Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 234: Poison

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"... Some of them looked at you with a lot of animosity. How could you ignore that?" Esmeralda asked.

Both Rain and Branden were caught off guard by the sudden question. It was the first time Esmeralda had made an effort to engage in conversation with Rain, which made the situation even more surprising for both of them.

"Their anger is lukewarm compared to the rage and bloodlust of people in a war that had been away from their homes for months," Rain replied. "It also helps that I don't care if they hate me since I never caused problems for them. They always start fights with me, so I am automatically in the right all the time."

"I don't think that it is that simple…" Braden furrowed his eyebrows.

With some spare time and a well of mana at his disposal, Rain decided to engage in an experiment involving his water magic. His initial step involved meticulously gathering all the moisture present in the room's atmosphere. As he concentrated, the room's temperature gradually increased, clearly demonstrating his ability to manipulate the water molecules for heating purposes.

Executing this process with precision, he then reversed the procedure, deftly transforming the collected moisture into suspended droplets throughout the room. As a result, the room's temperature began to drop, sending a palpable chill through the space.

This experiment allowed Rain not only to refine his control over water magic but also to assess his capacity to manipulate temperature with precision.

"The others said that you were a training freak, but don't go overboard… we can't afford to get sick here," Branden said while trembling a bit.

"My bad," Rain said.

Pleased with his initial experiment's success, Rain marveled at the control he exhibited over his water magic. It was surprising, given that he hadn't devoted as much time to honing his water-based abilities compared to other elemental powers. He wondered if his proficiency was somehow linked to his name.

With newfound confidence, Rain decided to push the boundaries of his capabilities further. He extended his magical influence beyond the room, summoning a small rain cloud. In a matter of moments, the once-clear sky darkened, and raindrops began to fall.

His ability to replicate the natural phenomenon of rain underscored his impressive mastery of water magic, even though he hadn't practiced it as frequently as other elements. It was thanks to his past knowledge and a bit of science.

Amid the vigilant gazes of the villagers, none of them discerned that Rain had conjured the rain cloud. He quietly assessed his newfound control over his water magic, keeping his composure intact.

In the meantime, the towering guard overseeing their stay instructed a group of young recruits to supply them with food. Though Rain and his companions had their own rations, they accepted the offered meal, appreciating the comfort and warmth it provided during the truce negotiations.

"... Is it safe to eat?" Esmeralda asked. "Maybe this is rude, but..."

"It is fine, I can use healing magic and Rain should be even more proficient about that," Branden said.

"What if they want to put us to sleep instead of poisoning us?" Rain asked.

"To knock down someone like you, they would need a lot of drugs, and that would affect the taste of the food," Branden said and then began to eat. "You can cancel the effects of the drugs on us before they can affect you."

It was apparent that Rain's robust physique grants him a considerable resilience to the effects of drugs. His body, a testament to years of strenuous training and exposure to magical energies, exhibits a high resistance to the adverse consequences of substances that would incapacitate a less hardy individual.

Rain can scarcely recall ever suffering from common ailments like the flu or other typical maladies that afflict most people. His body operates at such an elevated level of vitality that illnesses seem to steer clear of him. This remarkable immunity isn't solely attributable to his physical fortitude; it is intricately tied to his mastery of magic.

Rain's well-honed magical abilities appear to bolster his overall health, providing a safeguard against the myriad of miscellaneous health issues that typically plague others. Colds, stomach bugs, and other commonplace ailments seldom make an appearance in Rain's life, and when they do, they are usually swiftly repelled.

It transpired that their apprehensions had been unwarranted, and their suspicions regarding the food being tainted with poison were baseless. Over the course of the following two days, nothing untoward occurred, and their health remained unaffected.

Rain, in the end, couldn't shake off the suspicion that a remote village like this possessed such a potent and specialized drug would be weird. However, it did pique his interest in the idea of establishing a network of water channels within the Capital, allowing people to navigate the city by boat – a concept reminiscent of the enchanting boat trips one can experience in the city of Venice.

In Venice, these boat journeys provide a one-of-a-kind and unforgettable experience. Passengers are guided through an intricate maze of canals on elegant gondolas. These charming waterways wind beneath picturesque bridges and past centuries-old buildings adorned with captivating architectural designs.

Venice's boat rides are renowned for their serene and romantic ambiance, making them a beloved attraction for tourists. They offer a unique and enchanting way to explore the city, granting a fresh perspective on its rich history and culture.

On the morning of the third day of their stay in the village, Rain finally could see a platoon of around thirty soldiers coming from the distance. When he told the others about that, they raised their guards, but soon Rain informed them that he could see two carriages as well.

"One of them must be for us. Another one should be a big shot of the area who will guide us to their capital," Branden said.

"And the guards are to make sure that we will walk in a straight line toward their trap," Rain said.