MTL - Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy-Chapter 403 Cooperate again

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Ji Muxian guessed that the person who called Fu Zhengzheng might not only be in possession of Wei Han's trade secrets, but was planning to call Miao Kangjian. Who knew that Miao Kangjian's phone number came in.

"Meeting each other's conditions, He Menghuai has given you the organ map."

Ji Muxian just remembered that Fu Zhengzheng's mobile phone was being monitored, and hesitated again immediately: "Miao Bureau, we are afraid that there is no perfect police force to control it?"

"Now I am disturbed by the wonderful listening virus. If the financial world makes another wave, I am afraid that the entire city B will be in chaos. It is important to stabilize the people's hearts first. Satisfy the other party's requirements temporarily." Miao Kangjian also expressed helplessness.


"I'll contact you later."

Ji Muxian put away his mobile phone and passed Miao Kangjian's meaning to Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi. His language was full of unwillingness.

Han Siqi listened slowly and said: "Fu Wenhai will not give us too much time to think and prepare, and it is estimated that we will call soon. We will discuss how to deal with it later."

"He will definitely let Zhengzheng send the organ map to their designated place. Siqi, in addition to protecting the stars, how many people are available to you?"

"This is not a big problem."

"Not a big problem?" Ji Muxian didn't quite understand what he said, and asked him for his gaze.

Fu Zhengzheng guessed Han Siqi's meaning, and was a little worried: "Fu Wenhai is so cunning. Since he called at this time, he must be fully prepared, I'm afraid we will always be passive."

As she was talking, Fu Zhengzheng's cell phone rang and everyone's vigilant eyes fell on her cell phone. She also hurriedly took out the cell phone and found that it was Sun Qiubo's phone.

"Zhengzheng, which ward is Tiantian in?"

Fu Zhengzheng quickly told her the ward number where Tian Xin was located. Within two minutes, a knock was heard outside the ward. She hurried to open the door, and Sun Qiubo and He Menghuai came in together.

"How is Tian Tian?" Sun Qiubo ran to the bed while asking.

Fu Zhengzheng wanted to say something, but when she saw He Menghuai took out an envelope and gave it to Ji Muxian, she turned around and stared straight at the envelope.

"Organization chart. Keep it away." Ji Muxian opened it and looked at it, handing it to Fu Zhengzheng.

Han Siqi grabbed the organ map in front of Fu Zhengzheng: "I'll take it."

He Menghuai whispered: "Xiao Bureau and Miao Bureau let me tell you, give them the map of the organization, first stabilize the situation, and ensure the absolute safety of Zhu Ting and Zheng Zheng, and other matters should be discussed carefully."

Ji Muxian nodded and remained silent.

He Menghuai shuddered, "Fu Wenhai, we found that he used the wonderful listening virus to steal user bank information and was going to arrest him. I didn't expect him to be so sensitive and immediately tied Zhu Ting to run without a shadow. After Rong Sheng's trouble-making incident, he sent someone to kill Pu Xiangchen who found his secret. Is this a dog jumping off the wall? "

"Wait!" Fu Zhengzheng suddenly had doubts. "Pu Xiangchen only discovered the relationship between Fu Wenhai and Miaoting's website last night. Fu Wenhai sent someone to kill him early this morning, wouldn't it be too fast?"

Han Siqi replied: "Fu Wenhai must also have computer experts by his side. He must have found that Pu Xiangchen was checking them, so he killed him first so that his plan could be better implemented."

He Menghuai muttered, "Fu Wenhai is really stupid. Isn't he going to kill Pu Xiangchen at this time, does he openly expose himself? Besides, if he realizes that Pu Xiangchen is checking his threat, as long as he doesn't touch the user's bank account There is nothing, there is no need to run, we must know that we are arrested for financial fraud. We cannot condemn him because of wonderful listening, because wonderful listening is not addictive, and it will bring people comfort. feel."

"More and more complicated." Fu Zhengzhen felt a headache.

"It's not complicated. Let's rationalize the chronological order." Han Siqi said, "First, Pu Xiangchen discovered the relationship between Fu Wenhai and Miaoting's website. Then, Fu Wenhai issued instructions to kill Pu Xiangchen, and then Miaoting's user bank account. When he was found stolen and reported to the police, the police wanted to control Fu Wenhai, found that he had absconded, and then found that Pu Xiangchen was dead. Finally, Fu Wenhai took the trade secrets and Zhu Ting's life and asked for a map of the small vault. "

Fu Zhengzheng exclaimed: "The bank account of Pirate Fu Wen's user should be just a guise, just to disturb people's hearts, he is basically trying to steal everyone's trade secrets! But now that he has obtained all the trade secrets he wants, You should n’t steal the user ’s bank account. You know that this will only expose him to the police ’s sight more quickly. Fu Wenhai should not do such a low IQ thing. ”

Ji Muxian always said: "Unless the stealing of bank accounts is not in Fu Wenhai's plan."

Fu Zhengzheng's gaze also flickered: "Someone knows his purpose and intentionally exposes him?"

Han Siqi replied: "Then this person is also a computer expert, it should be Fu Wenhai's accomplice. There are not many computer experts sent to support it? Why just kill Pu Xiangchen alone? Is this person Pu Xiangchen?"

Fu Zhengzheng immediately shook his head: "If Pu Xiangchen and Fu Wenhai are really associates, he must know Fu Wenhai's methods, and he must know what he will do unless he is supported by a stronger force than Fu Wenhai. It's just that I didn't find such a big character in City B. Unless ... "

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng himself, Han Siqi smiled awkwardly: "How is this possible ?!"

He Menghuai interjected: "If Pu Xiangchen was not fighting alone and he was fine, President Han's speculation could be justified."

Ji Muxian also agreed with He Menghuai: "If it were not for Pu Xiangchen, we would not know the relationship between Fu Wenhai and Wonderful Website so quickly. Pu Xiangchen is a computer expert and we knew that Fu Wenhai was not very proficient in computers. If Pu Xiangchen is his accomplice, then Miaoting's website must not be related to Pu Xiangchen, and he is most likely to steal the bank account of Miaoting users in the event of Fu Wenhai's unforeseen circumstances, and bring trouble to Fu Wenhai. Only by letting Fu Wenhai be caught off guard can he flee so furiously. "

"Even if Pu Xiangchen wasn't dead, even if you speculated that he was right, Pu Xiangchen's purpose was to make trouble?" Fu Zhengzhen asked.

"It's all about conflicts of interest. Pu Xiangchen is a smart man. Maybe his death was just an accident. He didn't expect it."

"But I was looking for Pu Xiangchen's help as a temporary idea. If I didn't ask him, wouldn't all his plans be useless?"

"It's really a temporary idea for you to find him, but maybe it's just a matter of planning for him?" Ji Muxian suddenly said in a quiet moment, "Zhe Lean's transfer of Rongsheng Group's account funds is very secretive, why are these small shareholders You know? And besiege Lean frequently? "

He Menghuai poked in and interjected: "Those power eyes did not dare to see Lu Lean talking loudly before, but now dare to start with him, it must be to see that Le Lean has lost his power."

Fu Zhengzheng disagrees: "Why not be instigated? Maybe this person deliberately leaked the news of Lu Lean's transfer of funds to those small shareholders and fanned it out. The more chaotic the situation, the more chaotic Le Luan will be, and the more self-care, the more Can't help Fu Wenhai. Fu Wenhai will become passive without the help of Lu Lean. At that time, the person behind the scenes can sit and smile for the benefit of the fisherman. "

He Menghuai scratched his head: "I have just come to Pu Xiangchen, and now there is another person behind the scenes. How many people behind us don't know are doing actions?"

As she was talking, Fu Zhengzheng's cell phone rang. It was the unfamiliar number before, and she couldn't help but shake.

The crowd snorted quickly, Ji Muxian nodded slightly at her, she exhaled, and slowly connected.

"Think about it?" The other side opened his door.

Fu Zhengzheng asked in a very uneasy tone: "I can give you the mechanism map, but how do I know if you will continue to leak those trade secrets."

"I have those things in the microdisk, and then I will tell you the account secret-I want a small vault, there is no need to do anything else to trouble myself."

"What about Zhu Ting?"

"As long as I get the organ map, I will naturally tell you where she is."

"What do you want me to do?"

"You take the machine map out by yourself, and I will tell you where to go." The other party seemed to hear Fu Zhengzheng's hesitation, repeated it with a chuckle, "Rest assured, I am only interested in what I want, You don't have to trouble yourself. But if you have to bring a group of policemen and break my plan, then I can't guarantee Zhu Ting's security, and I can't guarantee that I will keep the microdisk account secret on the Internet. "

"Don't mess around."

"As long as you don't mess around, I won't mess around. After I confirm that the agency map is true, our transaction will be completed. At that time, I will tell you the information of the microdisk and Zhu Ting together. I will give you five minutes. I will pick you up at the entrance of the hospital, and you will bear the consequences of your expiration. "The other party hung up after speaking.

"He knows I'm in the hospital!" Fu Zhengzheng just felt sweaty all over his body.

"It seems we are all under his surveillance." Ji Muxian motioned Han Siqi to give Fu Zhengzhen the map of the organ.

Fu Zhengzhen saw that Han Siqi refused to hand over the picture, and reached out into his pocket to dig out: "Don't worry, the other party's purpose is the organ map, not me."

Han Siqi looked nervous: "Do you believe what he said?"

"If you don't believe it, you have to believe it. We don't have time."

"Zheng Zheng!" Han Siqi was going after him, and Ji Muxian stopped him.

Fu Zhengzhen ran outside the hospital, glanced left and right, but no one was parked on the side, and was about to call the other party. The other party's phone came in: "Go south, there is a green taxi parked on the roadside, and the key is on the car , You drive and continue south. "

Fu Zhengzheng walked a hundred meters to the south, and she saw the green taxi said by the other person. After getting in the car, she started the car and continued to drive south.

Near the end of the south side road, the other party called again and asked her to go to Shengyin Shopping Center.

Shengyin mall? That shopping mall is one of the most popular shopping malls in city B. Shouldn't the other party be looking for a place where no one can pick up the map?

Feeling puzzled, Fu Zhengzheng quickly drove the car to Shengyin Shopping Center. According to the instructions of the other party, she came to the corner of the storage room and prepared to deposit her mobile phone, but found all the cabinets were full, and she couldn't help rushing. A man opened a locker, took out something, and left. She quickly occupied the locker and was ready to put the phone in.

"Miss Fu, the police outside are following you, you don't trust me."

"No ..."

"Without explanation, you put the mobile phone with the positioning system in the locker, and then drive west that taxi just now. I will wait for you on the road and take you to see Zhu Ting."

"You've changed!" Fu Zhengzheng naturally took the organ map and followed the other person.

The other party seemed to know her intentions and laughed: "It's not a change of mind, safety first. I know you don't dare to come to me with the organ map, so let's take a step back. You put the organ map with your mobile phone Inside the cabinet-the cabinet can only be opened by recognizing the bar code in your hand. After you confirm that Zhu Ting is safe, give me the map of the organization and I will tell you the password of the microdisk account. "

"Okay." Fu Zhengzheng felt that the other party was very sincere, and carefully checked the cabinet, and found that there was no problem. Then he put the organ map and mobile phone together, put away the bar code, and turned around.

She drove the taxi all the way to the west. Everyone had come to an end, but no one had stopped her. She began to feel something wrong and quickly turned back to the mall.

Quickly ran to the mall storage, quickly opened the cabinet with a bar code, and waited to see the contents of the cabinet, she could not help but take a breath.

The phone was still there, but the envelope with the organ map was gone. R638