Universal Power System-Chapter 274 The Final Showdown (Part 2)

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Chapter 274 The Final Showdown (Part 2)

However, before Mako could lose his cool in the most difficult battle he was yet to face, he suddenly remembered Victor's words from a few moments ago.

"If only you guys had shown up an hour earlier, I wouldn't have wasted an hour of my life trying to get this answer out of your teammates that I captured, not that I didn't enjoy torturing them."

Mako, his mind racing, knew they couldn't have afforded to wait this one out or who knows what would have happened to his friends.

For now, all he knew was that his friends were alive and their lives depended on their ability to fight back. He glanced at Nathan and Leon, who nodded in agreement.

"We won't back down," Mako said defiantly. "We'll fight, and we'll win."

With those words, the battle commenced. Victor Voss's henchmen moved with coordinated precision, each one utilizing their unique abilities to gain the upper hand. Some were still occupied with the dark mist along with Victor and it looked like their goal was to protect Victor at all costs while the three weaker ones started making their way toward Mako and the rest, hoping to finish them off quickly.

Victor had a complete change in plans after realizing how deadly of an opponent he was facing. He was still confident in his ability to defeat her but it was not going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination.

His closest and most powerful men were backing him up as he pushed forward to target Angela who continued to appear and disappear in her misty form while showering radiating fireballs at Victor.

Seeing the formation the gang members had taken, Angela wanted to switch up her tactic as well to give Mako and his group the best possible fighting chance in this heavily unfavorable fight.

However, it looked like she was basically cut off from them as the three gang members along with Victor maintained a stable pressure on her which only increased with time to try and keep her occupied with them only, making it quite easy for the other members to pick off the Mako and rest without her being able to interfere.

Angela continued to battle Victor who had only used her Wind ability up till this point with his eyes glowing green and his powerful sniper rifle shooting powerful energy shots at her misty figures with the 3 guards providing support and cover from all directions.


Meanwhile, Boris combined his super strength with his Earth ability to strike the ground creating gigantic and powerful ripples in the ground that burst with power upon reaching Mako and the others.

[Ground Rupture has been activated]

[Ground Rupture has been activated]

[Ground Rupture has been activated]

Mako quickly countered with an equal and opposite force of ground ripples that not only countered the incoming ripples but upon reaching the farthest they could began erupting in unavoidable concussive blasts that dazed Boris as they blasted him backwards.

Lana's hypnotic singing filled the air, her enchanting voice attempting to provide a massive boost to her teammates. The combination of her sound ability with her determination ability greatly increased the potency and effectiveness of the ability, giving them a far greater boost than ever before.

Nathan met Lana head-on just as her eyes began to glow blue, activating her determination ability. Using Leon's speed, he quickly closed the distance between her by riding on his back with the explosive energy from his fists colliding brutally with her delicate face, creating a dazzling explosion of sparks and force.

However, it was too late as Lana managed to speak before Nathan was able to land the punch on her and the effects of the loud melodious voice took instant effect as both Boris and Sergie's bodies started to glow with a thin aura of blue around them, with every aspect of their body improved.

Before Nathan and Leon could even realize what had just happened Sergei dashed in front of them at crazy speeds using his Wind ability to boost him and then landing a devastating punch straight into Nathan's jaw using his flaming fist.

All of this occurred in just a few seconds giving them barely any time to react as even Nathan's Advanced Perception was too slow to dodge the blow in time.

Nathan got launched off Leon's shoulders with great force and he began skidding across the floor as he traveled several feet backward.

Lana's determination ability not only boosted physical strength as Mako had thought, but it could also boost their actual ability level as well as their recovery rate, making her even more overpowered and broken than before.

The reason Mako overlooked this is that he had only encountered this ability once before during the Dark Raven Tournament and at that time he had only faced a low-level determination ability user who didn't even come close to the level of power Lana could bring out from her opponents.

Sergei and Boris quickly regrouped and brought Lana to a safe distance where she could recover as she had served her purpose for now.

Mako knew that they had to go all out if they had any chance of getting through this alive as he had no idea how much of a boost they just received from Lana because he could no longer use analysis on them.

Nathan was still recovering from the massive punch he had received from Sergei and with Fortitude being one of his weaknesses, he got injured quite badly with the bones in his face fractured and his entire face covered in blood.

Mako quickly accessed his inventory and brought out a healing pill which he tossed over to Nathan.

Nathan had no idea how did Mako get his hands on one when all the equipment was destroyed when their hotel room exploded with Leon carrying the only remaining supplies they had, but he didn't care as now was not the time to point fingers. He quickly consumed the healing pill which quickly took effect whilst Mako and Leon stood in between him and the gang members to protect him so that he could somewhat recover and be able to fight.

Mako and Leon nodded as they both prepared to go all out. Mako created a small slit in his hands making a small amount of blood leak out and activate his armguard's passive ability.

[Blood Boost has been activated] 𝗯𝗲𝗱𝗻𝐨𝐯𝗲𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Mako could feel all of his attributes get slightly stronger as the blood boost became active. Next, he brought the pen from his pocket which was his Storm Caller Staff that he had pre-loaded with lots of Lightning aura so that he could use it from the get-go.

Leon also activated his leg armor's active skill "Blue Dash" ready to overwhelm his new opponents with his insane speed.

"Hwoooh" Leon breathed out heavily as he felt his speed increasing rapidly and his leg armor began to glow blue. 'I can't lose control...' He told himself as replayed all the past times he had activated his skill.

He could only run in a straight line and couldn't make any turns or he would lose control of himself and crash. Crashing wasn't an option today nor wasn't making any turns because how else would he overwhelm his opponents with speed?

Sergei and Boris weren't going to give Mako and Leon any time to prepare as they rushed in to finish them off just like Nathan.

"Good luck," Leon whispered before he tensed up his leg muscles as tightly as he could and cracked the ground underneath his feet as he dashed forward with insane speed toward his opponents.

Boris and Sergei weren't expecting such an explosive outburst of speed from Leon as it caught them completely off guard. Leon decided to target Boris as he didn't have many counters to his speed and his speed was actually one of his only weaknesses.

Being so big and bulky meant that you didn't have great agility and movement which could be greatly exploited by Leon. He had tons of experience training against opponents like Boris as he used to spar with Rhino a lot.

Leon left imprints of his feet on the ground as he took each step, his speed getting better and better with each step. He covered the distance between them even faster than when Sergei dashed to knock out Nathan.

Boris raised an earth wall to protect himself from the dashing blue streak, thinking that he was safe for the moment, but in the next instant...


Leon's glowing blue figure smashed through the Earth wall like it was made of paper.

Before Boris could even react, Leon's right foot planted firmly on Boris's face as he received the strongest kick to the face he had ever received in his life,

The kick instantly broke his jaw and his face was quickly covered in blood with several teeth falling out of his mouth. Boris was in extreme pain and disbelief from the amount of force that Leon's kick had just delivered, but it still wasn't enough to knock him out as he caught himself by raising an earth pillar behind him so that he wouldn't go flying backward.

Leon on the other hand was no resuming on his original path. The kick had slowed him down but he was still going to fast. His mind couldn't comprehend the speed at which his legs were running at thus making him unable to turn or control it.

He was headed straight into a pile of boxes with a crash at this speed bound to knock him out of this fight for sure.

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