Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 233: The first village

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While they journeyed through what could be deemed enemy territory, the group managed to evade detection, and Rain's senses didn't pick up any signs of surveillance. This led them to speculate that the magic people had their hands full dealing with the ongoing dragon conflict. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

Their assumption was that the magic people might have utilized individuals who could transform into humanoid dragons as a means to dissuade humans from prying into their affairs or conducting investigations. This appeared to be a plausible reason for the lack of encounters or any indications that they were being watched.

In the end, they found the first village of the enemy territory. As Rain and his companions approached the village, it became clear that this settlement belonged to the Water Snipers, as Branden had mentioned. These magic people had ingeniously rerouted nearby rivers to flow around their village, creating a dual advantage.

The redirected waters not only provided a consistent source of food through fishing but also irrigated the adjacent lands, enabling the cultivation of crops right along the riverbanks. It was a testament to their resourcefulness and ability to harmonize with nature.

The network of canals and water channels that wove through the village showcased the villagers' clever engineering. The fertile fields, nourished by the proximity of the river, flourished with crops. It was a striking example of how magic and nature could collaborate to sustain a thriving community.

However, as Rain and his group neared the village, the peaceful scene gave way to tension. The villagers, who had been peacefully fishing moments earlier, quickly shifted into a state of alertness. Most of the people they could see appeared to be children or elderly individuals, implying that the village's capable defenders were likely away at the moment.

This sudden change in atmosphere hinted that the villagers had faced previous threats or intruders, leading them to be cautious about outsiders.

"If they attack, only focus on defense, we can't mess up here," Branden said.

Rain felt like sighing… being attacked and being unable to retaliate was more than he could handle. Still, it was a part of the job, so it couldn't be helped.

Fortunately, no fight broke out, but a lot of villagers moved to face them if they had to. They soon realized that they could have been ambushed, but that didn't happen for whatever reason.

"My name is Brandon Corsalis, and I am an emissary of the human kingdom," Branden stepped forward and declared. "We are here to negotiate the terms of the truce. We aren't here to fight."

The arrival of Rain and his group stirred whispers among the villagers of the Water Snipers. They conversed quietly among themselves, not taken aback by the mention of a truce but rather surprised by the suddenness of this visit.

After several minutes of murmured discussion, a figure stepped forward from the villagers. He was a tall man with an air of authority, accompanied by younger recruits or trainees. As Rain observed them up close, what stood out about this group was their striking commonality: brilliant blue eyes and an innate chill in their presence.

This discovery perplexed Rain. He hadn't noticed this trait before, perhaps because it was unique to the Water Snipers. It seemed likely that these characteristics were linked to their magical abilities or their affiliation with the water element.

The fact that these traits vanished upon death might explain why Rain hadn't recognized them sooner, as such details were hard to discern with lifeless bodies.

"... We weren't informed that you would come," The tall man said.

"Is that so?" Branden asked. "We came as fast as we could to avoid future problems between our countries."

"... We will have to confirm with the council of the area about the veracity of this fact," The tall man said. "A message should arrive in two days. Until then, you are free to stay here."

Considering the magic people's extensive territory, it was logical to assume that the main council had set up smaller outposts to manage everyday issues. These smaller centers likely served as regional hubs where the subordinates of high-ranking leaders handled minor problems and disputes. This decentralized structure allowed the magic people to govern their vast lands efficiently.

The group faced an unsettling prospect: a two-day hiatus. This break wasn't ideal, given the mission's importance. Yet, their choices were limited, and they had no alternative but to wait until they could meet with the higher authorities for the truce negotiations.

Branden gave an approving nod, and the tall man assumed the role of their guide. He led the group to a central village building. This place served as temporary accommodation for visiting soldiers and messengers from other tribes. In a society like that of the magic people, where collaboration and cooperation were crucial, traditional inns were unnecessary, even in remote villages.

The building they entered turned out to be well-kept and more than adequate. It was clean and organized, sparing the group from the usual worries of checking their luggage. Outside, a group of villagers had congregated, casting cautious glances towards the newcomers. Rain mirrored their vigilance, positioning himself by a window in their room to keep a watchful eye on the villagers outside.

"They aren't strong, and the captain is just a bit average. He is more like a teacher for the recruits of the village," Rain said.

"Let's not think about fighting them for the time being," Branden said. "Although I am worried that an army might come in two days to surround us… I am just joking, relax."

Esmeralda appeared a touch nervous after Branden's jest, and her unease didn't go unnoticed. The sudden shift in his tone and demeanor had raised suspicions. It seemed like he might be considering the situation more seriously since he raised the possibility, and he realized that he shouldn't have voiced that.

"I don't think that they had an army big enough to stop us. It will be too risky," Rain said. "If they are going to try anything, they will wait until we are further in their territory."