Vampire: World of Blood-Chapter 7: Zalabas Fa Laja!
Chapter 7: Zalabas Fa Laja!
"Haha. Ahahah. HAAAAaaaaa! I see so this uncontrollable feeling of wanting to fight to the death is because of this clan's weird ass inherent trait, honestly, vampires are both interesting and fuck up creatures at the same time, and yet I dig it, weird!"
"Eh. You get used to it."
Finn said as he began to walk around Merciless, meanwhile. In the state of uncontrollable hunger for battle, Merciless looks at Finn with a smile on his face as he said.
"So what's your next move hehehe... Tread carefully now."
Meanwhile, Finn licks his lips in excitement as he said.
"I should say the same to you as well young blood hehehe.."
Merciless laugh alongside him as he said with a crazed voice.
"Heheheh... Is that so, well I might be lacking heavily in the experience department, however, I make up for that with creativity."
At that moment Finn suddenly feel the vibration from underground, and to his surprise, a giant blood spike burst from the sands of the Fijo desert aim came flying at him at a fast velocity.
But before it hit him, he teleported a couple of meters away from the attack, however before his feet touch the ground once more, another crystalized spike burst from the ground once more, this time however ever it came from all four corners.
The speed was so fast he didn't have time to teleport, and responded barely dodging them as walks and danced in the air defying the principle and laws of gravity.
And as soon as Finn was at a safe distance, he teleported once more.
"Behind me."
Merciless said as he sense the weird connection he share with all blood within range of his being, this connection was coming from behind him, and not wasting any time he instantly tried to take control of Finn.
But the connection suddenly switches to the front of him, and he redirects the seizure of control once more, however, it reverted to the side, then above, then below, at this point, Finn was moving so fast via his unorthodox teleportation.
It became impossible to locate him.
"Again, what an annoying ability...
"Says the guy who could use my body like a puppet!"
At those words, Finn delivers a brutal axe kick to Merciless's right side, bones could be heard cracking and breaking due to the excessive force of the attack, while the sound of flesh tearing echoed morbidly in the area.
Because at a moment's notice, Finn cleaved Merciless in half with a powerful and swift Axe kick to the right side, that rip through him with ease, almost as if a giant axe cleaved him at supersonic speeds.
The sand behind Merciless, along with the ground below, and the air around was also cleaved by the powerful kick, sending a large wind blade to scatter the sand in the surrounding area, also cleaving a portion of the ground behind the now severed body of Merciless.
Of course, Merciless's lower half was already starting to reattach itself naturally, albeit at a freakish speed beyond that of regular vampires.
Two seconds, that's how long took him to reattach his lower half, the speed of his healing factor was just too ridiculous, even for a fellow Michellian like Finn who has one of the fasten regeneration speeds within the world of blood.
Finn eyes down Merciless, as he commented as such.
"... Again your regeneration is just freakishly unfair."
"You keep saying that, is it really that impressive?"
Merciless asked with a curious smile, his blood still boiling with excitement.
To which Finn replied.
"Impressive is too humble of a word young blood, it's faster than any great elder I know, no speed-wise, I would rank you at #3, that alone is an impressive feat for being a newborn."
"Who is #1 then, Merciless asked already having a broad idea who #2 is."
"The vampire king, of course, it said he heals faster than light."
"... *Sigh!* You know what I will stop asking questions, note to self, the vampire king is otherwordly, and monstrous in every way possible."
"Hehehe... You have no idea, King Eos is immensely powerful and is worshiped more like a supreme being than a mere king, but I think that should be rather obvious for someone who rules an entire, and yet you rank at #3, trust me, kid, this alone makes you one of the most dangerous vampires to have ever been born, I can only imagine how monstrous you can become as you grow older, as vampire grows stronger the older they become as well."
"The vampire race truly is an interesting bunch, but enough talk Finn, I believe you prove your point about my supernatural durability, along with other basic powers, don't you think?"
Merciless asked with confidence in his voice, to which Finn slightly chuckled, and replied loudly as if talking to more than one person.
"I don't know, to me, you went above and beyond with the orientation, don't you think so too my lord?"
And upon asking that, a familiar voice began to radiate in the minds of both Finn and Merciless simultaneously.
'Hahaha. Yes, yes, young Merciless has truly gone beyond and above in his demonstration of power, if he made you had to retreat he is strong enough to take care of himself at the very least.'
And Suddenly, Merciless found himself in a new surrounding altogether once more, it wasn't the Fijo desert where the cold night air blew constantly on his skin, no instead it was inside a large hall, medieval and neo-classical in design, a gothic theme, with a hint of modernity amid the entire place.
This place was made from pure cobblestone, from the walls, all the way to the ground. There were many things in this place, such as paintings of various people, many historical things like suits of armor, weapons like the mace, and halberd, and even the great sword.
A large flag with a weird snake and eyes symbol engraved in it. However, what took his attention was not the design of this place, however, he felt a connection to not one person, but ten people. Yes connection to the blood around him, the same as the connection he feel when he controlled Finn.
He turned around and that's when he saw the crowd all eyeing him down, some had curious gazes, others strict and firm, however, one person, in particular, was smiling, and eyeing him down in ways that the others weren't.
The boy was 4"8 in height, his skin was pale, to the point it was grey. He had a cute and handsome appearance, and, meanwhile, his fingernail was black, and he wore a full red tuxedo, along with a black cape, with a giant snake biting down on its tail making a perfect circle.
In the center of the circle lies a pyramid with an eye at the center, along with a pair of bat wings sprouting from it, this was the symbol of the Elderblood clan that was engraved in red, blue, and black on his cape.
The boy had bright blue eyes, that were shining menacingly, and his hair was a bright blue, straight and soft with white tips, it reaches the back of his knees easily.
Upon looking at him Merciless felt an even deeper connection to this boy, it was more than just the blood in his body, it was like his soul radiate with his.
"Why do I feel like I've always known you, who are you, no... I do know you, yeah you. Yo-You are Michelle aren't you?"
Merciless asked holding his neck, seeing this spot was burning more than usual, when he looks at him, not painfully, but in a good way, it made him feel safe even.
The boy's smirk went up even more, as he move his hand to the only vacant seat available as he said.
"Merciless my boy, it's good to see you, we have so much to talk about, please, please take a seat between Finn and Fay, and let me introduce you to the core member of the Elderblood clan."
Upon saying that, Merciless looked at Finn sitting around a fancy round table, covered in a black cloth, with a golden snake design that seems to be a snake wrapped around what seemed to be the sun, just looking at it, Merciless know it was old.
However, there are twelve chairs, and each of them was built like a throne, however, Michelle's one was different in the sense that it was larger and far more menacing when compared to the rest, however the chair he was pointing at for him to sit was a replica of his.
The only difference was the fact that his throne was blue and black, and mines had the color of red and black, while the other members sitting around the table were gold and black, and much smaller.
The chair was excessively and exaggeratedly designed in every sense of the word, and just looking at it, told Merciless that despite him being the youngest person there among the rest, he hold more power and authority here than anyone else, of course not as much as Michelle, but on par with him in terms of hierarchy.
It felt weird and unreal in more ways than, after all, just yesterday he was nothing more but a poor plebian that work as a park mascot for a living.
"Merciless is there a problem?"
Michelle asked still maintaining a smile.
"Ah no! My apologies."
Merciless said as he walk towards the throne and look at it. He then sat down among the eleven, and he had to admit that this was extremely comfortable, more comfortable than anything he has sit on his entire life.
With that said Michelle began to speak to him.
"I see it's to your liking, hehehe... I'm happy that you like it, now then my fellow clansmen, let's begin the 32,127th Elderblood clan meeting."
And when Michelle said this, everyone placed their left hand on their chest and said in unison.
"Zalabas Fa Laja!"
Upon seeing this, Merciless follows suit and did the same thing, out of courtesy since it seems like something important.
"Zalabas Fa Laja!"
The others look at him, and they all began to laugh, how could they not, it was ironic.
"Pfft! Hahaha."
"Hahaha... Hahaha!"
Even Michelle began to chuckle slightly, meanwhile Merciless began to blush in embarrassment as it was clear he did something incorrectly.
However, he asked, trying to figure out what he did wrong.
"Am~~ why is everyone laughing?"
However, his naive question just made the room go up in laughter even more, at this point even Michelle was banging his hand on the table as it was indeed funny if you are acquainted with vampire culture and history.
However, amidst all the laughter, one voice coming from side him responded to his question, it was the voice of a woman.
"Pay them no mind, your eminence, they behave as if they have not fallen victim to the confusing nature of vampire terminology once or twice in their lifetime as well."
Merciless looked to the side of him, and there he saw an extremely beautiful woman. She looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties, she had beautiful clear skin, long and curly golden hair, along with blood-red eyes, with the same blue ring colored around her iris, similar to Finn, no as a matter of fact everyone has a blue iris, except Michelle.
The woman wore a Gothic-style dress, with black-gloved reaching above her elbow being held by belts around her arm, the dress was relatively short to make movement easier but, and seemed to be made from Egyptian cotton, she had long red fangs, and wore a very long black cloak that seems to be attached to her dress, the exterior of the cloak was black with a tint of gold, but the interior was full red, she wore a high heel, but heels itself was a literal dagger.
She was a very curvy woman, with large breasts and ass, followed by thick thighs, her red lipstick goes well with her eyes, and she was charismatic indeed as even her voice was hard not to pay attention to.
The woman was looking right at him smiling, albeit that smile made me weary for some reason, I don't know why but my danger senses were going off like crazy, Finn was extremely strong, and even then I know to all my undead heart he wasn't even trying.
But this woman was a different ball game, she felt a lot more dangerous than Finn by leaps and bounds, to the point it felt suffocating just looking at her.
Albeit my eyes went to her neck, a red flame draw me close to it, however, I look away as I didn't want to come off as a creep or a pervert for staying so intently at a woman, she smells good, extremely good.
And I wasn't talking about her perfume no I was talking about her blood flowing through her arteries, I could see it, feel it, sense it, smell it, weird enough vampire hearts don't beat, but blood still flows as if it had a mind of its own.
The woman chuckled slightly, as she said.
"Fufufu... Did my neck entice you your eminence... hahaha... Well, I do have that effect on fellow brethren so I do apologize if I made you feel a little tempted, but apart from that, my name is Morgan Le Fay rank duke, I im also a true vampire like you, although compared to you I am of lesser quality, albeit I go by Fay... It's nice to meet you."
Morgan said stretching her hands out for a handshake.
Meanwhile, Merciless grabs her hand and proceeds to shake it as he introduces himself while laughing nervously.
"Ahahaha. No problem, I'm not bothered by you at all, it's nice to meet you, lady Fay, my name is Mercy... Ah. Sorry im... still not used to my current name, am yeah, my name is Merciless Minerva Elderblood II Bloodkin of Michelle, rank wise I honestly don't know, but im a true vampire though."
At those words, Morgan smiled at Merciless as she replied with.
"Daaaaarlllliiiiing... no worries, you are new to the supernatural world it's only natural you are not familiar with our various terminology as yet, and believe me we have a lot of them, don't worry too much about it, you will learn in time, albeit let this elder enlighten you, rank-wise, being the first Bloodkin of the seventh via blood bond, that puts at the Royal rank, and just below the progenitor is their Bloodkin, the first Bloodkin will automatically have the rank of Grand-Duke, only vampires that are apart of the royal family have the title of grand, meanwhile I am a Great Elder, as such I have the title of Archduke added on my title, it's the highest level a vampire can reach."
"Is that so hahaha, then you must be a very incredible person lady Fay."
Merciless commented rubbing the back of his, meanwhile, Morgan replied as such.
"Just Fay is fine darling."
"Ah, hmmm... Alright, then Fay it is then, you can just call me Merciless then."
"Very well then darling. Merciless it is, with that said if you have any other questions please don't be afraid to ask."
Morgan replied.
"As a matter of fact, I do, why are they laughing at me?"
Merciless whispered, to which Morgan smiled and said.
"Well, you weren't supposed to say what you said earlier, it's akin to the king of all vampires bending his head to a mere human, you see the term "Zalabas Fa Laja!" means "As the highest wishes" in the vampiric tongue, it's something akin to the humans "yes your highness" the phrase itself is something only vampire of peasant and noble class use to respond and show respect to the royal family, you will never hear anyone from the royal family using the term "Zalabas Fa Laja!" as it slanders the royal blood in more ways than one, just a little head up for future reference kay Merciless darling."
"Ahhh is that so hahaha... Thanks a lot, I see why they call it ironic."
"No problem darling, we Bloodkins and Dampas have all been there once or twice in our life."
However, at that moment, Michelle intervenes between Merciless and Morgan's conversation as he said.
"Hahaha... Yeah, it is as Fay says, the term was misused in your case, but apart from that let's start over properly."
"Zalabas Fa Laja!"
Everyone said with the exception of Michelle and Merciless.
Michelle then followed up by saying.
"Good night ladies and gentlemen, tonight we gather here for a very important announcement, yes tonight we welcome a new member of the family, as you all have known, out of the seven seats I alone since the dawn of my birth have never sired someone directly for the past sixty million plus years, however, that changes today, my loyal vassal, today we come together for a grand event, yes today we all come here to welcome my first and most likely last Kilde, please give a round of applause for your new young master that I share bound with, Merciless Minerva Elderblood II."
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