First Demonic Dragon-Chapter 725: The Godfather

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The Tathamet children get along with one another like hands in gloves.

Even Bashenga, who has shown time and time again that he isn't the biggest people person, still have an at least cordial relationship with them.

Fighting among the siblings is a rare occurrence, and is usually resolved rather quickly because they all know their father wouldn't sit idly by if there was bickering among them.

As such, there usually aren't many disagreements among the lot of them.

...But when there is, it's usually between Yemaja and Apophis.

She is the free spirited, but somewhat chaotic wild-child.

He is the upstanding, righteous, and dutiful elder brother with a strong sense of family.

Over half of their arguments came from Apophis trying to stop Yemaja from sneaking and doing something she shouldn't have been.

Yemaja insists that even though she was his younger sister, she was a grown woman who had lived for much longer than he'd been alive and should be allowed to do whatever she pleased.

Apophis tells her he doesn't give a damn, and usually drags her back to her bedroom by one of her horns.

...They do this dance at least four times a month.

After Yemaya convinced her sister not to back out of going just because Apophis would be their guardian, the three children stood calmly in front of Shiva as they waited for his decision.

Even though it took him a while to make up his mind, he eventually nodded and turned around.

His own portal opened up in the living room and he began walking towards it.

The kids, taking this as acceptance, gave their father a final hug goodbye.

"Please, be safe…" He reminded.

"""We will."""

"Don't hesitate to contact me or your mothers at the slightest sign of any trouble."

"""We won't."""

"And for the love of god, please just-"


"Right, right." Abaddon sighed as he swallowed his natural overbearing nature.

He finally released his children from his grip and the three of them followed swiftly in Shiva's path.

As Abaddon watched them go, he realized that there was one last thing he wanted to remind them of.

He screamed out one final tidbit of advice before the portal closed and all three were gone. It wasn't clear whether his kiddos had heard him or not.

When it was all over, Abaddon sighed as he scratched his head absentmindedly.

"Now that those two are gone, I wonder if this means that the house will be a little quieter…"

Movement suddenly caught the attention of the dragon who'd been left behind.

Entei slowly trotted down the stairs with his head unusually low and his flames on the verge of sputtering out.

Once he saw Abaddon, he bounded over to him and lay down on his back dramatically as if he'd been shot.

"…What exactly is the matter with you, pooch?"

*Nearly unintelligible howling.*

Abaddon rolled his eyes in exasperation. "What do you mean you are lonely and you have no will to live? You have three four legged brothers for you to play with."

*More depressed animal noises.*

"The hell do you mean you're not gay and you need a girlfriend??"

Abaddon felt another of his headaches forming and turned around to head back to his own girlfriends.

Along the way, Entei followed him the whole time and howled loudly enough to wake the dead.

- Earth : The United States of America, Atlanta, Georgia.

A man wearing a grey skull-cap and dark glasses could be seen walking through an empty street.

He turned a corner abruptly and headed into a dark alleyway that just seemed like the perfect place to ask to be mugged.

He walked past a few homeless people, waving his hands and magically making small bundles of cash appear in their pockets without them noticing.

But his random good deed was only an act of coincidence, and not the entire reason that he had come here.

At the very back of the alley, there was a wall that was occupied only by a trashcan.

The man touched the filthy lid with his left hand.

An azure blue ring on his middle finger glowed for just a fraction of a second before returning to normal.

Opening up the lid, the man did the strangest thing ever and hurled his own body directly inside the garbage.

Another old homeless man was watching him, and simply shook his head in disgusted judgement. "Fucking bath salts..."


The man landed on his feet in a dark underground cavern.

Despite what one may have imagined, it was probably the furthest thing possible from being 'creepy'.

The space was well illuminated from the residual glow of the modern white mansion lying underneath the busy city streets.

A small body of water was also located in front, just to give the fifteen-or-so occupants who lived down here something to look at.

Two guards were standing in front of the house.

One was an Italian man, the other was latino. They both wore dark black suits and had unusually large frames. In addition, their hair was a heavenly white, and their eyes a sharp gold.

The man who appeared to be nothing but a wanderer took off his hat and sunglasses and revealed he had some of their same features.

"The boss in?"

"You can sense him, you know he's here."

"Why do you ask us stupid questions whenever you come back home, huh?"

"Just wanted to give you fellas something to talk about instead of staring at nothingness is all." The man shrugged.

He walked right up the steps to the house and stopped just shy of entering. "...Well?"

Guard #1: "We ain't opening the door for you, Omar, take your old ass inside."

"I don't understand the problem. It's not like you two really got anything else to do. Opening the door for a cat like me should be the highlight of your shift!"

Guard #2: "Go!"

"Fine. You young bloods got no respect for your elders these days..."

The man named Omar walked inside amidst the heavy laughter of the two guards.

The manor was even nicer on the inside than it was on the outside.

It was decorated with a perfect mix of modern and antique furniture, some expensive paintings and centerpieces... and a small chihuahua roaming the premises as guard dog.

Omar travelled up two flights of stairs to reach the third floor of the manor.

He headed straight down the hallway towards a set of double doors that needed no guards because few would be foolish enough to try to break in here.

Even now, the pressure that Omar could feel from the other side took a lot of getting used to.

Steeling his nerves, Omar took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

He had barely even hit the wood when the door came swinging open all on it's own.

"You're shaking, mí amigo. After all this time, you still look like you're walking into the wolf's den every time you come up here. I'm really starting to get offended."

Omar grimaced at the figure seated behind a wooden desk.

The tabloids, news articles, and social media posts were all clear in their debates. This was the most handsome man walking the face of the planet. Even if every major world government had labeled him a terrorist.

He had cinnamon brown skin paired with shining-silvery white hair and sharp, pointed jawline.

Since it was still early, he wore only a pair of black sweatpants and a robe draped over his shoulders with some kind of unique insignia on it.

It was a demonic looking version of Quetzalcoatl, only this one was black and had additional heads.

But anytime someone here asked him what it meant, he simply said 'I like the aesthetic'.

On the wall directly behind his head, there was a large macuahuitl that Omar had personally seen destroy an entire building in one swing.

With one of his eyes a bloody red, and the other a sharp golden, they were entirely unique among his kind.

While looking formidable and intimidating, the man leaned forward on his desk- placing his elbows onto the wood. His twin-colored eyes nearly burned two holes into his underling.

"...Did you get the stuff?"

Omar rolled his eyes and held up a white bag with a red chicken on it.

"They were out of those frosted coffees though, Mateo."

"Fuck!" The vampire hybrid hit his head hard on the table; nearly splitting it.

"I got you orange juice instead. Vitamin C and all that." Omar placed the bag down on the desk.

Mateo started swearing in Spanish so fast that Omar couldn't keep up with him.

"Don't be like that. You can't subsist on blood and tequila all your life." Omar chastised.

"Why can't I??"

"It's disgusting. And a real cause for concern. I should've asked for a water cup too."

"No thank you." Mateo rolled his eyes and began digging inside of his bag of goodies.

He pulled out a small bowl filled with hash browns, egg, cheese, and chicken, all melded together in one delectable monstrosity.

"So... What about that other thing?" Mateo finally asked somewhat seriously.

Omar shook his head in denial. "It's a no go, boss man. None of our operatives can figure out why the families have been so active lately.

They know they're looking for something, but only the really high ups seem to know what.

And you know we can't have our inside guys asking too many questions or we risk losing them altogether."

Mateo frowned in disappointment as his tastebuds soured.

This wasn't the kind of news he wanted to get this morning... not knowing things made him as nervous as could be.

"Couldn't you ask that goddess friend of yours..?" Omar suggested.

Mateo's mood sunk even lower. He really didn't want to involve her in this if he didn't have to.

"...Give me some time to think. I'll come to a decision after-"

Mateo suddenly dropped his bowl on top of his desk. His pupils trembled great as he felt a tremendous presence bearing down on him from outside.

Omar sensed it too, but his reaction was much worse. He was already breaking out in a full sweat.

At that moment, a perilous message came in over the comms.

*B-Boss, get down here! It's bad! They just showed up out of nowhere and we can't- Ack!!*

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