Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 222: Report

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Rain wondered the meaning behind that… why would they transform into monsters, and their abilities had a time limit?

"Do you think that their abilities aren't natural?" Rain asked.

"It is very possible, but I can't tell how they would obtain an unnatural ability like that," The doctor said. "I read your report, and considering it, I can't imagine how their bodies can transform like that. They didn't use conventional magic, that is for sure."

That was worrisome… Rain didn't want to raise such possibilities, but perhaps that tribe had that kind of ability because they are monsters like that. At first, Rain thought that they would be similar to druids, but his guess was really wrong or looked like it was.

"We will report the findings to our captain," the soldiers said.

Rain nodded, and he prepared to leave as well. The news could change the future in many ways, and he knew that the magic people could use that as a bargaining chip in order to make things more even on the geopolitical stage.

Once he finished his preparations, Rain dashed toward the capital and reached it when the sun was about to set. He went to the headquarters and then asked Karla for Branden, but it seemed that he stayed at home all day preparing for his marriage. Still, Rain gave his report to Karla as well to save time since she was on par with all the information about the king's blade.

"I see… such a possibility is rather unnerving," Karla said. "You should be careful, Rain. There are numerous types of monsters in their territory that we aren't aware of; even if they are planning some peace talks, I think that they still have to balance things out a bit, and taking you down would help their cause a lot."

"I will keep that in mind," Rain said.

Rain dashed toward Branden's house, and then he was instantly granted the chance to enter. Rain found Branden and the princess having dinner.

"What was her name again? Esmeralda Rosalis?" Rain thought.

"Join us, Rain," Branden said with a smile on his face.

The princess appeared genuinely happy, sporting a warm smile that could easily deceive most observers. However, Rain, keenly observant, discerned a different narrative in her eyes—a subtle glimmer of unease. This fleeting shadow hinted at concealed emotions. It was as though her cheerful exterior concealed a reservoir of hidden feelings.

In his thoughts, Rain yearned for Branden, their gracious host, to be more perceptive to these subtle cues. He couldn't help but feel like an outsider, intruding into a situation more complex than it appeared. A silent hope rested within him that Branden might sense the unspoken tension in the room and perhaps even regret his dinner invitation.

As the lively dinner conversation continued around him, Rain grappled with growing self-consciousness. Tiny droplets of sweat formed on his forehead, tracing uncomfortable paths down his temples. His clothes adhered uncomfortably to his body, damp and sticky from the day's earlier exertions.

"I will have to refuse since I like to relax in a bath before having dinner," Rain said. "In any case, this kind of information might not be so good to be delivered at the dinner table."

"It is fine; I know that you are in a hurry, and I don't want to take too much more of your time," Branden said.

Rain explained what he had learned; he kept hidden the fact that he found Jori and the others, though. At the same time, Branden didn't look surprised for a moment that they were gone missing… Maybe he gave them another secret job, but Rain couldn't ask him about that. It would make him look suspicious.

"I see… so it is like that," Branden said while looking at the ceiling, thoughtful. "I will pass the news to His Majesty myself tonight. In any case, you sure are good at gathering Intel as well, Rain. Maybe we could give you that kind of mission now and then."

Rain had serious doubts about taking on the job of gathering information behind enemy lines. He understood the mission's importance, but he had concerns. It wasn't just about the extended time the task would require; it was the emotional toll it could take on him.

The woman who had manipulated his father was a prime target. The temptation to confront her, to seek justice for the harm she had caused his family, loomed large in his thoughts. He worried that while he was gathering information, his emotions might take control, leading him to act impulsively.

Avoiding those missions seemed like the smarter choice. It would reduce his exposure to enemy territory and decrease the chances of him giving in to his overwhelming desire for retribution.

"Don't worry, it won't last for long, and it won't get in the way of your goals," Branden said while trying to keep hidden the existence of Rain's sisters. "Anyway, you should rest for a few days; I will send the word to your house if we get any news regarding Jori and the others and if we have another job for you."

Rain nodded and then left the building as fast as he could. He had work to do since he stayed away from his home for a week.

"I also have to level up the Martial Artist path as soon as possible to use all of the slots of the path," Rain thought while he was heading home.

Along the way, Rain couldn't help but think about the enemies and their new strange technique for a while. He considered that for a while, but maybe they also could harness the power of the dragons as well… that would tip the scales of the peace talks more than a little bit.

"I just hope that the peace will last for a while…" Rain thought when he arrived home and then headed to the cellar of the house, where he opened a secret entrance on the floor.