MTL - A Rural Life in the 70s-Chapter 918

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Jingcheng Railway Station, a train arrives at the station. Hundreds of passengers are wrapped in big bags and wrapped up in the car. They are rushing out, people are flowing, one body The young woman in the brown-brown sweater doesn't seem to be in a hurry, dragging a suitcase, and going with the flow.

The woman's temperament and her excellent appearance and decent dress made her stand out in the crowd.

Xiaoqiu bought the platform ticket early and waited on the platform to wait. When the train arrived at the station, she and Cheng Jiang Qin Yu went against the flow of people, or Qin Qin was the tallest. The first one saw Song Xiuju, who was slowly coming from the crowd, immediately. Signaling Xiaoqiu: "Little!"

Following his fingers, Xiao Qiu also saw Song Xiuju in the crowd. After seeing the appearance of Song Xiuju, Xiaoqiu secretly sighed: Song Xiuju’s face also had some tiredness of the journey, but more of it was light and calm. The color is also good, and there is no obvious decadent depression. On the contrary, it is calm and calm when it is in the middle of the text.

Well, let Xiaoqiu feel that her quiet, calm and gentle little sister is back.

This made Xiaoqiu very happy. The smile on his face couldn't help but magnify a lot. He shouted "Little Xiao!", ran over and reached out to give Song Xiuju a big hug.

"Oh, you are finally here, I want to die!"

Song Xiuju smiled softly and hugged the niece who had grown up. She also said softly: "I miss you too... Hey, he is a child!"

Xiao Qiuqi lived in Song Xiuju’s arm and left the baggage to Qin and Chengjiang. While shaking the arm of Song Xiuju, he spoiled: "In front of Xiaoxi, I will always be a child!"

Cheng Jiang asked at the back: "Is this your little baggage?"

Song Xiuju is studying in Beijing. After two years of schooling, he may stay in Beijing after his studies. Not to mention the cumbersome things, that is, clothing should not be just a small suitcase.

Song Xiuju stopped and went back: "The big luggage is checked in..."

At this time, the courier has not yet started, the parcel is also slower, and the cost is more expensive. Relatively, it is more convenient and cheaper to check the baggage with the train. However, the baggage will be slower than the passengers, even if the same train arrives, it will take a few hours to pick up the pieces.

Xiaoqiu laughed and said: "Xiao Xiao gave them the check-in procedures and asked them to pick them up."

The group returned home, and Song Xiuju saw Xiaoqi’s room for her. It seemed to touch something, and she was slightly red-eyed. Immediately, she said that she had learned to live on campus. When she came back, she would squeeze with Xiaoqiu. There is no need to substitute a room for her.

Xiaoqiu did not argue with her. She only said: "The things after the start of the school will be said later. You will live for the first few days, take a rest, raise your spirits, and prepare for a new study life."

Although Song Xiuju is a college student after the college entrance examination, she is very self-aware. Their college students have been delayed, and the level is incomparable with the subsequent college students. Nowadays, she can have an opportunity to continue her studies. She cherishes it... From another angle, she has been famous for her versatility. Now she has gone abroad to study and exchange. The level of nature has a big improvement. If she does not know how to be aggressive, she will be Are you going to get farther and farther?

Before she left, she pleaded with her and promised her peace. He would come back to marry her soon after his studies... When I think of this, Song Xiuju feels full of happiness and full of hope.

"Well, when I talk about it, I still have some concerns, I am afraid that I can't keep up." Although Song Xiuju said that he was worried, but his face was full of smiles, he obviously had already prepared for hard work.

For such a small encounter, Xiaoqiu still likes it very much. At the beginning, I had already reported the college entrance examination, but Xiaoxi still did not give up the work of the 'teacher teacher'. During the day, I was in class, reviewing at night, busy, hard, but positive.

Now think of it, not only her, Xiaodong Xiaoxia is still working hard, probably with Xiaoyan Xiaoyan to lead by example. Well, their families are not afraid of hard-working and positive people. In the words of later generations, it is ‘positive energy is full’!

Two people spoke, and there was a lot of excitement outside the house. Song Xiucheng came with Liu Fangfang and Xiao Qiqi. Xiao Qiqi has been in the office for five months. It is still the first time he has come to the Hutong Hutong to be a guest.

After all, Xiaoqiu is in Beijing, and he can see a child every few days. Song Xiuju has never seen her child after 12 days. She was still a newborn of red, goodbye, already able to sit and talk. How can you not be surprised by the small powder dumplings?

Since Xiao Qiqi entered the door, Song Xiuju took him from Liu Fangfang's arms and did not let go. Holding him to eat biscuits, drinking water, playing with toys, and even trying to communicate with small groups with sounds and movements...

I don't know if there is a small Qiqi, Liu Fangfang looks a lot more mature than before. After the child was picked up by Song Xiuju, she consciously went to the kitchen to help Qiufen's nephew to clean up the dinner. Left Xiaoqiu, Song Xiucheng and Song Xiuju talked. As for Qin and Chengjiang, after sending a few people, they immediately returned to the train station to pick up their luggage. Song Xiuju’s baggage arrived with the same train and can be picked up in two hours.

Here, Song Xiucheng looked at the child's sister, and secretly sighed in his heart. He even strengthened his own practice. It is obvious that the younger sister likes the child very much. In the name of love, Yan Wenxi tries to deprive her of her mother. Right, too despicable!

Hey, that person is best not to stay abroad, otherwise...

The heart secretly hates, but Song Xiucheng’s face keeps a light smile. He was originally a deep and introverted personality. After several years of experience, it has become a habit to be angry and indifferent.

"You have a good rest tonight, I will take you to the wind tomorrow night. The roast duck is too greasy, let's eat the meat, let's go to the alley, the authentic old Beijing flavor."

Upon listening to this, Xiaoqiu clap smiled and said: "This is good.... The home is authentic sheep outside, pure hand-made meat, meat is tender and not firewood, and the fragrance is not good... Haha, Xiaoyan, you are now in Beijing. Some are time, take time to take you to the small alley to find something delicious!"

Xiaoqiu came to the capital for five or six years, and almost visited the inner street of the small alley, and many of the food hidden in the hutong, she can know everything, like a few treasures.

Xiaoqiu seems to be very busy, learning, internship, but in Song Xiucheng's view, there is still no shortage of children's heart. It is very hard to learn these things, but I have never been very concerned about interpersonal exchanges. In many years in Beijing, the number of people who walked around was almost the same as when I first entered Beijing. Oh, the teacher of Zhao in middle school and the professor of literature at the university are the two moving relationships that Xiaoqiu Weiji added.

For her temper, Song Xiucheng does not feel that there is anything wrong with him. He is in social relations, interpersonal exchanges, and Xiaoqiu does not like it.