MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 658 Trading Pavilion Chief Alchemist

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"Do you understand the value of power and wealth? It is equivalent to the currency of the mortal world. After you become gods and immortals, you will not engage in economic activities, right?"

"That does not work."

"To develop the economy again, who, yes, is you, you look like the God of Wealth? Come here, let's have a good chat."

"You should be the most talented of them all."

Sign the "Friendship and Commerce Treaty", reach a consensus, and determine to help Tianting to develop the market economy again.

Conduct various trades with the Trading Pavilion and communicate with each other.

Bai Yecai discussed the issue of remuneration with the Queen Mother of the West and Taishang Laojun.

The peach tree, Bai Ye will definitely not let it go.

The Peach Garden of the Queen Mother of the West is not as big and exaggerated as it is described in Journey to the West.

There are 3,600 peach trees. There are 1,200 plants in the front, with tiny flowers and fruits, and they ripen once every three thousand years.

There are 1,200 plants in the middle, each ripening in 6,000 years. People eat Xia Ju and soar and live forever.

The 1,200 plants in the back, with purple grains and fine nuclei, are cooked once in 9,000 years. People eat it with the same longevity as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon are the same.

There are a total of 36 Peach trees in the whole Pantao Garden.

Not so exaggerated.

Compared with the ginseng fruit Bai Ye got from Wuzhuangguan, it was a little worse.

Of course, the result cycle must be much shorter.

Bai Ye directly asked the Queen Mother of the West to ask for half of the peach tree, which made her feel distressed.

But it happened to be stuck at the critical point of the Queen Mother of the West, within the range that she could accept, and it would not be "better for jade than for tiles".

Of course, even if the Queen Mother of the West intends to "Waquan".

Actually it is impossible.

In addition to the peach tree, Bai Ye also got some exercises from the Queen Mother of the West.

It's definitely not as powerful as "Eight-Nine Mysterious Art".

What really stands out is that it is not difficult to cultivate, and generally has the effect of maintaining beauty, ugly women becoming beautiful, and beautiful women becoming angels.

It is also the effect that Bai Ye sees.

Among the customers of the Trading Court, the number of women is more than five times the proportion of consumers.

There must be more products for female customers.

When Wonder Woman was in charge of the Justice League's financial power, the buying power was quite fierce.

After receiving the reward from the Queen Mother of the West, Bai Ye looked at the Supreme Laojun with a smile.

Taishang Laojun was neither happy nor sad, and said, "I don't know Pavilion Master Bai, what do you need?"

The leader of Tongtian, Bai Ye, the owner of the Unlimited Trading Pavilion, is the identity of the person in front of him.

Of course, the most important identity is a dead profiteer who wants "money"!

It is also very strong, with a group of dangerous people who can fight very well.

Taishang Laojun has already made preparations for hemorrhage, and has deliberately adjusted to the current state of indifference.

In order to ensure that the expression on the face of the Queen Mother of the West will not be revealed.

"Lao Jun, you don't have as much 'money' as the Queen Mother of the West." Bai Ye said, "I won't speak too loudly. If you come to a gossip furnace, it will be considered as repayment for my life-saving grace."

Taishang Laojun shook his body slightly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with difficulty: "Pavilion Master Bai, why don't you kill me?"

The old man gave himself up.

The gossip furnace, that is his lifeblood!

Taishang Laojun has no other hobbies in his life, but he likes to practice pills.

The Bagua Furnace is a supreme alchemy magic weapon that has been continuously re-refined and transformed for countless years.

Unique and irreplaceable.

Even if I die, die here, in the hands of the pavilion master of the trading pavilion, it is impossible to let go of my gossip furnace.


Bai Ye looked at Taishang Laojun and was a little surprised, "I can't see it, you are so strong, I thought it would be Asining's unyielding death."

The "Axi" next to him had a lifeless expression on his face.

"In that case."

Bai Ye sighed and raised his hand...

"and many more."

Taishang Laojun said, "Pavillion Bai, you are too decisive, right?"

"Didn't you tell me to kill you?" Bai Ye said, "I've thought about it, it's good, you don't have to feel the pain of being separated from the gossip furnace, and I can get everything that belongs to the gossip furnace except the gossip furnace. All your stuff is fine."

"The grace of saving life is repaid with everything, Lao Jun, you are really splendid."

"The most important thing is that no one loses, and everyone gains. I like this kind of win-win."

"...You won." Taishang Laojun sighed.

"Looking at how painful you are," Bai Ye said, "How about I hire you to be an alchemist in my trading pavilion?"


"That's right."

Bai Ye nodded, "My trading pavilion has a large number of medicinal pills for sale, most of which are produced by the alchemists of this pavilion, and a few are purchased from other places."

"With your level of alchemy, Laojun, come to my trading pavilion. After all, you are also a chief alchemist."

"My Trading Pavilion can provide you with various pills and materials."

Taishang Laojun's eyes gradually brightened.

Pill recipes and alchemy materials from other worlds?

For him who likes alchemy, it is very attractive.

It was a new area he loved and never touched.

"After joining my trading cabinet, everyone is their own." Bai Ye said, "you don't have to leave your gossip furnace, don't worry. My trading cabinet has always been fair and just, and the treatment of employees is very good. Five insurances and one Compensation, flexible work, holiday breaks, year-end bonuses, and benefits such as annual leave, labor and travel.”

"Wait, I'll go to a lawyer to draw up a contract, and then we'll trade again, guaranteed."

"it is good."

Taishang Laojun nodded.

After Bai Ye left, he suddenly woke up, no!

Isn't this the pirate ship?

At the beginning, didn't you remind yourself repeatedly not to get on the pirate ship?

Must be vigilant?

How did things develop so unexpectedly?

Of course, this is not the fault of Taishang Laojun.

It's because in the transaction, Bai Ye always has a way to bring down those guys who seem to be inhuman and high-quality.

Then pull the other party into the familiar realm of Bai Ye.

Everyone is doing business and negotiating transactions.

In this field, Bai Ye is invincible, and this is the power of order and civilization.

As an intelligent creature, one cannot refuse this power!

Bai Ye's work efficiency is very high.

In less than ten minutes, he took out a contract with more than 30 pages of A4 paper, and the font on it was small.

The dense pile is enough to make people dizzy.

Taishang Laojun swept it at will, and the content above was immediately clear to his chest.

It's just that he knows what those words are, and he doesn't quite understand what they mean when added together.

Many of the words were very jerky—not concepts he had ever encountered.

If you give Taishang Laojun a complete set of relevant professional books, he can become a professional lawyer almost instantly.

But now it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and this contract is too much for Lao Jun's face.

"I'll give a brief overview."

Bai Ye laughed, "It probably means that I will provide you with materials and various alchemy recipes, you are responsible for alchemy for me, and by the way, bring the alchemists of our trading pavilion to collect disciples. Don't you like your alchemy method? To flourish?"

"No idea."

Taishang Laojun said truthfully.

He is a researcher, and he doesn't cherish himself, and he doesn't have any idea of ​​preaching to the world.

In general, it is inaction.

It's kind of casual.

This is also the reason why Bai Ye recruited him but not the Queen Mother of the West.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Queen Mother of the West does not have a unique skill, she can only fight at the moment.

If she herself is interested, she can join the BOSS team and improve the average appearance of the BOSS team that has been reduced because of Surter's joining.

Not in a hurry either.

In contrast, Taishang Laojun is a talent.

No matter what century, talent is very important.

The talents of the Trading Pavilion are, of course, the more the better.

Anyway, Boss Bai has a lot of money and can afford to support him.

"You can have it in the future." Bai Ye said, "Come on, sign it first, everyone who signed the contract is your own, so you don't need to think about the issue of compensation, you will understand this matter."

"There are more recipes and materials waiting for you in the future."

After hearing more recipes and and knowing about the "blessing of life", Taishang Laojun signed the contract in a daze.

The chief alchemist of the Trading Pavilion, Taishang Laojun, has officially taken office!

Don't admire glory, don't ask for anything in return, don't want salary, work hard to teach apprentices to make alchemy!


After signing, he suddenly woke up a little bit, and felt that something was wrong, Taishang Laojun looked at Bai Ye.

Got scammed!

"Ha ha."

Bai Ye smiled and said, "Don't worry, do you think I look like the kind of boss who exploits employees? Go to my trading pavilion and ask, which employee doesn't praise me for being kind and generous, but he is one of the businessmen. Representative of conscience?"

"One thing you can always be sure of, right? You certainly won't lose."

"Follow me and you will never lose in this life."