Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 267: Here we go again

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In the midst of this fiery chaos, fragmts of scorched earth were catapulted into the air, propelled by the explosive ergy of the dragon's attack. These burning fragmts arced through the sky before plummeting back to the g, leaving smoldering embers in their wake.

However, as the g continued to smolder and smolder, the fire dragon's assault abruptly ceased. Its atttion had be captured by a new threat—Rain. Emerging from concealmt, Rain sprinted toward the dragon's territory, desperate to escape. The dragon, momtarily redirecting its fury, fixated on the audacious human as he fled.

The fire dragon began to chase him and so tried the earth dragon. Still, th numerous fire tornadoes veloped the creature and forced the monster to stop and focus on them instead.

"It seemed that they took the hint," Rain thought while looking over his shoulder.

Rain ran away for a couple of kilometers in order to have the chance to fight without being bothered. Wh he used Impulse, ev the fire dragon had a hard time keeping up with him.

Still, evtually, Rain turned a wh he finished adding the ice blades to his fists. Wh he did that, he turned a and th attacked the emy.

Rain punched the face of the creature, and its whole body came to a half. The ice blade pierced the scales and the flesh of the monster, making blood gush from the wound, but it also broke after a single use… and Rain had used five hundred points of mana to create that.

"Ugh," Rain grunted in pain.

The sudd impact of Rain's punch had a profound effect on both the dragon and Rain. The colossal creature, momtarily thrown off balance by the force of Rain's attack, expericed a dizzying momt.

At the same time, Rain felt the consequces of the impact kely. He bore an overwhelming weight on his shoulders. It was as though the sheer power of the dragon's assault had materialized as a physical burd, pressing down upon him.

Despite employing the pott Limit Breaker technique to hance his strgth, Rain ssed his arm trembling with each step. The single hit had placed an immse load on him, causing his tire arm to quake under the crushing force.

The intsity of the situation, with the dragon thrown off balance and Rain grappling with the formidable weight on his shoulders, heighted the palpable tsion in the face of the dragon's continuing wrath.

"I can't stop the monster like that. While good hits on their chin make their brain spin, it has no meaning if I hurt myself in the process," Rain thought.

Once Rain healed his shoulder, the monster also recovered from the attack to some extt. Its face was still bleeding a lot, ev though the area a it was froz. Since Rain put a lot of mana in it, the emy looked in pain, thanks to the ice on its face.

With reltless determination, the dragon pursued Rain, its scorching Fire Breath unceasingly searing the g behind him. Rain zigzagged desperately, using Impulse intermitttly to propel himself out of harm's way. However, it became increasingly clear that the monstrous creature had no inttion of relting.

What was most astonishing was the dragon's seemingly boundless well of mana. It continued to spew forth flames with unbridled fury as though its magical reservoir knew no d. The ceaseless stream of fire followed Rain reltlessly, leaving little room for escape. fгeewebnovё

As Rain darted through the area, he couldn't help but notice that the landscape bore the telltale signs of a cataclysmic battle. The g lay scorched and strewn with debris, resembling the aftermath of a titanic clash. It seemed as though the very earth had dured the fury of elemtal forces in an epic struggle.

"I think that the guys on the camp can deal with one earth dragon, so I don't have to rush… but it will be bad if they let that one escape and join here," Rain thought.

Rain already confirmed that the dragon he was facing was stronger than the one he killed, so taking his time to finish it off might be dangerous… in the d, he had to hurry up before other dragons noticed the commotion.

After stopping running, Rain turned to face the creature, and the dragon showed a bit of surprise while it was using Fire breath. Still, the surprise gave room to shock wh the monster was fifty meters away, and th Rain just stepped ahead. In the next momt, the dragon was forced to close its mouth wh an earth pillar emerged from the g and hit its chin.

As the earth pillar forcefully sealed the dragon's colossal jaws shut, a sudd and violt explosion rocked the interior of the creature's mouth. It was a ferocious burst of fiery ergy, a tumultuous spectacle that exposed the dragon's susceptibility from within.

At that momt, the dragon's eyes contorted in agony, its countance twisted in pain. It became unmistakably clear that the creature's inner anatomy lacked the resilice of its formidable exterior. The searing heat and pressure gerated within its own mouth had triggered a volatile reaction, causing the dragon to recoil in sheer tormt.

As the monstrous creature regained its composure, it found itself in a state of bewildermt. Rain had seemingly vanished into thin air, leaving the dragon to glance a in search of its elusive prey.

But just as the dragon's uncertainty mounted, a sudd impact struck the top of its head. Rain descded from the sky like a falling star, crashing into the beast with astonishing force. The collision st shockwaves rippling through the dragon's colossal frame, causing it to stagger and ultimately crash to the g.

Rain's abrupt and unexpected return, hurtling from the heavs to deliver a devastating blow, was a shocking twist in the unfolding confrontation. It left the once-dominant dragon momtarily incapacitated.

The desct of the monstrous creature was nothing short of cataclysmic. As it crashed to the g, the very earth beath it trembled and cracked, sding shockwaves rippling through the terrain.

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