First Demonic Dragon-Chapter 724: A Favor From A Friend.

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Lailah shuffled across the bed towards Abaddon.

Even before she parted her lips to speak, he wasn't having it.

"That won't work. I'm not changing my mind." He denied.

Lailah smiled innocently. "I haven't done or said anything yet, Hon."

"You're doing that thing where you crawl towards me all seductive-like and try to erode my mental stability."

"Is it working..?"

"It's never not worked, that's the problem."

Lailah finally reached her husband and practically crawled into his lap.

Bringing her hands to his face, she pushed aside the hair hiding his eyes and stared into them lovingly.

"What's going on with you? Why did you decide that the girls couldn't go to earth?"

"You know as well as I that it is not safe right now. Lucifer is no doubt already on earth as we speak, and there is no telling what he is plotting."

Abaddon's expression softened and he placed his hand over Lillian's stomach who lay at his side.

"He's already tried to take something from us once already, and we've no idea where he is on earth. It's not safe to send the girls there at this point in time. That is, even if we could."

Abandon was suddenly cornered by three pairs of glowing eyes coming from all sides.

"…Hm..?" Sif opened her eyes sleepily. "Are we cornering babe again..? Do you need help?"

"No, we got it this time, sweetheart, go back to bed."


Abaddon's forehead brow was twitching uncontrollably.

Unanimously, Bekka, Lailah, and Lillian poked him in the jaw.

They didn't say anything, but they did continue pushing their fingers into his face.

"…What are you girls doing?"

"Being persuasive."

"You seem tense."

"We're trying to crack through that hard headed shell of yours."

Abaddon hadn't quite the words or expression to vocalize his current state of mind.

"…This won't change my mind, you know?"

- 4 Minutes Later…

The girls were barricaded in Abaddon's lap and their fingers were in his ear, nostril, and mouth.

"…Fine. If you girls have something to say then I'm willing to listen at the very least."

The girls did a group fist-bump amongst themselves and removed their fingers from their husband.

And who said a woman's greatest weapon was their beauty? Sometimes dogged persistence worked too.


Abaddon emerged from the bedroom after ten minutes of discussion.

He found his daughters waiting in the hallway with their backs against the wall and staring at him in anticipation.

"…You can go, but-"

""EEEEEPPP!!!"" The twins held each other and jumped up and down excitedly.

Abaddon grabbed both girls by their skulls and held them in place.

"I need you both to take this all very seriously. Earth is a very dangerous place right now and you need to be on your toes at every turn up there."

The twins wiped away their smiles while trying to make themselves look as serious as possible.

They were among the few children who had yet to gain much experience on the battlefield.

Due to their responsibilities, they spent more time holding pens and paper than their tridents.

This was their chance to really go all out and show their father they were his most capable children, whether it was politics or putting enemies on sticks!

But Abaddon had a wrench for their plans that they weren't expecting.

"You girls aren't going alone. I've arranged for you both to have a chaperone."

""A chaperone?!?"" The twins cried in unison.

"We aren't babies who need monitoring!" Yemaja pouted.

"Indeed you aren't. You're my precious children who need as much protection as you can get if you're going to the same place as Lucifer. So either you go with supervision, or you don't go at all."

Yemaja clammed up a bit and lowered her voice considerably. "…He's on earth..?"

Abaddon nodded solemnly. "We believe so. He's in hiding, plotting something… It's the reason I'm less than enthusiastic about you girls going."

Yemaya took her sister by the hand and gave her a firm squeeze.

"We get it, dad. We won't take any risks." She said seriously. "Just please let us do this."

"… Come with me."

Abaddon started walking down the hallway and pulled his phone out of his sweatpants pocket.

He began dialing up a sparsely used phone number in his contacts and brought the magical device up to his ear.

"…Hey. You're not busy, are? … Well what does that mean…? …. That sounds incredibly boring. Yes, yes, I'll give it a try sometime, but today I need a favor.

Do you mind giving me a hand? … No, that's not a pun."


Abaddon, Yemaya, and Yemaja were sitting in the sofa in the common area living room.

They were waiting for around five minutes before Abaddon snapped his fingers and a portal opened up in the room.

Blue-skinned, black-haired, four armed Shiva stepped into the Tathamet family home for the first time.

He spun around in mild wonder as he laid his eyes on many fanciful new things.

"Oh my… What is this?" He pointed.

"…That's a television." Abaddon blinked.

"Interesting… Is it like a technological mirror?"

"…How long has it been since you left your mountain again?"

"Never. Humanity aspires to come to me. I do not go down to them." Shiva shrugged.

"So you've never seen a football game?"

"What is this 'football game' you speak of?"

Abaddon's jaw fell so low that it nearly hit his knees.

He pulled out his phone and began typing away on the device like it was a matter of national security.

"I need you to clear your Saturday and Sunday schedule for the next couple of months. You're coming over here from now on."

"I… Do I have a say in this?"

"No. I've just told the guys you're joining the group and they're already expecting you."

Shiva scratched his cheek as he contemplated what exactly he had gotten himself into.

"Is this the favor that you wished to ask of me..? I was expecting something significantly more endangering than this."

Abaddon smiled wryly as he wrapped his arms around the twin girls at his sides.

"Actually… my favor is for these two. They are my daughters, Yemaya and Yemaja."

Yemaya: "Hello, Lord Shiva." frёewebnoѵē

Yemaja: "Sup."

Shiva greeted both girls with a curt bow.

"It is nice to meet you both. What is this favor that you two wish to ask of me?"

Yemaya took a deep breath before voicing her request. "Can you please help us sneak onto earth so that we can rescue our friends..?"

Needless to say, Shiva was undeniably less than enthused when he heard what he was being called for.

The god of destruction is what Nyx would call 'boring' which basically means he abides by the rules set in creation.

Asking him of all people to do something like this was a true showing of their desperation.

"Please, just hear us out before you say no." Yemaya urged.

Shiva seemed as if he were willing to do that at least...

Yemaya clutched her hand tightly and held it against her beating chest.

"I was once the Leviathan. One of the three great Judeo-Christian beasts who rule the sea, land, and air. Last night I received a vision of my other two compatriots dying in brutal ways. I wish to save them and spare them from this cruel fate."

Now, Shiva was looking at the young woman in a much more calculating way.

As unaware as he was of certain things on earth, he did know of the very important apocalyptic event that was the three great beasts engaging in a fight to the death, and afterwards their bodies would be used to feed the righteous human souls left in the endwar.

Though he had no idea that the three seemed to already be acquainted... and were even friends as a matter of fact.

He wondered how such a thing could have occurred when they all knew they were supposed to kill each other.

'Creation is never not strange…'

"Please... My sister and I don't wish to cause any trouble. We just want to save my friends, and then return home without any issue. I am begging you." Yemaya lowered her head, and soon Yemaja did the same.

Even Abaddon dropped his gaze a bit while holding both girls by the shoulders.

"I know it's a great ask, but I will be indebted to you if you do this. Please, help the three of them get to earth."

Shiva did a quick headcount with his fingers.

"My friend... it seems as though you maybe a bit confused."

"Sorry I'm late, gents."

Yemaja looked up at the arching doorway with the rest of the group, and her expression immediately soured.

Leaning against the wall was a young man who was undoubtedly one of the most attractive in Tehom.

With dark brown skin, a chiseled, powerful physique and a head of short purple hair, he could be seen on the posters of most adolescent citizens.

He smiled in such a gentlemanly manner that one almost didn't notice the elongated fangs in his mouth.

"Everything already get sorted? I'm excited to hit the road already."

Yemaja turned her neck 180 degrees and stared at her father with a smile that was definitely not a smile.

"No way in hell."