Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl-Chapter 400 - Someone is Quick to Act

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Chapter 400: Chapter 400 Someone is Quick to Act

I came here to stir things up anyway, so whatever happens, as long as I cause a commotion, I’m doing it right.

Now, Jiang Xiaobai realizes he has wasted a lot of time. If he continues to waste any more, he will not be able to complete his plans, hence his decision to leave today.


From behind, the howling from the dog egg in the cave instantly ruined Jiang Xiaobai’s good mood for the entire day.

Jiang Xiaobai promptly turned around, irritably roaring at the small black furball creature at the cave entrance.

“You mutt, shut your mouth, you’re so annoying!”

Irritatingly, despite Jiang Xiaobai’s angry roar, the dog egg didn’t care, continuing its barking instead.

Jiang Xiaobai is driven to the height of exasperation.

The dog egg had continuously howled since last night. Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know why, and let it go on until it stopped after a long period — probably falling asleep from exhaustion.

And then it barked again this morning. Jiang Xiaobai was utterly speechless.

“It might be hungry.”

When Mo Yu voiced out from the side, Jiang Xiaobai finally came back to his senses.

Is that the case? Is this dog hungry?

From what he remembers, Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t recall the dog egg ever eating anything. Of course, he was too preoccupied with acting alongside Gu Leng while drinking that day to pay attention to what the dog egg was doing.

He had no idea what the dog egg had eaten, and Gu Ning did not enlighten him either.

Whether it was due to eating something the last time, or overeating last time, the dog egg had no desire for food for the past few days.

Bafflingly, Jiang Xiaobai assumed that the dog egg simply didn’t need to eat.

Instantly, he took out a small chunk of meat from his storage space, a carryover from before.

(In his view, feeding a dog meat should be the right move.)

Then, much to Mo Yu’s astonishment, Jiang Xiaobai tossed the chunk of spiritual beast meat to the dog egg. Mo Yu was stunned!

How could an ordinary dog like a dog egg eat the meat of a spiritual beast? That would kill it!

But before Mo Yu could react and stop him, the dog egg jumped up, opened its mouth in mid-air and gobbled up the chunk of meat.

Then, the dog egg landed and continued with the ruckus.

“Not enough, want more?”

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, ready to feed more when Mo Yu urgently interrupted, “No, it’s an ordinary dog, too much spiritual beast meat will kill it.”

“Really now?”

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned. He genuinely wasn’t aware of this, but it seemed like the dog egg comprehended human language, for it started jumping in front of Mo Yu and barking.

The two men were left in a bind.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai procured another chunk of spiritual beast meat and tossed it to the dog egg. While the latter munched on the meat, he hurriedly inspected and discovered what Gu Ning had noticed the other day.

Shock overwhelmed him.

“You little thing, you’re quite the odd one.”

A grimace pulled at Jiang Xiaobai’s lips. He knew there was something peculiar about the dog egg, but he couldn’t make heads or tails of it. He didn’t know what breed or species the dog egg was.

But time was running out, and Jiang Xiaobai had no intent to waste any more on the dog egg. After tossing a big chunk of spiritual beast meat on the ground, he also gave a transmission token to Mo Yu.

“Look after the dog egg. If there are any issues, contact me through the token.”

“You can’t follow us for now.”

Once finished speaking, he slipped away, leaving behind an astounded Mo Yu and the happily eating dog egg.

In West Wind City, Jiang Xiaobai still disguised himself in his boorish appearance and walked into the city. It was nearing noon.

Although Jiang Xiaobai was eager to cause a scene, he knew that timing and location were key to stirring up trouble. Now was not the time.

Having stirred up countless incidents before, he was well aware that people who deliberately create trouble generally don’t end well. He had to seize upon seemingly small details.

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So, he comfortably sat down in a small restaurant not far from the Gu Clan’s auction house. While eating the local delicacy of stir-fried meat, he observed the situation at the Gu Clan’s place.

Biding his time to create chaos was enough, there was no rush.

After watching for a while without finding an opportunity, Jiang Xiaobai considered looking elsewhere. He even contemplated entering the auction house to see if any opportunity lay within.

However, just then, a bunch of people suddenly rushed out of the Gu Clan’s auction house, frenziedly racing in one direction. Jiang Xiaobai noted the excitement on their faces.

“What’s happening? Are they all intending to raid Old Wang Next Door’s house for a party since he’s not home?” Jiang Xiaobai was puzzled.

Nonetheless, he stood up and headed straight towards the auction house.

He knew that with the Gu Clan’s elites leaving, an opportunity presented itself.

Hold that thought — there were others with the same idea.

It was Mo Yu. At this moment, Mo Yu and his people had already changed their appearances. Knowing that their plan was taking effect, they exchanged glances.

Then, one of them crushed a token in their hand.


The Gu Clan’s auction house was blown up — again!

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai had just entered the auction house. He was startled by the sudden explosion.

Chaos ensued with people inside running out, and the others in the auction house — the Gu Clan’s elites — rushed into action.

“Damn it, is it ever going to end? Enough of these antics!”

“The moment our Gu Clan’s elites are here, it would spell doom for you hellhounds!”

A few Gu Clan elites cursed at the entrance, oblivious to the fact that the culprits were right within the auction house.

Knowing that their plan had succeeded, Mo Yu and his team utilized the chaotic situation to locate a counter in the crowd.

This was the place they had bombarded several times before. The array storing the treasures had already shown some signs of cracking. Subsequently, they used other means to covertly unlock the array.

Next, Mo Yu and his team wiped out all the treasures and medicinal pills in the cabinet.

By some crazy luck, this act was witnessed by Jiang Xiaobai who was taken aback.

Had someone beaten him to it?

Of course, he knew that someone had been causing trouble targeted at the Gu Clan lately. He also knew their hideouts and past deeds, but he had never imagined that these rascals planned to pull this off.

“What a ‘lure the tiger away from the mountain’ strategy, I’m interested to see how you executed it.”

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled inwardly, afterward, he burrowed underground to pursue them closely.

He was considering, teaming up with the enemy of my enemy as friends!

Meanwhile at another location, Zhuang Huanling and Ao Cheng, hidden in safe-house, spotted the sleazy figure that had disappeared.

Zhuang Huanling had a sinister smile on his face: “Found you!”