MTL - A Rural Life in the 70s-Chapter 919

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The family had a good meal and had a meal. After a while, Song Xiucheng’s family and Qin Yu were all left to leave, so that Song Xiuju, who was on the journey, could rest earlier.

Early the next morning, Xiaoqiu saw Song Xiuju with a good color and full of energy. She knew that she had a good rest and she was relieved.

After breakfast, Qin Lan and Cheng Jiang went to the station to take Song Xiuju's luggage back. Xiaoqiu accompanied Song Xiuju to go shopping, and by the way, familiar with the route and the number of trains.

When the time is changed, after the autumn is long, the clothes in autumn and winter must be added. With Song Xiuju bought two sets of new clothes, she also added two pieces.

In the evening, Song Xiucheng took the wind to the sister, and a group of people ate a delicious pot.

On this day, in addition to Chengjiang, Qinhuang, Josie Chenghe and Wu Ge also came over, people are more lively, drinking a few bottles of wine, are a bit sloppy, and this is all about returning.

In a blink of an eye, Song Xiuju was going to start school during the National Day holiday. She declined the advice of everyone, and went to school with simple luggage.

After finishing the report, Song Xiuju came back to stay for one night at night and explained the situation to everyone. The next day, she rode a bicycle and went to the dormitory with a roll.

Song Xiuju lived in the dormitory, and Xiaoqiu returned to his room.

That night, lying on his bed, Xiaoqiu later remembered that she had isolated the connection of the big blue and white, in order to show punishment, this blink of an eye has also been for ten days.

These days, she is truly ordinary, without the recovery function of the big blue and white, although I feel that the body did not have the fullness of the previous restoration of the blue and white, but it is not unbearable. This is of course because she is on vacation, she is not too tired, but Xiaoqiu does not want to be too fast and big blue and white.

Among them, although she is dissatisfied with the big blue flowers, she is more aware that she is too dependent on the big blue flowers. She is afraid that she will not be able to bear the loss of the big blue and white. It seems okay now.

When she remembered the big blue and white flowers, she could vaguely feel the faint tremor of the big blue and white flowers, as if she wanted to express her meaning to her, but she was helpless. The contact channel was cut off by Xiaoqiu, and its meaning was destined to be received by Xiaoqiu.

Xiaoqiu ignored it and left it behind, and the weak induction disappeared.

The next day, after Zheng Qiushi’s approval, Xiaoqiu finally returned to school.

The first lesson was Professor Wen. When I saw Xiaoqiu sitting in the front row, Professor Wen asked her about her physical condition with concern. Finally, she said: "First raise your body and learn things without rushing for a while."

For Xiaoqiu’s body, Li Fangyun still didn’t feel relieved. Regardless of class after class, she stayed with her until Qin Hao came over. She handed Xiaoqiu to Qin’s hands.

For her persistence, Xiaoqiu is somewhat helpless, but not disgusted. On the contrary, because Li Fangyun corrected his attitude after studying, he was very hard. He used to accept Xiaoqiu’s help and counseling unilaterally. But now, some places are deeper than Xiaoqiu’s understanding, or they have another way to make Xiaoqiu’s exchanges. I feel that the benefits have deepened the tacit understanding and harmony of the two people.

After Xiaoqiu resumes classes, he goes home every day, and Qin Hao is responsible for picking up the morning and evening.

At the same time, Wu Ge basically finalized the sales of fruit in Xinjiang, and prepared a large number of warehouses for storing fruits.

Three days after Xiaoqiu resumed classes, they received samples of dried fruit fruits sent by Xinjiang Province.

After Wu Ge tested the quality, he immediately contacted Xinjiang to deliver the goods. When Xiaoqiu and Qin Lan came back at night, the news was that the goods on the other side of the province had been dispatched to the car, and they were shipped and shipped, and they could reach the capital in three days.

A large number of cantaloupe, some dried fruits, and a small amount of grapes arrived on schedule.

Wu Ge insisted on taking the person to the station to pick up the goods, and after careful inspection and acceptance.

Seeing that Wu Ge signed the acceptance form and got the payment credentials of the Finance Department of Zhongcheng Company, Song Xiucheng’s old classmate Li Lixing was finally relieved.

This time, he took all the hardships and won the support of the regional leaders. He went to Beijing to sell local specialties. It was a deadly move, especially when a large number of goods were sent. If the goods were not returned, he would become a local Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people have lost their sinners for a year. His political future is naturally ruined. According to the local customs, the personal safety of his family and his family may not be guaranteed.

To this end, these days and nights, he almost always hangs his heart, can not sleep, do not know the taste, now, he can finally put his heart down, relieved.

He did not expect it at this time. It was because of his trip to Beijing this time that he not only found a market for local specialties, but also opened up a wealthy road for the people, and paved a bright road for his own future.

This batch of goods is mainly made of cantaloupe. The sales customers of Wu Ge’s contact are no longer the factory that they sold eggs. The cantaloupe of Xinjiang is transported into the capital. In addition to the freight consumption, the price is unlikely to be low. Can take the high-end route.

Fortunately, with the improvement of the living standards of ordinary people, Beijing has a certain spending power for high-end fruits. Another major sales channel is high-end restaurants, hotels, where the demand for high-end fruit is not small, and cantaloupe is more resistant to storage, so the sales are very good.

This shipment brought a small amount of grapes. Each big customer who ordered cantaloupe, Wu Ge ordered a grape, mainly for the sample... This year's grape business has been missed. The purpose of his sample is mainly to focus on In the coming year, as long as the interest of these big customers is spurred, orders will be placed early in the next year to facilitate their organization of the acquisition and supply of grapes.

Of course, the fruit of Xinjiang Province is a rare thing after all. After Wu Ge inspected the goods, he allocated a part and sent it to the hutong alley.

After Xiaoqiu got cantaloupe and grapes, he asked one by one, and after learning that there were no other places, he couldn’t help but shake his head: How can I send some back to Wu Grandma first!

Nothing, her heartedness was divided, and the two men ran for a trip, and the fresh cantaloupe and grapes were sent to Wu. With her and Josie's feelings, Qiao's family naturally has a copy, but the number is less than Wu's family - Josie's vacation is basically not going back. The reason why he gave Joe a copy is nothing but a face.