the room, it was Lu He who served me and rested. of."

"So she wasn't with you that night?"

Ge Jin nodded dumbly.

Lin Chengyou waved at the crowd, and a certain temple visitor jumped out immediately.

Teng Yuyi glanced at the talkative temple visitor he had seen in the small Buddhist hall in the evening. He remembered that this person was called A Yan.

Lin Chengyou asked A Yan, "You usually greet him in front of the building. If anyone outside wants to find the lady in the building, you will be responsible for spreading the word?"

A Yanwei sneered: "That's right, the host family does not allow the ladies and servants in the building to see guests privately. If anyone comes to meet, they must first report to the host family or the fake mother."

"Did someone come to see Qingzhi on the 18th of last month?"

"Don't mention the 18th of last month, since the opening of Caifeng Building, the villain has not seen anyone come to look for Qingzhi, but Qingzhi went out of the building on the night of the 18th, but there were too many guests that night, and the villain also made trouble. I don't know when she came back."

"You can't remember, but some people remember it clearly. Qingzhi went out of the building alone that night, not only without a man, but also without a female companion. It was getting late at that time, and some people felt it was strange, so they looked at it a few more times. As a result, Qingzhi It turned around in less than an hour, and when I came back, I bought a package of preserved cherries at the Husi next to it, and it was about the end of the Xu hour, and the man from the fruit shop opposite Caifenglou and the old man in Qiting testified."

Ge Jin pricked her ears and listened carefully, her eyes widening.

Lin Chengyou looked at Ge Jin: "Qingzhi came back at the end of the month, but you didn't see her when you went back to the house at the end of the hour. For an hour, have you ever thought about where she was hiding?"

Ge Jin's lips trembled: "Is she hiding under my Hu bed? No, no, this maid is the most lazy, she has lied more than once, sometimes sneaking to the front hall to watch the singing and dancing, sometimes running to other places. Her auntie eats and drinks at the place of her, and she walks for an hour or two. When she asks about it afterwards, she pretends to be deaf and dumb. I was determined to send her away, and this maid kowtows and begs every time. Although I hate her very much, I know she still works She is smart, pity her when she is still young, and think about teaching and teaching. That night... that night... Maybe the same. No, even if she has all kinds of bad things, the slave family treats her well after all, I can't figure out why she is to hurt me."

Calyx Ji and the others couldn't help but interject: "Yes, Your Royal Highness, Qingzhi is Ge Jin's maid, if Ge Jin suffers, Qingzhi will suffer. Master and servant share honor and disgrace, and the servants are all looking forward to the good of the lady. of."

"That's right, even if Lady Gejin is disfigured, it will not be Qingzhi's turn to be the oiran. This maid is greedy and vain, and in the past, I don't know how many good things I got from Lady Gejin, even if it was for those benefits, she would sacrifice her life to protect her. What's more, if she killed Mrs. Gejin, how could she be fine afterward?"

"But Qingzhi had nightmares a few days ago." A small voice sounded, "Mrs. Wo and the others all know about it."

Everyone turned their attention, and it turned out to be Lu He, who lived in the same room with Qingzhi.

Teng Yuyi was startled, Baozhu and Juanerli also said the same thing that day.

Wo Ji bowed her body and saluted Lin Chengyou: "The slave family once reported to His Highness, Qingzhi started having nightmares about seven or eight days ago, only that a ghost was going to arrest her, and she was restless all night. When she woke up, she asked her why, but she said no. Ken said."

He Mingsheng snorted: "Ge Jin was disfigured on the 18th of last month. In theory, Qingzhi should have had nightmares last month, how could it happen seven or eight days ago? Shizi, Qingzhi is every day. Serving Ge Jin, if she dares to pretend to be a ghost, Ge Jin will hear it as soon as she speaks."

"What's the hurry? I haven't finished my question yet." Lin Chengyou returned to the table and asked for a package of things to be brought up, "Qingzhi seems to like eating preserved cherries, and Yan Sizhi searched her room on the day she died. Got an unfinished package of preserved cherries."

Opening the package, the sour smell immediately permeated.

Lin Chengyou knocked on the table: "Where is Baozhu?"

Baozhu stood up from the crowd timidly, and saluted: "I have seen the prince."

"When did you bump into Qingzhi eating this?"

"I can't remember the date, but it should be not long after Mrs. Gejin was injured, when the slave's house opened the door and went in, Qingzhi was about to stuff the package of preserved cherries under the pillow, but accidentally fell to the ground, and some of the preserved cherries were spilled. The slave family caught a glimpse of a lot of jewels and jade objects hidden below."

Calyx Ji was stunned: "Baozhu, did you read it wrong, Qingzhi is a rough servant girl, where did the pearl and jade objects come from?"

Baozhu bit her lip and shook her head, indicating that she was not wrong.

Lin Chengyou picked up the bamboo chopsticks in the toothbrush, stirred them under the preserved cherries in public, and inserted them into the bottom at once. Obviously, there were no objects hidden underneath.

"As you can see, there is nothing here except the stinky preserved cherries. Qingzhi is so greedy, and she bought the preserved cherries, how could they not eat them even if they are sour? So Baozhu is right, this thing It was used to hide people's eyes and ears, but Yan Sizhi led people to search them down a few days ago, and there was no valuable jewelry in Qingzhi's room, which is strange, where did those objects go?"

Wu Dao finally couldn't hold back when he heard now: "Did someone take away the things in Qingzhi's room after her death? The old man said, Qingzhi was not suicide, the murderer killed Qingzhi, and then Afraid of revealing their own faults, so I was in a hurry to hide the traces."

Lin Chengyou said slowly: "No matter how Qingzhi died, just from the fact that Madam Gejin found Wei Zi's treasure under the bed, someone not only ruined Madam Gejin's appearance, but also wanted to put the blame on Madam Wei Zi. As several fake mothers said, when Ge Jin was disfigured, Qingzhi would only suffer. Qingzhi would betray her, the lady who knew her, because someone promised her a greater benefit. So Qingzhi is obviously lazy, then However, Ri offered to clean the room. She pretended to accidentally find Mohebao under Hu's bed, so that Mrs. Gejin mistakenly thought that Mrs. Wei Zi was the murderer."

There was a bang in the hall, and everyone understood the meaning of these words. It may not only be Qingzhi who murdered Ge Jin, Qingzhi was in the bright, and that person was in the dark.

Teng Yuyi poured himself a cup of sugarcane pulp, so that he could kill two birds with one stone, and at the same time get rid of Ge Jin and Wei Zi, the only one who could profit.

She looked at the man through the upper edge of the cup, but the man seemed to be indifferent, not sure if he had a clear conscience, or if Lin Chengyou could not find him.

Lin Chengyou said with a sarcastic smile, "Unfortunately, Qingzhi died soon. There is no evidence for this matter. If you want to find out what's going on, you have to start from the beginning. Just now, Ah Yan said that Qingzhi goes out three times a month, but like Qingzhi. The maid of the house is often busy until the evening before she has the opportunity to go out. At that time, the gate of Pingkangfang was closed, and at most, she walked around. I walked around the wine shop, but luckily, I found some good things."

He picked up a pile of bills on the bill: "Every time Qingzhi goes out of the building, there are usually three things: 1. Buying food and wine; 2. Asking someone to inquire about news; 3. Occasionally go to the mailing shop to **** things. That mailing shop In Pingkangfang, Qingzhi has worked as four kinds of objects.

"The first time it was a silver wire bracelet, the second time it was a coral ear claw, and the third time it was a silver hook. Because every time another one was missing, the owner of the mail shop guessed The origin of the thing is unknown, but he is willing to accept it, but he is only willing to give Qingzhi one or two hundred dollars, and Qingzhi does not counter the price, just takes the money and leaves with a smile."

Everyone who knew it was shocked and angry: "It turns out that the few pieces of jewelry we lost were stolen by Qingzhi. This maid looks stupid, but in fact, she will calculate that these jewelry are not very eye-catching, and we will pass it when we realize it. It's been a few days, and I can't doubt her any more."

Lin Chengyou took out a piece of paper from the pile of papers at hand: "In the fourth time, Qingzhi has grown, and it is a four-butterfly stalking bead. This is the most precious jewelry she has ever stolen. The owner of the mail shop is unprecedented. I gave Qingzhi two pieces of money. But the strange thing is that Qingzhi ran it away again a few days later, and after that, she never used it again."

Teng Yuyi's eyes were fixed. This is really interesting. Since he stole it and sold it, why did he redeem it?

Lin Chengyou said: "This matter is intriguing. I asked the owner of the mailing shop to draw the step-by-step, and you can see whose jewelry it is."

He Mingsheng and several false mothers took a closer look. The pattern of the step was similar to a peony, with a bright red stamen. The flower was decorated with four butterflies and silver powder.

"Hey, isn't this Yao Huang's Bu Yao?" Wo Ji beckoned to Yao Huang, "Come and see for yourself."

Teng Yuyi looked at Yao Huang, even if she was called up temporarily at night, her temples were like thick clouds, her color was like spring peaches, and her skirts and clothes were not messy.

Yao Huang walked to the front of the table and leaned over to look at the painting, but he didn't answer.

Lin Chengyou looked at Yao Huang with a smile on his lips: "Is it yours?"

Yao Huang's eyelashes trembled: "Yes, it belongs to the slave family."

Her voice was gentle and sweet, like a yellow warbler out of the valley.

Calyx Ji and Wo Ji nodded their heads to testify: "You can't be wrong. Last year, Mrs. Wei from Ning Anbo gave it to Mrs. Yao Huang, Mr. Wei Shan Danqing, who was drunk that day and drew the pattern and sent it to the jewelry shop to make it. Chang'an made it. The city can't find a second one."

Lin Chengyou was about to speak when several officials came back from the backyard with the fake mother.

"Finished?" Lin Chengyou asked.

"The search is over." The official hurriedly approached with a wanpa in his hand, "Bu Yao is stored in Lady Yao Huang's mirror."

"It's work." Lin Chengyou said to several officials, picked up the step and compared it with the painting, and confirmed that it was the same one.

"Guess how much Qingzhi spent to redeem this Buyao." Lin Chengyou turned the Buyao and said lazily, "It's a lot of gold."

Everyone was shocked and discolored, this is not a small number.

"Qingzhi returned to Zhao, and put it back in Lady Yao Huang's mirror. Let's not say where she got the gold, but say what she finally stole, why would you like to return it?"

Yao Huang looked at An Tian: "The prince asked the slave's room to be searched, so he was looking for this? The slave doesn't even know that this step has been lost. How can I answer your question."

Lin Chengyou got up after the case and said leisurely: "The thief stole something and then returned it, there are only two possibilities: one is voluntary; the other is forced. Whether Qingzhi is willing or forced, from her pawning the thing to the redemption Back, something unusual must have happened in just a few days, Qingzhi and you reached a certain tacit agreement, she returned the things to you, and you helped her hide it."

Yao Huang touched his lips with a fan and said with a soft laugh: "The prince is really good at joking. The slave family and Qingzhi have no friendship. If she hadn't fallen into the well and died, the slave family would still not be able to remember her name. This maid is crazy and stole things from the slave family. She redeemed it again, thinking that this was not an ordinary piece of jewelry, and she was afraid that she would be beaten to death after the incident. "

Lin Chengyou put his hands behind his back and thought for a while: "It makes sense, just because she stole something and returned it, it really doesn't prove anything. So Yan Sizhi and I went to the fruit shop opposite to find out who has bought it in the past two months. Preserved cherries, the shop owner said that the rich ladies of Caifeng Building never come out to buy them in person. If you want to eat, you only need to ask someone to send them a note, and they will pack it up and send it to the building. Yan Sizhi and I asked the shop owner to take the old cherries. I took out the bill and found that you bought a large package of preserved cherries last month."

Yao Huang chuckled lightly: "What's wrong with Nujia eating preserved cherries? This thing is everywhere in the streets, and it's not only Qingzhi that can eat it."

"But it's clearly listed on the list. You've only bought preserved cherries once in the past six months."

Yao Huang calmed down and said, "If you go back to Shizi, although the slave family doesn't like sweets very much, but there are often guests from the slave house. I think which master wants to eat preserved cherries, the slave family temporarily asked someone to buy it. It's all about last month. Now, how can the slave family still remember it."

"It's okay." Lin Chengyou patiently picked up an account book on the case, "If you can't remember, we'll help you think about it. You bought preserved cherries on the second day of the first month of last month, and it happened that Qingzhi redeemed your steps on this day. Shake, judging from the account book of your boss He that day, you said that you were in the room and did not entertain guests that day. I would like to ask, who did you buy that big bag of preserved cherries for?"

Yao Huang put his hand on his forehead and pondered for a moment, then nodded suddenly and said, "The slave family remembered, that day I was ill, and I don't know why I suddenly wanted to eat preserved cherries. People who are ill have tricky tastes, and what they used to dislike may not be certain. I was so greedy all of a sudden, I remember that when the slaves bought it back and ate more than half of it, I didn't even eat dinner."

Teng Yuyi has been watching from the sidelines until now, and he is full of doubts. Yao butter and salt are not allowed to enter. He thinks that Lin Chengyou can't produce conclusive evidence, and just based on these points found by Lin Chengyou, it is indeed impossible to prove that Yao Huang had bought Qingzhi.

Qingzhi was already dead, and if he continued to ask questions like this, it would only prompt Yao Huang to mend his rhetoric perfectly.

Teng Yuyi glanced at the tip of her eyes, Lin Chengyou was used to being a cat, why was he stunned by mice today.

Lin Chengyou clicked his tongue: "I thought you were grateful to Qingzhi for returning the hairpin and bought her favorite preserved cherries. According to this, not only did Qingzhi get nothing, but also lost a gold in it. If she is Chi'er, it's not surprising to do this, but from the past few days of our investigation, Qingzhi is not only not crazy, but also a very successful person."

He paused and opened the file on the case: "The day Qingzhi had an accident, we called the people in the building to ask questions one by one. When we mentioned Qingzhi, everyone had different words, but some of them were roughly the same.

"First, although Qingzhi is lazy and greedy, she has quick hands and feet, and she can finish all the tasks that cannot be avoided. From this point of view, Qingzhi is not stupid.

"Second, she seems to be a lot richer recently, and she became rich before Mrs. Gejin's accident. Not only has she stopped stealing things to send to the postal shop last month, but she often buys food and drinks to eat - but Qingzhi didn't get to know each other. New friend, the money is unknown.

"Thirdly, Qingzhi often said that she still has an older sister, because she was sold to a different person and then separated. Qingzhi is very concerned about the whereabouts of this older sister, and she always talks about it on weekdays."

Wo Ji rubbed her disheveled temples: "His Royal Highness, the slave family often says that Qingzhi is confused, and this has not wronged her. Where does Qingzhi come from, there is only one dead ghost sister. When the slave family bought Qingzhi from Renyazi She is only seven years old, and it is clearly written on her deed that she is from Xingyang, and was convicted because of her grandfather's conviction. She has only one younger sister, and her younger sister died of illness along with her mother when the accident happened."

Lin Chengyou: "She didn't just say that she has a real sister, she also said that she and the former owner's concubine are from the same hometown. The concubine's surname is Rong, and she is from Yuezhou. Xingyang and Yuezhou are far away from each other."

"This mad maid." Everyone whispered, "It's a little out of place on weekdays, and this is even more crazy. Your Highness, this maid has a weird temperament, and her words can't be true."

"But I really took her madness for real." Lin Chengyou smiled and said, "Qingzhi is fifteen this year, and she was eight years old when she was sold. To find out if she is lying, you have to learn from that person seven years ago. Start with the teeth."

Hearing this, Yao Huang's expression changed slightly. Teng Yuyi looked at Yao Huang secretly, it turned out that Lin Chengyou was waiting here, and Lin Chengyou actually followed the words that Qingzhi said in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chengyou's words changed: "Let's not talk about human teeth first, but back to the night when Madam Gejin was disfigured, there are two biggest doubts: how did that person sneak into the room? Why can't Madame Gejin listen? Who is that person?

"The former is easy to say, you can hide it under Hu's bed in advance, but the latter does not work. The man shouted and scolded, and Mrs. Ge Jin should have heard the man's voice, but she didn't. The most incredible thing about the whole thing."

Ge Jin answered in a panic: "Although the slave family has not heard who it is, there are temple visitors guarding the gate of the inner courtyard every night, and strangers can't break in. The only people who harmed me that night were the people in the building!"

Seeing the beautiful way: "Sir, the old Taoist heard that there are people who are good at ventriloquism in the market. Women can pretend to be men to speak, and men can pretend to be women. If that person is good at ventriloquism, it's not surprising that Lady Gejin can't hear it."

Lin Chengyou stroked his chin: "So who is best at ventriloquism in Caifenglou?"

Everyone's complexion changed greatly, and Qi Qi's eyes fell on Yao Huang. Lady Yao Huang is not only good at singing, but also learns to sing apes and birds.

Before Mrs. Ge Jin came, Yao Huang was expected to be the oiran. Once the name of the oiran spread throughout Chang'an, he would be able to save enough money to redeem himself within three years.

Yao Huang looked at Lin Chengyou with a smile: "The prince's words are incomprehensible, and the slave family knows some superficial ventriloquism, but that night, the slave family and Ning Anbo's eldest son Wei went to the Qujiang Lantern Festival, and they returned to the city the next day and accompanied them with them. There are not a few people, all of them can testify, the prince can ask the people that night for questioning, and the slave family is not afraid to check again."

"You're not in the building, but Qingzhi is there. She is responsible for hiding under Hu's bed and harming others, and you are responsible for staying out of the way. At that time, there was chaos in the building, and everyone was talking about it. Qingzhi pretended to be a ghost and scratched Gejin, which was perfect. You and her have even designed the play words, 'Bastard maid, dare to seduce my husband', with this play word, even Qingzhi can pick it out."

"Wait." Qi Ji couldn't help but said, "His Royal Highness, it is Yao Huang who understands ventriloquism, not Qingzhi. If it was Qingzhi, how could Ge Jin be fooled?"

Lin Chengyou said, "It's because Qingzhi can also beat ventriloquism."

Everyone was shocked, and He Mingsheng was stunned: "Sir, how is this possible? If Qingzhi knew ventriloquism, someone should have known it. Could it be that you want to say that Yao Huang taught Qingzhi ventriloquism temporarily?"

Yao Huang just smiled: "His Royal Highness, ventriloquism is the most talented, and it is not something that can be obtained by hard work. Even if you have talent, you can only improve after learning for at least three years. ."

Lin Chengyou snorted: "I also really wanted to know the whole story, so I looked for the origins of everyone in Caifenglou. Qingzhi's native place was Xingyang, but she claimed to be from Yuezhou. I didn't find Caifenglou. The Xingyang people found a person from Yuezhou. This person was sold seven years ago. It was written on the deed that she had a younger sister. Unfortunately, before the sale, this person's younger sister died of illness.

There was silence in the hall, and there were a few ladies who were familiar with Yao Huang, and gradually showed fearful eyes.

"This person's mother-in-law was originally a music worker from Yuezhou Prefecture. She is good at singing and pipa. She is good at ventriloquism and can make strange voices. The pair of daughters below her knees also inherited the skills of her father and mother, and they can change at a young age. Tone. This music worker couple surnamed Nie was convicted of the Li Changmao rebellion in Jiangnan seven years ago. They died in prison not long afterward.

"Does this sound familiar? Qingzhi was also sold seven years ago. The difference is that one is from Xingyang and the other is from Yuezhou. However, Qingzhi does not admit that she has a sister, but insists that she has a sister. She listened to her. She said that the former owner's concubine was from Yuezhou, and she was busy saying that she and the Rong family were from the same hometown. From this point of view, Qingzhi never gave up looking for her sister's whereabouts. Paying off the hard work, on the second day of last month, Qingzhi met her own sister, and this person was Yao Huang."

Wu Dao looked at Lin Chengyou and Yao Huang, his eyes were bigger than copper bells, even if Qingzhi suddenly died and came back to life, it would not shock them more than this incident.

Teng Yuyi almost knocked over the sugarcane pulp in the cup, thinking that Yao Huang bought Qingzhi, but the two turned out to be sisters. Yao Huang is beautiful and beautiful, but Qingzhi has a rough complexion. Putting the two together, no one would have thought that Yao Huang was Qingzhi's sister.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that the eyebrows and eyes of the two are indeed somewhat similar, but Yao Huang is elegant and the other is rude.

He Mingsheng and Qi Ji opened their mouths wide, not knowing how to answer, Wo Ji swallowed and took the lead to break the silence: "His Royal Highness, is Yao Huang really Qingzhi's sister?"

Lin Chengyou snorted: "Yao Huang's body deed is clearly written. Her real surname is Nie, her nickname is Afu, and her sister's name is Ahui. Yao Huang was ten years old when she was sold, and Qingzhi was eight years old. As far as the two of them are concerned, their childhood memories have long been engraved on their bones, their place of origin and the ventriloquism they have learned are unforgettable, so even if Yao Huang is a well-known lady in Chang'an, she will still endure if she has the chance. She couldn't stop showing ventriloquism, because she missed her parents, and secondly, she was afraid that she would forget this unique skill. Although Qingzhi never revealed this, she was able to make noises with her elder sister when she was young, even if her skills became unfamiliar in recent years, It's not a problem to learn a middle-aged woman's voice."

Ge Jin screamed like a cone: "It's really you? I have no enmity with you in the past and no enmity with you in the past, why do you want to harm me like this!"

Wei Zi was so angry that her eyebrows stood up, she staggered up and ran towards Yao Huang: "I've been friends with you all day long, it's not enough for you and Qingzhi to harm Gejin, even me? You know that I lost my treasure, right? If you dare to report to the official, you will have no arguments at that time, but you deliberately let Qingzhi steal this thing to frame me!"

Although Yao Huang remained calm, his footsteps subconsciously retreated. Wei Zitie was determined to catch her and ask her, and the hall became a mess of porridge.

He Mingsheng stomped his feet: "Hurry up and stop them."

Wo Ji and Caly Ji hurriedly rushed up, Yan Sizhi slapped the table with a sullen face: "Enough!"

The yamen complied and rushed into the hall with their swords drawn. Everyone caught a glimpse of the snow-like blade light and immediately became quiet.

Lin Chengyou and the others were almost in trouble, he raised the bill in his hand and said slowly: "I don't think Qingzhi could have imagined that her elder sister, whom she has been searching for for many years, is in Caifeng Building. She stole things to pawn, and used the money in exchange to entrust someone to inquire about news. , at first she focused on inconspicuous objects, but no one noticed after several times, so she became more and more courageous, and finally stole it on her sister's head. It was redeemed on the second day of the first month of last month. It is estimated that in the past few days, Qingzhi accidentally discovered that you are her sister.

"Zuo Zuo's autopsy found that Qingzhi had several birthmarks on his body. It is not difficult for sisters to confirm their identities. After they met, Qingzhi took Bu Yao back, and you bought the dried cherries you didn't like for Qingzhi for the first time. I guess Qingzhi You gave the ingot used to redeem the Buyao, because that Buyao was made for you by Ning Anbo's Great Master Wei alone, and Chang'an is the only one. Who is the master, Young Master Wei and you are fighting fiercely. Even if you don't pursue it, Young Master Wei will definitely investigate it. When Qingzhi is found on her head, she will not be able to escape a heavy punishment.

"In order to keep Qingzhi, you took the initiative to offer money to let her redeem the things, and she was willing to listen to your sister's words, and she has never stolen anything since then."

Yao Huang sighed softly: "The slave family didn't know that His Royal Highness was so capable of making up stories. One time they said that the slave family and Qingzhi were sisters, and another time they said that the slave family paid for their own money to redeem Buyao, but in fact I have never had a relationship with Qingzhi, Caifenglou. Everyone can testify."

Lin Chengyou smiled when he heard the words: "Yes, no one knows that you and Qingzhi met each other, because you have been secretly communicating. Caifenglou's business is booming, and it seems to have the potential to become the largest brothel in Chang'an. There are more guests, and you decide to choose a courtier from everyone. The day is getting closer, but Ge Jin has overwhelmed you. You are thinking about how to win day and night, but you can't think of a good plan. You recognize Qingzhi, the younger sister. Later, you suddenly had an idea to make her pretend to be a savage ghost, and you went to the south of the city with Wei Da Gongzi with great fanfare. In order to prevent people from suspecting Qingzhi, you also asked her to change her voice and pretend to be a middle-aged woman.

"So although I saw that Ge Jin's face was scratched early in the morning, I never doubted Qingzhi. Because Ge Jin would never even be able to distinguish his own maidservant, and it was Ge Jin's testimony. , let the people of Caifenglou believe that it was the ghosts."

Zhongdao nodded: "This also makes sense, why Qingzhi is willing to join hands with others to kill her own lady, it turns out that it is not an outsider, but her own sister. As long as the appearance of Lady Gejin is ruined, it will be blamed on Mrs. Wei Zi, my sister will naturally be the oiran, and it will take a few years to redeem the two sisters, and Qingzhi is certainly willing to take this risk."

"This matter was done flawlessly, and no one suspects your sisters." Lin Chengyou turned around, "After you met each other, you often gave Qingzhi silver money, and Qingzhi became richer because of this. Soon, the two monsters caused chaos and Caifenglou was banned. You are afraid that you will have more dreams at night, so you still ask Qingzhi to throw the stolen Mole Treasure under Hu's bed, and when Ge Jin finds this thing, he will doubt Wei Zi."

Yao Huang smiled helplessly: "His Royal Highness said that until now, there is actually no evidence. After all, it is nothing more than saying that Qingzhi is the sister of the Nu family, but the deed is clearly written, although the Nu family is from Yuezhou, Fake, but the younger sister died seven years ago, and I gave the slave family a younger sister out of thin air, but the slave family dare not accept it."

Lin Chengyou glanced at her and said, "You are right. Once Qingzhi died, there was no evidence of this matter. In addition, it was not easy to find people from seven years ago, so you are not afraid. After interrogating everyone in the building that day, Yan Sizhi and I learned that Qingzhi was dead. She stole jewelry under the preserved cherries, and went to a nearby jewelry store to ask. Qingzhi had never been to buy anything before, but on the seventh day of last month, that is, not long after she met you, she suddenly went to the jewelry store in the workshop. She bought a pair of gold bracelets. Ten days later, she took them back, along with some jewelry you gave her, and hid them under the cherry blossoms. Afterwards, she often took them out to play with them, and she was bumped by the beads because of this. It's a pity that after Qingzhi was killed, the pair of golden arm bracelets disappeared."

Yao Huangxian was still nervous, and when he heard the last sentence, his brows loosened.

Ge Jin and Wei Zi saw that their hearts were enraged, and said angrily: "His Royal Highness, everyone has been trapped in the building these days, Yao Huang is no exception, if she really took it, the armband must still be in the building, as long as Find out this thing, not afraid that she will not plead guilty."

Lin Chengyou shook his head melancholy: "It's a ban, in fact, the chef's man goes out to buy things every day, just quietly throw the things into the basket, and it's not difficult to take them out of the building, I guess this pair of arm bracelets has already fallen into the hands of some market place. I got it, and according to the records left by the jewelry shop, the pair of arm bracelets was not carved in a special style, and Chang'an has a large population, so it is not easy to find a pair of ordinary golden arm bracelets."

Wu Dao shouted: "I heard that the bracelet is not as good as the jewelry next to it. It is not suitable if it is too narrow. If it is thick, it will slip off the arm. Therefore, there is an unwritten rule in the jewelry shop. When customizing the bracelet, the size must be attached at the same time. Since Qingzhi is a custom-made armband, it is no exception. I saw several people in the building know that they have different statures, whether they are plump or slender, and the thickness of their arms must also be different.

Calyx Ji and Wo Ji couldn't help laughing and crying: "The Taoist priest is joking, although there is a size for the armband, it can be adjusted up and down, and the ladies' fat and thin are not constant, even if they match the size of a certain person's arm, they can't be determined. It was made for that person."

Yao Huang pressed the corner of his mouth lightly with a handkerchief, his face becoming more and more peaceful.

Teng Yuyi watched Yao Huang's expression, and after sitting for a while, her limbs began to heat up again. Fortunately, she had practiced swordsmanship, and the strange force did not run around. Since the strange accident, Juesheng and Qizhi have never shown their faces. Are they still cleaning under the Little Buddha Hall? Lin Chengyou was really not soft when he punished his junior brother.

There is nowhere to vent the anger, and it is inappropriate to temporarily run out to practice swordsmanship. Since this Yao Huang has sharp teeth, why not take her out of the way?

Teng Yuyi smiled and said, "The two aunties are right, almost everyone has golden arm bracelets. If the style is ordinary, it will be difficult to recognize them just by their appearance, but Qingzhi used to steal other people's jewelry, so it's her turn. Making jewelry, I think she'll be on guard against that."

Yao Huang was stunned, Huo Ran turned his eyes to Teng Yuyi, and didn't know what to think, but his expression suddenly changed.

Teng Yuyi stared at Yao Huang, and the corners of her lips curved into a pleasant arc: "If I were her, I would definitely leave a special mark on the inside of my armband, so that even if something is stolen or lost accidentally, I can find it right away. Your Royal Highness, you have already found that jewelry shop, so you must have known what the imprint of Qingzhi was."

Lin Chengyou smiled when he said these words, and Teng Yuyi hummed in his heart. He really knew it for a long time, but he refused to say it, because he hadn't played enough tricks with cats and mice.

Lin Chengyou is not at all surprised that Teng Yuyi can guess: "'Nie Afu' is engraved on the inside of one armband, and 'Nie Achuan' is engraved on the other armband. Lady Yao Huang, what did you say just now?' It was written on the body deed. You have to be clear. Who's name is Nie Afu? You don't even recognize your real name, right?"

It was like throwing a boulder into the hall, and the stormy waves suddenly set off. Everyone whispered in surprise, and countless eyes shot at Yao Huang in a mess. Calyx Ji and Wo Ji said in shock, "Yao Huang? Is it really you?"

Yao Huang bit his lower lip, his face turned as ugly as gray cloth.

Lin Chengyou paced with his hands behind his back: "You expected everything, but you didn't expect Qingzhi to lay down the pair of golden armbands behind your back. Although you found it in her room afterwards, you didn't check it carefully because you were eager to clear up the evidence. Lettering inside the armband.

"I think the reason why Qingzhi made such a pair of armbands is to commemorate the reunion of your sisters. She is a person who refuses to forget her origins, which can be seen from her insistence on saying that she is from Yuezhou. She hopes that you can give them two. Redeem yourself, so I do everything as you say, you let her destroy Gejin's face, she destroys Gejin's face, you ask her to blame Wei Zi, she blames Wei Zi. You think she is useless , asked her to talk to the well in the backyard, she did not suspect him, even if you pushed him into the well, she would not dare to cry out for help. Because of this, we were in the small Buddhist hall not far away when the incident happened, but Didn't hear the slightest movement."

"No!" Yao Huang raised his head abruptly, "I didn't do it to Ah Chun. I've been separated from her for seven years, and we finally got to know each other. How could I be willing to harm her?"

Jian Tian and others shouted: "Wow, you are finally willing to admit that she is your sister!"

"A person who is like a flower has such vicious methods. It's not enough to hurt the two ladies, even his own sister can do it."

Yao Huang slumped to the ground, tears welling up in an instant: "No, no, no, I didn't do it to Ah Chun."

She raised her head hastily, and crawled over to Lin Chengyou's feet on her knees: "His Royal Highness, I have nothing to hide now, what you said is correct, I did those things, the method is as you said, first Disfigured Gejin, and then took the opportunity to blame Wei Zi. I have long wanted to get out of this cage, and after I met A-Chun, I even thought about redeeming the two of them day and night. Hua Kui is different from the usual lady who knows well. There are countless rewards. If you want to escape from the sea of ​​misery, this is the fastest way. Anyone who knows the lady in Pingkangfang will not want to be an oiran. But once you miss this one, the next one will be three years later. , three years later, I am in my early twenties, and when the old Yinghua is disabled, I have no hope of winning."

Lin Chengyou made a long voice: "It turns out that a person's ambition is realized by harming others. When you destroyed Ge Jin's appearance, did you ever think that it would ruin her life? Frame Wei Zi.