Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 266: Roar

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The group had to move for three hours after sunrise to reach the next camp. Since they stayed on alert during the whole night, they were a bit tired. Still, their exhaustion soon vanished wh they saw something flying in the distance.

They spotted something immse taking flight in the distance. They were initially reluctant to accept their ill luck. Still, an unsettling feeling settled in their hearts as they focused on the distant figure.

There, against the expansive sky and in the direction of their travel, a colossal creature gracefully ascded into the heavs. Its wings unfurled wide, momtarily blotting out the sun as it soared through the air. The sheer size and majestic outline of the creature left no room for doubt.

A sse of foreboding washed over the group as they exchanged anxious glances. They had fervtly hoped to avoid any counters with dragons on this journey, but it seemed that fate had differt plans. The realization gradually sank in, and they could hardly dy their unfortunate circumstances.

To compound their fears, a deep, thunderous roar resonated through the atmosphere. The unmistakable, bone-chilling sound of a dragon's roar reverberated across the landscape. The group stood froz for a momt, caught betwe wonder and apprehsion, as the colossal creature made its presce undiably clear.

The instant the deafing roars of the dragon pierced the air, the group's horses reacted with sheer terror. Their mighty bodies trembled uncontrollably, and their wide eyes betrayed their intse fear. The typically composed and depdable animals were now in op rebellion, vehemtly protesting the looming danger.

Their protests took various forms of wild, frzied movemts. Some reared up on their hind legs, front hooves pawing at the air, while others attempted to bolt away in a desperate bid to escape the looming threat. The group struggled to maintain control, their hands gripping the reins tightly.

"Is the camp being attacked? What should we do?" Jori asked, and th he gulped nervously.

"We have to keep the cargo and the drivers safe, but it will be annoying if the magic people learned that we were here and just watched," Rain replied. "Stay here. I will deal with this."

In theory, Jori was the group's leader, so Rain couldn't decide that by himself. Still, he knew that it was better to follow his lead since his reasoning was sound.

Without wasting time, Rain used Impulse in that direction and reached the post in no time. He evtually could find the fire dragon flying in the sky while there was an earth dragon on the g, making the g shake…

Alongside that, Rain saw a bunch of quicksand mages trying to make the earth dragon sink, but their quicksand quickly disappeared wh the dragon touched it. The mons knew how to counter that.

Aside from the quicksand executioners, Rain could see a bunch of heat sorcerers without knowing what to do… they probably couldn't use their attacks that well without risking the fire dragon using that against them.

"They are pretty smart… these dragons," Rain thought.

Rain couldn't tell if that fire dragon was the same as the other that escaped, and he didn't have time to check it. At the same time, he knew that a flying dragon that could use fire breath was too dangerous… for now, it seemed like the beast was joying bullying the magic people, so Rain had to deal with it. He will leave the earth dragon to the magical people.

Wh Rain made up his mind, it looked like the fire dragon noticed his bloodlust and looked in his direction. he had planned to add the ice blade to his hanced forearm guards. Still, he didn't have time for that… he barely had time to cover his arms with earth and th use Impulse before jumping toward the beast.

Rain punched the left cheek of the fire dragon, and the creature was pushed to the side while a powerful blast echoed in the area.

The fire dragon caught off guard, expericed a sudd jolt of amazemt as it was struck by an unexpected attack. Its colossal form writhed in a chaotic display of flames and sparks, disrupting its fiery aura. The dragon's eyes wided, reflecting a mix of surprise and annoyance, momtarily rattled by the unforese assault.

Meanwhile, the earth dragon, witnessing its ally's abrupt distress, responded with a bld of astonishmt and determination. Its typically unyielding and sturdy form quivered with a mixture of confusion and righteous indignation. The earth dragon shifted its atttion to the unse assailant, narrowing its gaze on the unknown adversary who had dared to target its comrade.

On the other side, the magic people, who had be observing the unfolding spectacle, were left utterly dumbfounded by the audacity of the individual who dared to approach a dragon. Their eyes wided in sheer disbelief, their mouths hanging op in shock.

In their society, dragons were both revered and feared as extraordinarily powerful beings, and the notion of anyone getting too close to one was considered an act of sheer recklessness.

"This still hurts… just how much training do I need to be able to dure this?" Rain thought wh he landed.

The fire dragon looked at Rain, and the surprise gave room to anger… Rain couldn't tell how old the dragon was either. Still, it was probably not that much since the beast was joying the fight earlier without doing anything.

The fire dragon, driv by fury and resolve, unleashed a reltless blaze upon the g beath it. As its fiery breath surged forth, it triggered a cataclysmic display of power. The very earth quaked in response to the searing heat and formidable force. At the same time, a deafing roar reverberated through the air.

The flames swept voraciously over the terrain, transforming it into a blistering inferno that crackled and roared. The g trembled in submission, unable to withstand the intsity of the heat. The sheer might of the fire breath st shockwaves rippling through the landscape.