MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 37 new world

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In the end, Batman did not make a deal with Bai Ye, nor did he go to Bai Ye.

As it approached the return time, Bai Ye greeted Baine and the others, saying that he was going back to his hometown and would not come back for a long time, so let them play by themselves.

When the time came, Bai Ye swallowed the black wardrobe and disappeared into this world.

The signal disappeared, and Batman investigated for a few days, but found no trace of Bai Ye, nor any information on entry and exit. The departure was as sudden and strange as his appearance, and as mysterious as his identity.

After returning to the main world for two days, after cooling down, Bai Ye didn't stay much longer and started teleportation again.

This time, it was not Gotham City, but another unknown world.

"The language and text elements have been successfully collected. Is it directly injected?" Hei's voice sounded in his mind.

Looking at the messy trees around, Bai Ye couldn't help but ask, "Where did you collect the elements?"

This is not a corner of the city. The surrounding trees and weeds make Bai Ye feel like he is in a deep mountain and old forest.

"When teleporting into this world." Hei replied.

"Pour it in." Bai Ye said, and in an instant, in terms of communication and writing, he became a complete local.

After casually saying a few words about localization, after getting used to it, Bai Ye opened his mouth and spit out "the cabinet of battle clothes".

This is a place far away from people, and there is a jungle around it. Naturally, you have to be careful. You put on a black battle uniform and arm yourself to the teeth. Bai Ye showed a chin and mouth, took back the "closet", and casually He turned around and walked towards a high ground.

The tyrannical physical fitness and the battle uniform make Bai Ye's movements in the jungle almost unlimited.

Soon, he climbed to a nearby high point, and looking around, he could see the blue sea in the distance.

His location is an island.

"Island tribe?" Bai Ye secretly said in his heart, looking for a populated place, and then he saw the east coast, which seemed to have traces of man-made buildings.

Without a word, Bai Ye rushed over there.

Of course, in dealing with such things, you still have to do it with people, at least with creatures who can communicate smoothly and are on the same level of intelligence.

Bai Ye, who was wearing a black battle uniform, moved quickly in this large jungle island, like a real ghost in the night.

After spending more than half an hour, Bai Ye arrived at the man-made building he saw on the high ground.

This is a pier, not a simple pier with only a few wooden boards, but a concrete building. There is a small tower similar to a lighthouse next to it, and a fort-like house. Its style and sturdiness are somewhat military buildings.

There is also a sign on the wall.

It's just that the pier has been abandoned. Bai Ye searched for it and found nothing useful.

After climbing the small tower, before I could see the sea in the distance, a black shadow fell from the sky and smashed into the sea hundreds of meters away from the shore.

Bai Ye walked to the "balcony" of the small tower, and through the night vision device, saw a plane staggering away in the sky.

"So high, you won't fall to your death, right?" Bai Ye secretly said.

At such a height, even if it falls into the sea, it is estimated to be a lot of misfortune.

But soon, Bai Ye saw the humanoid figure that had just fallen out of the water, and swam towards the shore quickly.


Bai Ye smiled, turned and walked down this small lighthouse.

"Damn it!" Harvey cursed inwardly while swimming.

Putting on the nano combat uniform to perform the mission, I didn't expect that it would be unfavorable to start the division. I was hit in the sky, completely separated from the team members, and even lost the weapons. Fortunately, I still landed safely within the range of the target area.

"Captain! Captain!"

Harvey kept shouting, but he didn't get any response. Although the nano battle suit allowed him to "land" intact, some small parts seemed to be damaged under the powerful impact, at least the communication module temporarily lost its function.

"Is it because I didn't pray before I came?" Harvey thought to himself, successfully landed and walked towards the buildings on the shore.

Before walking either side, Harvey stopped, and a cold mechanized voice came out through the nano battle suit: "Who's there!"

The small radar in the upper left corner of his line of sight detected the existence of living beings in the building ahead.

"Don't shoot, your own." Bai Ye walked out leisurely, his hands were empty, and he didn't hold any lethal weapons, showing his friendliness.

It's just that the black suit made Harvey instantly vigilant.

"Hello." A smile could be seen on the lower half of Bai Ye's face.

"...Switch the power mode." Harvey didn't mean to say hello to Bai Ye, but whispered.

Then, the nano-combat uniform on his body has obviously undergone some changes.

"Oh?" The eyebrows under Bai Ye's helmet couldn't help but pick up.

The man in front of him was wearing a single-soldier combat uniform, and it was obviously a single-soldier combat uniform that far surpassed the technology in the main world he was in.

The entire body of this combat uniform is gray and black, completely wrapping the human body, leaving no gaps exposed. The position of the eyes on the head has a red chip that looks like a windshield, and the bottom is slightly raised, an inverted triangle " breathing apparatus".

Different from the battle suit Bai Ye wore, this battle suit did not have any armor alloy on the outside, and the exposed form was like skinning a person, and the muscles inside were completely exposed.

It seems to be an "artificial muscle fiber" made by imitating the shape of human muscles. Because it is not red, but gray and black, it is full of power.

Especially in the current state of a little expansion.

It's a good thing to see at a glance.

Step by step, Harvey approached the stranger who claimed to be the "Lost Traveler" in front of him.

Just as he approached a certain position and Harvey was about to take it, Bai Ye said, "Let's make a deal."

"What deal?" Harvey's "winning plan" was immediately postponed, and the deal became the top priority.

"I'm very interested in your combat uniform." Bai Ye said, "How about selling it to me?"

"Are you kidding?" If it weren't for the trade now, Harvey would have punched him out.

Nano combat uniforms, developed by Kleine Company, are the most advanced individual combat weapons in the world, and are provided to the military elite special forces. So far, there are only 300 sets of finished products.

Every set can be described as a national treasure. It is the most ridiculous thing in the world when this person of unknown origin wants to buy a set.

"Of course not, don't be too busy to refuse." Bai Ye said, moving his wrist a little, and suddenly punched the wall behind him.

Under his punch, the sturdy wall showed obvious depressions, and cracks spread.

"Who are you!" Harvey's heart skipped a beat.

Behind him is a military building with extraordinary defense.

Harvey can achieve such an effect with one punch, but under the current power mode, the person in front of him is not wearing a nano combat uniform, but wearing a normal combat uniform that looks acceptable. A punch like this?

This is no longer something that an ordinary person can do.

"Tsk, it hurts." Bai Ye secretly said in his heart, looking at Harvey, "I said, I'm just a lost traveler, but we obviously have a good foundation for cooperation. I will fight against you. I'm very interested in the suit, and you should be very interested in my punch, right? I don't rely on the strength of the combat suit, but the pure physical strength, how about it, are you interested?"

"Physical power..." Harvey swallowed, stabilized his mind and said, "I'm just a soldier, just a user. And even if I'm willing to sell it to you, you can't use this combat uniform."

"Since that's the case, let's change the content of our transaction." Bai Ye didn't care, "How about you take me to see the person who can really decide whether to sell this combat uniform?"

"I need to know your true identity," Harvey said.

"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully that I am a scientist who has mastered the core technology, a black-no, conscience businessman who travels everywhere." Bai Ye said with a smile.

"You're not from the Jin Empire?" Harvey asked.

"Golden Empire, what is that? I don't belong to any country in this world, I said, I'm just a businessman." Bai Ye said, "If you don't believe it, then let's come A mutually beneficial deal."

"You helped me introduce a real high-level executive. Before that, we were close comrades-in-arms. You fell from the sky wearing this suit, shouldn't you be here to travel?" Bai Ye said with a smile.

"We're fighting side by side, I'll introduce you to high-level personnel?" Harvey thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, my name is Harvey Charlie."

"Nate Bai." Bai Ye took a few steps forward and stretched out his hand.

The transaction was established, and he received 50 points of wealth.

Five minutes later, Bai Ye learned the basic situation of the world from Harvey.

Similar to the main world he was in, an ordinary planet where human beings thrive.

There are large and small countries on this planet, and the level of technological development is similar to that of the main world. Except for the battle suit on Harvey, all aspects have exceeded the technological limit of this planet. The most advanced and powerful single Soldier combat weapon.

Currently there are only three hundred sets.

Harvey, who can wear this nano combat uniform to carry out his mission, is obviously of the "king of soldiers" level. After Bai Ye showed his strong physical strength, he can indeed, and he wants to introduce a real boss to Bai Ye.

Turning on the transaction mode is to minimize the influence of irrelevant factors such as identity and origin, and even close to no CD.

The two sides consider their interests and benefits nakedly. If they can, they will make a deal. If they can't, they will make a forced deal.

This is the power of the Rod of Power and Wealth.

Without it, Harvey would not be able to make any messy transactions with this stranger, even if Bai Ye was forced to die.