MTL - Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy-Chapter 402 Trade secrets leaked

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Tian Xin was accidentally bumped into the lower abdomen, and the situation was very dangerous. He was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment, and the Fu Zhengzheng and Ji Muxian arrived in succession.

Looking at Ji Muxian's nervous look, Fu Zhengzheng wanted Han Siqi to calm his brother's emotions. At this time, Ji Muxian's cell phone rang: "Quarter team, we found Pu Xiangchen's car in the woods in the west of the city."

"What about people?"

"Maybe dead."

"What does it mean to die ?!"

"We found two bodies in the severely deformed car. The bodies were burned into coke, and his mother could still tell the difference, but Pu Xiangchen was beyond recognition, but in appearance, it should be wrong. No. "

"The scene was blocked. The person who contacted the technical squadron went to detect it."

"The technical squadron was already on the road and the scene was closed, but because there was a heavy rain before, there were basically no clues left."

Ji Muxian glanced at the emergency room, walked back and forth twice quickly, and gritted his teeth and yelled, "Check again! There will always be clues!"

Seeing Ji Muxian hanging up, Fu Zhengzheng hurriedly asked, "Is Pu Xiangchen dead?"

Ji Muxian nodded and called Miao Kangjian's phone to report to him.

"Dead! Really dead!" Fu Zhengzhen looked pale.

Han Siqi knew she was guilty and pulled her to sit aside, comforting softly.

Lin Xiaoyue, who was standing on the side and choked, saw Ji Muxian finish the phone call and lowered her head to walk in front of him to admit it.

"Captain quarter, sorry, I didn't take good care of Tian Tian."

Ji Muxian asked roughly, "Who hit Tian Tian?"

"A customer, he didn't mean it, he ..." Lin Xiaoyue looked around and found that there were no one else here. "He and I came to Tiantian with me. Why was he gone?"

Han Siqi interjected: "I didn't see anyone else here when I came."

Lin Xiaoyue said, "Maybe you are afraid of being beaten."

Just then, the doctor in the emergency room came out, and the crowd quickly surrounded.

The doctor's tone was low: "Adult is fine, but child ... sorry, we tried our best."

Lin Xiaoyue cried again, and Fu Zhengzheng felt cold all over.

Ji Muxian was about to rush into the emergency room, stopped by the doctor, and pointed to the other side: "We have sent the patient to the ward. You go to the ward to see her."

Ji Muxian turned and ran to the other side. Han Siqila Fuzheng also passed by, Lin Xiaoyue followed.

In the VIP ward, Tian Xin, who was as white as a piece of paper, lay quietly on the ward without a sound. Ji Muxian sat silently on the edge of the bed and reached out to help her caress her forehead.

Fu Zhengzheng stood aside and looked at Tian Xin with distress.

Han Siqi saw Lin Xiaoyue still wiping his tears and whispered, "You go back first, here we are."

Lin Xiaoyue sucked her nose: "But Tian Tian ..."

"We will take care."

Fu Zhengzheng realized that he had ignored Lin Xiaoyue, and walked over to lead Lin Xiaoyue to the ward: "I can't blame you for this, and no one hopes that such a thing will happen. When you go back and take a good rest, the things in the shop You worked hard for a while. "

"Not hard." Lin Xiaoyue immediately shook his head.

"You won't go back, Auntie will be worried."

Lin Xiaoyue then planned to take a step forward, and looked at the ward uneasily: "You must tell me something."

"Nothing will happen."

When Lin Xiaoyue left, Fu Zhengzheng turned to enter the ward, but saw Han Siqi come out.

"I suspect that the person deliberately hit Tian Tian."

Fu Zhengzheng was shocked, but was puzzled: "Tian Tian offended him?"

"You look at this picture."

Han Siqi presented the video of the mobile phone to Fu Zhengzheng.

The video picture is in Tian Xin's store. A man wearing a hat and big sunglasses slowly walked into the store, looked up and looked left and right, as if he found something, walked forward, and when the screen turned, he saw Tian Tian squatted on the ground while covering her stomach, Lin Xiaoyue rushed forward, while the man kept gesticulating on the side, presumably to apologize and explain, and then helped Tian Xiaoyue with Lin Xiaoyue to go outside.

The picture paused, Fu Zhengzheng quickly opened it with his hand: "No frontal image of this person?"

Han Siqi put away his mobile phone and shook his head: "No, you look at his appearance, it shows that he was prepared, and he doesn't want people to see what he looks like."

"Tian Tian and him have no grudges, why would he do this?"

"Instructed," Han Siqi said, looking out of the ward.

Fu Zhengzheng seems to understand something: "Tian Tian was injured, the second brother must be with her, and he must put down what he is doing. Is it ..."

"This is an extraordinary time, they are trying to find ways to disrupt the police and disperse the police."

Fu Zhengzheng's expression of hatred: "Too hateful! Do you think we can't bring them to justice? But we are really too passive, I can't even do anything, I can only stand here and wait for the rabbit, and It's unknown whether this rabbit hit it. Hmm ... "

"On the surface, it seems that we are passive, but in fact, they are poor. So you can rest assured that the rabbit will bump into itself."

The two were talking, Ji Muxian came out from the inside while answering the phone, and gave Fu Zhengzhen a wink. Fu Zhenzhen knew, and quickly went in and looked at Tian Xin.

Tian Xin was awake, and was looking outside with tears in her eyes, and Fu Zhengzhen rushed forward and took a tissue to help her wipe her tears.

"Don't cry, Xiaochan will also be confinement, and will cry eyes. The child can be pregnant again when he is gone, as long as you are fine."

Tian Xin blinked and burst into tears again.

Fu Zhengzhen was extremely distressed, and her throat was stiff again: "Don't cry, don't cry, the second brother will feel uncomfortable when he comes in."

At this time, her cell phone rang. When she saw Ji Yazheng's call, she raised Tian Xin up and then connected.

"Zheng Zheng, did Tian Tian wake up? Why can't the second and third phone be connected?" Ji Yazhen's voice was a little hoarse, and she obviously cried for a long time.

"They're probably calling, Tian Tian is awake."

"Just wake up, tell her not to be sad, to take good care of her body, as long as she is fine, I have to take care of Xiaoxiao and Xingxing, I can't go to the hospital ..."

"Mom, don't come. It's so late. Siqi and my second brother are here. Don't worry, we will take good care of Tian Tian."

Fu Jizheng hung up the phone after Ji Yayi had told her, and looked at Tian Xin with anxiety.

At this time Ji Muxian and Han Siqi came in together.

Seeing Ji Muxian coming, Fu Zhengzheng got up to give him his position, and saw Han Siqi wink at himself, and quickly followed him out.

"The second brother said that the two scorched bodies in the car had been identified as Pu Xiangchen and his mother."

Fu Zhengzheng sighed: "I've burdened them."

"It's useless to say now."

Fu Zhengzheng also wanted to say another word. Her mobile phone message prompt sounded. Open it. It was a message from a strange number, which contained some messy data.

"It's spam again." She gave Han Siqi a message.

"Wait a minute!" Han Siqi quickly grabbed her hand, staring at the information and looking carefully, her face became unsightly.

"What's wrong?" Fu Zhengzhen looked at it, but couldn't understand anything.

"This is part of Weihan ’s trade secrets, and it looks like they have all of Weihan ’s trade secrets."

"Trade secrets?"

Han Siqi nodded and took a deep breath: "If these trade secrets are leaked, the consequences for Weihan will be incalculable."

"The other party wants us to trade this trade secret for what they want?"


At this time, Fu Zhengzheng's mobile phone rang, the number that sent the message.

Han Siqi immediately pulled her into the ward, closed the ward door at the same time, and snorted to the second brother who was whispering with Tian Xin, so that Fu Zhengzheng connected to the phone with a voice.


"Did Miss Fu show President Han's information just now?" The other party's voice used a voice-changer and could not hear men and women.

Fu Zhengzheng asked, "Your purpose?"

The other person smiled: "It's very simple, exchange the machine map."

"What if I don't change?"

"One: Wei Han's trade secrets will be leaked soon; two: Waiting to collect Zhu Ting's body."

Fu Zhengzhen's face changed so much that she was about to make a noise. Han Siqi shook her head at her. She immediately responded, pressing her nervously and slowly: "Zhu Ting? That lawyer? Why should I collect her body?"

The other party immediately laughed: "It's time for this, you still have to fight sloppy eyes with me? Even if you don't care about Zhu Ting's life or death, you have to think about the lifeblood of Weihan Group? In fact, you know very well that the organization chart only People with keys to small vaults are useful, otherwise it's a piece of scrap paper, so why don't we get what we need? "

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng made no sound for a few seconds, the other party's voice was a little cold, "I will leave time for you to consider, but I am not patient, when the financial mess in city B is your fault."

He said that he hung up the phone.

"Hang up." Fu Zhengzheng carried the phone back to his pocket, only to find that his palms were covered with sweat.

Ji Muxian looked at Han Siqi puzzledly: "How could it be so easy for people to steal business data?"

Han Siqi shook his head and turned to see Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng thought that he had used his computer to go to the wonderful listening website, and he felt a little guilty: "Will you click into the wonderful listening website, you will get a virus?"

Ji Muxian nodded: "Everyone calls this behind-the-scenes man who made the wonderful sound virus a ghost."

Fu Zhengzheng was very depressed: "I started to let Li Yin recommend Wonderful Listen, and then let Chen Xiaoxiang do my hands and feet in my soup to make me insomnia. The other party clearly gave me a double set. It's all because I didn't think Qi, if I use my computer, this will not happen. "

Han Siqi disagrees with her: "Even if you use your own computer, he will soon make your computer useless. He will try to find ways to lead you to my computer."

Fu Zhengzheng sighed and turned to Ji Muxian: "What should I do now? Wouldn't it seem too selfish if we exchanged the agency map for Weihan's trade secrets?"

Ji Muxian pondered for a moment: "He said that when the financial community in B city would be chaotic, it seems that he has not only grasped Weihan's trade secrets. We must answer this move. I will call the Miao Bureau."

Ji Muxian was about to dial, but Miao Kangjian's phone number came in ... R638