MTL - A Rural Life in the 70s-Chapter 920

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The fruits and dried fruits of Xinjiang have been opened, and the special intentions have also been officially launched. Under the premise that the basic intentions are basically blank and the special products are extremely high, the province's purchase and sale business is just a needle-punching process, and it has no need for much effort.

After taste the sweetness, Wu Ge quickly transferred the main energy to recruitment, collecting local specialty products, establishing product projects one by one, and so on. However, with this example, the people in the company also established a certain degree of confidence in the special intentions, which are the official development of the special intentions, laid the foundation.

At the beginning, Wu Ge was asked to be responsible for the fruit sales in Xinjiang. Wu’s grandmother and Li Xi were very worried that his body could not be eaten, and naturally opposed.

Grandpa Wu and Wu Haigang have to be much more sensible. They consulted Zheng Qiushi and Wen Zhuo, and determined that Wu Ge’s body is fine as long as it is not particularly heavy and tiring. Therefore, Wu and his father decided to let go, and they also worked through Wu’s grandmother and Li Xi’s work. Wu Ge’s eyes were hurt, but his life was still long. He could not give in and was willing to stand on his own feet. It’s good for them to ask for it! In this case, they can only support unconditionally. How can they block and splash cold water? !

Without any worries, Wu Ge, who was injured, was once again lightly loaded, and soon set up a framework for special intentions, and then recruited personnel, collected information, and calculated costs...

At the same time, Wu Ge's meritorious service award was officially promulgated, remembering first-class merit... plus the previous two third-class merits and one second-class merit, he was young, but he was already able to be commended for his merits.

Together with the awards, there is also a resettlement plan for the meritorious minister. Wu Ge has been unable to maintain the troops because of his eyes. There are two choices before him: one is to work in the agency department, and it is estimated that it is arranged. One is idle, and is raised in advance; the other is to go to the Disabled Persons' Federation and switch to work for the disabled.

However, these two choices are open in Wu Ge, and there is no difference between them being raised in advance, mixed eating and so on. Let him sit in the office every day, take time, get paid, wait to die, what is the meaning of living? He didn't think about it, he refused.

He may say that he does not want to increase the burden on the country and wants to be self-reliant... but there is no need to lie to his family. He is very frank: "I don't want to eat and die, even if my eyes are paralyzed, I can do many things. ... just a friend's company is missing, I will go over their help!"

In his mouth, the so-called 'friend company', in fact, he and Wu’s family know well that he and Xiaoqiu Qin’s several people screamed out. After five or six years, they actually developed from selling eggs. Small-scale companies, involving several different fields, have achieved great results...

Before the Wu family, they did not see the 'businessman', but at this time, knowing that Wu Ge could not get from the army, and that politics could not have much success, if the business can make a career, it is also a kind of chosen.

If you say that Wu Ge’s business is just a ticket, at this time, even a more formal choice.

After all, the Wu family was a military family, and acted decisively. After confirming the opinions, Wu Ge made his own choice.

At this time, it is already early November, the winter of Beijing is getting closer and closer.

The rain in the late autumn is lingering, the wet rain is accompanied by the cold wind, and the blades of the big ones are knocked down from the branches. The streets are full of yellow and full of sorrow.

Because of Xiaoqiu's physical reasons, Zheng Qiushi and Wen Zhuxiao have reduced her study plan, only let her class, just do not arrange other things to occupy her spare time.

In this way, for Xiaoqiu, it is a rare and leisurely leisure. In her spare time, she even likes to take a break on campus, or find a place to sit and sit for a while.

The autumn rain is bleak and cold, and the students on the campus are mostly in a hurry. On weekdays, the playground is always lively and empty, and it is extraordinarily quiet.

Xiaoqiu was sitting under the narrow mantle in the stands, wrapped in a thick wool coat, holding his hands on his knees, holding his chin, silently watching the playground where the rain fell and the empty man was empty.

"Affectionate since ancient times, it is a cold fall of the Qing Dynasty..." A voice rang in the back, and the original poetic mood was ruined by the reader's unspeakable smile.

Xiaoqiu reluctantly turned back and smiled and made a pair of heart-felt Li Fangyun, but shook his head: "You are purely disease-free, today... Why didn't you go to the library?"

"I know you forgot!" Li Fangyun stunned Xiaoqiu with anger, but still went forward and pulled Xiaoqiu up. "I am today, you actually forgot... I made an appointment with Xinghai." Go out for a meal tonight."

"Your birthday?" Xiaoqiu's face was stunned, but his hand took a small box from his backpack and handed it to Li Fangyun. He finally smiled and said, "Happy birthday!"

"Haha, I know, you can't really forget it!" Li Fangyun took the gift from Xiaoqiu and couldn't wait to go back. He immediately opened the package and took out a half-old key from inside. " ,bicycle?"

Xiaoqiu pulled his mouth and opened a warm smile. "Not a new one, it is an old car, don't give up!"

"Hey, hey, there is a car riding me, I am very happy, and I will be disgusted!" Jin Di looked down at Xiaoqiu’s fingers and saw a seven-seat park under the shed at the playground. The new bicycle, to her surprise, is actually a curved beam of women's 24 small wheel bicycle. Even in the mid-1980s, this type of women's bicycle was not produced much, and it was still a means of transportation that girls had dreamed of.

"...just, this is too expensive..." After being happy, Li Fangyun was hesitant, and I wonder if I should accept Xiaoqi’s gift.

At this moment, a birthday gift between good friends, at least three pieces and five pieces, buy a handkerchief, buy a silk scarf is normal, Xiaoqiu this car is an old car, but it is estimated to be one hundred and eighty The money is really a big gift.

Xiaoqiu smiled unconsciously: "You will ride first, wait until after graduation, or if you have a better day, give me a chance."

To put it this way, it seems that I borrowed a bicycle to travel to Li Fangyun, but I didn’t have to worry about whether Li Fangyun was entangled or not. Anyway, after the ride, the final return to Xiaoqiu, the value of how much, the ghost sword or not is not very important.

After getting the ‘new’ car, Li Fangyun couldn’t help but ride the car and take Xiaoqiu together. Xiaoqiu did not stop it. He only opened the umbrella and raised it high, covering the wind and rain for two people.

Li Fangyun didn't have a lot of bicycles, it was rainy, and it was inevitable that Xiaoqiu would sway and sway, but it was rare to be shocked. Until the gate, there was no real fall.

"How? Didn't you fall?" Li Fangyun whispered back to Xiaoqiu, but he gave an exclamation at the next moment: "Ah..."

Xiaoqiu suddenly jumped out of the car and heard Li Fangyun’s exclamation. When he wanted to go back and help Li Fangyun, an arm was suddenly pulled up. A huge force took her away from Li Fangyun. The next second, She watched as Li Fangyun shook, and even the man took the car and fell into the mud.