MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 35 (3)

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There are heavy penalties. "

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi knew that they would not be able to persuade them for a while, and Madam Teng returned to her room. No matter how anxious they were, they could only wait for tomorrow. The two of them had to get up angrily: "Senior brother, if we go to the small Buddhist hall tonight, Teng will The lady and the three of them will take care of them."

"I will sleep here tonight."

The two had already walked to the door, but they hurriedly ran back: "Senior brother, did you find something?"

While speaking, he looked at the case, and was surprised to find that it was a stack of bills sent to the attached shop, and most of the pawns on it were jewelry and hairpin rings.

They wanted to see who the pawnbroker was, but the place where the signature should have been placed in the lower right corner had dark red fingerprints, and after thinking about it, they understood that the man was illiterate.

"Senior brother, where did you get the ticket, why does this person want to be so much jewelry?"

Lin Chengyou ignored this, Juesheng and Qizhi looked away, and there were other piles of paper on the table. They turned over them one by one, followed by the names of the ten people in the building, and Wei Zi was written on the top. Niangzi and Yaohuang Niangzi's names and places of origin.

That's all, the name written on the piece of paper in Lin Chengyou's hand was a completely unfamiliar name.

"Senior brother, who is this Tian Yunde?"

Lin Chengyou picked up the wick and brightened the lamp: "The owner of the Caibo store in front."

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi froze, the shop owner died of a headache last year.

"Who is this Qi family?"

Lin Chengyou: "Tian Yunde's wife."

"The one who forced her husband and concubine to death?" Juesheng said in confusion, "Senior brother, aren't you investigating the cause of Qingzhi's death? Why did you find out that the owner and his wife of Caibohang are here. I heard that Caifeng Building only opened six months ago. It has been more than a year since the couple passed away."

It's "heard" again.

Lin Chengyou glanced at the two of them sideways: "Did you stay in the building for a few days, did the little ears stay idle for a moment?"

The two didn't dare to say a word, and the senior brother was still angry, and if he continued, he would be guilty of a crime.

"Just now I've been long-winded, and when it's time to speak, I'm dumb again. I've heard something, come and listen."

Jue Sheng's spirit was lifted: "Senior brother, last time I heard Juan Erli say that the shop owner had been ill for several months before his death, and there were several medical officers who testified on the night of his death, and the cause of death was not suspicious. It was Mrs. Tian, ​​who was always greedy for money. Fierce, even if her husband died of illness, it would not be easy to find fault, but afterward, the Fa Cao came to investigate several times, and after all, nothing was found."

Qi Zhi also said softly: "I also heard that the store owner Tian is extremely afraid of his wife, and even knowing that his concubine was forced to death by his wife did not dare to attack, Tian Yunde was frightened and fell ill because of this, and he always said that he saw the ghost of his concubine wandering in the yard. ."

Lin Chengyou picked up a pen and wrote on the paper:

Tian Yunde, who died at the age of forty, was a native of Zhangqiu. His ancestors made a living selling goods. Due to the lack of money, his family was at a loss. In the year of Dingmao, the famine happened in Henan, and his family moved to Chang'an. To make a living, he paid out the dowry in full, and Tian Yunde used the funds to buy silk color, thus starting a silk color business.

Mrs. Qi, who died at the age of forty-one, was from Zhangqiu, and Ding Maonian came to Chang'an with her husband.

Jue Sheng said: "Dingmao Nian? Isn't it Chang'an ten years ago? I heard from Aunt Calyx that this silk and silk shop only sells high-quality silk color, and the business has been booming for many years. Speaking of the cloth and silk shop in Chang'an City, people People first recommend Boss Tian. I thought Boss Tian had a lot of money to make such a big business, but I didn't expect him to start a family ten years ago.

Qizhi shook his head: "It doesn't count, if it wasn't for Madam Tian's dowry, Tian Yunde would not have the capital to do business, no wonder he is so afraid of his wife."

As the two talked, they looked around curiously. Although this building had become a brothel, most of the furnishings were left over from Caibohang. Just looking at the pavilions and pavilions in the building, they used to be very elegant. It's not easy to be extravagant so far, but unfortunately the couple will die if they want to die, and their huge family wealth will be gone overnight.

Lin Chengyou let the two of them murmur, picked up a pen and copied down the third person's hometown:

Mr. Rong, from Yuezhou, his mother is Zhiniang from Yuezhou, and his father is unknown. In the year of Yin Bing, Tian Yunde went to Yuezhou to buy silk and hired Mr. Rong as his concubine. In June of the same year, Mrs. Rong returned to Chang'an with Tian Yunde.

Qi Zhi couldn't bear it: "It turns out that the concubine's surname is Rong, and she is also a pitiful person. She jumped into the well within four months of marriage. By the way, Qingzhi said that she and Rong's family are from the same hometown. Could it be that Qingzhi is also from Yuezhou? ?"

Jue Sheng glanced over the case, and quickly found Qingzhi's name: "No, no, Qingzhi is from Xingyang. It's strange, why did she say that she and the Rong family are from the same hometown, accidentally made a mistake, or deliberately lied? "

Qizhi was stunned for a while, and his face became strange: "Whether she is lying or not, don't you think it's strange for Juesheng, Qingzhi came after Caifenglou opened. How could she have seen Rong Shi if there is no intersection between people."

Juesheng tilted his head and thought for a while: "It's not surprising, don't forget that Qingzhi has followed Aunt Wo since she was a child. Aunt Wo is a well-qualified fake mother in Pingkangfang. Qingzhi often walks in the workshop, and it is inevitable that she will pass by Caibohang. , Qingzhi may have met the Rong family a year or two ago."

Lin Chengyou flicked the paper: "Have you had enough chatter? Look back at Ye Leo, what time is it?"

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi lingered to the door of the room, remembering that Ge Jin had made a fuss because he refused to live with Juan Erli, and suddenly said: "Senior brother, we have wanted to ask for a long time, when we came back to Caifeng Building The wound on Madam Gejin's face is still very fresh, whether it was caused by human beings or by a ghost, you can tell at a glance that Madam Gejin was injured by someone, so why does my brother say that it was scratched by a ghost?"

Lin Chengyou smiled and said, "Okay, I've made some progress. I knew I was wrong on purpose, but I didn't dare to point it out. Why don't you tell me why I did this?"

Jue Sheng's eyes were bright: "Senior brother, I'm afraid that telling the truth will startle the snake. Senior brother, do you already know who killed Mrs. Gejin? I guess it is one of the ten who knows, because she hates Gejin. The lady steals the limelight everywhere, so she ruins her appearance."

Qi Zhi said: "But tonight the temple visitor said that when Ge Jin had an accident, Boss He had already checked it, and all ten of them knew that they were not in the back garden."

"Isn't there a personal maid or a wife? If you are not present, you can instruct the subordinates to do it. I always think that Mrs. Wei Zi and Mrs. Yao Huang are the most suspicious. After all, the temple guests also said that although others are excellent, they are not. There is no hope of becoming a courtesan, but Wei Zi and Yao Huang are only one step away from setting the name. Senior brother, am I right?"

Lin Chengyou was noncommittal.

Jue Sheng thought he had guessed correctly, and patted his chest excitedly: "Let me think about it, when we rescued Lady Gejin from Young Master Jinyi, we had already seen the furnishings in her room. The window where the bed was implanted was only the door. That night, Mrs. Gejin stopped very early, and the 'Li Gui' went straight to the head of the bed and scratched her face. If it was really a human being, how did it sneak in? in the room?"

Lin Chengyou applauded: "If you have made progress, think about it again. According to the conditions of the night, how did the 'ghost' sneak into Gejin's room?"

"Did she pick the lock of the room? But there is another lady living next to her, even if it is not afraid that Lady Gejin will hear it, it may be bumped into by people in the corridor.

Qizhi's face brightened: "Could it be that he climbed in from the window?"

Immediately, he drooped his head: "No, the water in the waterside pavilion is not too deep. People come and go in the garden. Climbing through the window in the middle of the night will be seen at any time."

Jue Sheng walked around the room twice, this room was similar to Ge Jin's room, only slightly smaller, he looked at the door in confusion: "Could it be that it hid the key to the door of Madam Ge Jin's room in advance? But there is still a long way to go from the door to the bed, isn't it afraid that Mrs. Gejin will wake up suddenly, and suddenly scream, before it can scratch Gejin's face, someone will come."

Lin Chengyou reminded them while picking up a pen and dipping in ink: "You just said what things are in Gejin's room?"

Juesheng and Qizhi were stunned: "A window, a bed, a door. Oh yes, there are mirrors, a table, a low couch, a mat, and a screen."

Their eyes widened, and suddenly they said in unison, "The bed? That person was hiding under Lady Gejin's bed at that time?"

Lin Chengyou clicked his tongue, touched his ears and said, "Even if you guess correctly, you don't need to be surprised."

"Really guessed it right?" Juesheng and Qizhi hugged excitedly.

Jue Sheng said again: "Not everyone can get into the bed. Madam Wei Zi is plump, and it may be a little hard to get up. In my opinion, it is Madam Yao Huang. She is petite, even if she hides under the bed for an hour, it will be difficult for her to get up. No one will notice."

Qizhi shoved Juesheng: "Why did you go back to Wei Zi and Yao Huang, didn't you say that they weren't at Caifeng Tower that night?"

Lin Chengyou glanced at Ye Lei: "It's almost there, let's talk about it, it's dawn, don't just be lazy, go to work. Don't make a noise when you go out, so as not to make people say that the little Taoist priests in Qingyun Temple have no rules, let me hear If you speak, copy the "Yin Fu Jing" one hundred times more tomorrow."

Even though Jue Sheng Qizhi was scratching his heart, he had to leave, and only regained his senses after he came out. Senior brother forbid them to speak in the corridor to prevent them from going to Lady Teng.

The two looked at Teng Yuyi's tightly closed door, and they must explain it to Mrs. Teng tomorrow, so that Mrs. Teng could not misunderstand her brother, but she was afraid to say that Mrs. Teng didn't believe it. After all, she had fought with her brother several times.


At this time, Teng Yuyi had already taken a shower in the room. After the previous fight with Lin Chengyou, the turbulent and restless anger in her body was instantly calmed down. It was a little itchy, but now it's fine.

It seemed that the attack would not happen tonight, so Teng Yuyi turned around in the room. Before, she only focused on running and jumping around, and then she felt tired. Seeing that it was getting late, she planned to take a rest and then talk about it.

Unexpectedly, he slept in the middle of the night, and was woken up by the heat.

Teng Yuyi opened her eyes in the dark, only to feel that her cheeks were extremely itchy.

Are you going to get heat sores? She drowsily disappeared, and subconsciously touched her cheek, but couldn't feel anything for a while, she hurriedly found the fire book and lit the lamp, moved to the mirror and took a picture, and she saw that her cheeks were flushed.

She gasped, no wonder Lin Chengyou was willing to tell her the method of kehua. Cheng Bo had a good idea, and it was not enough to move his muscles and bones twice. will come out.

She couldn't fall in love with Shuwu Kung Fu even a single grain of heat sore, but Cheng Bo had to make up her mind on how and when to learn it.

While scolding Lin Chengyou, she shook the Xuanyin bell to make sure there was no evil outside the door, so she knocked on the wall: "Uncle Cheng."

"My lady." Someone knocked on the door in a low voice.

Teng Yuyi tidied up her clothes, opened the door and said in a low voice, "What time is it?"

"It's time."

"The medicine has attacked again, and it won't last until tomorrow morning. Let's learn it overnight."

Cheng Bo originally planned to send Huoqiu to send a letter to Teng Shao, but Teng Yuyi took the initiative to mention that he wanted to learn kung fu.

He had mixed joys and sorrows, the master had been expecting the lady to learn some self-defense tactics, but the lady refused to learn it. Today's encounter is a blessing in disguise.

Both he and Huoqiu were born in the military camp. They learned martial arts in a tough way, one is good at boxing, the other is good at swordsmanship. Those techniques that are commonly used require strong internal support. The lady has no foundation, and even if you teach it for a year, you may not be able to. After getting started, after some discussion, Cheng Bo decided to start with the most basic Chengjiaquan teaching.

Teng Yuyi was a little hesitant: "Is there any simpler swordsmanship? I'm used to using the Xiaoya sword. In the future, if I use the Xiaoya sword for self-defense, it is better to know the swordsmanship than not."

"Then there is only the Ke'e swordsmanship." Cheng Bo pulled out the dagger and held a sword flower in the air, "It is said that it is swordsmanship, but in fact it can also be applied to a dagger or a short knife, there are only ten moves, ethereal and ancient, maiden, in the room It's not spacious enough, go with the old slave to the garden."

The three masters and servants crept out of the room for fear of disturbing others.

The night was dark, and it was close to Ye Ran. Caifeng Building was already asleep. They walked into the garden lightly, and saw a lush locust tree in front of them. Cheng Bo and Huo Qiu held their breath to observe, but did not notice anything unusual. Then he said to Teng Yuyi, "Miss, let's practice under the tree."

Teng Yuyi raised her hand and straightened her head. She lifted the corner of her robe and tucked it around her waist. She was about to start practicing kung fu, but she was a little nervous.

"let's start."

Cheng Bo snorted softly, put his left hand behind his waist, and pushed his right hand forward like a dragon: "Miss, look carefully."

Huo Qiu knew the rules quite well, so he didn't pay much attention to Cheng Bo's swordsmanship, but turned around and paid attention to the movement around him.

Teng Yuyi saw that the move was unremarkable, and just thought it was very simple. After Cheng Bo finished the ten moves, he went through it silently in his heart. Cheng Bo made every move very slowly. , did the same.

Unexpectedly, after only three moves, he couldn't hold it anymore, the seams of the bones seemed to be split, and the hot sweat turned into cold sweat.

"I don't think it's necessary to learn it so hard." She pretended to be relaxed, rubbing her shoulders and said, "I'm going back to learning kung fu, so I should start with shallow and near moves. This swordsmanship is too weird. ."

Cheng Bo had long expected that the lady would be rude. It was like this when she was a child. When she was older, she was more slippery. No one could do anything about her.

"This is already the most shallow swordsmanship." He said solemnly, "There are only ten moves, no need to leap, and they are all melee combat moves. In three days, it is expected that the infuriating qi will be adjusted, and if you switch to other swordsmanship, almost all To do it lightly, to get a good look, let’s say it takes half a year.”

Teng Yuyi let out a hiss. After half a year, her face was covered with scars from heat sores. She raised her arm helplessly and gestured again.

Cheng Bo made up his mind to take this opportunity to help Teng Yuyi get started, so it was extremely strict.

"Shoulders should be flat and waists should be stable. This is not right. This old slave will give you another go."

"Wait, wait." Teng Yuyi forced a smile, "Uncle Cheng, do you need to lift your arms so high, you can stab your arms out with a flat chest, right? There's no need to put your waist so low, it's okay to keep your body straight. You can kick your legs."

Hearing a chuckle from someone on the top of the tree, Teng Yuyi froze, subconsciously raised his head, Cheng Bo and Huo Qiu flew up, drew their knives and shouted, "Who is on the tree!"

The leaves rustled, and the man on the tree seemed to stretch his back: "Today, even if I fell in love with Shuwu Kungfu, I could still bargain."

Lin Chengyou? Teng Yuyi was amazed. Cheng Bo and Huo Qiu were not bad at martial arts. Lin Chengyou had been hiding in the tree for so long, but they didn't even notice. This is definitely not something that can be done with inner strength, unless Lin Chengyou sets up a Taoist secret technique such as enchantment on the tree in advance.

Cheng Bo and Huoqiu were also unpredictable. They retracted their swords and jumped to the top of the tree, confirming that it was Lin Chengyou, so they said calmly, "How long has the prince been here?"

Lin Chengyou leaned against the tree in a more comfortable position: "I was taking a nap here, I don't think Madam Teng came to practice in the middle of the night, I didn't want to learn it secretly, I couldn't stand Madam Teng's witty words, and it would be useless to listen to it. I can only kindly remind you of the crime.”

Teng Yuyi snorted: "So that's the case, I made the prince laugh. Thanks to the prince, I can't wait until tomorrow to learn this kung fu. I was afraid of disturbing others, so I found a quiet place to practice. I didn't expect the prince to be like a thief. I usually hide in a tree, and my behavior is so sneaky, it is not surprising to be regarded as a villain. I can't hold back the strange power in my body, and I have to practice in the future, and I also ask the prince to move to the other side, so as to save two inconveniences."

Lin Chengyou was as unmoved as a mountain: "Teng Niangzijing can tell jokes and talk about everything first, come first, then come. I will come first, and you will come later. Even if you have to leave, you should go."

Teng Yuyi looked left and right, Lin Chengyou would never come here to blow the cold wind, and he was doing tricks around the tree in advance. There must be his reason. Since he refused to leave, she didn't make room for him, so it's better to pretend that person is not there. , left immediately after the practice, glanced at him reluctantly, and repositioned: "Uncle Cheng, let's continue."

Cheng Bo fell back to the ground. Kee swordsmanship is the most basic swordsmanship. With Lin Chengyou's martial arts, he will never learn it by stealth. The garden is so big, and it is troublesome to find another place. .

So he pulled the sword again, raised his left leg, and pierced his right arm: "Miss, look carefully this time. The reason why madam is suffering from bone pain is because she has not practiced the major meridians. Missing a little bit is a thousand miles away, and every move can't be perfunctory. When you get it all together, it won't be so difficult.

Lin Chengyou closed his eyes on the tree, and his ears were full of the sound of swinging swords. He didn't want to hear it, but he was too close.

He was really taken aback when he saw her running here just now. According to his thoughts, Teng Yuyi probably fell in love with Shuwu Kung Fu. After all, the heat sore was only temporary, but practicing Kung Fu was hard enough. It was expected that when she returned to the room, she was either crying, or sent a letter to Teng Shao overnight with ideas. How could she know that she had made such a decision and said she would go to school.

It didn't take long for her to start messing around, forcibly dismantling her good swordsmanship into flower fists and embroidered legs, he thought sarcastically, that's right, Teng Yuyi is cunning and always likes to take shortcuts when he encounters troubles, but when it comes to learning kung fu, he is absolutely perfect. There are no shortcuts.

He smiled narrowly, if he couldn't adjust his inner qi within three days, he wouldn't be able to control Huoyu Linggen Soup, and if he couldn't control Huoyu Linggen Soup, heat sores would spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

Thinking of this, he glanced down, and Teng Yuyi stretched his arms straight and raised his left leg back, a move of a white crane spreading its wings.

What is rare is that the shoulders are also flat and the legs are high, and the gestures are actually similar.

He was a little surprised that she was actually studying seriously.

Looking at Teng Yuyi's face again, the corners of her mouth pursed tightly and her brows twitched, clearly she had endured to the extreme.

He looked at her meaningfully, a little interesting, Teng Yuyi seemed to really want to learn kung fu, no matter whether she was already in the middle of the year, after all, she was not a child's body. Muscles and bones have to be stretched again, as the so-called "searching in vain".

With the thought together, he suddenly felt that he could not see through her a little.

Since he has dealt with her, she has used Jue Sage and Abandoned Wisdom more than once, and even children have used it. But in the past few days, seeing her treating Juesheng and abandoning wisdom, it's not all hypocrisy. That kind of subconscious care and maintenance doesn't seem to be pretending.

When he called Er Ji in the afternoon, he thought she would stand by and watch, but in order to protect the two, she took the initiative to come to deal with him. These two Jis have a humble identity, and they are completely useless to her. She did this because she was afraid that the two would suffer from him.

At first I thought she was bad, but sometimes I felt that she was very affectionate in her bones.

She was originally expected to be unwilling to suffer, so how could she know that she would practice martial arts when she said that she would practice martial arts.

He thought upside down on the tree, Teng Yuyi was not idle under the tree.

She was indeed suffering to the extreme, her body was swaying, she could hear the sound of bones shifting slightly, hot sweat rolled down one by one, and a thick layer of water shells formed on her eyelashes.

She gritted her teeth and said, "How long will it last?"

Cheng Bo nodded with satisfaction: "This move is in place, just keep counting the breaths."

Counting interest?

Teng Yuyi was dazzled, there was only one move, what about ten moves? Can you stop learning? Long heat sores. It was a pity that there was no way out. Lin Chengyou's appearance reminded her that if she didn't have some self-defense skills, she would only be restrained everywhere. When she was killed in the previous life, even Duanfu failed to protect her, and she finally came back to life, so she couldn't repeat the same mistakes.

Kee, Kee. It is a good name for every "E", which is a good name. Since you need to develop some new skills in this life, let's start with this Kee swordsmanship.

She gritted her teeth and tried to maintain the move, but she didn't know how long she had to endure before her head started to feel dizzy. However, Cheng Bo never let go, every time he said, "It's good to count the breath, just to count the breath."

Strange to say, whenever Teng Yuyi felt that she was about to become an immortal, the pain in her body seemed to adjust itself. From "pain" to "expansion", gradually there is a "pass" posture.

At this time, the chaotic strange force in the body returned to the sea, and rushed to that place together, but unfortunately it seemed that the fire was always short, and there was no sense of opening the gate to release the flood.

If you keep practicing, your soul will come out of your body, so you hear Cheng Bo say, "Okay."

Teng Yuyi took a deep breath and put down his arms and legs in a slump. This time, all his limbs and limbs were very comfortable, even more enjoyable than the time after the fight.

Cheng Bo said happily: "Yes, the lady can learn the next trick."

Teng Yuyi turned around and stabbed in the same way, but his arm made a "crack" sound.

She groaned: "Wait, wait, this time it's not pretending, it really hurts."

Lin Chengyou leisurely closed his eyes on the tree. According to Teng Yuyi's practice method, he might not be able to practice it within three days, but if Huoyu Linggen was overcome so easily, it wouldn't be called a special treasure.

Teng Yuyi readjusted and used the second move again. This time his arms were better, but Lin Chengyou suddenly jumped down from the treetops.

Cheng Bo and Huoqiu looked alert, not knowing what Lin Chengyou meant.

Lin Chengyou looked straight ahead, put his index finger on his lips, and motioned them to keep silent.

Teng Yuyi followed and looked over, and saw someone dodging out of Nanze. Under the moonlight, he saw that man with a slender back and a veil on his head.

Teng Yuyi was beating a drum in her heart, and there was only one person in the building wearing a veil all day.

Ge towel? What did she do when she ran out in the middle of the night.

Lin Chengyou swept away in a huff, and followed silently.

Cheng Bo said in a deep voice: "Miss, Prince Cheng won't wait here exclusively, something strange must happen, we'd better not hang around here, let's go back to the room as soon as possible. The first trick of horizontal and vertical has been passed, There will be no more seizures tonight."

Teng Yuyi looked at Lin Chengyou's disappearing direction and nodded: "Go."

The three masters and servants walked back in a hurry, and before they set foot on the steps, they suddenly heard a shrill scream from a woman, and they looked over in amazement. It was clearly coming from the direction of the water pavilion.

Cheng Bo and Huo Qiuqi drew their knives: "It's Hongxiangyuan."

Teng Yuyi's expression changed slightly. Hongxiang Garden was just opposite Yiyuxuan. The layout was similar to Yiyuxuan's.

Teng Yuyi was surprised: "Do you think the woman's voice is familiar?"

Huo Qiu and Cheng Bo nodded.

Teng Yuyi pulled out the Xiaoya sword: "Go and see what happened."

Cheng Bo subconsciously wanted to stop it, but the sound seemed to alarm a lot of people, Nanze's lamp shadow shook, and the building was in chaos.

The three of them rushed to Hongxiang Garden. There were mixed voices in the corridor. A middle-aged woman came out of the room and hurriedly arranged her hairpin ring while trembling: "Did you hear it, it seems to be Wei Zi's voice."

Teng Yuyi only thought that this woman was familiar, and after looking closely, she recognized Calyx Ji. She didn't apply makeup at night, so she was far less charming than usual.

The ladies in each room opened the door and looked out, but they did not dare to come out without permission because they were afraid of evil spirits.

"I heard, it should be Wei Zi, look at Aunt Calyx, Wei Zi's door is open."

"Be careful, don't forget that Prince Cheng won't let us go out at night."

Calyx Ji looked at the open door, hesitated and didn't dare to move, turned her head to catch a glimpse of Teng Yuyi's master and servant, and said boldly, "Young Master Wang, you—"

Unexpectedly, at this time, there was another short scream from a woman. This voice was full of resentment, but it didn't sound like Wei Zi.

Everyone was stunned, and another middle-aged woman came out of the room with a disheveled bun: "It's Ge Jin! What happened?"


Seeing that Wo Ji went straight to Wei Zi's room, everyone couldn't hold back and came out. Caly Ji turned her head and instructed the timid old women: "Go and deliver letters to the prince and several Taoist priests."

Teng Yuyi rushed to Wei Zi's door, the lamp was lit in the room, but she was startled when she raised her eyes, only to see one person lying in front of Hu's bed, while the other was lying on the ground.

The one in front of Hu's bed was Wei Zi, who was obviously terrified. She hugged her shoulders and shivered, her face almost like a blank sheet of paper.

The other was Ge Jin. She lay prone on the ground, her head held high stubbornly. The veil had long since been torn, revealing the hideous wound on her cheek.

She stared at Wei Zi, and said sternly, "Let go of me, I'm going to kill this poisonous woman."

Helpless, her hands were bound by the back-cut, and she could only struggle in vain. Lin Chengyou half-squatted in front of Ge Jin and pulled out the dagger in her hand.

The girls were so frightened that Hua Rong turned pale: "This, what is going on here?"

At this time, there was the sound of messy footsteps in the corridor, and the Taoist Master Tian and He Mingsheng from Dongmingguan came over one after the other.

He Mingsheng wore his head tilted, the belt was not fastened, the fat on his face quivered, panting: "What happened?"

When he suddenly saw the scene in the room, he was shocked.

Lin Chengyou looked back and said, "Tonight, the seniors will help guard the front and rear doors. No one is going out from the building, right?"

There were too many people blocking the door. Seeing that Tian Tian couldn't squeeze in for a while, he could only stretch his neck and reply: "There are old Daoists and a few junior brothers watching, and not even a fly can fly out."

Lin Chengyou then looked at He Mingsheng: "Boss He, officials from Dali Temple will arrive soon and call everyone in the building to the front building. I have something to ask."

Ge Jin screamed: "Let go of me! Wei Zi! You vicious woman, I have to kill you myself!"

Teng Yuyi looked at Ge Jin thoughtfully, no wonder she had to drive out Juanerli tonight, thinking that she had already had the idea of ​​revenge, and if someone lived in the same room, it would ruin her affairs.

Lin Chengyou stayed on the tree ahead of time, afraid that he would also guess that Ge Jin would do something different tonight.

Wei Zi staggered and stood up on Hu's bed, her red lips trembling, and her phoenix eyes were very round: "You crazy woman, don't spit blood. You are obviously murdered by a ghost, and it has nothing to do with me."

Lin Chengyou urged He Mingsheng: "What are you still doing, get people away first."

He Mingsheng broke in with two temple visitors and made sure that Ge Jin had no murder weapon at hand, so he dared to pull Ge Jin up, he still seemed shocked: "Ge Jin, okay, what are you doing? It should be investigated. We also checked, and I told you earlier that it wasn't Wei Zi and the others who harmed you."

Ge Jin's eyes were splitting: "Since she has intentions to harm people, how could she ask you to get the hang of it? Fortunately, God has eyes, so I have found evidence!"

The people present froze for a moment: "Evidence? What evidence?"

At this time, someone came running: "His Royal Highness, Yan Sizhi from Dali Temple is here."

After a while, all the people in Caifeng Tower gathered. Teng Yuyi found an inconspicuous seat in the front hall and sat down. As expected, he saw the Dali Temple official last time. Watched inside and out, and then said to He Mingsheng, "Tell two senior fake mothers to lead the way. Several of my subordinates are going to the inner courtyard to search."

Everyone didn't know what they were going to search, so they were in shock for a while. He Mingsheng pointed out two women in panic, and asked them to lead the officials to the inner courtyard.

The dozen or so people in the building knew that, except for Ge Jin, who was bound, all of them stood in the central hall, all of them looked uneasy, but they did not dare to move rashly.

Lin Chengyou ordered Ge Jin to be brought to him: "Tell me, why did you commit the murder?"

Ge Jin suddenly raised his head: "The slave family is for revenge. On the night of the 18th of last month, the slave family was ruined. Everyone knows about it. At that time, the master family checked all the people in the building, but no one was suspected. , The slave family recalled the voice of the 'girl ghost' day and night, and it was really unfamiliar. If it was done by the people in the building, how could they not be able to distinguish it? In addition, the building had been haunted for several months, so everyone said that it was the work of the ghost, Lord For the sake of peace of mind, the family did not report to the officials."

"Since you can't recognize the voice of the female ghost yourself, what makes you suspicious?"

Ge Jin looked at Wei Zi coldly: "The slave family is so hurt that I thought I would never know the truth for the rest of my life, but who knows that God will be fine, I asked the slave family to find something under the bed a few days ago. In the sachet, Si Zhi and the prince can see it at a glance."

Lin Chengyou ordered someone to take the sachet, untied the tether in public, and took a look at what was inside. It was a splendid gem, the size of a pigeon egg, and the color was dark red.

Teng Yuyi has been secretly paying attention to Wei Zi's expression. As soon as the thing was taken out, Wei Zi's expression changed instantly.

Most of the people in the hall don't know about it, and they talk about it behind their backs.

Lin Chengyou raised his eyebrows: "Jin Mobao (Note 2)? Is this the evidence you said?"

Ge Jin nodded: "The prince has good eyesight, such a lustrous and gigantic treasure, Chang'an only has this one. It was given to Wei Zi by a prince of the prince last year. Afterwards, Wei Zi has repeatedly boasted in public that this matter has the main family and the aunt calyx. Testify, the prince will know as soon as he asks."

He Mingsheng's face was full of astonishment, but Qi Ji got up and took a closer look: "Yes, the slave family remembers this thing, that night was the second day of the Winter Solstice Conference, and the prince of the Fan Chief brought people to have fun. He wrote poems, Yao Huang learned the oriole called Dole, Wei Zi made Hu Xuan dance, and the prince of the royal family belonged to Wei Zi, so he gave her this treasure."

Ge Jin said word by word, "Please also ask the host and Aunt Caly to distinguish carefully whether this is Wei Zi's piece or not."

Wei Zi's expression turned grim: "It's strange that this piece of scorpion disappeared a few days ago, so you actually framed me—"

Lin Chengyou interrupted Wei Zi: "Boss He, Aunt Calyx, come over and take a good look."

Calyx Ji glanced at Wei Zi in embarrassment and nodded silently.

Lin Chengyou looked at He Mingsheng again, and He Mingsheng also sighed: "It's this one."

Wei Zi's face changed suddenly: "His Royal Highness, don't listen to Ge Jin's nonsense. Although this treasure is owned by the slave family, it disappeared a few days ago."

Ge Jin's voice was sharp: "Why didn't you report to the official after losing such a rare treasure? You dare not report it! Because you know in your heart that this treasure was lost when you hid under my bed that night! "

She turned her head to look at Lin Chengyou: "His Royal Highness, Qingzhi's room has always been cleaned by Qingzhi, but since the day the Nujia was disfigured, Qingzhi has been busy carrying soup and medicine day and night, and has not been cleaned for a long time. The male demon kidnapped it, and the slave family felt unlucky after he recovered, so he ordered Qingzhi to clean the room, but found this thing under Hu's bed, thinking it was left that night, Wei Zi did not dare to come back and look for it for fear of being exposed."

Wei Zi's face flushed red: "If you want to add a crime, you have no words. You once said that the person was a middle-aged woman, can't you hear my voice? If I hurt you, you would have heard it long ago. I came out. As I said earlier, I went to the poetry festival with Lin Shilang that night, and there were talents from Zhaohui Shige who testified."

"The voice could have been faked. I was too panicked when the accident happened that night. I didn't hear it clearly and didn't know it. Zhaohui Shige is not far from Caifeng Tower. You can leave at any time for excuses. Lin Shilang and the others can only prove you You have appeared at a poetry conference, but you cannot guarantee that you will not leave from beginning to end. I have been to the poetry conference of Siu Fai Poetry Court many times. , how can I know what happened when I am unconscious? When I was murdered, it was after Hai Shi, and if you left in the chaos at that time, no one would notice at all."

"What a bunch of nonsense!" Wei Zi gritted his teeth, "According to you, wouldn't everyone be able to harm you?"

Ge Jin squinted his eyes: "It's not someone else's thing that fell under my Hu bed, it's your Wei Zi's Mole Treasure. You once said that you cherish this thing and never let it go, if it wasn't for you , why did it run under my bed so well?"

"I said this thing was lost a few days ago." Wei Zi's eyes flickered, "Maybe someone stole it on purpose, but used it to frame me."

"I just ask you, why didn't you report to the official?" Ge Jin's eyes were like knives, pressing step by step.

Wei Zi's body trembled, but she didn't know how to answer the words, her plump cheeks were covered with tears, and she couldn't tell whether she was guilty or resentful.

The expressions of the people present were different. Seeing that Wei Zi could not answer for a long time, there was a little doubt in his eyes.

Ge Jin bowed her head deeply to Lin Chengyou and others: "His Royal Highness, the slave family suffered a family change when he was young, and accidentally fell into the mud. Although his body was low, his heart was not dusty. I have lived to this day just to find out the real murderer. This man ruined the slave family's life, never avenged his revenge for a day, and the slave family would not die for a day. Now the evidence of the crime is in front of him, and he also asks His Royal Highness and Yan Sizhi to uphold justice for the slave family."

Everyone sighed, Ge Jin was the most open-minded and magnanimous before the accident, and her temperament changed suddenly, nothing more than because of the disaster. After an accident, he doesn't just feel sorry for himself, but he can endure humiliation and seek the murderer. This disposition is admirable and admirable.

Lin Chengyou got up and walked to Ge Jin, half squatted down and looked at her.

Ge Jin falls down