MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 657 Sign the "Friendship and Commerce Treaty"!

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Appearing in the sky above Meishan, Bai Ye directly broke the great formation and collected the map of the mountains and rivers.

With a flick of the figure, he came to the vicinity of the pavilion.

The three virgins sat dumbly beside the three-pronged two-edged sword, looked up at Bai Ye, and their eyes were a little dull.

"Let me try it, what if it can be resurrected?"

Said the night.

"What?" Yang Chan's dull eyes reappeared.

"Try and talk." Bai Ye said.

"Okay, Daddy."

Yang Chan wiped her face and stood up, "Do you need me to do anything?"

"Tell your brother's subordinates, there are three hundred grass-headed gods, I have solved the matter, don't cause me trouble." Bai Ye said.


Yang Chan nodded.

Bai Ye put away all the magic weapons left by Yang Jian and closed his eyes.

Infinite power began to surge.

The surrounding scene becomes blurred.

After a while, Bai Ye opened his eyes, frowned slightly, and tried again.

A few minutes later, Bai Ye shook his head and said to himself, "Nezha didn't leave any traces, including my gold guise, which completely wiped out the existence..."

The power of time is not really omnipotent.

After the traces were completely erased, Bai Ye could not revive it through reversal and other means.

This is the case with Nezha, and the same is true of the golden rope that has suffered an innocent disaster.

Totally lost this time.

As for Yang Jian...

Bai Ye stretched out his hand, the space in the palm of his hand changed wildly, and a dense mist slowly appeared.

Condensed into a ball in his palm.

A small "ball" could be vaguely seen, which looked like an eyeball.

Heaven's eye!

Yang Jian's sky eye, Bai Ye's reversal and resurrection to the current state is already the limit.

This sky eye can no longer withstand the erosion of time, and it is impossible to resurrect Yang Jian based on this.

Even if there is no white night to maintain and stop its time, the eyes of the sky will soon disappear.

"Wait a moment."

Bai Ye, who was thinking about whether to give up or not, suddenly turned his head, looked at the roaring dog still lying on the ground, and grabbed it.

The half-dead dog was caught in front of him.

After shaking it twice, the comatose roaring dog was "shaken up" by Bai Ye, and when he opened his eyes, he was full of madness and tyranny.

However, the madness and tyranny in his eyes faded away in an instant, and clarity was restored.

After being stunned for two seconds, the Howling Dog let out a whimper.

It is only controlled by the emperor, not a real betrayal.

As the mastermind behind the scenes, Emperor Tian felt that even the Queen Mother of the West and others did not have the qualifications for him to "appear".

Not to mention Yang Jian's dog.

Tiandi was pressed to the ground by Bai Ye and rubbed, and then handed it over to the boss of the boss team.

Not to mention the control of the conferred gods list and other gods.

You can't even control yourself.

The roaring dog naturally returned to normal.

"Stop screaming, you swallowed one of your master's arms and spit it out for me." Bai Ye said.

The roaring dog stopped howling, and a pair of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes looked at the white night, and the flickering light could blind people's eyes.

Although it is a dog, it is also a **** dog, a real big demon.

It's one thing to never change shape.

Intelligence is another matter.

To be precise, the roaring dog is stronger than Yang Chan in all aspects - the previous Yang Chan.

There is no need to explain much in the white night.

The Howling Dog opened his mouth and held it for a while, only "spit" out a very light, very light, and it will dissipate in the next second - the breath that belongs to Yang Jian.

Seeing that he could only "spit" out this thing, the roaring dog would cry again.

Bai Ye threw the dog away, and infinite power fell on this breath.

Then, it was fused with the unformed sky eye.

The real life-saving "surgery" has begun.

Fifteen minutes later, Bai Ye retracted his hand and let out a long breath.

Saving people is indeed more difficult than cheating and beating people.

In front of Bai Ye, there is a child with "three eyes closed", and the vertical pupil between the eyebrows is still a red vertical mark.

He looks about seven or eight years old, and his complexion is also a little dark.

There is a vague sense of Britishness.

If he doesn't grow crooked, he will definitely be a handsome guy in the future.

"Does this count as Yang Jian? Or is reincarnation more accurate?" Bai Ye looked at the child in front of him and said secretly.

Simply reversing time to achieve "resurrection".

Whether it is the eyes of the sky or the remaining breath, they can't bear it, and finally achieve the purpose of resurrection.

Bai Ye combined the two, and then used infinite power to "shape" the child in front of him.

This child can be said to be Yang Jian when he was a child, or it can be said to be the reincarnation of Yang Jian.

And the cold-faced girl who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, in a sense, is gone.

Bai Ye has no intention to do more thinking and go deep into the field of philosophy to explore whether the child in front of him is the resurrected Yang Jian.

This is the limit of what he can do.

Just have a clear conscience.

Xiao Yang Jian slowly opened his eyes and looked at Bai Ye, there was no fear in his eyes, only vigilance: "Who are you?"

"Were you so calm when you were young?" Bai Ye asked nonchalantly, "That's right, you seem to be living alone with your sister."

Yang Jian's father was beheaded by the Heavenly Emperor a long time ago.

The mother was imprisoned.

Brothers and sisters Yang Jian and Yang Chan are standard wild children, self-reliant - well, they are actually relying on Yang Jian to support their younger sister.


At this time, Yang Chan came over, looked at Xiao Yang Jian, was startled, and blurted out, "Brother?"

Xiao Yang Jian frowned, looked at Yang Chan, and said somewhat uncertainly, "Xiao Chan."

Why has my sister grown so big all of a sudden?

"You came just in time." Bai Ye said to Yang Chan, "Tell him the story of the past and what happened. I won't be the commentator."


Some unknown Yang Chan nodded.

The roaring dog also came over and circled around Yang Jian, almost wagging his tail.

Yang Chan does not understand and needs to be supplemented, and he has to rely on it to explain.

Bai Ye opened the "any door" and came to Lingxiao Palace again.

After the Heavenly Emperor was taken away, the Lingxiao Palace was also moved back to this world by Bai Ye.

White night just appeared.

The originally buzzing voices in Lingxiao Palace disappeared instantly.

It became silent, and even the communication of spiritual thoughts stopped.

The Queen Mother of the West and Taishang Laojun, who looked at least neatly dressed, were standing there.

Seeing Bai Ye's reappearance, Qi Qi saluted, "Thank you, Sect Master..."

Bai Ye's body flashed, avoiding the thanks of the two.

"Don't be too busy to thank you."

Bai Ye smiled and said, "Do you think I'm the kind of person who will give you a 20% discount when you thank me?"

"Everyone is a serious person. Don't talk to me about your feelings. It hurts money too much."

The Queen Mother of the West looked helpless and simply did not answer.

Taishang Laojun gave a wry smile and said, "If you need anything, you can ask fellow Taoist Tongtian."

Now, it's time to deliver the reward.

Although it was not agreed at the beginning, the "money" that should be paid still has to be paid.

To put it uglier, this is also considered a protection fee.

"If I propose it, will you agree?" Bai Ye asked.

"This... do your best, do your best." Taishang Laojun said.

The original immortal style, the original free and easy - is the "youth" that Taishang Laojun passed away.

Now he has to be like a businessman, discussing the issue of compensation with the Tongtian Sect Master in front of him.

"Wait, let Zhao Gongming come."

Taishang Laojun had a whim.

Who is Zhao Gongming?

The God of Wealth, worshipped by the incense of human merchants.

Before becoming a was still a very powerful businessman in the mortal world.

"Come, come, I have prepared the "Friendship and Commerce Treaty." Before Taishang Laojun could find Zhao Gongming, Bai Ye took out the prepared contract, "Let's sign the contract first, and then discuss the remuneration."

"Don't worry, my deal is fair, just, and innocent."

"Has signed the "Friendship and Commerce Treaty" with hundreds of worlds and more than a thousand forces to exchange trade with each other. Of course, the currency used is the wealth of my trading cabinet."

"As soon as you look at your heaven, you know that you will not develop the economy at all, right? This is definitely not possible."

"After signing this treaty, we are a trading alliance. Let me, the trading cabinet, help you develop the economy."

Taishang Laojun looked at the contract that Bai Ye handed over.

Suddenly, I feel that it is not as simple as simply paying a little reward.

This is, to get on the pirate ship!