MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 38 qualified logistician

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Since it is a close comrade-in-arms relationship, this time, Harvey naturally revealed it to Bai Ye.

This island, under the control of the Golden Empire he just mentioned, seems to be conducting secret weapon experiments.

In a world of overall peace and local wars, Harvey's country is in a hostile and cold war relationship with the Jin Empire.

As for the secret weapon experiment of the Golden Empire, it is natural to destroy it.

So they sent a team of 15 people. Although there were not many people, everyone was wearing nano combat uniforms. The combat effectiveness was very strong. The king of soldiers and black technology were invincible.

Everyone felt that although there were only fifteen people, they were enough to complete this task.

It's a pity that "you die before you get out of school", the plane was hit by an unknown blow just as it approached the island, and everyone had to be forced to parachute and then separated.

Harvey was unlucky. He even lost his weapon, leaving behind a nano battle suit.

"The top priority is that we need to get some weapons." Harvey said to Bai Ye.

"Oh." Bai Ye nodded without any other action.

"I mean, do you have weapons?" Harvey asked, although Bai Ye claimed to be a scientist who mastered core technology, a "conscience" businessman, how to look at his outfit, he should have some weapons. right.

"Do you want to buy it? I can sell you a little bit." Bai Ye said, giving full play to the character of a black-hearted businessman.

"Aren't we close comrades-in-arms?" Harvey said.

"Brothers also have to settle accounts. I will help you in the fight. If you want me to sell weapons, you can't give them away for nothing. You can't give them away for nothing in this life, and it goes against the principles of my businessman. " Bai Ye said with a serious face, "How is it, a deal?"

However, he directly used the rod of power and wealth to issue an invitation.

Bai Ye is now a second-level agent, and the number of ordinary transactions reaches 5 times in 24 hours. There is no need to save too much. It is also a good thing to be able to accumulate some power and wealth.

"Well, what weapons do you have?" Harvey asked.

"A small pistol, with a total of eight bullets, 10,000 yuan, only cash is accepted, and some extra charges will be charged for credit. But everyone is a comrade-in-arms, I'll give you a discount, only 19,999."

"...Okay." Harvey felt that his answer was squeezed out between his teeth.

Another deal was made, Bai Ye smiled with satisfaction, turned around and walked into the small fortress behind him, and when he came out, he threw a pistol to Harvey.

Harvey fiddled with it, as the "king of soldiers", it takes seconds to get started.

There is nothing special about this one in his hand, it is ordinary, but the model is something he has never seen before.

"This gun, what model, newly developed?" Harvey asked fiddling.

"It's said that I'm a scientist who has mastered the core technology. I just made a pistol. What a big deal." Bai Ye said.

"Mysterious." Harvey said, "Okay, let's go, go to the gathering point."

With a little bit of long-range attack ability, Harvey didn't delay, and immediately led Bai Ye towards the gathering place.

Along the way, Harvey also gave Bai Ye a detailed introduction to the basic situation of his nano combat uniform.

This powerful and very flexible combat armor can elevate the user's abilities to a superhuman level, and the clothes can absorb energy through various forms, such as light, heat, radiation, static electricity, etc.

The muscle-like material that Bai Ye saw is called nanofiber, which has biological properties. It can fuse with the human body and repair the user's wounds. It belongs to semi-organic combat armor.

There are several states of the Nanosuit.

One is the normal state of protection mode, which absorbs kinetic energy and other destructive forces acting on the combat suit - such as heat and dangerous radiation levels, effectively temporarily shielding the user from real physical damage and thus able to withstand Usually a fatal shock.

Harvey fell from the sky and was completely intact. It seemed that he only damaged the communication system, which is also the credit of this protection mode.

The second is the power mode shown by Harvey just now, which allows the user to temporarily gain superhuman strength, which is suitable for melee combat. The standard "I punch you, you will die."

The third is the hiding mode. The nano combat suit transforms its own surface, and through the use of a crystal, the crystal can fully absorb and bend the incoming light waves, such as visible light, radio waves (radar), infrared (thermal imaging) , microwave or something else. to appear completely invisible to the human eye and the most sophisticated surveillance equipment.

Of course, it does not mean that it is completely invisible, and there will still be some slight distortions that can be seen by the naked eye.

The bigger the action, the higher the probability of being discovered.

Because it is semi-organic, and part of it is directly integrated with the human body, it is difficult to put on and take off the nano combat uniform, and it needs to enter a professional laboratory.

As for the issue of eating and excretion, don't worry, you don't need to think about these things while wearing this nanocombat suit.

At present, the longest time I wear a nano combat uniform is half a month, and there is no problem.

The experimental data of simulating human body wear shows that as long as the combat uniform is in good condition, the combat uniform can be worn for as long as a year, which is still considering the wear and tear of the combat uniform itself.

"Bai, how did you achieve such an effect with one punch, don't tell me it's the result of day and night training." Harvey couldn't help asking after introducing some basic information about the nano battle suit.

Bai Ye's punch was the key to his promise to deal, how could he hold back and not ask.

"Potion." Bai Ye said.

"Is it really a drug?"

"Yes." Bai Ye said, "I developed the Titan medicine."

"...This is a treasure?" Harvey's heart beat wildly twice.

However, after listening to Harvey's description, Bai Ye also felt that he had found a treasure this time.

If Harvey is that kind of boss, the two might have hit it off now and started more and more in-depth transactions.

"Someone." Of course, the excitement didn't affect Harvey's vigilance. Suddenly, his progress stopped.

Bai Ye also stopped, his movements were no slower than Harvey's, but his hidden and vigilant movements were not as professional as Harvey's.

Noticing Bai Ye's flickering towards the edge of the tree, a decent but unprofessional action, Harvey's trust in his identity deepened.

This one really doesn't seem to have received any professional training. Those rough movements are not even comparable to the recruits.

However, it has that powerful force, and it is not weak at all in response.

I'm afraid it's really due to the quick success of the drug.

The two hid in a dark corner, very insidiously waiting for the rustling sound in front of them to approach.

Soon, three people in dark combat uniforms with rifles appeared.

There is a small sign on the clothes, no different from what Bai Ye saw on the wall.

Then, this is someone from the Golden Empire.

When the three of them got close to a certain distance, Harvey didn't move the gun, he activated the power mode, and rushed up like a hungry tiger, punching one child and placing two.

The others who were a little behind thought they would be suddenly attacked. They just picked up the gun and were shot by Harvey. They took two steps back and fell to the ground.

The two who were hit by Harvey's fist with their heads tilted to one side were already dead and couldn't die any longer.

On the contrary, it was the one who was hit by the bullet. The bulletproof vest on his body worked. Although the pain was excruciating, he did not die.

Harvey strode over, grabbed the last person, and asked, "Where is your base! What experiments are you doing here!"

"Humph." All Harvey got was a sneer from the man.

Without a word, Harvey pinched the man's neck.

"It's really rude." Bai Ye walked out slowly and said, without any intention of participating in the battle.

Harvey glanced at Bai Ye speechlessly, and said that he was a close comrade-in-arms, fighting side by side?

You actually hid behind a tree to watch the fun just now.

Picked up a rifle and threw it to Bai Ye, Harvey searched the three people very skillfully. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Soon, he found a detailed map of the island. Of course, Harvey and the others also have maps, but they can't be as detailed as the one in their hands.

Bai Ye leaned over to take a look, and there were many places where a red cross had been slapped on it.

"What do you think this means?" Harvey asked.

"I don't know." Bai Ye lacked interest and fiddled with the rifle in his hand.

"This location is relatively close to where we are now. Do you want to take a look." Harvey pointed to the red circle closest to them on the map.

"Shouldn't you meet up with your teammates first?" Bai Ye said.

Harvey thought for a while in silence. He really couldn't be sure of Bai Ye's combat effectiveness, so he decided to join his teammates first.

"Why didn't you help just now?" Harvey said after moving on for a while.

"I'm not a martial artist, what if I'm delayed?" Bai Ye said as a matter of course.

"...Isn't it a close comrade-in-arms?" Because of the relationship between the rod of power and wealth, Harvey would not think that Bai Ye would betray or something, but he was beaten to death over there, and Bai Ye was watching the fun from the back, which was very uncomfortable. what.

Bai Ye said: "Of course they are close comrades in arms. But comrades in arms are also divided into front-line and logistics soldiers. I position myself as logistics soldiers. Look at your pistol, without my 'logistics support', where did you just now? Can you kill these three people so quickly. How about it, my comrade-in-arms is very qualified, right?"

At the end, it seemed that even he believed it, Bai Ye excitedly waved the rifle in his hand.

"..." The chaotic appearance made Harvey's eyes jump, and he quickly stepped aside, for fear that this qualified close comrade-in-arms might accidentally hit him.