MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 129 Get married when the war is over!

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Three meters tall.

Red and white!

The huge armor is presented in front of You Ming!

This is 'phantom'!

Transformed from the Destroyer!

The position of its forehead is the soul gem.

This gem supplies the energy of the whole body, and at the same time it can burst out a powerful force.

In addition, there is a huge reactor in the chest position.

This is Stark, after transforming and merging the previously eliminated reactors one after another, forming such a behemoth.

About the size of half a head.

It's just that this thing is not used to drive the Destroyer, but is specially used to drive weapons.

Because the previous energy core was not there, You Ming did not know from Gu Yi where she put the energy source.

Because Kama Taj did not, that is to say, it was probably placed elsewhere by the ancient one.

So without that energy source, the Destroyer's attack method would have to change a little bit.

Stark installed such a huge reactor on his chest according to his usual attack method, which was specially used to release lasers.

In addition, the hands and feet also have separate, small reactors.

This is used to aid flight, while also releasing laser attacks.

In addition, the most powerful vision of the vision in front of him is the laser shot from the mind gem on his forehead.

Although it is very small, the penetrating power and cutting power are not comparable to the lasers emitted from the reactor.

After all, the energy released in the reactor was only designed to facilitate large-scale battles and to clean up miscellaneous soldiers.

The attack method of the mind gem is used to target the boss when it is singled out again!

In addition, the power mastered by the illusion in the original book, such as mind power flight, as well as some virtual reality conversion, as well as network intrusion, etc., this illusion has all mastered, and is even better!

The only difference is that the vision transformed in front of him has no self-thought, and Stark did not implant Jarvis' consciousness into the vision.

He followed You Ming's advice and did not plan to create a real machine life to prevent the mechanical revolution in the movie.

After all, they were going to face the tyrant army. If the Ultron army appeared at this time, although its threat was completely incomparable to that of the tyrant.

But it was enough to create some trouble for You Ming and others, so that Thanos could invade.

Therefore, before Ultron was born, it was already destroyed in advance.

At least in a short period of time, it is impossible for Ultron to appear.

And this vision can only be stepped on by Stark and You Ming, and Jarvis is used as an auxiliary brain and an auxiliary control.

And the commands it can execute are relatively simple.

So simply use it as a tool of war, and at other times just refrigerate it.

After all, the mind gem is used a lot, and it is difficult to ensure whether the vision will really give birth to self-awareness.

So it's better to be cautious.

In the end, You Ming personally did some experiments for Vision, and after confirming that his strength was more than double that of the original Vision, he was relieved.

Such a vision, it is impossible to be directly killed by General Dead Blade just like in the original book.

That is, when dealing with Thanos, or an enemy of the level of Hela, it will be a little difficult.

Finally, Stark made some more data adjustments, which allowed Jarvis to seal it up and wait for the war to start.

"Time is really running out!"

"Especially the dream before, made me uneasy all the time.

I wish this boring war would be over soon, so I can get married to Pozzi. "

Stark improved his liquid metal armor while complaining.

This thing, he has almost improved to the extreme, but he still refuses to admit defeat, thinking that there is still room for improvement.

It's just that for now, he hasn't made a bigger breakthrough, just making the battle armor lighter and easier to carry.

Weapons or something, Stark ditched conventional weapons altogether in favor of laser swords and the like.

In the space war, although the power of small missiles is strong, they are consumables after all.

Or melee weapons are more durable.

So he has been doing research in this area, hoping to make laser weapons more stable and reliable.

"Rest assured Stark, in any case, the victory of this war will definitely belong to us.

But we also have to be prepared for heavy losses.

After all, Thanos' Legion is not a vegetarian. "

Speaking, You Ming glanced at Hexi, who was still fiddling with the camera, and sighed helplessly.

"Hexi, please do me a favor and use your technological knowledge to help with his battle armor problem.

Although Stark doesn't like other people's help, but in this situation, he can't help but refuse others' help. "

Hearing You Ming's words, Stark nodded with helplessness in his eyes.

Now his armor improvement is racing against time.

As long as you can improve a little more the day before the war, you can kill a few more enemies, and at the same time ensure your own safety.

Of course he couldn't be sloppy in this sort of thing.

Hexi also did not stingy with his knowledge, so he taught Stark step by step all the knowledge about battle armor, divine body, transformation, etc. in the super **** world.

that's it.

Time soon came a week later.

There are still less than three days before the war really breaks out.

But during this period, the Thanos Legion had already appeared on Earth, and carried out several rounds of small-scale harassment.

This has also caused human beings around the world to fall into turmoil, and governments of various countries have also begun to evacuate, and then dispatched troops for comprehensive defense.

These governments, from disbelief at the beginning, have to rely on S.H.I.E.L.D. and others to provide information.

The armies of Western countries have been in a state of rout before there is no intelligence from S.H.I.E.L.D. If it wasn't for the Avengers to take action, it is estimated that their armies would fall in an instant.

However, the largest country in the East, relying on its own strength and without any help from outsiders, defeated waves of enemies.

This also lets the aliens know which side is the soft persimmon, so they always choose to attack the west, thus ignoring the east, and just send a small army of troops for feint and harassment.

The purpose is to prevent the East from supporting the West, thereby completely defeating the Western troops.

But that's just an appetizer.

You Ming and the others did not attack because of such a trivial matter, but were waiting for the arrival of Thanos' large army!

But they waited until did not wait for a large army, but waited for a planet!

That's right, it was a planet that appeared on the earth without warning, blocking the sun and moon!

The other party calls himself Egg!

He used the human mage as a bargaining chip and asked the human to hand over the Star Lord!


You Ming finally remembered what the **** was this planet that joined forces with Dormam to invade Kama Taj!

The opponent is the **** Egg!

In the Galaxy Ga Dance Troupe, Xingjue's biological father!


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