Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 223: Force of Nature

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The hidden passage had led Rain to an unexpected discovery. It guided him down a staircase carved right into the earth, extending beneath his own house. As he descended, the tunnels stretched deep below the city's sewer system. However, there was an issue - a lingering, unpleasant smell hung in the air.

Quick-thinking as always, Rain put his earth magic to work. He strengthened the tunnel's ceiling, successfully neutralizing the odor. It was a testament to his growing mastery of magic, a skill he continued to refine.

As he explored further, Rain stumbled upon a fascinating sight: a rail constructed entirely from earth magic alongside a cart made from the same magical material. It was evident that these magical constructs were designed for transportation. An idea sparked in Rain's mind, fueled by his ambition and the desire to use his mana more efficiently.

With unwavering determination, Rain decided to embark on an ambitious project last month. He began carving a tunnel, using his earth magic to create a pathway that would eventually connect to his grandparents' house. It was a significant undertaking that would require time, but Rain remained resolute. He envisioned establishing a magical bullet train system in this world,

"I still need to think of something about the fuel source for the cart while I am away, but I will have time, so it is fine," Rain thought.

The tunnel was already two kilometers long, even though Rain had only worked on it in his spare time for two weeks. However, it still had a long way ahead… only around 0.3% of the tunnel was completed, after all. Hopefully, Rain's little sisters would speed things up.

"I can already imagine them complaining about that," Rain thought and laughed.

While Rain diligently carved the tunnel, his mind wandered. He questioned whether it was truly the best idea to relocate his entire family to the bustling capital. Among his siblings, only Dana was of an age to enter the prestigious school. It seemed likely that his parents believed Kei and Gila would benefit from living with him, a chance to learn magic more effectively under his guidance.

Rain couldn't help but speculate if his parents had further plans. Perhaps they were preparing for the arrival of more siblings. After all, their family's exceptional talent in the rabbit path had reached an impressive level, a gift running through their bloodline.

Amidst the rhythmic clinks of his magical tools and the tunnel's gradual progress, Rain contemplated the future. Guiding and teaching his sisters was a significant responsibility. Still, it also underscored his parents' trust in his abilities and the unique potential inherent in their family.

In the end, five days later, Rain went to pick up his sisters at his grandparent's home. While he arrived at sunrise to make them arrive in the capital by nightfall. They were all still sleeping… they were kids, so it couldn't be helped.

Rain watched as his sisters prepared for the upcoming trip, each displaying their own distinct reactions. Dana, the eldest, wore an infectious grin and hummed joyfully as she packed her things. Her excitement was palpable, and she was clearly looking forward to the adventure in the capital.

Kei, the middle child, appeared less enthusiastic. She had a furrowed brow and sighed as she tackled the task of packing. It was apparent that she found the process a bit of a chore.

Gila, the youngest, had brought an abundance of items and was struggling to organize them all. Leiah, their dependable older sister, stepped in to help Gila sort through her belongings. It was quite a task, given the array of items Gila had brought with her.

In the midst of this lively scene, Rain couldn't help but appreciate the diverse personalities within their family. It was a reminder of the unique dynamics that made their family close-knit, with each member contributing their own quirks and qualities to the family tapestry.

"You are worrying too much as usual," Roan said when Rain explained to him the events of the last mission. "A lot of people died in the war, and they need time to recover now that the dragon people are on the move. Besides, even if there are some lunatics on the other side, they won't target kids to get to you."

"What about the woman that brainwashed you?" Rain asked.

"She is a screw loose, and I can't say what she might do in the future, but she didn't look at the time someone who would fall that low," Roan replied. "I think that you are worrying too much, but if you can't be helped, you can always hire your friends to guard them while they are outside or when you are away."

"I guess that is also one option…" Rain said while rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"By the way, the new equipment sure looks awesome. Do you want to spar a bit?" Roan asked. "I want to see the punch that you did to defeat the second general."

"...Your sword probably won't be able to handle it," Rain said.

"That powerful, huh?" Roan asked. "I guess it can't be helped."

"I would rather not punch you with all my might, but there are other ways to show the power of that attack," Rain said. "Hopefully, I won't hurt my leg again."

Rain accompanied his father to a secluded spot away from the farms. In this open space, he put his magical abilities to the test by conjuring a massive boulder, ten times his height and equally wide.

With a deep breath, he focused his energies and tapped into his skills, drawing upon his magical talents. His concentration was unwavering as he harnessed the full extent of his abilities.

Then, like a force of nature, Rain charged toward the colossal boulder. His initial step alone cracked the ground, creating a small crater. His punch was an explosion of power and precision, and the impact was immense. Roan was left inspired by the strength of his own son.